Christians; do you think that by praying your god will change his Master Plan?
2007-10-08 13:50:19 UTC

Doesn't your god know what you're thinking? If, so, what's the use in praying?

I mean, are you actually expecting your god to cater for your whims?
37 answers:
2007-10-08 13:57:01 UTC
No, God doesn't change his master plan. Praying brings us into a relationship with Him. Of course God knows what we're thinking and he also knows what we need. The Bible promises that God will take care of us, sometimes our earthly desires get in the way of what God has in store for us. When we pray God answers in Yes, No, and Wait. No-one should expect God to cater to their whims. Unfortunately though alot of people do. God has made us so that we can have a relationship with him, when we pray we should be communicating with God, not just about our needs but about our life just as we do with another human. I hope that this helps you understand.

2007-10-08 14:59:44 UTC
Good question!

It won't change His plan for us because He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what we will pray for.

Sometimes we pray to cater to our whims (just being honest here). If we pray with the purpose of an easy way out it might be a big no!! Especially if we are praying for greedy needs. However, He will bring a peace that passes all understanding in any and every circumstance in our lives. Which,to me, far exceeds money, fame, power, etc.
2007-10-08 14:11:52 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean by God's "Master Plan" but there are occasions when some prayed in the Old Testament, that God changed His mind.

Yes, of course God knows our thoughts. God knows everything. Though God knows everything, He still desires our fellowship and this is what prayer is. What if the person you loved never once spoke to you or asked you a question just because you already knew what she was going to say? Likewise, why would anyone who truly loves God expect Him to cater to our whims? God is not a genie in a bottle. He is a Person with feelings just like He created us with. And, this God whom you do not know or doubt, has revealed Himself in His written word, the Bible. Also, by sending His Son, Jesus Christ on a mission that you will understand if you open up the first page of Genesis to find out how mankind got into the mess we've been in since creation. Yet, it did not take God by surprise, and already put a plan in affect long before you and I came into existence.

When I talk to God, I have understanding what a joy and priviledge it is that God wants to hear from me! Because, He loves me...and He loves you. As far as expecting God to cater to my whims, is not what being a Child of God is about. It's about "relationship" and a healthy relationship made possible only because of what Jesus did for us on that cross. I encourage you to get a Bible, read it thoughtfully and ask God to reveal the truth to you about who He is, who you are, why He made you, how this world has gotten so bad, and what He did to rescue those of us who will just simply believe Him! You see,. unbelief has always been the wall between God and man. The Bible tells us that whoever will know God, must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. You can do this by consistently reading the Bible, starting in the middle....the New Testament and find out who Jesus Christ is and what He accomplished for us. You can ask God yourself, with humility, no claiming to have all the answers, but that if He exists, He will help you realize that He is real....the God who is bigger than our finite minds, who is eternal - always existed - which is mind boggling - and is really not that hard to find or know....afterall, He paid a high price so that you could know Him yourself on an intimate level.

There are many religions and philosophies in this world since the beginning of the world......but God is not a religion. This is man's idea. I have studied most of them, and I can assure you by my own testimony that Jesus Christ is who He said He was....and the Bible can be trusted as God's Word regardless of the naysayers and skeptics, because God has changed my life drastically over the past few years. He healed my inner wounds, provided for me financially when I could not work in miraculous ways! He has done more than I could even ask for....and those were not whims!
Little Girl Blue
2007-10-08 14:02:15 UTC
You are misinformed. Prayer is not about material things or trying to get God to bend to your whims. People pray for many different things. Some pray for guidance and understanding, some pray for enlightenment, some pray for calmness, strength, and peace of mind when things get difficult. Some prayers are all about thankfulness, other "prayers" can basically be just a talk with God. You don't have to understand it. But you might want to try being a tolerant person and respecting it.
lashenica j
2007-10-08 14:00:40 UTC
A person who think that way is obviously one who has not experienced God's grace.

No, that is not the purpose of prayer it is sacred meeting with God. Yes, he does know what we are thinking and feeling, but our prayers are our connection to him. We go to him with everything even the things he knows.

Yes, I do expect my GOD to cater to my every whim as you put it. He states that he will supply all of my needs. Now that does not mean that he will grant my every wish, because he knows what is best for me. I want a million dollars, but God knows that if i had that money, I would go out and blow and that would not benefit me at all. I believe that God leads and guides me and my family everyday of our life.

I tell you we have a choice, that is what is so awesome about him. He does not force us to believe in him. We have a will and desire therefore we do.

And last we do it because it is a COMMANDMENT!!! I pray god has mercy on all who do not believe or who have doubts.
2007-10-08 14:00:50 UTC
Actually no. It is a commandment in the Bible that we make our petition known to God. Also that we be praying continually.

Php 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Php 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Jas 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

Col 4:2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.
2007-10-08 14:02:18 UTC
Who would want to change a perfect plan?He knows what you're thinking too,He's not just our God He's yours too whether you accept Him or not.The point of prayer is communion,mature people don't expect God to cater to their whims,we pray as we are talking to a friend,it's about sharing.I don't know how old you are but this is a very immature perspective.
2007-10-08 13:59:33 UTC
He does see and hear everything we do and say but when we pray it is like a little personal time to talk to him. If we are not praying we are not actually talking to him. And no we don't think he will change his master plan by us praying to him. We pray to thank him for things and to help us get through ruff times, and just to tell him things. You can pretty much pray about anything.

at Matthew 6:5-8 it says... but when praying, do not say the same thing over and over again, just as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get hearing for their use of many words.

So, we don't want to say the same recited prayer all the time, we want to make it sincere and from the heart.
2007-10-08 13:57:21 UTC
I will ignore you condescending tone for a bit to answer your reflections. Praying to A god is a good way to remove the selfish intentions and to become self aware of our true intentions. It's like confiding in a friend and realizing where you went wrong. Most Christians will not believe that there is a Master Plan for our lives. God made us individuals for a reason and that is part of his master plan. I feel pity for anyone that hasn't found the peace that comes with finding a power greater then themselves in the world.
2007-10-08 14:05:39 UTC
There is no falt with gods will. Part of having a relationship with god is to pray.

god dose not cater to whims and as a Christian you should not try to tempt your god by asking for every little thing that crosses your mind.
2007-10-08 14:24:56 UTC
we expect God to give us what we NEED, in fact not even that, we ASK and pray that God will give us what we need.we believe that if He makes a man rich, He has blessed him greatly. if we are poor then we know that we don't NEED everything that the world has to offer. i know that people think PR Christians are stuck up and think we're the only right ones, but that's not how it works. we believe that we are sinners just the same as everyone. we believe that if God wants to bless the rich guy even more cause he won the lottery, so be it,God has a reason for EVERYTHING(we don't do lottery by the way)

as for the praying question, we need to confess our sins to the Lord, we don't necessarily need to voice them, just pray silently, to yourself.

and no, we don't think that God will change His plans because of our praying, because god already has everything planned, everything that happens, down to the twitch of a hair, is in God's plan. i suggest that you visit the Protestant reformed church(not a christian reformed,there is a difference)for a lecture, i'm sure you can find one somewhere near you by looking it up on the computer.

i pray that God will have mercy on your soul and convert you,


only 12 and anxious to see my father in heaven
2007-10-08 14:05:29 UTC
Well, if you think of God as a Father, it makes sense that he could sometimes grant requests. What if prayer is the proper polite way to ask God for something? Like, if a kid reaches across the dinner table trying to grab the salt and can't reach it and grunts plaintively, sure, the parents know what the kid wants without him asking, but they're going to wait for him to say, "Could you please pass the salt?" before passing it. It could work like that.

And hey, maybe if there isn't a good reason why not, the Father might say yes. You know, like salt at the dinner table is a reasonable request to grant. However, no amount of pleading with your parents is going to make them get rid of your baby sister. Even if you say please and really want them to.

Plus, the Bible says God does this sort of thing:

So I don't think it's altogether unreasonable. But what do I know...I'm just an agnostic who went to Sunday school 20 years ago.
Mrs. Bear
2007-10-08 13:58:43 UTC
I believe that praying to things like heal me, or give me money are selfish and that they interfere with God's plans, yes.

But if you ask for guidance, strength through Jesus, a sign. These are not selfish but necessary for human advancement. We pray to verbalize what exactly we are thinking. Its a confirmation. It is more for us then it is for Him.

No I don't expect Him to cater for my whims. But he takes care of me and helps me up when I fall, never judging, never looking back.
2007-10-08 13:58:12 UTC
no,the plan was laid out even before he came in the world, nothing can stop what will happen..yes he knows everything but he expects you to pray and ask...he does not cater to anybodies need some your Bible and then you may understand better.... he is there knows before you ask but you are suppose to ask,live for him, change your ways,come out from under the world not do what the world and along with everybody else will be on their knees asking before its over...every knee shall bow and every tongue confess he is Lord.Amen...
2007-10-08 13:56:22 UTC
No, I do not think that God will change his master plan b/c of my praying. But God does desire that in prayer and supplication we give thanks, ask forgiveness for our sins, and petition Him for the needs of others, and for our own.

For me, prayer is a way to enhance my relationship with God. I know that His will will be done, regardless. The closer the relationship I have with God, the more aware of what his will is for me.
2007-10-08 14:04:25 UTC
What Father would give his child a stone when he asks for bread. We are to pray within Gods will, not to change it. We pray to the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. Elohim.
Open Heart Searchery
2007-10-08 13:56:27 UTC
Prayer is part of God's "master plan" for us. Yes, God knows what we are thinking. We pray because He told us we should. It focuses our thoughts, hopes, and desires, and it forces us to humble ourselves and vocalize them to God. I hope that God will cater to my whims just like my own children hope for me to cater to theirs.

Why so angry? Oh, don't deny it. Your questions reek of it.
2007-10-08 13:53:24 UTC
I expect God to act according to His will. I don't' know if God knows what is on my heart or not. But if he does I think he wants to me show a willingness and openness to share these thoughts with him.

There are a few examples where God has actually "changed" his course of action because of prayer.
2007-10-08 13:58:57 UTC
Actually yes - he said he would so why not. But he also teaches us how to pray - first we pray to thank him and so on and so on. How about you research this just a little bit more before jumping to conclusions... then maybe you might start praying yourself.

And doesn't your boss know you want a raise... so why do you ask if he knows???
2007-10-08 14:27:35 UTC
Did your God ask you to be disrespectful to other believers of other religions? (Stupid question huh?)if yes then yes....we Christians pray so that God changes the his Master Plan to suit my needs on Monday.......he does modifies it again on Tuesday(probably i may not pray and want again, but mu sister might)...and so on for the rest of the week, months years to come....:)
2007-10-08 13:55:47 UTC
Atheist always seem to think that prayer is like a wish list.

Prayer is communication with God.

God does not change his plan and his plan is the salvation of his creation.

We however do invite God in to situations in our lives and he does help in these situations.
Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth
2007-10-08 14:02:21 UTC
Life w/o prayer: taking what comes not assigning meaning, revelling in new experiences and feeling powerless in front of gigantic events.

Life with prayer: taking what comes, and recognizing a deeper meaning, knowing that gigantic events can be avoided.

NDE excerpt:

" I then asked them how come there had been so many wars. They said that they allowed those few to happen, out of all the wars that humanity tried to start. Out of all the wars that humans tried to create, they allowed a few, to bring people to their senses and to stop them."*

excerpt from the diary of St Faustina:**

"When I entered the chapel in the morning I heard a voice in my soul, You are united to Me; fear nothing. But know, my child, that Satan hates you; he hates every soul, but he burns with a particular hatred for you, because you have snatched so many souls from his dominion"
2007-10-08 13:54:46 UTC
Master plan means final plan. God already said what he was going to do and has stuck with it. It's our job to follow it and obey and love what He has in store for us. Reguardless if we understand and can except it!
2007-10-08 14:03:46 UTC
Dear SirOliverCromWell:

Every religious person has that right to pray as long as they don't hurt anyone sexually, mentally, and physically abuse anyone like a human or animal-otherwise it's okay to pray.

2007-10-08 14:01:03 UTC
God is King
2007-10-08 13:54:57 UTC
no, i don't think it will change his master plan. but even though he knows what we think, praying shows that we have faith, and if we just think of something that we want done he won't answer it, but if you pray about it he answers
2007-10-08 13:53:30 UTC
god already knows when people are going to pray, you can't try to put god in lamen's terms, it's a concept beyond human comprehension
2007-10-08 13:55:55 UTC
God is not a Wish maker.....if you pray to him to ask for him to lead you guide you
Mia ღ AJ ღ Faithy
2007-10-08 13:54:07 UTC
We pray...but its "His will be done..."

dont be rude...we believe therefore we pray...praying is to keep our relationship with God strong
2007-10-08 13:53:39 UTC
Hes gots a point of hes all mighty and seeing, he knows what your thinking and what your gona prayer shouldnt be needed.
2007-10-08 13:53:29 UTC
Praise the Lord for He is great.He wants our love.He answers prayers according to HIS WILL
2007-10-08 13:55:08 UTC
Spirituality is what you make of it. If you believe in one God so be it. If you are an atheist that's your bag!
2007-10-08 13:54:21 UTC
theres a master plan?????? Holy Good Golly Batman which one is the master plan or is that masters plan. you would have had me if you'd just said mistress's plan
2007-10-08 13:53:35 UTC
Yes, that is what he does..What father if his child asked for a fish would give him a stone?
2007-10-08 13:58:30 UTC
It has worked in the past.
zauri geo
2007-10-08 13:54:12 UTC
the answer to all these questions are YES.
2007-10-08 13:53:16 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.