2011-12-09 02:23:09 UTC
I could go on about religion but I don't want to sound like an elitist narcissistic atheist so my question is:
Isn't it more likely that amongst the billions of planets in our expanding universe, somewhere in this massive expanding space, the conditions would've just happened to be exactly right for the creation and evolution of intelligent life instead of believing that it was created by a god or creator?
I've heard the argument from what seem to be called christian scientists. I've heard one give a relatively extensive lecture on his beliefs and basically all it came down to is:
It is far too unlikely that something as complex as human beings were created by chance so this is proof of a creator.
I find this argument rather misguided unless I am missing something.
As I already said and I'll say again, amongst the billions or trillions of planets, in all the solar systems, in our infinitely expanding universe, I honestly find it quite unlikely that intelligent life wouldn't exist somewhere. This also explains the lack of life seen outside of our own planet, we pretty much are the lucky 1 in (something like) 1,000,000,000+ in my eyes. Doesn't justify any creator in my eyes.