Copyright is the answer to your question.
THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints does not have the copyright to the Joseph Smith Inspired Translation Of The Bible.
After Joseph Smith was murdered by a mob, there was a lot of chaos. While Joseph Smith's death did give the Latter Day Saints a reprieve for a short time from being mass murdered, it did not nor would it not satiate the blood lust of the Preacher-enraged mobs...
who were just itching to kill every Mormon there was and mass murder all the Mormons.
The Mississippi River froze solid and because of that, the Latter Day Saints were able to escape Nauvoo Illinois by riding their wagons over the Mississippi River.
The good news was that the Latter Day Saints survived the bad news was it was very very cold. From there the Latter Day Saints traveled to Utah, while the mob busied themselves to burning down the Temple of Jesus Christ in Nauvoo Illinois.
Desperate times make for desperate measures.
So where was the manuscript of the heretofor unpublished Joseph Smith Inspired Translation Of The Bible???
The answer is, it was in a box that the wife of the since dearly departed Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, owned.
Emma Smith became part of another Church (long story short) and they had the copyright and they published that book...
The Joseph Smith Inspired Translation Of The Bible.
Give Emma Smith credit. Say what you will, she did not alter the manuscript. No scholar who has looked at The Joseph Smith Inspired Translation Of The Bible can see any reason to believe that Emma Smith changed anything that Joseph Smith wrote, or altered anything that Joseph Smith did in any way.
The Joseph Smith Inspired Translation Of The Bible is truly one of the greatest books in history. It restores the King James Version Of The Bible (in King James Version Of The Bible English), to an utterly remarkable degree.
Whole sections in the Bible are restored, like for example
the section about Enoch and The City Of Enoch and how before the flood tens of thousands of people were saved and came to Zion and came to live a life of peace, love, and happiness.
Where there was no poor, and no war, and where the population of the entire city praised God by keeping the commandments of Jesus Christ, and like the City of Salem, they were taken up to Heaven into outer space...
to a great and wonderful destination. Because those who lived in the City Of Enoch had become so righteous and charitable and filled with the love of Jesus Christ, that they were taken from the Earth, to live in a more Celestial setting, in the starry Heavens above.
And that is just one restoration to the Bible that was lost that Joseph Smith the Prophet restored.
The New Testament alone is worthy of examination by the most serious intellectual who happens to profess a belief in the Bible, and comparing it to the King James Version of The Bible, can yield increased insight into the Bible, and it's inner meaning and doctrines.
Some Mormons have a limited understanding of The Joseph Smith Inspired Translation Of The Bible. They think that the footnotes in their King James Version of the Bible is all that there is to Joseph Smith's Inspired Translation Of The Bible.
But nothing could be further from the truth. Someday, when the copyright has finally been transferred to THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints...
then it will no doubt be recognized as the fifth book of canonized Scripture...
along with the Bible, The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ,
The Pearl Of Great Price, and The Doctrine And Covenants.
The other Church that now has the copyright is very poor. THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints is very rich. It is only a matter of time before THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints obtains the copyright to The Joseph Smith's Inspired Translation Of The Bible...
which restores the Bible to it's original form to a truly remarkable degree. Chat.
God bless.