Why are gays so offended when Christians say homosexuality is a sin and why do some Christians hate gays?
2012-01-18 16:56:18 UTC
Why are gays so offended when Christians say homosexuality is a sin? If I was gay I wouldn't care less if I had a Christian friend or family member that believed being gay is a sin as long as they still loved me the same. They have a right to their Christian beliefs and the Bible clearly says it's a sin. Secondly, why do some Christians hate gays so much more than other sin the Bible talks about? I don't get it. The Bible also clearly says that being gay is no more of a sin than being greedy, an adulterer or a drunk. I don't really understand the gays or the Christians on this matter.
Why is homosexuality such a touchy subject more than any other?
Ten answers:
Splash Frog
2012-01-18 16:58:03 UTC
So you're saying that homophobia and bigotry should be tolerated just because they're Christians?

Fraid' not.
2012-01-18 17:05:38 UTC
Why are gays so offended when christians say homosexuality is a sin?

a) it's nobody's business

b) rational people don't care what you think is a "sin," as there's no evidence of any god to offend

c) it's hypocritical (your magic jesus is quoted as telling you to worry about your own "sins" and not those of other people -- yet that's not what you do, is it?)

It's sometimes a more "touchy issue" because so many christians use the "it's a sin" nonsense to try to take away civil rights or pass laws. If you'd keep your beliefs to yourself and kept them out of law and government, nobody would care. You don't do that, so we care.

I (who am straight, by the way) get just as bothered when you try to teach your silly creation myths as facts in schools, or try to make any of your other beliefs into laws, or go around yelling about any "sin." It's ridiculous, it's annoying, it's hypocritical, and it's none of your damn business.

2016-10-18 16:57:20 UTC
i'm a Christian. I choose classic marriage. yet I additionally element out to different Christians that "classic marriage" is strictly what comparable-intercourse couples are searching for, and that they might desire to be allowed the comparable privileges as opposite-intercourse couples have. in my opinion, the Christian reaction is dictated with the aid of the Golden Rule. The argument that it is now not "classic marriage" if gay couples can do it would not artwork. because of the fact the California perfect court docket talked approximately, this is the argument that outlawed interracial marriages: it grew to become into incorrect then and it is the two incorrect now. people who declare to be Christian, like the adherents of the different significant faith, selection a lot. somewhat some human beings, Christian or in any different case, take the view that if some thing's new to them, and that they have got not got any choose for it, it may well be prohibited. some Christians have additionally mined the Bible for anti-gay statements. Having examine the full Bible interior the previous 12 months, and made notes, i will inform you that there are a grand finished of five real statements against gay intercourse, 2 of that are directed against promiscuity, and one among this is in accordance with a faux interpretation of a narrative interior the Torah and rapidly contradicts between the Prophets. That leaves 2 statements in Leviticus, and Christians in any different case tend to forget approximately approximately Leviticus aside from those. (A heavily appropriate prohibition in Leviticus might outlaw blended polyester-cotton fabric, as an occasion.)
2012-01-18 17:01:00 UTC
Part A) Being homosexual is sort of something you ARE, not so much something you do. So, rejecting a portion of who someone IS as sinful makes it impossible to love that person the same way as you love someone that you aren't rejecting a piece of. In fact, I'd say it's impossible to truly love someone AND reject part of who they are, because the nature of love is to accept the beloved exactly the way it is and seek only its betterment.

Part B) A lot of Christians focus on homosexuality because it's easy to focus on, and hard for them to understand. They've never had a homosexual attraction, but that only makes them the more common type of person. So, between those two facts, it's easy for them to think it's an easy thing to conquer, so homosexuals must just be awful sinners. People like scapegoats that make them feel better about themselves, you know?
2012-01-18 17:33:23 UTC
Because they are hated for being what they are. Homosexuality is not a choice, the attraction to another male itself at least. They also call them abominations which would piss me off too.

But it IS in the christian bible that it IS a sin. And it is ALSO written that christians should not eat shellfish. But they say " old testament rules only apply to jews." Then why do they quote corinthians when the subject arises? But I do not begrudge them for doing what they feel is necessary. I don't agree with their hate but it is their right to do so.
2012-01-18 16:58:52 UTC
What sets homosexuality apart is that it is practiced and promoted within the bounds of Christianity in direct opposition to scripture. Murder would be right alongside of homosexuality in these forums if people were promoting and practicing murder as a wholesome Christian way of life. Thats the rub. Can you imagine someone being a member of the NAACP and wanting to include Skinheads and KKK members in their organization? As long as there are those that try to propagate homosexuality within the church diametrically opposed to the very scripture that the church is built on this subject will never go away. When there are Christian Churches that promote cheating on taxes and bestiality then the real Christian church will at that time become as irritated and irate as they are about homosexuality being sewn into the Christian church body.

There are those that attempt to discard scripture by making self serving claims that the scriptures were "mistranslated" or even worse discrediting the author(Paul). Their motive isnt to seek out the Word of God in Truth but instead they glean from the Biblical text what may be invented against itself in order to gratify the lust of the flesh.

Below is the scripture and also includes the original Greek and links to the meanings of every word.

1 Corinthians 6

9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders

Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their blood guiltness is upon them"

Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

In the above quote it clearly says that men having relations with one another is unnatural. Now its possible for a man and woman to have unnatural relations also. Yet the scripture is clearly making a point that ANY relation between two of the same sex is unnatural. Even more is that the scripture doesnt hang on a definition or translation of a single word but paints a picture.

The scripture also says that women have natural physical function that cannot be fulfilled with another female. It also says that men abandoned their "natural function" towards a woman and burned lustfully toward other men.

The entire Bible is rife with the male/female model for relationships. Not only with humans but also with Jesus and the church as husband and bride. The Bible says specifically that man and woman form a natural bond where they become one. Not one single place in the Bible is there a homosexual couple or relationship. All extramarital sex is a sin. Thus any sex must be within the confines of marriage.

Lastly, the pro homosexual movement within Christianity is the product of left wing pop culture America. It isnt rooted in main stream theology or historical tradition or any found any where in the historical church. The left wing proponents of the gay Christian ideology also are synonymous with these non traditional, non doctrinal contemporary churches which are pretty much religious free-for-alls.

Their error is proven out in that they continually fight for self serving agendas and earthly desires and not zealously pleasing God at personal expense. They are advocates for self and not advocates for God.

God bless you.
*** The Earth has Hadenough***
2012-01-18 17:45:33 UTC
Actually I know a gay person who is a relative--and he is so kind, so trusting, one of the most trusted individual. I know of. Always the first to help. And can be trusted with kids not to influence them. And yes he knows many because of religious beliefs of ours, we see it as a sin. He accepts that well without hatred any toward us. And he would stand with us as family against any who are mean to us. And I think given a final choice of us or his life style he would choose us. But he is an excellent man of character of understanding, never in denial..........rare. As rare as really good moral people are in today's world

I think the problem is many don't like to hear it is a sin. Many drug addicts don't like to be told of their addiction that it hurts others as well as themselves.That it is selfish and irresponsible.. Drunks often claim they are not really alcoholics and problems around them are not most of their own fault, DENIAL to the affects is huge in those areas.

Many don't see a reason to change so they reject anything that says different than what they want too.

No one like to think of themselves as bad. Yet alone be label as one of the worst sins. No one like to admit to selfish lust.No one like to admit adultery is a deep selfish betrayal no matter what led them to that. Them find excuses why they are not so bad. No one likes to admit to extreme selfish jealousy for the most part-they soft foot it. Give excuses. Today, many people—even some clergymen—soft-pedal the issue of homosexuality. Yet, the Bible leaves no room for confusion.

They reject God’s Word and those who follow it in this issue because it teaches something different from what they want to believe. And what they want to do.

It's complex and touchy which entails many things. We certainly don't act out on all our desires, and that is what homosexuality is a desire. All sex is for the "most" part.

A person might be disposed to anger and rage. In the past he may have freely given in to fits of anger. After time hopefully he becomes aware of the need to develop self-control. Does this mean that he will never again feel anger welling up inside him? No. he refuses to succumb to his feelings. It is similar with a person who has felt attracted to others of the same sex despite all the problems that do come with it. And there are many which some won't admit too--they soft petal that too or don't talk about it at all as if it is meaningless. On occasion, an improper desire may still present itself. Nevertheless, by heeding the good counsel, the person can refrain from acting on that desire. But do they want too??? And that is with many who sin.

Of course, some would say that there’s no point in doing all this, that you should simply embrace your sexuality and accept what you are. But the Bible says that you can do and be better than that. It tells us, for example, that some early Christians who had formerly practiced homosexuality changed. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). It's touchy because Christians are told this shouldn't be by God -and can't accept it as anything but sin. And many homosexuals hate that. Suddenly they call them phobic or racist or something just to show their anger rather than accept many have religious loyalty to God and what he says is allowed is to be obeyed. And they are good people

There is no reason such offense to Christians from them. That too is often a learned bad behavior. And often denied as such
2012-01-19 05:08:43 UTC
Jesus said NOTHING about homosexuality, and, unlike his fabled apostles, he never bashed anyone. Stop the hate: end religion.
2012-01-18 16:58:31 UTC
they are offended because it translates to "You're going to burn in hell for all eternity if you don't stop being who you are"

the problem is the people saying stuff like this are mostly full grown human adults.Ohh the shame
2012-01-18 16:58:06 UTC
Some want to believe in god and jesus. But the god and jesus loving people, would rather judge them. That's why they're offended.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.