Is there any logical explanation of God?
2006-05-19 18:33:09 UTC
I have been struggling with Christianity and faith for several years now. At this point, Athiesm is winning. I cannot see any logical evidence of the existence of God as we know it. The religions of today wreak of what we a humans would like our God to be like, and several convenient laws which are backed by governments. I mean, theology has become more of a tool than an idea. It's come down to this for me: God, Allah, (and all the other Gods of past, present, and future) were crafted by the minds of bored humans that would like to explain to their daughters what happens after they die. I have read the Bible cover to cover (a few versions of it), excepts from the Torah, Talmud, and Koran. It all seems the same to me. We're just trying to justify our existence upon our small little rock we know as Earth. I do not want to make the wrong descision, someone help me figure this out. Please do not point to the creation of the universe as "proof" of God. It has to result from logic.
32 answers:
2006-05-19 19:37:57 UTC
No. There isn't a logical explaination of God because gods explain what can't be explained by present logic and reasoning.

Before we had the science of meteorology, we believed that god was angry when there were thunderstorms.

Before we had seismology, we believed that god was angry when there were earthquakes.

Before we had psychology, we believed men were demon posessed when they had convusions and hallucinations.

The modern Christian god is simply a deity of the gaps. A Deus de incompertus if you will. As soon as more unknowns arise in science, God will be the device used to explain the unknown.


Proof that there isn't a logical explanation include these responses by true believers.

>If you choose to believe in God, and it turns out that there isn't one, you've risked and lost nothing. If you opt to NOT believe, and find, in the end, that there was a God, which you denied in life, well then.... Always err on the side of caution.

Pascal's wager

>I think Atheist (sic), is a religion. I religion that tells people to follow their lusts and desires...and promots individualism.

Ad hominem.

>Is there nothing that you have observed to date that is "marvelous" to you? Nothing that impresses you? Do you see anything "wonderful" or beautiful"? Nothing "amazing" in your experiences or search thus far"? You are either a dishonest skeptic or a human without senses? What is it?

Appeal to emotion.

>The only thing I can suggest is for you to Pray and ask God for Guidance.

Appeal to pity

>Faith after all is believing in the unseen without the need for proof.

Appeal to faith.

>Why do you prefer a logical explanation?

You should aim for a satisfying one,even though the satisfaction is subjective.

Appeal to emotion.
2006-05-19 19:09:58 UTC
I'm a freshman in high school, and a prodigy, this is what is know: The bible was created by civilizations from a very old time, at that time it was their explanation of the world. Is there a logical explanation of god? well yes; it is human nature to believe in something that has no explanation. Honestly, no religion is correct except maybe Buddhism. We should believe in the morals of the bible as the writers intended it to be, not the stuff we know to be false. I also have read the bible over and over, mostly because i live in a strong christian family. What i have noticed is that "god" acts as ones judge for his/her actions. I think the writers made god to show how people should be punished, but people took it too seriously. Every church interpreted the bible and god in the literal sense, and that's why people believe in him so strongly. "God" is the easiest way to satisfy all human needs without any facts or explanation. If God were real why is he not talking to anyone anymore? Bush is a retard, if god spoke to him for one second, that meant god would have been not doing his job, to watch "his" creations. Also, we all know caveman existed, and that dinosaurs did also. But the bible would say otherwise. So are you going to believe an outdated text or logical proof? Any when the society adapts to a new religion i'll tell everyone, "I told you so."

p.s. Don't use the bible as a reference when talking about the bible... =]
Jeremy H
2006-05-19 19:19:17 UTC
Our minds are broken and infected with sin. How can a sinful heart and mind reason the existence of God? The answer is, it can't. First think about how bad you suck and how even though you know the difference between bad and good, you still do bad. Once you have realized your actual need of God you can begin to understand how people would make up religions to make themselves feel better. Thankfully there is only one God. The great thing is that He does have a plan for you and me, and He made a path for us to follow to reach Him. It's called an atonement, or a covering. That's where Jesus comes into the picture. Since God is perfect and without sin, His judgement had to be satisfied. So Jesus comes down and lives perfect, then dies a criminals death even though He didn't deserve it. Sacrificed for our sin, He becomes our atonement when we call on Him to save us from ourselves.

The cool part is that He was raised from the dead and exalted back above all things, now He is at the Fathers right hand where He has been given power over all creation. He gives us the power to beat our sins based purely on our faith. In fact we are allowed to actually claim that sin doesn't even reign in us anymore based on our faith in Him and His ability to make us perfect. All things are taken out of our hands, the pressure is off. I've actually met Him btw, even though I was raised in the church I didn't really believe He was alive until I saw Him and we talked. It's the Jesus is alive thing that really changes your life. Jesus lives! He was raised from the dead, think about that. I love it. So yeah, the bible is real. I'd re-read it if I were you, but ask God to help you see the truth this time. Oh yeah, and He is coming back soon and that is gonna be fun stuff.
2016-05-20 01:08:18 UTC
To EVERYONE- You poorly attempted arguments for god, but no particular god to be sure !!!!! to Memphis- and what does it 'feel' like? Evidence from a feeling, only inside you. You have been indoctrinated. If the only evidence you have for something is (almost by definition a vague) an alleged feeling inside you, you should keep your mouth shut. Where was the logic? Based on what again? To Tiggis20 & Jano's; If complex organisms demand an explanation, so would a complex designer. Dawn: You haven't provided evidence of one argument you've said. Straw Man fallacies- It does not follow. You've claimed premises as conclusions and conclusions as premises.. and of course see my last rebuttal IF A COMPLEX ORGANISM DEMANDS AN EXPLANATION, SO DOES A COMPLEX DESIGNER.. SO PROVIDE SOME REAL EVIDENCE - Which is not stating a premise as conclusion or a premise without substantiation "Religion poisons everything" "Everyone is an atheist about everyone else's god, I just take it one god further."
2006-05-19 18:36:33 UTC
Yes there is. Whether it be God, or the thought of provides:

- Company for the lonely

- Forgiveness for the guilty

- Control over random events

- Justice; good is rewarded and evil is punished.

- A target to love

- A target to blame / hold responsible

- A father figure

- Answers to unanswerable questions

These are all very powerful psychological wants, and God provides the easiest answer with the least amount of investigation.

That is the logic, faith however is an entirely different matter.
Oedipus Schmoedipus
2006-05-19 18:50:13 UTC
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini once stated that there are no logical explanations for god. He acknowledge that Aquinas' 5 ways is a fallacy, since it requires to make certain assumptions that aren't known, and stated the same about design arguments, universe existence, order and whatever people claim as a proof of god. Even though, he's a believer, he believes in god and jesus christ. He stated "it's faith what's required", people who need "arguments" based in unknown assumptions to believe aren't people of "faith" at all.

I'm agnostic and practice atheism as a pragmatic solution to the god question. I do respect people like Carlo Maria Martini, I know people like him, who are capable to believe without proof, people who doesn't need to come up with "evident proof" about god. I can't say I have much respect about people who claim their fallacies are proof of god or just the sacred texts "cut & paste" fellows.

I rather ackowledge my ignorance about the universe.

If you find a truly genuine logical proof (without questionable "assumptions"), let me know, I'd be glad to try it. Even if maybe that wouldn't be an "act of faith".

By the way, believing in a god just for caution doesn't mean you've chosed the "right" god. And even if you've chosen the "right" god, some believes claim it is not even a sure thing you've got saved. The Pascal wager was quite silly, specially for Pascal.

Good luck.
2006-05-19 19:11:03 UTC
God shows Himself by His many signs, and His signs are all around us. We just have to be willing and able to read the signs.

When God speaks to us He speaks to our heart often with a tiny whisper.

>>Then the LORD said, "Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will be passing by." A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD - but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake - but the LORD was not in the earthquake.

After the earthquake there was fire - but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.

When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went and stood at the entrance of the cave. A voice said to him, "Elijah, why are you here?"<< (1 Kings 19: 11-13)

I can see God all around me by all the miracles great and small of His creation, not least of which is the fact that I am alive. Every beat of my heart is a miracle of life. The life of my wife and daughter is a miracle. I'm not calling this "proof" because "proof" is not always necessarily truth because proof is relative to what you can get someone to believe. But truth remains the truth whether you can get someone to believe it or not.

Another way that we know that God exists is because we know that the Devil exists by all his works of evil in the world. All you have to do is watch the news to see this.

I believe that faith in God is not without reason, but faith always comes before knowledge.

An example is before the Wright brothers knew and could prove that it was possible for man to fly they had to have faith that it was indeed possible despite the fact that most others at the time thought the idea was crazy.

But I believe in God because of the well documented witness of the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus the eternal God who became man and dwelt among us only 2,000 years ago.

Many who witnessed this first-hand were willing to die rather than renounce what they had witnessed.

And in a court of law, it only takes 2 witnesses to condemn someone to death, yet there were thousands of eye witnesses to the miracles of Jesus.
2006-05-19 19:00:12 UTC
You say you have read the Bible. Just remember the Bible says;

"God will use the foolish things of man to confuse the wise."

"Gods ways are not our ways."

"It is a wicked and perverse generation who looks for signs of Gods existence."

Do you really think this world as vastly different as it all is, life just happened on this rock we live on? Everything on this rock just happens to be exactly what we need to sustain life? Come on if a person really thinks logically about life on earth you can have logically have only one reason , and that is God created earth, and everything that lives on the earth. Nothing else makes sense. Things do not just happen for no logical reason like the evolutionists would have you think.

The only LOGICAL explanation to life is God and God alone.
2006-05-19 18:47:57 UTC
I am impressed you went as far to study excerpts from the Torah, Talmud and Koran. :-) More than I have, actually. *hangs her head in SHAME*

I became agnostic cuz one evening 8 yrs ago cuz I was doing a moon ritual (I was a theistic wiccan), and the ritual felt like a "chore". My Conscience piped up asking me why the heck am I doing this ritual if I am not getting anything out of it? If I am not getting any spiritual nourishment over a LONG period of time out of a religion or path, then why am I still in it? That led me to think hard.

Another atheist once asked me which is more important to me: To be agnostic cuz I feel very "comfortable" there, or be an atheist cuz I need intellectual honesty with myself that I actually do not believe in "god"? I chose intellectual honesty. I felt that my "comfort" was stagnating my spirituality.

I hope this helps you find the answers you seek. And I hope I am not too pushy. If so, swat me on my head and I will apologize.
2006-05-19 18:37:08 UTC
You can ask any christain and they will tell you that there is no definite proof that their is a God. You just have to put 2 and 2 together and have faith that it happened. I suggest going through a bible class because I was the same way until I finished that and It was like something came over me and I just believe now without a doubt. You should give it another chance.
2006-05-19 18:48:34 UTC
there is no official description of God. there is no logic proving the existence of God. I used to be Catholic raised in a Catholic family. i started thinking like you are now and i came to the conclusion that there is no god. i think humans always need a leader (EVERY single civilization had some form of government). its in our nature as social primates. someone had to lead another human. that's always been the thinking. but a mystical figure that is not human does not need anyone to lead them, so that is the way to give humans a sense of order and leadership. people are also the only known animals capable of abstract thinking ("what if" questions or thinking of stuff that we had never seen anything before) and we used that to create gods that could explain our very existence: the meaning of life. humans have been pondering that since we could think. if you are a person that likes to see enough proof before you believe something (like me) atheism will most likely win.
2006-05-19 19:15:25 UTC
first a pet peeve of mine. Gods word came before our governmnet. It came before people started using religion as a tool. Whats illogical is saying that you dont believe in God because someone misused his name. That is totaly absurd and i hope you think about that.

no, there isnt a logical explination of God. I too have studied many religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, the Tao, Islam, and even American Indian religions in school and yes some of them do have some very similiar themes...even wording. but all of them, in my opinion, have at least one totaly absurd doctorine which forces one to throw out the entire religion. Not throwing out the religion based on what someone did in its name but throwing out the religion based on its actual doctorines.

lol id like to be able to prove the existance of God for you but I cant. I know how hard it can be. One thing that has helped me GREATLY in my faith is listening to Christian sermons on the radio. Maybe you could find some answers there. I think they will be better answers than you will get on this website.
2006-05-19 18:37:03 UTC
To date, I haven't seen a strong logical argument for the existence of a god.

Also, I would note that any evidence that requires taking the existence of God on faith cannot be logical evidence because it begs the question.
2006-05-19 18:46:42 UTC
Well, u talk that Atheism is logical??? Excuse me!

Atheists do not believe in GOd because they say: "They is no proof that God exists!"....>Well do u guys have proof that God/Allah does not exist?

Atheists think that they are logical....but they also BELIEVE that God does not exist...they do not have proof.

I think Atheist, is a religion. I religion that tells people to follow their lusts and desires...and promots individualism.

By the way, I converted to Islam..
2006-05-19 18:40:59 UTC
The only thing I can suggest is for you to Pray and ask God for Guidance.

Faith after all is believing in the unseen without the need for proof.
2006-05-19 18:42:14 UTC
When it comes to God and religion, there is absolutely no logic, reason, evidence, or facts.

Try this logic: How can an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God allow evil to exist?
2006-05-19 18:39:46 UTC
There probably isn't any LOGICAL explanation for God. That's why its called FAITH, that is, the belief despite the existence of proof.
2006-05-19 18:39:37 UTC
The short answer to your question is: NO ..... God is purely a matter of FAITH ... it is something we hold only in our mind, by no means do we hold it in our hand. FAITH, by definition (my own amateur definition, by the way), is: FAITH .... reaching out into the darkness, knowing that one day there will be another hand there in the darkness onto which we can grasp hold of and never, ever let go
2006-05-19 18:43:56 UTC
If you choose to believe in God, and it turns out that there isn't one, you've risked and lost nothing. If you opt to NOT believe, and find, in the end, that there was a God, which you denied in life, well then.... Always err on the side of caution.
2006-05-19 18:40:54 UTC
If you are looking for logical proof you won't find it.

Belief in God requires faith.
2006-05-19 19:40:27 UTC
I personally believe there is evdence of God. In Genesis when God created man, He took a lump of earth, formed him and then what? He breathed into his nostrals, and man became a living soul. I believe that God is the very air we breathe. We can't see air, we can't touch it, but we can feel it. With every breath we take , we feel it in our lungs. we feel it on our skin, We see leaves, flags,tall grasses, limbs of trees, etc., dancing, swaying, bowing in the air. Without air man could not exist. And God is our very existance. He made it very plain in Genesis How man came to be alive.It is the breath of God, which consists of air. And He's made himself plentiful to mankind. Here is something I wrote a long time ago, and would like to share.........I smell Jesus, when I smell the sweet fragrance of a lilly,....I taste Jesus when I let a raindrop fall upon my tongue,......I feel Jesus, when a gentle breeze lifts and caresses my hair,.....My heart is certain, that my greatest friend, goes with me everywhere.....I touch Jesus,when I feed a starving kitten from my hand,.....I see Jesus, in a rainbows radiance,after a summer storm,......I hear Jesus, in the song of a bird, before it flies into the air,.....My heart is certain, that my geatest friend,goes with me everywhere.......I smell, I taste, I feel, I touch, I see, I hear,......And when He carries me across that valley, and we both asscend into the air,......I'll know for certain, that my greatest friend , went with me everywhere.
2006-05-19 18:42:03 UTC
the God-creature most people believe in is an illusion.

but so are we - and the world we live in.

to see the truth you need to go within.

and let go. Of everything. which normally is the difficult part.
2006-05-19 18:41:22 UTC
Why do you prefer a logical explanation?

You should aim for a satisfying one,even though the satisfaction is subjective.
- twiLa -
2006-05-19 19:10:05 UTC
you don't need to read so much versions of the Bible, though. i don't know how to explain God logically, because, i'm only like 13 years old... but i'll try.

all the other gods are crafted by the minds of humans, but that idea came from their knowledge of the real God. they just wanted a new name, a new identity, or an idea of what God really looks like if we can see him. i know a bit of Islam coz we study it in history. Muslims say Allah is just one of God's names. Christians call God Jehovah or Jehovah Nissi and a lot more names. icons like Allah and Buddha is just an imagination of what God looks like.

do God exist??? yeah, He does! there are a lot of ways to prove it. whenever there's something bad happening to you, that doesn't mean he doesn't care for you. instead, that's his way of testing you if you believe in him, especially in bad times. that's what happened to Job. God gave Satan permission to make him suffer, so he can see if Job will still cling to his faith in bad times(because Job is so blessed right??? he's got every riches in that time. God just wanted to see if he's still gonna thank and praise Him in bad times).

whenever someone's bullying you or stuff like that, just let them do what they want to do, and i tell you, God will punish them in a 'special' way.

whenever you're doing some office work and you suddenly forgot what to do, just utter a simple prayer of help and God will help you, IMMEDIATELY!!!(i've proven that lots of times)

if you're really in doubt, just ask God to help you understand Him.

but you know, i don't know how to explain God logically...

He works in ways we cannot see. He can be right beside you in bad times. He hears millions and millions of people at the same time. He forgives our sins whenever we ask Him to.

i think it's His love for us, not logic...

*just ask God to help you, and He will. He always does, but remember, God wants us to learn how to be patient. He's got 3 answers to your requests: Yes, Wait, or No. He knows what's good for you and He will make you see it, so don't get mad whenever He says no to you. He said no to me a lot of times through my parents and he makes sure that they make me see what will happen if i had that or if they allowed me to go out with my friends.*

so i guess my answer's not logical, but i did my best to explain Him in a logical way... c",)

i wish the best for you and your adventure in understanding God logically!!!
2006-05-19 18:40:51 UTC
Is there nothing that you have observed to date that is "marvelous" to you? Nothing that impresses you? Do you see anything "wonderful" or beautiful"? Nothing "amazing" in your experiences or search thus far"? You are either a dishonest skeptic or a human without senses? What is it?
2006-05-19 18:36:31 UTC
I wouldn't count on any logic.
2006-05-19 18:39:17 UTC
you can't find the logic because you don't want to see it or accept it. i feel sorry for you.
2006-05-19 18:39:02 UTC
i felt the prescense of god in 1999

i cant prove it to you
2006-05-19 18:44:01 UTC
pray about it, try, if you pray with faith and intent, you will find an answer
2006-05-19 18:35:25 UTC
Spooky - Gender Anarchist
2006-05-19 18:39:04 UTC
What if there is no "wrong" decision?
2006-05-19 18:34:24 UTC
it depends on if you believe in him or not.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.