Every Indian must know that there was no religion called Hinduism before British rule in India.
The religion of Hinduism is brain child of British Government of India. Before British rule in India People of India used to identify themselves according to their own religions such as Vedic Rishis, Jains, Buddhists, Shaivites, Vaishnavites.
When British government conducted religion based censes, for the sake of convenience the British grouped all Indian originated religions like Vedic religion, Jainism, Buddhism, shaivism, Vaishnavism and called as Hinduism, since the censes was conducted basically to number Muslim, Christian, Jews in India.
That is why you don’t find any founder for the religion of Hinduism or specific rituals for Hinduism or any specific text/book for Hinduism or specific concept of God in Hinduism.
History of Indian Originated religions:
Vedic religion was the oldest Indian religion, Vedic religion collapsed during 300 BC during the period of the Emperor Ashoka. Animal sacrifice was an important part of various Vedic rituals which used to be performed by Vedic Brahmans, Around 300 BC Vedic religious practice of animal slaughtering/ sacrifice was prohibited by the king Ashoka after his conversion into Buddhism he implemented the doctrine of ahimsa in the country and he has prohibited slaughtering of animals for sacrifices. Due to this prohibition of animal slaughtering and animal sacrifice Vedic Brahmans could not continue with most of the rituals and lost their livelihood and priesthood and also the status in the society.
At that time for the sake of their survival and status in the society Vedic Brahmans fabricated new religions in compliance with Buddhist doctrine of ahimsa replacing the ritual of animal sacrifice by Homa and puja and archana, the new religions are called as Shaivism and Vaishnavism, Shaivism.
Chronology of Indian religions:
1. Vedic religion
2. Jainism
3. Buddhism
4. Shaivism
5. Vaishnavism
6. Hinduism