being atheist is not as bad as being Gay and terrorists are not always murderers but can be justified in patriotic freedom fighting. so it depends on society and spiritual discernment and righteous judgment.
an atheist who is gay and a terrorist probably has some hard judments from God in his future.
homosexuals and fornicators might be the same type of people that peter 3:18,19 describe. and if a person is Gay and a sodomite rapist, there is no doubt his sins are greater than murderers.
but in being a sodomite or a murderer, the death penalty is still the same for mortal life.
it really depends on the serverity and sheer numbers of transgressions that makes a person less wicked than another. even murder can be forgiven, even sodomy can be forgiven,
being atheist is probably the easiest to forgive if one dies and still does not refuse God even though with his own dead-spirit eyes he can see he is not dead. and cries upon the name of the lord.