calculations from the Scriptures are good at pointing out major world events, but I dont think you will find the exact date or even year of the "last day" of satans world and the birth of the new earth that begins with Christ's millenial reign of peace.
our most sobering clue is the fact that scientists now estimate at the present rate of ecological destruction of the environment, when 2050 comes around, it will be impossible to turn back from imminent, slow, painful extinction of the human species. The point of no return is 2050 pollution-wise.
But since N.Korea, Iran and other rogue nations with a penchant for despotic rulership are working feverishly to build nuclear arsenals, it is likely we will not even make it to 2050 before some nut-job "claiming" to believe in God sets off a nuclear exchange that destroys the atmosphere and kills all life on the planet.
fortunately, both of those scenarios are disallowed by YHWH/Jehovah who promises to "bring to ruin those ruining the earth"
when the apostle Paul identified satan as "the god of this world" it was a reinforcement of the warning Yhshua/Jesus gave us to be "no part of the world"
YHWH/Jehovah allowed mankind and satan a time to prove sovereignty and the right to rule.
YHWH is allowing mankind all the time possible to realize that satan's way is not the right way.
when mankind chose satan's way in Eden, they chose to rule themselves, which has become politics, instead of YHWH's perfect Kingdom rule that they had in Eden.
YHWH will restore His original purpose for mankind (eternal life in paradise) but for now we have satan's way of self-rule/politics.
Satan has all political factions warring against eachother.
Look around at this world and see what mankind has wrought by following satans way! Hatred and divisions of all kinds; governments, races, creeds, political parties
all fighting with and hating eachother
yes, this world is clearly satans way
The question is plain;
Can mankind solve his own problems? Should we continue to support politics, governments and war?
Should we choose the Way of YHWH? Stop being a part of this world, stop supporting political solutions, trying to fix it ourselves and follow a course of and peace as taught and exemplified by Yhshua?
will you continue in satan's way?
will you be no part of this world?
John 18:36
Daniel 2:44
Luke 4:5-8
James 4:4
John 15:19
John 17:14
Acts 5:29
1 John 2:15
Romans 12:2
John 14:30
2 Corinthians 4:4
Ephesians 2:2
1 John 5:19
YHWH will restore His original purpose for mankind *before* mankind finishes destroying the environment or launches global nuclear destruction
whose side will you be on when He does?
do you support political solutions (satan)
do you support Yhshua's example of love (YHWH)
everyone chooses their destiny for themselves
if you choose human rulership as the answer then you will reap what human rulership is racing toward
if you choose YHW/Jehovah's Kingdom under His appointed Son Yhshua/Jesus then you will reap Revelation 21:2-5 peace and love