How can you be happy knowing you will die?
2014-10-24 09:32:19 UTC
How can people live a happy life believing in no God and knowing you will die?
160 answers:
2014-10-25 09:27:02 UTC
You know you will die. You don't know what happens to you after you die. This presents a problem because the human mind is not comfortable with the unknown, instead preferring to use its creativity to conceive of ideas to cover up the unknown. However, the fear of death does not get covered up by belief, any more than a man falling out of a plane without a parachute can ignore the ground by closing his eyes, and imagining the ground beneath to be made of marshmallows.

So, you psychologically react to the unknown with imagination---this is the fact. The reaction creates a gap which is the space between fact and the pretention of an after-life (or if you pretend as an atheist, the psychological reaction to imagine that there is no life after death creates the pretention). This is sustaining the fear of death because the only way that fear can end is if you do not seek escape from the unknown.

Attempting to solve fear is the perfect way to sustain it. If you are happy to be with the unknowable unknowns without trying to solve them, then you can leave fear alone and live. A tinnitus patient who cannot live with the sound in his ear spends his time seeking treatment and never lives.

You are happy when you get what you want, and to get what you want, you must toil. To be happy often, one must enjoy the toil, because the achievement of wants are seldom, and the toil is often. Therefore, act because of the love of the action, rather than the love of the result. You can love the result, but if the means to achieve the results is something you hate to do, then you will live a masochistic life.

Nobody knows what there is: the extent of the material world, and whether it has always been; or if there is a cause, or if there is a cause of the cause; or if there are an infinite number of causes with no end. Instead of being happy with the unknown, people have imagined Gods, and given those Gods qualities; however, people are not convinced by their own beliefs. Thus, often, in search of more information, they seek other religions, other philosophies, other explanations (in science etc). When a person says God is infinite, he/she admits their own ignorance without realizing it, because the mind cannot know that which has no boundaries (Latin prefix in- (not) + -fini (bounded)).

The brain is a tool for studying the finite and that is the realm of the known.

The men try to control each other by suggesting that the infinite God imposes finite rules upon man, finite rules that benefit themselves. As men invented Gods rules, those rules benefit males. Thus, women are discriminated against in the religious texts. In order to accept those ideas, first you have to read the reasoning as to why women are inferior, meaning that one needs first to be convinced (programmed), as the ideas are not self-evident without reason. Deceivers always utilize reason to bend what is evident into what is contrived, and for that you need books, pulpits etc...

Mankind seeks control via reason, which is the known. As their God is infinite, and they seek to convince you of 'Gods laws' with reason (the known), you can say that mankind has painted over God with his knowledge, in order to suit his own goals.

What there is---if there is anything separate that can be said to be a cause---cannot be known by man (if God is indeed infinite), therefore, it is the desire to escape the unknown which creates the fear. Indeed, the religious teachers implore adherents to fear God (e.g., phrase: "to put the fear of God into him"). Thus religions are not about ending fear, but sustaining it.

It is fear that one is not prepared to give up. As long as you seek to give up fear, so long as you maintain it.
2014-10-26 08:19:32 UTC
Do you spend a lot of time worried that the the scientists are correct and that in another half a billion years our sun will become so large that it will consume Mercury, Venus and the Earth and every trace of humanity will be erased from the solar system except the satellites that we sent out into the universe?

Probably not, because you will not be there to witness it and the human species may not even be around then anyhow. The point is that spending time being worried about something that you can not change will do nothing to help the situation and will only make you lose focus on the things that really matter. Living a good and happy life, helping others when you can and leaving the world a better place than you found it should be what people aspire to do but unfortunately that's not exactly how it works.

I know that when I die my loved ones will remember me for the good things I have done and the loving person I have always been and to me that is all I can ask for. I would like to change the world and make it a better place for everyone but if that ever happens or not I know that I did the best I could. And that makes me happy. Hope this helps.
2016-12-20 12:00:09 UTC
2014-10-25 02:41:16 UTC
People are happy despite knowing that they will die because the long time spirits which continue to possess generation after generation create such a mental state in human minds. It's a natural phenomena.

People can live a happy life even if they don't believe in God. What they need is moral and discipline. God never bothers who believe Him. God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. All knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything are spirits or invisible elements. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2016-03-11 04:04:25 UTC
you are a major jaggoff.. Read what chainsaw wrote for a an eyeopening education.. You can say the war was illegal because the UN didn't give it's approval making our military subservient to third world countries. You can ignore the fact that we had an unconditional surrender that was violated and you can ignore the fact that every intelligence agency in the world thought those WMD's were there. You can ignore the very real possibility that sanction's were about to be lifted without proof that a small group of inspector's couldn't find what they were looking for in a country the size of France and that Saddam would go right back to acquiring WMD's. You can ignore the fact that Saddam was allowing terrorist to train in Iraq ( this information is confirmed by document's seized) and that he paid terrorists families that blew themselves up killing American's and our allies. None of this is new. We have debated it all before. You can tell me the President got all those agencies to lie, I guess that's possible. You can tell me the US can't make decision's without the approval of the UN. There are one or two people who would agree with that. What you can't do is convince me that this President had anything but our National Security interest in mind when he did what he did. We are in for a very long struggle against this enemy and American's will have to fight and die to try and keep us safe. Now some questions for you and your ilk... Do you agree or disagree whether this incursion was "legal" considering the violation's of the Unconditional Surrender Agreement and UN Resolution's and a vote by the Security Counsel that force was on the table as a consideration in the resolution of this matter (France and Russia blinked when it was final vote time) Do you think this whole war could have been avoided had France and Russia stood with us in the final negotiation's and did not , and as I believe, told Saddam he had nothing to worry about because they would veto any force measure. Do you think that the US can only use it's military with the approval of the UN?
2015-10-02 05:58:55 UTC
Probably not, because you will not be there to witness it and the human species may not even be around then anyhow. The point is that spending time being worried about something that you can not change will do nothing to help the situation and will only make you lose focus on the things that really matter. Living a good and happy life, helping others when you can and leaving the world a better place than you found it should be what people aspire to do but unfortunately that's not exactly how it works.
2014-10-24 09:53:44 UTC
I don't live in constant fear of death. Maybe others do. I just hope I die quickly if I die at all which I probably will. Though keep in mind that more humans are alive than have ever died. I don't think it's a 100% certainty that we'll be dead forever and ever. Maybe some scientists will bring us back to life in the future. Who knows what the future holds.
2014-10-24 10:28:40 UTC
It is called acceptance. Yes, we will all die someday. Yes, the summer will end and then the miserable cold weather will return. Yes, all good things do come to an end. So, should we sit around and mope about the inevitable, or should we enjoy ourselves while we can? The answer is obvious.

It is of paramount importance that we live our lives in the present as we cannot control what has already happened (the past) and we cannot control what will most certainly happen in the future (death). We must simply accept things as they are in these cases and learn to find happiness in the now.
2014-10-24 21:00:57 UTC
Hundreds, thousands, maybe even more feel your pain. Know that you are not the only one going through this. The fear of death is completely natural, and takes place once an organism has evolved to the state where it can think and move. Since the mandate of most living things is to survive, we fear the idea of death (this is also one of the studies as to why religion exists, some say it's so that you can convince yourself that life is everlasting and you will live after you die).
2015-12-10 06:55:01 UTC
What they need is moral and discipline. God never bothers who believe Him. God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. All knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything are spirits or invisible elements. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2014-10-25 06:00:22 UTC
God's not real were not going to heaven we're going to sleep with no dreams that's not such a scary thing in my eyes I don't need support to get through life from some ancient Chinese whisper I will have fun all that matters when you die is your happy with what you have done
2014-10-25 05:57:55 UTC
Your question is flawed, as you assume that believing in god is a requirement for being happy.

But to answer your question, death is a natural part of life, so being happy is a matter of enjoying and making the time till death worth living. I can be happy because I enjoy the time, and when it ends, it was worth wild.
2014-10-25 15:56:59 UTC
2014-10-24 21:02:08 UTC
Belief in God is not essential to remove the fear of death..... in fact, we humans can overcome it even through emotion though for the time being only..... one way to get rid of the fear of death is to be able to look at life qualitatively instead of quantitatively, realizing that length of life does not necessaily 'add' any further meaning, but this way is a bit nihilistic trying to completely ignore quantitative value.... the real way to be free of the fear of death is to understand and realize that death is no 'dead-end'.... while this realization can come from the belief in God and the 'Word', it can even come through science and philosophical wisdom which tell us rather unequivocally that any notion of a 'start' or an 'end' is simply an illusion and the only truth we can know or contemplate is that 'change' is evergoing and in every change there is an end and another start.... we may still fear death because of our ignorance regarding what would happen to us after the physical death, but this too can be overcome if we can rise above our 'self' and realize that every change implies some positives as well as the negatives and more importantly, understand that our ideas of positives and negatives are in fact myopic as well as partial and partisan.
2014-10-26 16:45:01 UTC
Right, I get it. So you tell yourself the Big Lie and fool yourself into thinking you will go on living after you are brain dead. The brain houses our thoughts. Remove a portion of the brain, such as in a lobotomy, you remove memory. Remove the entire brain, all memory, not to mention motor function, nerve system, and sensory function, is gone. Dead. Now go ahead, invent some ghosties or something, some woo woo factor than can actually make you swallow the idiocy of believing you have a mind to think thoughts with when dead. If that makes you feel good, perhaps it is the way to go. After all, when you finally DO die, you won't care if you were wrong. Unfortunately, the willing suspension of disbelief does not come as easily to some people as it does to others.
2014-10-25 10:22:13 UTC
Whether you beleiieve in God or not has nothing to do with it as I have known many people who did and many people who did not believe in God and some of each categorey were happy because they had a good attitude and some in each categorey were unhappy because they had a lousy attitude. I have known people who believed very much in God yet complained all the time and were afriad of going to Hell for, although they believed in God, they doubted His mercy. Being happy and not letting your mortality--i.e., your eventual death--ruin your happiness in theis world is largely a matter of having a good attitude. God gives you your life or, in the case of unbelievers, somehow you GET this life, and you know it is not going to last forever, but if you have a good attitude about that then you try and make the most of it and you interact and you find people and pets and pleasures in which you cna take joy, and just enjoy it for what it is worth. Like if you have a delicious cookie to eat just enjoy it and do not get bummed out that it is not two cookies, I guess.
2014-10-26 11:10:08 UTC
I am very happy to be a part of a beautiful process of coming from star dust and actualy coming from the same thing as all the stars I see at night, almost like I'm related to them. They are my distant distant cousens in the big family of matter and energy. I am, in this life, having the opertunity to experience the greatest tresure I will ever know: human consciousness. when I die my body will decompose and that energy will go through many transitions and my atoms will become an increasingly less ordered state. they will occupy a bigger and bigger space increasingly for billions of years. I find this thought much more beautiful and profound than any heaven and hell belief system.
2014-10-24 11:23:29 UTC
Living knowing that this is all there is is a far happier way to live as you will make the most of it. On the other hand if you believe that this life is just an annoying pit stop on the way to paradise then you will eagerly anticipated death, why would you not.
2014-10-26 17:42:24 UTC
That's easy, I will not die! I have 2 assurances of that. Jesus said, "Those who believe in me, though they die, yet they will live. Those who live and believe in me, will never die." Then there is my own personal experience that I am neither my physical body, my mind, nor my emotions. Well, a thinking person has to ask themselves, "Who am I? That questioning is the beginning process of Jnana Yoga as taught by Sri Ramana Maharshi of India. If a person follows his instructions faithfully, they will realize that their True Self, who they really are, does not die.

If a person were to take the Commandments and instructions Yashua (Jesus) ben Yosef (Son of Joseph), literally and seriously, they would experience the same thing, ( or same state of Spiritual Awareness). Which is what Jesus meant when He said, "those who live in Me (Do what I say), shall never die.
2014-10-26 00:19:05 UTC
I don't know, I think people are generally living based on false hope, I believe people are seeking refuge for their life's problems but people are very limited upon their choices. People can't take their choices for granted. You must live based on faith or you will end up living a life feeling depressed and upset. I believe you can find happiness from living a life surrounded by loved ones and your loved friends.
2014-10-24 17:35:09 UTC
dear friends, if some one is born to this world it is not surprising that he or she will die,these days people don't have real happiness because they don't know wht is real happiness if u want to happy , think that death is a common thing, u have to leave all ur belongings too when u leave,even great people like Jesus,lord buddha had to face death,death doesn't mean that every thing is over,death means an another rebirth that means another death,this is a cycle my friend we live we die,so be happy by thinking death is common and we all have to die and leave everything,and everyone we loved
2014-10-25 09:48:24 UTC
Because death is a solvable problem. Death is bad and life is good so I seek a solution to. I plan to sign up for to be preserve when I can get a life insurance plan that can pay for it in the event that something happens. If the patterns of my mind can be preserve I can be restored any number of times. If that fails then someone will find an answer to the problem. I care about what happens here today and the future and will do everything can to pass on a gift to tomorrow.
Dark Cheshire
2014-10-26 21:01:14 UTC
I can see that your questioning things and are depressed im not very good at things likes this. The best I can say is that why think of dying? It comes no matter what we do. The only thing we can do is enjoy the time that we have. All great things never last and life is the greatest thing we possess don't sit here and ponder things like this smile and laugh. A good old sweet tea is meant to be enjoyed, not questioned or wasted.
2014-10-27 10:26:48 UTC
Because I don't sit around obsessing over my own death. Besides, I've given the issue quite a bit of thought, and am very confident that gods and magic do not exist. I didn't come to that conclusion because it makes me "happy", but because that's what all the evidence leans towards. Your question sort of makes no sense. Why don't you just believe that you're immortal then you be just as happy as a pig in s***. You would be wrong, but happy......
2014-10-26 19:22:47 UTC
You live every day like it could be your last, because it just might be. If you're too focused on some fictitious afterlife, you'll never stop to smell the roses. There is no way of knowing if there is an afterlife, so common sense will tell us to focus on the here and now. Enjoy yourself. Educate yourself. Open your eyes to all of the beauty in front of you, and take it all in. As far as we know, we only get one life. Live it!
2014-10-25 16:52:05 UTC
Easily anyone who has money or something to keep happy doing

they care less even about so called best friends.

See how the world really is and you just MAY understand.

The vast majority live as if they are the only one who matters and TOMORROW WILL come.
2014-10-24 10:23:04 UTC
To add to Edmund Kean's "Dying is easy, comedy is hard." - " is living". Takes courage to live, takes enthusiasm to live well, healthy resilient attitude to endure, and more, which in our world seem to be on the decline. Death in my philosophy is a transition, but not all agree. Some who see it as and end, still have survival instinct which kicks in. Whether they enjoy a happy life requires aforementioned healthy approach to living. Not all people who believe in God are happy, not all who disbelieve are miserable, all of us are human beings and we live today, each day, as best as we know how, tomorrow is not yet upon us - awareness a fantastic movie ends in 2 hours does not interfere with enjoying it. I did go through a stage when I abandoned God, and yes, I still desired to live, a bit absurd when I think of it in retrospect, but, my rekindled belief and experience of God neither shields me from illness and other world's troubles. I would be more inclined to worry over being disappointment to God, than worry over final ending. It is those whom we love, who love us, the pain of hurting them is of greater concern than briefly walking this Earth with nothing on the other side of the grave awaiting. Theists and atheists, we may worry over different things, still feels same on the human level when it is worry.
2014-10-24 18:43:50 UTC
Its not about like being happy but i think personally, its about making living your life good as possible and making good choices because u only live once right... then make the most of it ... and life is just a borrow from Him :)
2014-10-25 06:46:21 UTC
You can't life a happy life without God.
2014-11-02 17:37:09 UTC
Attempting to solve fear is the perfect way to sustain it. If you are happy to be with the unknowable unknowns without trying to solve them, then you can leave fear alone and live. A tinnitus patient who cannot live with the sound in his ear spends his time seeking treatment and never lives.

You are happy when you get what you want, and to get what you want, you must toil. To be happy often, one must enjoy the toil, because the achievement of wants are seldom, and the toil is often. Therefore, act because of the love of the action, rather than the love of the result. You can love the result, but if the means to achieve the results is something you hate to do, then you will live a masochistic life.
2014-10-27 07:48:07 UTC
Ro 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned

John 3:16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.

1 Corinthians 15:20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. 21 For since death came through a man, resurrection of the dead also comes through a man. 22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.

Revelations 21:3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.

Because of the above scriptures the result will be:Psalms 37:28 For Jehovah loves justice, And he will not abandon his loyal ones. ע [Ayin] They will always be guarded; But the descendants of the wicked will be done away with. 29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. פ [Pe] 30 The mouth of the righteous one imparts wisdom, And his tongue speaks about justice. 31 The law of his God is in his heart; His steps will not falter. For more information go to www.JW.Org.
2014-10-24 14:46:51 UTC
if you want to live happy then you just need to seek god and show faith as he will be the one to give you a better life and if you do this when you die you will know that you will just take your rest from this imperfect world and when you awaken you will rise to a new and perfect world where you will live forever.
2016-05-16 03:01:09 UTC
When aiming to manifest, many individuals focus too much on the outside kind rather than the internal condition. What' crucial is our internal experience: whether we pick to experience love or fear. When we commit to our internal experience of love we start to bring in more love. Numerous individuals approach Manifestation from a place of "How can I get something to feel much better?" Rather, the focus should be: "How can I feel better and therefore be an energetic match for attracting more greatness into my life?"- and this is simply a part of exactly what you are be getting with this guide , Manifestation Miracle works to make your life much better without the fixation of tomorrow day.

Your objectives develop your reality. There is no requirement to beat yourself up: simply acknowledging how your low-level ideas adversely affect your life is the very first powerful action towards changing your experiences. Begin this process you will accept the sincerity worrying your low-level thoughts, energy and sensations of disbelief block you from receiving what you prefer. As soon as you get clear about the blocks, you can begin to clean them approximately clear space for positive manifestations take place.
2014-10-24 17:24:55 UTC
I'm going to die no matter what i do so i might as well have fun and do whatever i want right!? Why spend my time being miserable about something that i cant help when i could go out there and help myself to a big serving of fun (icecream, sports, music, beer, women, friends, fire, motorcycles, etc)!
2014-10-25 13:35:50 UTC
Are you serious? People can believe in what they want. God or no god, they will die just like you and I. Hello? What were you thinking when you wrote this question
2014-10-27 05:51:38 UTC
2014-10-27 02:38:09 UTC
2014-10-26 20:23:35 UTC
2014-10-26 19:21:07 UTC
2014-10-26 19:17:00 UTC
2014-10-26 19:01:55 UTC
2014-10-25 02:40:13 UTC
Happiness is a state of mind. Death is a state of being, Not everyone is happy but everyone will die.
2014-10-25 08:59:31 UTC
were all going to die and yes thats quite sad but life is long and theres so much to look ford to like falling in love travelling music having kids nice food good tv shows christmas so even when you die and thats that no god you still had all that fun and you dont ask to be born just see it as a prize every day as a dream/gift
Sunday Crone
2014-10-25 02:34:22 UTC
Happiness is a state of mind. Death is a state of being, Not everyone is happy but everyone will die.
Bob Phooey
2014-10-25 18:09:11 UTC
Christianity creates the fear of death by proposing hell. Those who preach about a wonderful heaven don't seem to be in any hurry to die.

Your personal death doesn't exist because when you're gone there's no YOU anymore to worry about it. Every night you spend time in dreamless sleep during which your personal consciousness ceases to exist. Why is it so card to believe that it will eventually cease completely?
2014-10-24 11:13:37 UTC
I believe in salvation in Jesus and an afterlife with him, so all of my thoughts on the matter reflect that.

.. but was just thinking today abut the subject of growing old and dying and how difficult it must be for someone who is terminal or growing older and sicker to accept what is going to happen but there is a certain amount of maturity that they gain by working it out in their mind.
2014-10-25 03:50:59 UTC
You can be happy when you know that you'll only live once and so be unafraid to live in the moment.
2014-10-25 01:12:37 UTC
2014-10-24 22:42:56 UTC
2014-10-25 21:50:11 UTC
Death means freedom of pain. If you don't believe in an after life, you can still be happy to die if you are suffering pain. Pain can be mental anguish or physical pain. Death would be like sleep.
2014-10-24 22:29:20 UTC
2014-10-26 00:57:13 UTC
It is perfectly possible to be happy in a transient situation.

What Jesus offers is a happiness that does not depend on happenings! He called it JOY
2014-10-25 21:18:42 UTC
I suffer from acute depression and ADHD so I often wake up with horrible "brain fog" in the morning. I look forward to getting to "permanently" sleep in. When you're dead, you will either get to sleep forever, or you will no longer need sleep. Either way, I will never wake up cranky again.
2014-10-25 16:25:02 UTC
I'm happy because this is what life is a journey not a destination :-)
2014-10-25 12:31:30 UTC
Better than being miserable, mindless, and fearing death. Why is it that those who choose not to believe in God are afraid of death? Why do they pursue to extend their empty miserable lives?
2014-10-25 03:57:07 UTC
Yes. You have a valid point and it seems to be genuine to me also from all philosophical angles. This is universally applicable rule and hence I am not feeling shy to face such situations. There is no partiality from nature. towards me alone.
2014-10-24 10:17:13 UTC
This vale of tears, this life of agony, this futile existence will someday end.

They won't have ME to kick around anymore.
2014-10-27 05:27:39 UTC
Because I know my death will reduce some pollutions and this will make our planet somehow cleaner place to live for comming human race
2014-10-26 11:20:28 UTC
some people of this generation will NOT die......................because they have a particular calling in these last days. 90% of mankidn will die...but there is that 10% that wont. They will be alive to see jesus come through the clouds.

Those who die................will pass from the trials of this life into a period of just be wishing for a painls death....and try to repent of your when you do will be heaven bound

dont be fooled by...once saved always saved..if that was the case...King david would be in heaven...but since he caused Uriah to be killed and commit adultry with Beersheba...he lost his cown and is hell bound.

so repent of your sins.....and hope that death is painless
2014-10-26 04:23:52 UTC
2014-10-24 14:23:15 UTC
2014-10-24 20:07:38 UTC
Not thinking about it every second, we are just animals, and you can only wish and hope how you die is peacful
Louise C
2014-10-24 10:03:23 UTC
death is the price we pay for being alive. if there was no death, we wouldn't be here, because the world would have filled up long since. You should enjoy yourself while you are here.
2014-10-24 12:34:20 UTC
Don't you watch movies despite the obvious fact that they will end?
2014-10-27 13:33:34 UTC
At least i won't have to get up at 4 am to go to work!
2014-10-24 23:43:42 UTC
Don't you watch movies despite the obvious fact that they will end?
2014-10-25 14:58:19 UTC
it's a long time in the future or tomorrow. not a damn thing i can do about it other than avoid crap food and exercise. but then, i could get shot by some *** or run over by a bus. tough sh//.
2014-10-27 02:37:12 UTC
by how happy you are when your alive.i prefer not unhappy ......because happy has a manic reality that not unhappy insulates

god is the all unknowable belife and as long as it not you who dont believe should cause no discomfort as for life its for love to give can only do what you do ...
2014-10-26 06:00:22 UTC
Death is a fact of life for us all. You cannot have life without death and it is the only thing we can be sure of. Knowing this and facing it is what makes life so precious, we only have one chance of it when millions do not get any at all and so any thinking person will enjoy it as much as they can and make the most of it.

If I believed I could have another life on Planet Earth or where ever then I would see this life as a trial run and maybe live an immoral and carefree life, however I know this is not true so I do all I can to make the most of the life I know for sure I have. Of course I am very happy to have this chance.
2014-10-25 22:05:21 UTC
Carpe diem.
2014-10-26 06:41:12 UTC
A consequence to every action, the consequence of life is death. We ARE all going to DIE, any time it could happen.
2014-10-26 06:35:21 UTC
2014-10-26 05:23:10 UTC
Muthu S
2014-10-26 03:21:50 UTC
Death is thousand times better than death.

Birth and death is a cycle.

By dying I maintain the balance of energy in nature.
2014-10-26 02:24:19 UTC
People lie to themselves all the time. They just do.
Patriot !
2014-10-26 02:02:13 UTC
...the Spirit never dies ! ("we" live on into Eternity...and it's much better knowing an Eternal God then to be left in outter-darkness !)
2014-10-26 01:29:18 UTC
2014-10-26 00:19:06 UTC
Because the world we live in now is only temporary and when my time comes, I'll be in Heaven with Jesus. As for the souls in purgatory, I hope they can make a sincere repentance before it's too late.
2014-10-25 23:16:01 UTC
God isn't about to save me from death even if I did believe. According to religious people my death will be "a part of God's plan" just like everyone else. That being said, you can't be saved from death, save your life and I choose to spend mine without worshipping a being that won't make himself known.
2014-10-25 22:40:32 UTC
Everyone dies, why should the thought bother me
2014-10-25 22:06:51 UTC
Because death would only apply to one's physical body, but not the soul is immortal and will continue to live after death.
2014-10-25 19:26:35 UTC
You can't. Have you ever met anyone who was completely happy? I haven't. Most people I know are downright depressed.
2014-10-25 17:17:20 UTC
just dont be afraid to die as long as you believe in afterlife you wont be scared you will die happy
adam martinez
2014-10-25 16:45:03 UTC
The fact that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. It's really all about letting go of your attachment to self and getting comfortable dissolving the boundaries between you and the rest of the universe.
2014-10-25 16:27:10 UTC
enjoy every day and do everything you possibly can
2014-10-25 16:08:13 UTC
Because you know you have only once chance to do everything you want to do, so you have to do it before it's too late
2014-10-25 15:20:51 UTC
In life nothing is really definite

happiness is a choice

you have to work hard and not worry about the future and what could happend tomorrow.

Work hard

live as if you will die tomorrow and learn as if you will live forever
2014-10-25 15:10:41 UTC
You just can't
2014-10-25 10:45:47 UTC
2014-10-25 10:28:34 UTC
Enjoy the time you have
2017-03-05 05:01:46 UTC
2014-10-26 03:21:45 UTC
Happiness in respect of our impending deaths is made acceptable by organised religions which seek to reassure their follows that there is a life after this one and that death is but the gateway to that everlasting and eternal life in the sight of God.

But it is not just the great religious teaching that tell of the life after death, now there is scientific evidence to prove live after death.

Our lives after this one are determined by our beliefs - in other words, when Muslims have been asked about their after death experiences, they always tell of places rather like an oasis with beautiful fountains and fruit and so forth.

Christians on the other hand speak of being in the presence of Jesus and of seeing Angels and so forth.

Are Heaven and Paradise the same place or different places?

Make up your own mind, because it was Jesus who once said, "In my father's house (heaven) there are many mansions."

I've always taken this to mean that in our afterlife, we have what we worship in this life. Thus by following the path set for us by God we will come to his Kingdom and be in Paradise/Heaven for all eternity in a state of everlasting grace.

There is no doubt of this - however, I should warn everyone, not to dwell on that which is evil for doing so may result in an afterlife which is not what a person wants - this then is the way to what we call Hell.

Seek the light and worship God as he has chosen you to do.

Soon, we Christians will celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

There will be much music and merrymaking and these will reflect in their way what our heaven will be like. An everlasting season of great joy.

"For Unto Us a Child is Born" from Mister George F Handel's Masterwork - The Messiah, which he wrote here in London in just 24 days - words from the Holy Bible, music given to George by God.

For Muslims - the Gateway to Paradise

Holy City of Jerusalem

Gott mit uns

London UK
2014-10-26 02:58:37 UTC
2014-10-26 02:47:46 UTC
2014-10-25 21:04:14 UTC
we are all meant to die the moment we are born. we literally are born to die, but just to make a purpose in life and leaving a piece of you makes it amazing. it makes us value people more knowing we dont have forever and it makes us realize that life is short so we make the best of what we have.
2014-10-25 20:42:27 UTC
2014-10-25 20:03:54 UTC
i am happy being alive,knowing . i am having experiences
Q The First Timelord
2014-10-25 17:04:29 UTC
Not believing in God does not mean an absence of belief of something. After all, to a Whovian such as I am, God may very well be an incredible entity I might encounter in my journeys who might choose to be my companion rather than a savior.
2014-10-25 17:02:12 UTC
2014-10-25 16:28:38 UTC
What makes life livable is not knowing when or how you're going to die.
2014-10-25 15:13:23 UTC
2014-10-25 14:49:08 UTC
Because life is meant to be enjoyed, not dreading on what will happen to you 50 years from now.
2014-10-25 14:33:08 UTC
2014-10-25 14:16:33 UTC
2014-10-25 13:55:06 UTC
2014-10-25 13:44:56 UTC
I was always afraid of death when I lived as a Sinner. I am SAVED, SANCTIFIED AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST. I am not afraid anymore because if I know I am living right and stay Into Gods word and church. I have a peace in my heart. I know God will take care of me. He yet works miracles of the impossible everyday for me that is unexplained. He can only do it... I use to be scared to die? Why? Because I was on my way to HELL. BUT God is a good God. If you just try him. It's better to die and no where you are going instead die and go to HELL. JUST SAY GOD YOU KNOW I DONT BELIEVE OR TRUST YOU. DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES ME BELIEVE YOU AND SHOW ME A SIGN. THERE ARE SO MANY LOST SOULS AND GODS HEART IS HURTING. TRY GOD
2014-10-25 13:09:53 UTC
people are happy regardless of the outcome in the future or the near future turn of events
2014-10-25 12:57:40 UTC
Living life the way you want it to be rather than thinking about how you want it to be. So that when your time comes or you are reflecting on your life, you will be filled with memorable moments, and be proud that you LIVED, rather than just breathed.
2014-10-25 08:33:51 UTC
Simply put, Lifie is what you make of it. I choose to make mine a happy one. Without fear of the wrath of an imaginary judgements once I cease to exist. Along theses same lines I don't fear death nor life. Once my life has become not much more than suffering & waiting to die. I plan to "die with dignity" therefore choose for myself when the time has come to die.
2014-10-25 05:53:56 UTC
use it to make the most of your time something that motivates you to live in the moment
Grinning Football plinny younger
2014-10-26 09:49:15 UTC
The time limit, makes me value my life. I am sure that's what I thought in my last few lives.
2014-10-26 09:39:03 UTC
when one is young, death seems so trivial. but life goes by fast. as one gets old things begin to fail, and in failing it becomes a blessing to pass on. to end the pain and suffering. the suffering is worse if one has enemies that continually harras and to torment.

but God has promised eternal life with abundant joy, IF we are born again and are converted, in the resurrection we are given new bodies that are perfect and incorruptible. death is never happy, but the lord has said he will wipe away our tears.
2014-10-26 02:54:36 UTC
Human freedom to choose.
2014-10-25 22:06:54 UTC
2014-10-25 21:40:04 UTC
not sure?

jim k
2014-10-25 21:18:23 UTC
dont think about it
2014-10-25 19:46:11 UTC
all people know tha we will die. it is a natural phenomenon given by god but god also gave us a life to live. so till the death we can be happy.
2014-10-25 18:37:05 UTC
Dying of old age is a natural thing, and if you know your going to heaven then there's nothing to be scared of. Dying is simply just the beginning of an eternity with God, in my opinion. Believe in God or not, you can still love a happy life knowing you'll die eventually. Live in the moment, and enjoy every second like it's your last:)))
2014-10-25 17:19:48 UTC
how can people be happy knowing there is an omnipresent asshole watching and judging their every move.... i prefer to live then second guessing my every action.... and from what i understand a lot of people go to hell... that is not very comforting.... plus its kind of exciting knowing at any moment the lights could go out forever and you'll be reduced to dust in the wind.... immortality is a bore
2014-10-25 12:37:29 UTC
It is easier for some people to believe they will eventually cease to exist then to believe they will have eternal life.
2014-10-25 11:55:33 UTC
محمد - نور بروق
2014-10-25 11:22:43 UTC
Hello, I add, if you be good person then no need of the fear.
2014-10-25 10:54:52 UTC
There is a word called "HOPE"
2014-10-25 06:14:24 UTC
2014-10-25 05:47:01 UTC
Think it is universal true
2014-10-25 05:46:54 UTC
2014-10-25 02:46:17 UTC
Happiness is a state of mind. Death is a state of being, Not everyone is happy but everyone will die.
2014-10-24 09:54:20 UTC
They may be happy when they don't think they are dying anytime soon, maybe thinking there is a God and they will ask forgiveness when they are old and in the hospital dying, but some will die without warning, they get in a car accident, or something falls on a construction site, or another kind of death that gives no warning and is sudden, then they don't have the chance. So anyone that is reading this and is like that, I urge you to do it now! God has appointed a time for your death that no one but Him knows, so invite Him in your heart while you can!
2014-10-26 19:31:50 UTC
Any true believer will more than happy because he will meet his God and he will see God and God will reword him for all the good he did in his life. And the opposite for the disbeliever or the sinner they will be so scared of it because they will be punished from God and they will not see God they don't deserve that honor
2014-10-26 06:08:45 UTC
The even sound very fun, but that don't mean God really exist!
2014-10-24 09:35:50 UTC
well being in a diseased riddled body.... it's not such a bad idea.

besides i'm an reincarnationist... so, i'll be back... probably just like i am now...

diseased. but i've lead a rich life.
2014-10-25 01:21:12 UTC
Night is a passing phase for tomorrow. Death is a passing phase for next life. There is nothing to fear.
2014-10-26 20:05:51 UTC
faith must believe in love as the right hand of god that joins god as life eternal is[held] or held[in animal body] there to come back here again[hell] [the way- the truth-and the life] means life is the last thing that happens after deaths. [ we raise from the dead-to life] "do not fear the second death", is acually a command that helps to show love[the lord jesus christ] that its his last death here[all 3 wise men] and he ressurrects to join god and does not come back here, [all is counted as joy]
Mr Breakfast
2014-10-25 08:04:26 UTC
If existence wasn't worth living for you wouldn't be bothered by non-existence
2014-10-25 05:15:39 UTC
don't think about dying you have got one life live it and if you do it right once is enough xx
2014-10-24 14:51:51 UTC
you´re sad in the beginning, but with time you´ll just get over it and accept the fact that you´re human and there is nothing you can do
2014-10-25 09:25:02 UTC
You will be free of your Earthly responsibilities a and the meanness of other people.
2014-10-25 06:36:06 UTC
... the eternal feel of my temporary existence continually ensures that value is placed upon a limited time-frame.

Without a limited time-frame, we would be unable to place value or indeed actually identify what it is to be <>.
2014-10-25 10:15:34 UTC
I believe you're talking about atheists .Well,we just do.
2014-10-25 13:11:04 UTC
Live !
2014-10-24 16:16:03 UTC

For Couples Only
2014-10-24 21:27:11 UTC
Because you don't know what will happen next it might be good.
2014-10-26 11:26:11 UTC

So , if you make the covenant with the Father that you will always obey all of Jesus' sayings you wont die .

I had adream in 79 that I was preaching on the Temple Lot in Independence , Missouri , and I saw about a dozen men coming towards me from the west with weapons in their hands in order to totally mutilate my body to pieces because they didn't like what I was telling people . And then I looked to the s.e. of me and I saw Jesus down the hill from me asking if I thought I could handle what those men were going to do to me . And I told him that I didn't know , but that I was going to go through with it anyway . And then those men started to inflict their weapons upon me . And I felt a tremendous love for the whole world , and even for them . And then I woke up .

In the Bible in Isaiah 52 it talks about this Servant being marred more than even the Son of man . And then in the Book of Mormon in III Nephi it goes on to say that , although this Servant shall be marred by them they will not be able to hurt him ( in this land shadowing with wings mentioned in Isaiah 18 ) . I will immediately become an immortal soul and radiate the Light of God in this the New Jerusalem or only Safe City from the tribulation that is to come , where Malachi 3&4 will be fulfilled , where people will become ashes under the feet of the Saints . But it will take place in a contained area ( possibly for up to a radius of 3 1/2 miles of the Temple Lot ; And the Governments will probably quarnteen that area , and say that nuclear weapon was detonated so they can carry on as if nothing happened . But the Saints will have witnessed it , and go about the world telling everyone that "GOD NOW HAS RESIDENCE ON EARTH JUST AS IT IS IN HEAVEN ) where those who aren't suffering the spontaneous human combustion event will flee from God's presence because they are so far from being righteous enough to bare to be in His presence . ( You can only become righteous enough if you made the sincere covenant with the Father that you will always obey all of Jesus' sayings , and have doing that long enough to have changed your natural neuron connections into only Godly habits ) .

And this will be the event Jesus speaks about in Matthew 22:41-46 where there are 2 Lords , of which the Father tells Jesus to sit at His right side until the Father puts Jesus' enemies under His footstool . And so , then Jesus will be willing to come back to the Mid-east over the Mt. of Olives with his Paradise people in order to prepare them for no longer than 1000 years so that hopefully they will finally be able to handle God's presence radiating from the Mid-west . Or else even the Elect must partake of the 2nd Death .
2014-10-25 03:37:04 UTC
Don't you watch movies despite the obvious fact that they will end?
2014-10-25 17:40:46 UTC
< you will die?>>

What do I want to live forever HERE for?!?

< you will die?>>

They're not really happy. Don't be fooled by that outward façade.
2014-10-26 11:06:40 UTC
what a sorrowful case. but for those who believe at god and submit themselves to his rules will be happy at the time of death, they will be back to a grateful god to come to his wide paradise without limits... "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help." "As to those who believe and work righteousness, Allah will pay them (in full) their reward; but Allah loveth not those who do wrong." (Koran)
2014-10-27 11:20:00 UTC
Unlike shallow superstitious people, I not afraid of the end of (my) life.
2014-10-25 05:36:18 UTC
Am going to invest a hell of a lot of money in prolonging my life FOREVER
Latin Techie
2014-10-26 07:53:30 UTC
I am happy because death does not exist, we exit this dimension to another dimension.
2014-10-25 08:02:45 UTC
Live !
2014-10-24 14:03:11 UTC
Yeah! It takes GUTS friend.
2014-10-24 17:05:21 UTC
Who wants to live on this $hit- hole of a planet forever?????
2014-10-27 06:34:32 UTC
2014-10-26 06:41:08 UTC
The ones that care are going mad.
2014-10-26 15:22:03 UTC
There is no happiness apart from God, it does not exist.
2014-10-26 23:05:54 UTC
2014-10-26 16:41:57 UTC
2014-10-25 06:45:46 UTC
by occupying yourself with other things
2014-10-26 11:15:49 UTC
they can't and if they say they can they are lying in my opinion
2014-10-25 12:31:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.