Why do you not believe in evolution?
2013-06-01 09:25:18 UTC
Because it is the best scientific theory out there that we have of how we and all living things on this planet came to be. Its simple and easy.
It seems that all those trying to disprove evolution are religious people. But why should the Bible automatically be the default? Disproving evolution doesn't prove the Bible.
What about aliens? Hinduism? The Roman Gods?
34 answers:
The Lightning Strikes
2013-06-05 07:56:48 UTC
Because The evidence for evolution is and has been interpreted from a Philosophical and ideological Bias, The answers given by adherents to Evolution here in R&S is proof of the bias and agenda, Atheism has to have an alternate explanation—other than a Creator—for how the universe and life came into existence.

Darwin once identified himself as a Christian but as a result of some tragedies that took place in his life, he later renounced the Christian faith and the existence of God. Evolution was invented by an atheist.

What is sad is that Christians are falling into this Trap and trying to fit evolution into the Bible (Theistic Evolution) thinking they can make it fit.

Lee Stroble in his video listed below “ The Case for the Creator” stated (5 min. 20 sec into the video) The Case for a Creator

That “There is no way you can Harmonize Neo Darwinism with Christianity, I could never understand Christians who would say “ Well I believe in God yet I believe in Evolution as well” You see Darwin’s idea about the development of life led to his theory that modern science now generally defines as an undirected process completely devoid of any purpose or plan,”. Now how could God direct an undirected process? How could God have purpose in a plan behind a system that has no plan and no purpose? It just does not make sense.

It didn’t make sense to me in 1966 and it doesn’t make sense to me now”.

The Apostle Paul wrote to His Son Timothy stating that “ in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, [because] they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn [their] ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”

Those Christians who believe in evolution have no idea how that affects their theology.

What is theistic evolution?

How do beliefs about creation impact the rest of theology?

Eternity is a Long Time to be wrong about this

Darwin's Deadly Legacy (1 of 7)

Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3

Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 1 of 3

Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 2 of 3

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation

More than 600 Scientist with PHD’s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM

“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.

Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
2016-10-05 01:33:21 UTC
regrettably, sure. i do no longer understand the way they might handle the cognitive dissonance. you're no longer properly-knowledgeable for the reason which you do no longer comprehend that concept is the optimal point in technological know-how. that's not a wager. it quite is ignorant to declare "purely an concept". the undemanding ancestor of all apes (which incorporate human beings and chimps) is a monkey and which would be shown to your delight. It would not count on the thought of evolution. it quite is a fact. Theories have not got evidence which in undemanding terms applies in arithmetic. Theories have information. there is not any information of a god of any variety. Theories are falsifiable. it quite is a characteristic, no longer a malicious program. If information is produced that shows yet another concept or this one desires substitute, then we discovered something and are grateful for it. faith would not have that characteristic. And it quite is requred. So advent via a god isn't able to being an concept. because of the fact the invention of mitochodrial DNA ancestry would be desperate via genetic mapping and we don't want bones to be certain the thought. Theories make predictions and can be utilized to boost different theories and open up fullyyt new strains of inquiry. the thought of evolution is beneficial because of the fact is works, no longer unavoidably because of the fact it quite is fact. Evolution is fact yet organic determination is an concept. base line is that it works. God as a proof would not artwork for us and is not any longer probable an answer in that regard. Its an excuse to no longer think of approximately it.
2013-06-03 05:50:12 UTC
Oh, please be quiet.

I don't wish to have an arguement or a pointless dispute with someone who doesn't understand.

I understand what you are trying to say, but if you have any questions, speak to your priest as you do not realise that you are teaching a false doctrine and being blasphemous.

You neither need to disprove or prove evolution and neither disprove or prove The Bible.

We can let The Bible speak for itself, if you read from the first page of Genesis.

All the answers you seek are there.

Look with your love and faith of God and you may see.

In the meantime, I will not cast that which is holy unto dogs, and neither am I willing to share secrets between me and God.
2013-06-01 14:23:06 UTC
bob v>>I mean I can not believe that I was born a monkey and as I grew up I became human.... this just makes no sense.

well, that's good, because that is NOT what the TOE states...

where did you get the Idea it did?

some creationist Site? LOL!!!


it (bible) by far proves the historical accuracy of a book

lets face it,

if the great flood did happen in noah's time,

two claims with NO supporting evidence!

Archeologists have never ONCE dug up proof that of jesus or that any of the claimed biblical miracles ever happened

""why have we stopped evolving? think about it""

who told you THAT LIE?

trinity>>First and foremost, its absurd to think that life started / came from nothing.

then it is again, a GOOD THING that evolution DOESN'T claim that, isn't it trin!!

trinity>>One hundred and thirty years after Darwin's death, the fossil record continues to be an embarrassment to the evolutionary hypothesis.

Only to ignorant believers who don't understand what it is..Like you are a complete embarrassment to other educated believers...
2013-06-01 13:31:59 UTC
these answers make me loose faith in humanity, most of the answers show that a lot of you have no clue what you are talking about and don't understand what evolution is.

Evolution happens over hundreds (or thousands) or years and takes time, one type of creature will change ever so slightly every few decades this doesn't mean a specific animal it means the species will change. So when one is born and it has another and that has another, some were down the line there will be a very slight change in order for the creature to adapt to its soundings this doesn't mean all the animals of that species will change too because they are in different environments (different temperatures, pollution levels ect).

Also the bible makes no sense it states Adam and eve were the first and yet mentions nothing about cave men and yet we know 100% certainty that they existed. not to mention dinosaurs, we know they existed and yet apparently the planet was created in 7 days with adam and eve on the last day and yet we know that dinosaurs and humans did not co exist at the same period of time so all there is sooooo much proof that makes the bible wrong and yet Christians still believe it.
2013-06-02 08:38:01 UTC
i don't believe in religion and i believe a lot of the aspects of the evolution theory but not all of it. It has great merit, and it's, to me, the best current theory to scientifically explain how we're here but i think, as someone else said, adaption also has merit and other theories do as well.

But in all honesty, unless time machines are at some point invented we'll never know.
Alpha and Omega
2013-06-01 14:55:28 UTC
Ask yourself this.

Could mankind as it stands now provide life, water to irrigate and form weather patterns on another planet if they were to find a suitable planet?

Could mankind provide species of birds, fish, animals and insects to create pollination and create better weather patterns over a period of time?

Could mankind with the DNA technology it now has create mankind in the form we are and then leave them as stewards of a planet?

Every year that passes it makes it easier and easier to believe the creation story and you are wrong about the flood for it has been confirmed in countries all over the world, but I believe the flood story suggests no land in the Middle East and surrounding areas like Egypt who have signs of the great flood on the Sphinx.
Ernest S
2013-06-01 11:59:05 UTC
As you say, Evolution has to be believed and that is because it is absurd and irrational.

Belief is always with the heart and never with the mind or reason. That is not only self evident but universally observable.

So you correctly identify that it is a moral issue determined by the heart motive.

Many of those that hate God or want an excuse to refuse Him choose Evolution as their "religion".

You want to highlight the Bible? Close and careful examination of the Bible proves it is impossible for it to be a work of man.
Bingo T
2013-06-01 09:32:16 UTC
I don't believe it. I don't believe gravity either. I accept them as facts though. There is a huge difference between theory and hypothesis.

Evolution does disprove parts of the bible. Adam and eve for example

Aliens, Could exist. The ingredients are there for them to exist. Its extremely likely they do.
2013-06-01 09:55:14 UTC
First and foremost, its absurd to think that life started / came from nothing.

One hundred and thirty years after Darwin's death, the fossil record continues to be an embarrassment to the evolutionary hypothesis.

In 2009, Darwinius masillae, affectionately nicknamed "Ida", was dubbed the :eighth wonder of the world" by evolution scientists- the link between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom and may I ad-the most important discovery in 47 million years. Currently, however, evolution scientists have been forced to confess that "Ida" plays no role in so called human evolution.

To reduce this universe we are a part of, to an accident of cosmic chance is shortsighted to say the least. To recognize it as privileged, sublime.

Nothing comes from nothing; nothing ever could. The only empirically plausible possibility is the universe was made by an unmade Cause greater than itself.

Evolution is a FARCE of cosmic proportions..
Coal Man
2013-06-01 09:33:34 UTC
Some of evolutionary theory is true (natural selection and microevolution), but for me, it is not a big concern. The big question is the origin of life. The theory of the Big Bang and the evolution of life from amino acids that followed thereafter is, in my opinion, unconvincing. It takes more faith to believe that than it does to accept what God has told us regarding these things.
2013-06-01 10:33:31 UTC
ƒ Jerry Bergman: If you could complete one new random trial arrangement of these 206 bones every second "for every single second available in all of the estimated evolutionary view of astronomic time (about 10 to 20 billion years), using the most conservative estimate . . . . the chances that the correct general position will be obtained by random is less than once in 10 billion years." "For all practical purposes a zero possibility exists that the correct general position of only 206 parts could be obtained simultaneously by chance—and the average human has about 75 trillion cells! . . . This illustration indicates that the argument commonly used by evolutionists—'given enough time, anything is possible'—is wanting." (In Six Days, ed John Ashton, p 26, 27)
2013-06-01 09:44:08 UTC
scientist and archaeologists, (atheist and non)

have used the old and the new testament for several years

to dig up kings,cities and whole civilizations.

it by far proves the historical accuracy of a book

when a person who doesn't believe in it used it as a "go-to" guide

real people existed,saw things and wrote them down.

lets face it,

if the great flood did happen in noah's time,

that would more than explain the compressed fossils we find and claim are billions of years old

also the city of UR has recently been uncovered by a non believing archaeologist

who used the bible to determine it's location (article was right on yahoo main page a few weeks back)

why have we stopped evolving? think about it
2013-06-01 09:41:56 UTC
The fossil evidence for evolution is overwhelming, whereas there is no evidence whatsoever for creation and the flood never happened because there simply isn't enough water on the planet to cover all the mountains. Anyone who simply discounts evolution without looking at all the available evidence and hearing the arguments for it is simply burying their heads in the sand. It happened and is still happening.
2013-06-02 03:18:30 UTC
To Epic Salvation, you only have to look at the wolf to know that evolution is actually happening, wolves are hunters but groups of them started to find food from what was left over from tribal foods as waste and because of this they lost their hunting abilities and their body shapes changed to suit the environment that they found themselves id, they became more friendly with humans because they benefited from them, so over thousands of years they became different animals, they evolved into dogs, and once humans started to use these dogs, we found that some were faster than others and we bred the faster ones to have faster cubs so that we could then use them to help us find food, from there on we all know how the human race has bred different breeds of dog and this in effect is evolution taking place but all dogs have wolves as ancestors.

What is the flood that you are talking about? never in the whole history of the world has the surface of the earth been covered in water, we obviously have had floods but these were in comparatively small areas and these would never have wiped out all life on the planet, of course if you are referring to Noah's Ark, this is just a story from thousands of years ago, it has no factual basis at all and it was only written into a book in about 400 AD, you need to do a bit of research into evolution before you dismiss it out of hand, the evidence is there for you to see, look up Professor Alice Roberts and try to see some of her programs about evolution such as "Origins of Us" she explains exactly where we come from and how and why we evolved into what we are today.

To, Bob Vila, we were obviously not born as monkeys, we are not even descended from monkeys, we only share a very close DNA match to them, we actually evolved from ape like animals that used to live in trees until the earths atmosphere changed and trees became less dominant and large areas of tree less areas were formed, animals roamed these plains and they were easier for humans to hunt and standing on two legs made it easier for us to hunt them, there have been several different forms of human over about seven million years, we have the fossilised remains to prove that they existed, most human species could no adapt to changes in climate and for various reasons they all became extinct, the last of these being Homo Neanderthalensis (Neanderthal Man) we, the last species of human left are lucky that we have evolved with large brains and the intelligence that comes with a large brain, we have the evidence, all you need to do is study it and you will understand why evolution is the only likely reason that we are what we are, it is certainly not because of some supernatural invisible super being creating us from nothing.
Dr. Rosa
2013-06-01 09:46:16 UTC
Oh my god. I've just read through these answers. Some religious people really need an education.

"Bob Vila: I mean I can not believe that I was born a monkey and as I grew up I became human.... this just makes no sense." - I am a biologist and I think part of my brain just died reading that.
2013-06-01 09:29:13 UTC
I prefer things with no evidence at all even though if its a scientific fact, gravity is only a theory and god keeps on the ground

@epic salvation, Noahs flood is actually a copy of the epic of Gilgamesh on tablet 9 when they are talking about it, Judaism borrowed from the mycenaeans
2013-06-01 09:53:36 UTC
Because evolution is an observed fact -- facts don't require "belief."

And because the theory that explains how the observed fact works (mostly by natural selection) is built on verifiable evidence available to anyone -- it's based on knowledge, not "belief."

Please don't ask people to "believe" in evolution -- that's as silly as asking them to "believe" in an imaginary god-thing. Instead, encourage them to go learn about facts and evidence so they won't have to rely on worthless "belief." OK?
2013-06-01 09:27:44 UTC
Dismissing evolution as "just a theory" simply shows that you don't really know what the word "Theory" means in a scientific context.
2013-06-01 09:30:48 UTC
I don't think there's true evidence for macro-evolution. Far too many people buy into things just because they sound "scientific", not understanding the underlying science itself. Look how many fell for the "mermaid" hoax on Animal Planet recently.
Hi T
2013-06-02 08:26:38 UTC

Hope this helps you in your unbelief.
2013-06-01 09:27:33 UTC
The discussion of evolution is a RED HERRING.

Time to move on to the real issue at hand.
2013-06-01 09:31:54 UTC
It is simple man lies, God does not lie, we were not created by monkey, just like the world was not flat, same with global warming that is the biggest hoax since they said the world was flat, science tell you stuff you want to believe an it sound good but man lies an you can't believe man, but with God everything is perfect with God an his word is true. that is why I don't believe in evolution an I never will either. it is a hoax, im just paraphrasing it.
2013-06-01 09:27:57 UTC
Evolution has too much evidence for me. I like things that have little or no evidence. Also, I'm not a big fan of logic, and evolution has too much of that.
2013-06-01 09:26:55 UTC
Because Evolution is a theory.

I don't count that as something that I believe in that happened, word by word.
2013-06-01 11:17:43 UTC
Well, you have your answer now. For the believers, the answer is "Because my prefrontal cortex is severely damaged/ never properly developed/ is missing entirely".
2013-06-01 09:29:15 UTC
Evolution proves that all gods are myths, that is why the religious fear it.
alan h
2013-06-01 11:56:18 UTC
Why assume we don't?

Darwin was a Christian
2013-06-01 09:28:27 UTC
The best scientific theory sucks, full of HUGE gaping Hole and lack of proof

this is because its a lie

Creation is what happened
2013-06-01 09:28:40 UTC
i subscribe to evolution theory.
2013-06-01 09:28:01 UTC
I don't want to believe I just "occurred", or that I was here by chance. I believe I was intricately designed for a purpose. :)
2013-06-01 09:28:02 UTC
Evolution has no real evidence.
Bob Vila
2013-06-01 09:26:33 UTC
I mean I can not believe that I was born a monkey and as I grew up I became human.... this just makes no sense.
Epic Salvation
2013-06-01 09:26:18 UTC
Because it's false?

I believe in Adaptation, but i don't believe one animal changes into a different kind of animal...

I believe an animal can adapt to it's environment. That's how a lot of animals survived during the flood.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.