"Verify, i say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Matthew 24:34. Why did Jesus say this?
2016-09-13 04:13:49 UTC
Ok, so Jesus Christ clearly told his followers he'd return before the last person of the generation he lived and preached amongst died. He also claimed that no one knew when He'd return exactly, not an angel, nor the Son of Man, but the Father. That kind of contradicts the entire Matthew 24:34 verse, doesn't it? If he said he didn't know when He was to return, why did he promise he'd return in their lifetimes? Imagine the last of the 12 desciples dying.. I wonder if he lost faith in Christ? Clearly Jesus said this. If something the main character of a religion (Christ in Christianity) lies about his Second Coming, why would one go on worshipping this religion? The entire religion began with error. It's been almost 2,000 years since Jesus was crucified.. He hasn't returned, yet every generation since the death of Christ thought that He'd return in their lifetimes. I'm athiest, and it's not because i want to be. Believe me, i want to believe that there's a chance ill see all the people I've lost again, and also, have eternal life free of pain, stress, and sadness. But its errors like this, along with contradictions throughout both the Old and New Testaments that have taken my faith. My mother gave me a bible for Christmas last year and I've pretty much read the entire bible. I don't know. Either Christ was a false prophet and Christianity is not real, or the God of Abraham never existed at all. The bible says to steer clear of false prophets.. Anyways, can i get some opinions?
Nineteen answers:
Mortal Seeker
2016-09-13 04:19:05 UTC
It's not just that.

"And he said to them, "Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power."" (Mark 9:1)

"When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes." Matthew 10:23

"Again the high priest questioned Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am, said Jesus, “and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.”" (Mark 14:61-62)

It's pretty clear that Jesus expected to come back in the lifetime of his disciples and the high priest, and before the disciples could finish traveling through Israel.
2016-12-24 08:11:46 UTC
2017-01-08 03:31:16 UTC
if people only read the Bible properly they would realise God did not just come down as Jesus God has had many lives' in many different bodies starting at Genesis. you say thank God you are atheist which is a contradiction in terms but here are just a very few things Christians ignore.

walked with God - do you walk physically with someone or not Genesis 6 v 9

God on earth 1 Kings 8 v 27 and 2 Kings 20 v 9-11

Jesus said "Again I leave the world" again left out in other Bibles John 16 v 28

I will come again - forgotten whereabouts

Won't believe if risen Luke 16 v 19-31 saying hell is false calls God a liar but you want to notice v 30

Genesis 1 v 16 last 5 words were added on. read without those 5 then look at Deuteronomy 11 v 12 then go back to Genesis and understand


God created Faith

Mankind made religion

Faith Accepts

Religion Detracts
2016-09-13 09:08:33 UTC
On what basis may we draw that conclusion? By carefully considering the context. As recorded at Matthew 24:32, 33, Jesus said: “Now learn from the fig tree as an illustration this point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and it puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors.” (Compare Mark 13:28-30; Luke 21:30-32.) Then, at Matthew 24:34, we read: “Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”

What Does the Bible Foretell About Our Day?

A man considers how Bible prophecy is fulfilled in the world around him by war, food shortage, and lawlessness

“Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom . . . All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.”

Matthew 24:7, 8

“Many false prophets will arise and mislead many; and because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.”

Matthew 24:11, 12

“When you hear of wars and reports of wars, do not be alarmed; these things must take place, but the end is not yet.”

Mark 13:7

“There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.”

Luke 21:11

“In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power.”

2 Timothy 3:1-5
2016-09-13 04:24:12 UTC
Jesus was talking about the signs that would mark the end of the system of things or the government run by Satan, in which man suffers from sickness, death etc. All the things that man's government plague mankind with, under the supervision of Satan.

Jesus goes on to say at Matthew 24:14 that the good news of the kingdom (God's government) will be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come.

So after everyone on earth has had opportunity to know and learn (rather they accept it or not) the end will come.

Please read Daniel 2:44..God's kingdom will crush and put an end to all kingdoms
2016-09-13 15:04:49 UTC
Israel had to become a nation again before "that generation could exist" and this happened in May of 1948 then they had to also gain back the part of Jerusalem that contains the temple mount. That happened in June of 1967. The generation that sees these things is the one He is talking about. That's us!
Voice in the Wilderness
2016-09-13 04:24:04 UTC
You got it wrong from the beginning. Jesus said He will return during that generation. In Greek the word is "γενεά". What Jesus meant is that He would return while the Jewish nation would see Him come back, not the people who were alive during that time. More examples can be seen in Math 12:45 and 23:35-36.
2016-09-13 04:35:34 UTC
Because Mark and Matthew were written after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, when it was expected the end of the world would occur. It's expected prophecy written after the event (with the fall of Jerusalem being the start of that alleged prophecy), and put into the mouth of the fictional Jesus.

Of course, when the end of the world failed to materialize, they came up with such excuses as found in the second century AD 2 Peter.

Now you WILL get some people claiming it means a race of people, but the word is very rarely used in that sense. Most of the time it literally means a generation (40 years), and there is nothing in the context of Matthew 24:34 to mean anything other than 40 years, especially as Daniel (another failed prophecy) was reinterpreted to indicate the world would end in the first century AD.
2016-09-14 04:02:00 UTC
matthew 24 is a famous endtimes chapter.

in it, Christ reiterates the end of time ; that is described by joel, amos and other prophets in OT.

Christ describes CLEARLY what will happen ...

Matthew 15:26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.

the woman is canaanite. Is she a DOG ? no

similarly, you don't u/stand matthew 24 and therefore, call Christ a liar ?

your wickedness shall be upon YOU , period.
2016-09-13 06:16:49 UTC
The word generation referenced here does not mean the same as the generation we know of. Generation in this context means the cycle of the world. The world goes through cycles (verified by scientists) and we are near the end of a cycle. Jesus was speaking about that.
2016-09-13 20:00:13 UTC
The word generation is metaphorical and does not have the same meaning it has today. There WAS a generation of people before the flood, there IS a generation of people after the flood (that's us) and there WILL BE a new generation of people after the judgment.
2016-09-13 09:24:23 UTC
The only reasonable interpretation is that he sincerely believed this. You can then come in with whatever explanation satisfies you from your point of view.
2016-09-13 07:06:19 UTC
Matthew 24:34 is Jesus talking about the "Coming of the Son of Man" or His Return to Earth. Verse 34 is talking about the generation of the latter days and before His return.

Mark 9:1 is talking about John. If you knew Revelation you would know that John saw a vision of Christ returning in Great Power. And John saw this on the Isle of Patmos as an old man and then he wrote Revelation.

Matthew 10:23 Go back to verse 15 where Jesus speaks "in the day of judgment" so Jesus is generalizing to His disciples and of course there are more than 12 because we are also His disciples today and Jesus is speaking of His Second Coming or Jesus is speaking of Him coming back after His resurrection and He does this also. He either speaks of the Second Coming or coming back after His death, burial and resurrection. Verse 32 and 33 speak of "whosoever" which means more followers than just the 12 Disciples.

Jesus did come back from the dead in the lifetime of His disciples, because after this statement was Christ's death, burial and resurrection.

And Mark 14:61-62 is confirmed in Revelation 1:7 "every eye shall see Him, even those who pierced Him."

Revelation 1:7 "Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him, Even so, Amen.

Jesus was telling us the future. We cannot read Scripture without the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things concerning Christ Jesus. Hopefully, your mom gave you a King James Bible and my friend, there is more than enough evidence to prove that Jesus Christ walked this earth and went to the Cross of Calvary for you and me. Scripture tells us "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Jesus is the Savior sent down from God as God's only begotten Son to win back eternal life for you and me. Adam, Eve and Satan lost eternal life for us in the Garden of Eden, but Jesus came to win it back and that all through Him might be saved. There is no other name under heaven in which Salvation comes. The Holy Bible is a magnificent Book. It says Moses wrote the first 5 books, but the truth is God wrote the first 5 books and all the others. Moses was not with God in the beginning, so God had to tell Moses what to write. The prophets of God have never been wrong. They prophesy the future, because God gave it to them to write.

God either told them what to write or God gave them a vision and told them to write what they saw. I've studied the Bible for years and it will come alive for you. Do you know that until the 19th Century the Bible was understood and accepted by all professed Christians as the Word of God? The theory of human evolution has been a frontal attack by the Bible's critics to the point of the Chart showing apes progressing into a man. The truth is God did not breathe His spirit into apes, but God did for man and He made man in His image. He said man is to rule over the apes, the fish, the fowl the animals on the earth and they are inferior to man in God's sight. God created these creatures and beasts for man's pleasure, but in Revelation 4:11 KJV God created man for His pleasure. And I am very thankful God is Holy and that He loves us. God's plan of redemption was given to Adam, Eve and Satan in Genesis 3:15 where it says Jesus will crush Satan's head and Satan will bruise Jesus' heel. That's what happened on the Cross.

It would be helpful for you to read "The Chemistry of the Blood" by Martin R. DeHaan, M.D. Free and online are 5 sermons on "The Life Is In The Blood." My Lord God is amazing. Dr. DeHaan has since passed on in 1965, but this is an amazing read about "blood." The Bible is a bloody book and the man of God explains it. May the Lord make Himself known to you.
🤔 Jay
2016-09-13 04:21:38 UTC
There was no Jesus, son of a god....The New Testament is a political work from the Roman Empire. Its intention was to stabilize a political/religious foundation for a vast empire in sharp decline..

Ask yourself why there is no contemporary historical record of a 1st Century miracle worker. But 300 years later, a word-for-word account in a political document appears...?
2016-09-13 04:30:17 UTC
All I know is you have no idea of the copy-and-paste you based this on. Sad but funny.
2016-09-13 04:44:30 UTC
Jesus also said..“Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and let the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and let the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.”

So, the ball is in your court.
2016-10-15 01:38:20 UTC
In Greek the word is
2016-09-13 04:15:29 UTC
He didn't due to not existing and the bollocks you digest within the corrupt Bible comic determine the delusional belief that is clearly manifested in the bollocks you typed.

Added :) Please look up the word 'paragraph'.

2016-09-13 13:31:44 UTC
He guessed wrong .

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.