Is it possible that God will allow Satan 7130 years from Eden, which ends the 1000 year reign of Christ?
2007-05-04 19:23:25 UTC
Adam would die in the day he sinned, at age 930 he was short 70 years of 1000, so after sin, none lived to be 1000, but the reign of Jesus is 1000 years.

Angels do not die, Luke 20:34-36; since angels see and ages old existing earth prepared ages in time of God, for habitation Job 38:4-7;
Job 2:1,2; Satan is with the sons of God, Eze.28:13-15; The cherub angel anointed over Eden Rev.12:9; Dragon and Serpent, Satan and Devil. Satan has a short time in the end time when he and 1/3 unholy angels are cast out of heaven Rev.12:1-12;
By Michael of Jude 9; in Dan.12:1-13 end times count down 1-7 [ 2500 ], 8-10 [ 2520 ]; 11 [ 2x 1290 = ] 2580, 12 [ 2x 1335 = ] 2670, we are 2613 years from Babylon world Empire #3 that ended Judah kings 606 BCE, and 2007 CE from Jesus in Rome world Empire #6, bible in circulation 396 years to tell us: THERE WILL BE NO KING BUT JESUS AT HIS SECOND COMING.

Was Babylon in year 3460, 606 BCE, now 2007 CE, at Rev.20:1-6; 1000 is 7073 years known to date.
Nine answers:
2007-05-04 22:16:41 UTC
calculations from the Scriptures are good at pointing out major world events, but I dont think you will find the exact date or even year of the "last day" of satans world and the birth of the new earth that begins with Christ's millenial reign of peace.

our most sobering clue is the fact that scientists now estimate at the present rate of ecological destruction of the environment, when 2050 comes around, it will be impossible to turn back from imminent, slow, painful extinction of the human species. The point of no return is 2050 pollution-wise.

But since N.Korea, Iran and other rogue nations with a penchant for despotic rulership are working feverishly to build nuclear arsenals, it is likely we will not even make it to 2050 before some nut-job "claiming" to believe in God sets off a nuclear exchange that destroys the atmosphere and kills all life on the planet.

fortunately, both of those scenarios are disallowed by YHWH/Jehovah who promises to "bring to ruin those ruining the earth"

when the apostle Paul identified satan as "the god of this world" it was a reinforcement of the warning Yhshua/Jesus gave us to be "no part of the world"

YHWH/Jehovah allowed mankind and satan a time to prove sovereignty and the right to rule.

YHWH is allowing mankind all the time possible to realize that satan's way is not the right way.

when mankind chose satan's way in Eden, they chose to rule themselves, which has become politics, instead of YHWH's perfect Kingdom rule that they had in Eden.

YHWH will restore His original purpose for mankind (eternal life in paradise) but for now we have satan's way of self-rule/politics.

Satan has all political factions warring against eachother.

Look around at this world and see what mankind has wrought by following satans way! Hatred and divisions of all kinds; governments, races, creeds, political parties

all fighting with and hating eachother

yes, this world is clearly satans way

The question is plain;

Can mankind solve his own problems? Should we continue to support politics, governments and war?


Should we choose the Way of YHWH? Stop being a part of this world, stop supporting political solutions, trying to fix it ourselves and follow a course of and peace as taught and exemplified by Yhshua?

will you continue in satan's way?


will you be no part of this world?

John 18:36

Daniel 2:44

Luke 4:5-8

James 4:4

John 15:19

John 17:14

Acts 5:29

1 John 2:15

Romans 12:2

John 14:30

2 Corinthians 4:4

Ephesians 2:2

1 John 5:19

YHWH will restore His original purpose for mankind *before* mankind finishes destroying the environment or launches global nuclear destruction

whose side will you be on when He does?

do you support political solutions (satan)


do you support Yhshua's example of love (YHWH)

everyone chooses their destiny for themselves

if you choose human rulership as the answer then you will reap what human rulership is racing toward

if you choose YHW/Jehovah's Kingdom under His appointed Son Yhshua/Jesus then you will reap Revelation 21:2-5 peace and love


2007-05-05 07:48:54 UTC
Your not accounting for the fact he begins his rule in the midst of his enemies.

Psalms 110:2 Go subdoing in the midst of your enemies.

That was in 1914 or when Matthew 24:7 when nation founght nation or world war 1.

1 Corinthians 15:25 He must rule as king until God puts all enemies under his feet.

So part of the time Jesus rules as King he has enemies on earth.

Until Satan is abyssed. Revelation 20: He has enemies of people and wicked angels.

Mankind has been on the earth 6000 years in 1975

during the time since 1914 Jesus has been ruling in the midst of his enemies.

Matthew 24:14 shows that during that time this good news of the kingdom of God will be preached up until the time of the end of this present system of things.

But this goes on during the 1000 years as the unrighteous are resurrected. John 5:28,29

We won't have the wicked angels to content with but these people are coming back from a very primitive society.

They will need to learn about God's laws and obey them if they want to stay in the new world.

That is why the teaching work will continue on thru this generation and into succeeding generations that come back.

in a resurrection,. It is as if time will stop and then reverse its self. So we need to learn all we can to teach those who come back. While also cleaning up the earth, growing our own food without harming the enviroment. Building houses and caring for ourselves and others.

It will not be a time of ease, but we will face new challenges as each generation of new ones return.
2007-05-04 23:56:18 UTC
1. angels can and do die.

2. Where did you get these numbers? Do not go back.

3. Pick up the bible - empty your mind and start over

4. Use a Strong's concordance.

5. Concentrate on what God is telling you - for your thinking and actions

6. Contemplate the wonders about you.

7. Praise and thank God
2007-05-06 08:33:36 UTC
Heres the Mayan truth End of World 12/21/2012

The sacred Aztec calendar is properly called the Eagle Bowl. It represents the solar deity Tonatiuh. The amazingly accurate calendar has been in use in various forms for more than 2,000 years. A Zapotec prophecy, based on the Eagle Bowl, states:

“After Thirteen Heavens of Decreasing Choice, and Nine Hells of Increasing Doom, the Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never before known in the creation, and that fruit shall be the New Spirit of Men.”

The 13 Heavens and 9 Hells were each 52 years long (1,144 years total). Each of the 9 Hells were to be worse than the last. On the final day of the last Hell (August 17, 1987), Tezcatlipoca, god of death, would remove his mask of jade to reveal himself as Quetzelcoatl, god of peace.

In the mythology of the Aztecs, the first age of mankind ended with the animals devouring humans. The second age was finished by wind, the third by fire, and the fourth by water. The present fifth epoch is called Nahui-Olin (Sun of Earthquake), which began in 3113 BC and will end on December 24, 2011. It will be the last destruction of human existence on Earth. The date coincides closely with that determined by the brothers McKenna in The Invisible Landscape as “the end of history” indicated by their computer analysis of the ancient Chinese oracle-calendar, the I Ching.

The Mayan calendar is divided into Seven Ages of Man. The fourth epoch ended in August 1987. The Mayan calendar comes to an end on Sunday, December 23, 2012. Only a few people will survive the catastrophe that ensues. In the fifth age, humanity will realize its spiritual destiny. In the sixth age, we will realize God within ourselves, and in the seventh age we will become so spiritual that we will be telepathic.
2007-05-04 19:28:23 UTC
Jesus says no one knows about the end of the world but the Father ... not even the angels know...therefore I think He was hinting that trying to guess stuff like that is pretty useless and just go live a good life. Don't fret about things that really aren't any of our concern.
Mister Fizzy
2007-05-04 20:46:59 UTC
I think people should not bother trying to find the "right" equation to the end of the world, etc. People have tried this before. I think is was the leader of the Weslyean Church who not once but TWICE tried to pick the day the world was going to end. People sold off everything, went to the top of the hill..and waited.........and waited..........and waited....................oops! My bad!

We should just get on with life, live a good and noble one and that's that..............................
2007-05-04 19:27:33 UTC
Predicting the end times is a hobby that's thousands of years old. it was wrong every time.
jesse L
2007-05-04 19:28:17 UTC
god does not state in his word how long he will allow that is why he says Do Not Fall Asleep in his word for we do not know when he will come
2007-05-04 19:27:37 UTC
Run that question past me again?

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