Very funny. That made me smile, but it brings up some interesting thoughts
I was raised Catholic. In school they taught us about all the mistakes the Catholic church has made as well as how to try and live by faith. We learned about how the Holy Roman Catholic Church participated in dreadful incidents in the crusades, 400 years of the Spanish inquisition, even collusion with the Nazis.
Sadly, more people have been tortured and killed in God's name than any other.
There are fanatics, the ignorant, and self serving individuals hiding behind what they call god, in every religion. Always have been, always will be.
Another thought is that science is not scary but the twisted uses we put it to can be...nuclear weapons scare me. Why is it that so many scientific discoveries are either developed by the military or instantly harnessed by the military?
I vacuum my house regularly, haven't been struck dead yet.