The most important teaching we can follow is belief in Jesus as our Savior and God, repentance, being baptized in His Name for the remission of sin and being filled with the Holy Ghost (Spirit) evidenced by speaking in other tongues as the spirit gives the utterance. Acts 2:38 When we deny Christ as God in the flesh we are not Christians.
God, through His Word, says that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit!
1 Cor 3:16-17(NIV) Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.
When you received Jesus as your lord and savior you were ‘born-again’ and at that instant your spirit was renewed (or made brand new). And if you invited him to do so, the Holy Spirit moved in to live, dwell and abide in your spirit. So that half of your heart is healed and made whole.
Now the soul is a different matter. Remember your soul contains your mind, will and emotions. And it does not automatically become renewed. The renewal of the soul begins with the renewal of the mind, which is your responsibility.
Rom. 12:2 and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. The “will of God” here is just talking about what God has already said in the Bible. That’s what it takes to renew the mind – to the end that you get rid of the way that you used to think and begin to think the same way that Jesus thinks. Once your mind starts becoming renewed, your will and emotions will follow.
Let’s look at how the Holy Spirit interacts with your spirit. God not only created you as a spirit with a soul and body, but he designed you so that you (the spirit) would take ascendancy, dominion and authority over your soul (mind, will, emotions), body, heart, words and works. We refer to this as being in proper alignment. Unfortunately, all to many Christians are totally ignorant of that fact. And some of those that do know fail to act upon it due to fears, and oppressions (mostly demonic or religious in nature).
The Bible word “submit” really just means, “come under the protection of.” When we are in proper alignment, all the other parts of man submit (come under the protection of) the spirit. This makes you (the spirit) the head of the body. You (the spirit) were designed to submit to the lord Jesus Christ – the soul, body, etc… will not on their own, submit to anyone or any thing – especially God. Rom 8:7 says, … “The carnal mind is enmity (hostile) against God.” Being in proper alignment is called ‘walking in the spirit’ while being out of alignment is called ‘walking in the flesh.’
When you (the spirit) are in control, the Holy Spirit can ‘direct connect’ with you (your spirit). This makes it easier to hear God speak to you, easier for the Holy Spirit to teach you, lead you, and operate through you in the form of the anointing. Being out of alignment stops or hinders the flow of the anointing and disconnects from the Holy Spirit and the voice of God. It takes you out from under the protection of the blood of Jesus because the soul will not only exalt itself over the spirit but even the blood of Jesus.
In order for the spirit to become strong it needs to be fed. Scripture teaches that there are two ways to edify (build up) the spirit – by reading (hearing) the word of God and by praying in tongues (in the spirit). Why? That’s just the way God designed it.
An emaciated spirit can take authority and dominion but it takes a strong spirit to keep (or retain) it. Faith or believing and acting on the word of God is the outward manifestation of a strong spirit and a heart full of the word of God. You feed your body three times a day – how often do you feed your spirit? As we Christians get closer and closer to the return of Jesus Christ, we must get on a spirit-building program in order to develop and strengthen our spirit. Remember, the devil has to get you into the flesh to touch you – you have to get into the spirit to touch the world!
Apostolic, Believer, In, One, God, Jesus