Which religion is the truth?
2017-01-11 06:34:57 UTC
Which religion is the truth?
274 answers:
2017-01-12 12:20:51 UTC
Which religion is the truth?

All religions are truth....for they compete with each other and made this tiny world a little colorful. ..And maybe one day if Humanity are lucky to find a new planet that can accommodate life and have a chance to grow the Ultimate TRUTH will be prevail.

But some will tell you story that you can ride on, like this:

That's an easy question. None ore true, religion is a mechanism invented by man to explain all of the 'unknown stuff' at that time. That's why religion does not like change or to be questioned, as time passes these questions are answered and the number of reasons for religion becomes smaller. Now we may not ever know it all and their may be a place for religion in the conscience of Man for as long as Man exists.
2017-01-12 23:11:08 UTC
I think that particular question has to be answered only by the askers because it will always be different from person to person. A better question for you to ask yourself is "Which religion is MY truth?" Some people choose a certain religion because of family tradition (It matches the family's core values), others will look deep inside themselves for their own truths (without any particular religions in mind) then find (or stumble) on one religion that matches those truths. Their own affinity, and the religion calls out to them. How you find it is your own journey, but you most likely won't be happy with a religion that doesn't match what you believe is right or others tell you are right. This question will never be answered because the truth is different for everyone, so try to find your own first. Hope I helped a little.

2017-01-15 21:12:39 UTC
Religion is not Truth. Jesus is Truth.

It is only when a person turns to the Lord that the veil of spiritual ignorance and separation from God is removed (1 Cor. 3:14–16), so that the Truth received can be understood, and that person's mission, for which they were created, can be known.
2017-01-13 02:16:03 UTC
It's pretty simple.

A religion who does it's best as a unit to be honest, wholesome, and its followers practice what that faith teaches. If a religion preaches one thing, but it's followers don't practice what it teaches, or you can see that they really are a bunch of hypocrites, then that religion is not truth.

The religion if truth will change the members to better themselves, to make life for themselves and others better.

Once you find a religion that can do that, then you have found a "true" religion.
2017-01-12 14:31:57 UTC
There is no ℅100 true Religion because man divided religion into their personal beliefs. However; there is only one God and that God created all of everything we know and don't know in our life. The BIBLE IS %100 TRUE and is the word of the Creator of everything. HISTORIANS have been able to confirm many aspects of the Bible. It is a personal relationship with the Creator through Jesus Christ that people should seek not a man made religion. People chose religion to there comforts. Maybe you prefer a Baptist service over a Pentecostal. Maybe you prefer the legalism if the Pentecostals and enjoy the rituals of the Methodist. It's just important that you don't get tied up in doctrine but instead the relationship you have with God.
2017-01-14 20:16:20 UTC
The true religion is the religion that worship God with spirit and truth. Paul was a witness of the artistic splendor of Athens, developed around the worship of the Grecian gods and goddesses, and he showed an audience there how illogical it was that humans, owing their life and existence to the true God and Creator, should imagine that “the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man.” Acts 17:29 says, “Therefore, since we are the children of God, we should not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and design of humans". He thus demonstrated again that artistic beauty, no matter how impressive or attractive, does not of itself recommend any religion as being true worship. Also, John 4:23-24 says, "Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”
2017-01-13 02:45:10 UTC
Without going too much detail and give a main point, I have to say... Hmmm....? It's about what people thinks what's true in the end no man ( including scientist) can't find what's the truth in this world? So it's so hard too conclude that, Sereval time a person get so many things wrong on he's life and for that it so hard to give a actual answer on what religion is true.
2017-01-12 20:28:42 UTC
Man goes up to Jesus and says

Are you the truth? are you the real Messiah?

"I am the way, truth, & the Life" He says.. John 14:6.

Jesus; who I might add is prone to be hated from being a hard/harsh 'man' if you will... Had many sayings about these things, that the Samarians this, the Maccabees that, the people who claim one thing and do another or even those who are held to doing one thing and are doing another.

Some people say the truth hurts. Are you looking to be hurt?

Matthew 10 has sayings to not enter Samaria.

Let me try to establish what truth is with contrasting "joke figures" if you will;

God knows. Abel doesn't know. Even if Abel knows... Cain thinks he knows better than God. Cain is pretty much doomed as much as Abel anyway since they are born from a rickety relationship even though one appears to be doing 'better' than the other at a slide scale degree... Arduous for any of them to prevail in the harsh. It's basically one of those eating another person things what one might do in a survival mode and yet live for a few more weeks before perishing.

I myself could say I believe in God (not any over specific religion label) which in turn might generate me followers; this is farce.. I cannot have followers since I am following the best there is at a low balance level even if I'm qualified and verified by 6 others or 60 others etc; any useful truth I am getting is from a long chain of stuff. Typically being respectful as possible to all people; even though some are obviously quite pressuring even Jesus himself with a hoard of disguise; which is what harsh is... I'll do my best to accept that from whatever level form I'm on right now.

so to sum up: the religion with God in it!?! with Cupid in it!?!
2017-01-13 03:03:42 UTC
NO religion is true... religion is a man made organization... every world religion is man made therefore none have truth. Yet the truth is important to know. why?

I would offer the following reasons for why truth does matter:

Truth has its own virtue. Most of the time we expect and want people - including our relatives, friends, politicians, doctors and professional advisers - to tell us the truth because we believe that it is important to know the truth and honorable to express the truth.

Truth is an intrinsic part of human history and culture. All our historic and contemporary experience is based on identifying the best possible understanding of truth and building upon this to create a better understanding of our world and our universe.

Truth is necessary for a consistent and meaningful approach to life. If we do not know whether statements are true, we cannot make reasonable decisions about our life, such as whether to marry an individual or whether to buy a particular property.

The absence of truth is positively dangerous. If truth does not matter, then we can be persuaded to do things with great personal and societal implications, such as to use an ineffective treatment for HIV/AIDS or to go to war over weapons of mass destruction that do not exist. Equally we can deny the reality of disease or the evidence of global warming.

Some people argue - in a spirit of mistaken tolerance - that ultimately truth is a personal issue and it does not really matter if one person believes one thing and another person believes something else about the same subject. However, one person's 'truth' often has consequences for another person. For instance, in the UK one flawed piece of research which appeared to suggest a relationship between the MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) vaccine and autism was believed to be true by some parents who then ensured that their young children did not receive the vaccine. Not only were the children concerned then at greater risk of disease but gradually so was the whole child population.

If you are asking which "faith" is truth.. that's different... we must evaluate all "faiths" and know without a shadow of a doubt that not all faiths can be true... It's like a mathematical equation.. there is only "ONE" true answer. the same applies to "faith".. there can only be "ONE" true answer.

There are a lot of competing truth-claim systems in the world. How do we know that one "faith" is true above all others? Which faith claims truth and proves truth through miracles, supernatural and prophetic evidence, historical veracity, logical conclusions, verifiable evidence (I'm talking about faith not 'churches or religions") (e.g. Catholic church teaches many rituals that are not in bible such as to petition Mary and the saints for their prayers. Contrary to this, we are taught in Scripture to only pray to God (Matthew 6:9; Luke 18:1-7).)

There is only one "faith" that can claim all of the above qualifications... Christianity. It is consistent with reason, facts, and shows evidence of God's inspiration in the Bible.

All other religious systems are either unverifiable or irrational in their teachings.
2017-01-12 21:55:25 UTC
I spent most of the years of my adult life, and believe me that's a lot of years, searching for the "One True Religion". I studied every major and many minor Faiths. In the end I have realized I cannot know that answer, so I have returned to the one in which I was raised because that is where I feel at home. But I have come to realize that we are limited by our humanness. Even relying on inspiration from the Holy Spirit or whatever term one may have for divine guidance, can be tricky. How can one be sure it is indeed the source and not merely our own subconscious mind (or someone else's)? I believe in God and I try to follow the guidance that I find in all Faiths, except those which use the denigration of other beliefs in their teachings.
2017-01-11 17:05:36 UTC
That's an easy question. None ore true, religion is a mechanism invented by man to explain all of the 'unknown stuff' at that time. That's why religion does not like change or to be questioned, as time passes these questions are answered and the number of reasons for religion becomes smaller. Now we may not ever know it all and their may be a place for religion in the conscience of Man for as long as Man exists.
2017-01-12 22:22:07 UTC
The truth is the religion a person chooses to believe in. That s why we have freedom of religion in America. So people can live the life they want as long as they do no harm to others.
A Second Witness
2017-01-12 01:03:38 UTC
The religion that is the truth is the one that not only explains the person of the Truth: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6 (KJV)

But the religion that is the truth also explains the prerequisite to coming to that Truth, which the Truth had already stated: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him..." - John 6:44 (KJV)

The Truth made the same Father's name known: "And I have declared unto them thy name..." - John 17:26 (KJV)

Nowadays however, most people who think they come to the Father through the person of the Truth, are taught to reject even the Father's name, Yahweh or Jehovah in English, as Satanic! Believing that lie, how are they to recognize the Father, when He draws them to the person of the Truth?
2017-01-11 22:00:52 UTC
To me, the only religion that's true is science. I know not alot of people consider science a religion but in terms of biology, all of us living creatures are connected and we come from a single ancestor. We're part of a cycle that make up this thing called life. I don't exactly have a belief in a deity or have some crazy spirituality but being a small part of the overall large nature and life is enough spirituality to me.

Deep down, we're bags of water and various metallic elements that work in definition with physics to create an eminent entity we call consciousness.
2017-01-13 13:24:38 UTC
which religion is the TRUTH ? Religion a Cultural system of behaviors and practices world views Ideas ethics of societal organizations that relate humanity to an order of existence ,may include many elements holy text places may or may not promote ideas or concepts of Deities or supernatural entities ,meaning a religion may be theistic or non theistic

TRUTH is defined as in accordance with FACT or Reality , basically what one can CONFIRM . now there are PREMISES a previous statement or proposition from which one is inferred to draw a conclusion.....example

ALL men are Mortal

Socrates was a man THEREFORE

Socrates was mortal ............TRUTH takes WORK

. next example

ALL birds can fly

Penguins are Birds THEREFORE

Penguins can fly ,

not a truth Penguins are birds , but we can demonstrate that they can not fly their upper limbs can not support their weight to fly

so Religion is a Broad term that has many elements and IDEAS and concepts . one would have to evaluate each ELEMENT and Idea on its individual Merit to its Truth in statement . meaning one would have to evaluate the religions propositions or Doctrine

the mental action of a person declaring or accepting something as true does not MAKE it a TRUTH ... and example

the bible say god exist THEREFORE God exist because the bible says so . one is missing the 2nd portion to evaluate and gone to a conclusion without evaluation

........ So lets say there is water under the surface of the moon , now that may be the case you can claim that all you want , but we do not KNOW it is a TRUTH til we go to the moon and find the water to demonstrate it is the case a FACT

.. here is an example Trump claims he knows more than the generals do is that a TRUTH. and the other part of it its Vague On what SUBJECT or all subjects

now thats a broad statement , can he demonstrate that By what MEANS does he have the ability to read the minds of all the generals to KNOW what the generals know . a sort of a GOD CONCEPT Claim as in I am ALL KNOWING . Trump also uses I discredit all other sources of information PEOPLE are ONLY to accept what i say therefore what EVER I SAY is TRUTH

trump says trump is the greatest ..therefore trump is the greatest because trump says so called circular reasoning

i am the SUPREME authority aka a dictator I do not have to DEMONSTRATE what i say to be the case i merely have to DECLARE it and you are Obligated to accept it ..

Is religions a product of .. Tribalism Loyalty(without question ) to a tribe or group and by structure views those outside the group as negative or to elicit strong negative feelings for those outside the group ....

. when the societal organization you Join that promotes a culture of behaviors and practices and the Number one basis is THY SHALL NOT QUESTION < accept what we say without confirmation but because we declare it one needs to accept it because we say it ..

..Religions presents a Mass of IDEAS statements claims and concepts one must take EACH and evaluate each ... so what if the Premise is the particular CONCEPT /Idea they promote is Death is not DEATH , there is an afterlife , well it contradicts the definition of Death and then attempts to makes a NEW definition of life which contradicts the definition of life ....

a tree is a living organism you cut it down it decays a human stops its bodily function and decays ..does a tree have an afterlife , so its clear now an afterlife is a promoted IDEA, can you determine if it is the case is it a fact is it a TRUTH is it demonstrated and consistent with reality
2017-01-11 22:07:48 UTC
The truth is not an organization. The truth is a person.

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

That exclusive statement by Jesus rules out establishments, traditions, regulations and all 'man-made' efforts to get to God, and therefore ultimately, heaven.

One God, only one way to Him.

The way (and the truth) is a person, not a religion.

Ps. The religious people who called for Jesus to be tortured to death also REALLY believed they were doing God's work.
2017-01-13 00:31:53 UTC
I see all religions having some flaws but combines they's be the truth to me. Christianity sees Jesus as the Son of God or God himself depending on the Christian. I see Jesus as a prophet sent to inform people of god similar to Muslims. Although i hate how the religions split off into different religions instead of just joining and setting on a set of beliefs although even those beliefs have a high chance of being wrong in some way. If a prophet of god came down to inform us it'd be a huge help but no news of that yet sadly.
2017-01-11 16:01:36 UTC
Today we see so many different religions that claim to be Christians. How can we identify true religion ?

Only a group with the marks of true Christianity have the truth. - John 8:32.
2017-01-12 05:26:13 UTC
Depends on what you mean? The truth in the belief there on a God? The truth that Jesus died for our sins? The truth of what? There are many ways to answer your question. For me, the Roman Catholic Religion teaches the truth.
2017-01-14 06:12:36 UTC
In the name Of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful.

The true religion is the is the worship of the ONE Almighty God our Creator.This is Islam. No Religion Following Man made doctrines can be a True Religion.

And Allah Knows Best.
2017-01-11 07:18:30 UTC
James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

When we share the good news of the resurrection of the dead, we are practicing pure religion. This means it is not spotted or motivated by worldly things. We do not want their money, their favor, or anything but rest for the weary hearts of those who mourn their fallen loved ones.

Christianity is the truth.
2017-01-12 01:47:25 UTC
The truth is not several, there can therefore be only one true religion, that religion is the one originated by the one true God. Since Jesus Christ is God then the religion that he created in the upper room the night before he was crucified is the true religion
2017-01-12 06:24:04 UTC
No religion is true. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." . Being a Christian is not a religion. It is being called to be Christ like and have a relationship with the Lord. Obeying his Word ( bible ) and commands.

Myself included, I've seen many people come to God and get saved from anger, pride, drugs, unforgiving pain, etc. And they are now happy. Living in peace and meaning. All answers can be found in a bible. But you must have faith and ask God to help you see and understand. God bless you
2017-01-11 06:48:03 UTC
My Lord yaweh is the truth, his son this the truth, the religion of Christianity is a truth. Personally I see the truth every morning when I wake up, that is the Lord's creation. When I look at my girlfriend or my family I see how truthful my god is. He is the truth, he loves us all more than any Idols ever could, he loves us far more than any theory of science, now you tell me what you think is true.
2017-01-12 23:05:46 UTC
From a to zip, each religion is a (Capital C) Church. Up until the present day the people of a particular religion opt for a political hierarchy. Most of the rebellious point to such philosophies as tolerable to merely likeable. It is at the moment of worship, when the donation plate circulates and the choir sounds hushed, when the voting takes place.
2017-01-11 23:58:15 UTC
None, its nice thinking a god loves us but there is no god, im 15 starting to realize this! Its sorta depppresing... Science is the true religion, the more u study sciemce the more u question, the more u question u will start to realize the bibles noncense (and every other religion out there) religions made up because nlbkdy wants to die isnt that whay mist religions are based on? Thats why man created it! To cope with what we havent expeirenced death! A nap without u waking up. its pretty sad actually everyone u loved gone:(
2017-01-12 00:19:43 UTC
Which religion bases all its teachings on God’s Word, honors God’s name, and proclaims God’s Kingdom as mankind’s only hope? Which group practices love and shuns war?—Read 1 John 3:10-12. There is only one truth.

Jehovah's Witnesses. Visit for more information
2017-01-12 08:18:37 UTC

The Bible describes many miracles, but little explanation has been provided for how these miracles were possible.

Thousands of years ago, aliens known as the Elohim came to earth. They seeded the oceans and created life. Later, they interacted with humans. The Elohim had such advanced technology that our primitive ancestors mistook them as Gods.

In 1973 the Elohim contacted Claude Vorilhon (aka Rael). They explained all of this to him. The Raelian religion is the result. It explains that the so called miracles of the Bible were simply the result of alien technology. Religion is how primitive people explain science.
2017-01-12 14:51:16 UTC
Whatever religion you chose to be the truth, is the one that is true to you.

Remember that atheism is a belief, because you will never be able to prove or disprove. Also remember it will always be scientifically impossible for a creator not to exist, be it any kind of god, or random event. There is a beginning to everything apart from the very first thing.
2017-01-12 22:06:44 UTC
Without being flippant, the only true answer is "That's for you to find out for yourself"

If there's a god then clearly He has permitted different religions and even different ideas within each religion as what is truth. In other words, He hasn't made it plain and obvious.

It's clear God doesn't want truth handed out like candy, to be obvious like gravity or simple like basic lego.

He wants you to really WANT the truth which means making efforts to find it
2017-01-11 07:17:35 UTC
JESUS is the Truth. So any Christian denomination which acknowledges Him as Savior and as God Himself, God incarnate in human flesh, is based on the Truth.

I cannot emphasize this too strongly: Jesus Christ ALONE is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). In today's world, it's popular to say that "there are as many paths to God/spiritual enlightenment/etc., as there are people who seek Him." WRONG! That is a lie straight from hell. JESUS is the one and only Way. That's what He Himself said, and that was EXACTLY what He meant. And since He is God's Son, and my Redeemer, I think He knew what He was talking about.
2017-01-13 03:42:08 UTC
None of them. They're all bogus because they all purport to extoll absolute truth, and yet they are all essentially man-made, and as a consequence, specious. Some of the messages that religions like say Christianity try to convey are very worthwhile and important. But it's the elements surrounding the notion of God and of God's message being absolutely true and of him having some connection to us that is all bogus and essentially nonsense really.
2017-01-12 14:20:15 UTC
Perfect question for bringing out the crazy Christians who love to post an essay of bs for an answer.

Which religion is the truth? No one knows which is true, that's why it's called a 'faith'
2017-01-12 13:52:07 UTC
1. A true religion has to lead towards an after life.

This had been accomplished by Jesus when He rose from the dead to prove this point.

2. Any good religion has to (a) exercise love to the utmost (b) understand that what we deem as being 'good' is not 'perfect'. Most religion fail on (b) since they would try to impose whatever they think is right and good.
2017-01-11 19:03:01 UTC
Religion that conceives truth is that whicb in todays Era can prove itself scientifically as it is age of Science. And indeed islam is the true religion and 80% of almost 1000 verses in Holy Quran have been proved by science.
Nik Tao - Third Eye
2017-01-14 03:58:03 UTC
there is only One Religion : All Religions

All religions discuss Truth bet none of

them have a Monopoly on it.

Only when Science Philosophy & Religion

Agree do WE draw closer to the TRUTH.
2017-01-11 10:47:00 UTC
You cannot trust any religion but there will be some spirits as religious people believe. There is no place without spirits and no people live without the possession of the spirits. Spirits possess people according to the mental state and beliefs of the people. Good spirits do some good while bad spirits do some bad. Belief makes wonders. Experienced people realize this truth.
2017-01-15 01:31:32 UTC
Not religion but a personal relationship with Christ is the truth
2017-01-11 12:00:32 UTC
There is only one truth and that is found in the Bible, the NT and the OT. No church teaches only Biblical truths, all have deviated, each and every one seriously.

That does not mean that the churches have lost all value, some adhere to Biblical morals strictly and teach their young to be outstanding moral citizens. In some, you will find quite a bit Biblical education which is a must.
2017-01-13 10:31:38 UTC
Every religion claims to be the true religion. Religion is a spiritual matter and it s up to the practitioner or believer to decide what they believe. That comes from inner reflection, knowledge of the religion, and how the religion affects one s life and personal experiences. For me, I m convinced that Christianity is the one true "religion" although I don t see it as a religion but rather a belief in the promises of God and Jesus Christ. Each person must make his/her own choices in such matters.
2017-01-12 06:56:57 UTC
The only truth is religion, is man made... Man is made to believe that he is rewarded for following the scriptures.. when in truth none say that u need to be in a (organization),,, that gives that group of people a set of morals ethics customs and gidelines that influence there behavior.. And in return gives them all. A very similar mindset. the all share the perception of reality which locks them down ..never allowing for true knowledge of self.... Damn
2017-01-12 20:33:18 UTC
I looked up religion on google- of course and it said A pursuit of interest followed with great devotion. Some people are interested in helping others and devote themselves to that, others are interested in killing people and devote themselves to that. At the end of the day your personal truth only belongs to you and you own it entirely if your devoted to beleiveing your religion is the true religion, theres nothing to stop anyone else being devoted to killing you because of that. And thats the truth!111
2017-01-19 02:14:07 UTC
to me, the only religion that's true is science... i know not alot of people consider science a religion but in terms of biology, all of us living creatures are connected and we come from a single ancestor... we're part of a cycle that make up this thing called life... i don't exactly have a belief in a deity or have some crazy spirituality but being a small part of the overall large nature and life is enough spirituality to me...

deep down, we're bags of water and various metallic elements that work in definition with physics to create an eminent entity we call consciousness...
2017-01-11 18:37:54 UTC
It depends on the audience of the particular religion you ask. They will tell you all religion is just another religion or it's untrue except (insert religion of believer here) and you only need to look into it to find the "truth".
2017-01-13 00:50:48 UTC
That's the problem. There is no one truth. Everyone thinks they know the truth. Reality is an illusion. Seriously, read A Dream Within a Dream. Poe gets it.
2017-01-13 01:43:05 UTC

Unless you've got 100% UNDENIABLE proof that a particular Religion is the truth, then ALL Religions are FICTIONAL stories
2017-01-12 23:14:50 UTC
You can't be sure about that, if any religion is true at all. Everyone believes in a certain religion, but the fact they believe in it, doesn't mean it's true. No religion has ever been proven to be true, but neither have the evolution theory and the big bang theory.
2017-01-11 13:12:51 UTC
There absolutely is a true religion. But no one can tell you what that is. You must learn about what the Bible standards are concerning morality, worship of God, Jesus teachings and day to day living. Then you must make a comparison. What religion truly holds to the Bible's moral standards? What religion worships God by honoring his name and putting him first in their lives? What religion follows the example of Christ and preaches about Gods incoming kingdom? Make a true comparison and be honest with yourself. You'll find the answer. I wish you well.
2017-01-16 21:28:18 UTC
that's an easy question... none ore true, religion is a mechanism invented by man to explain all of the 'unknown stuff' at that time... that's why religion does not like change or to be questioned, as time passes these questions are answered and the number of reasons for religion becomes smaller... now we may not ever know it all and their may be a place for religion in the conscience of man for as long as man exists...
2017-01-18 18:13:23 UTC
to me, the only religion that's true is science... i know not alot of people consider science a religion but in terms of biology, all of us living creatures are connected and we come from a single ancestor... we're part of a cycle that make up this thing called life... i don't exactly have a belief in a deity or have some crazy spirituality but being a small part of the overall large nature and life is enough spirituality to me...

deep down, we're bags of water and various metallic elements that work in definition with physics to create an eminent entity we call consciousness...
2017-01-12 00:44:37 UTC
No religion is truth, only God is truth. Religion his a human institution, designed/created by people to organize spirituality. True connection with God require no organization. I have found Christianity to be what has taught me about God, and how to know Him.
2017-01-12 08:03:36 UTC
I think christian because I've seen signs and felt his presence in my life but I don't have all the answers so I don't know 100 percent. I think some religions are based on fear and measuring which being human you'll always come up short but Christianity is different and is about forgiveness and seeking peace and God's help and love.
The Darkness
2017-01-11 22:15:03 UTC
There is one religion that offers the Truth. People have forsaken it but I know it to be true. There is not just one God, there are more than one. How can you not see it?! One entity cannot create this entire universe, that would be absurd. If you pray to the God Anubis, you will find the truth.
2017-01-21 12:31:40 UTC
the religion that is the truth is the one that not only explains the person of the truth: "jesus saith unto him, i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me..." - john 14:6 (kjv)

but the religion that is the truth also explains the prerequisite to coming to that truth, which the truth had already stated: "no man can come to me, except the father which hath sent me draw him........." - john 6:44 (kjv)

the truth made the same father's name known: "and i have declared unto them thy name........." - john 17:26 (kjv)

nowadays however, most people who think they come to the father through the person of the truth, are taught to reject even the father's name, yahweh or jehovah in english, as satanic! believing that lie, how are they to recognize the father, when he draws them to the person of the truth?
2017-01-11 23:51:35 UTC
Babylon mystery of the ages. All religions have led to this endless threads of confusion. I want to believe I want to make myself right with God however I hear so much I am totally confused and do not know the truth any longer
2017-01-12 21:38:33 UTC
Islam and only Islam is the truth!

Islam is the religion that being attacked daily by the Christian Media and being smeared with terrorism and no one ask if these terrorists are Muslims why 99.9 % of there victims are Muslims unless there are hidden agendas!
2017-01-12 14:20:13 UTC
The true religion is the one that Jesus taught. Jesus knew the Scriptures and God's laws, and mainly what identified God His Father, that God is love. Jesus knew that unity in love is what brought his true followers together.

But, with so many Christian religions, how can anyone know which one is the truth? How can we tell them apart and distinguish which one is the truth.

Many Christians follow and cherish the religions their parents taught them, but that not necessarily mean that that is the true religion. Many believe because of tradition without even examining those beliefs with what the Scriptures say.

God is clear as to what is true or false worship. Not all religions lead to God. Believing in His existence is not enough.

True religion practices true love. It teaches people to respect and love each other irrespective of their race, culture, or nation. And they show it first of all by avoiding or supporting wars. Killing each other certainly does not show any love at all, on the contrary.


Mark 12: 29, 30: "Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah

our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." (Jesus was quoting from Deuteronomy 6:4)

John 13:35: "By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.”

Malachi 3:18: “You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.”

This article is to read with your Bible:
2017-01-13 04:29:25 UTC
Jack Daniels
2017-01-12 00:57:35 UTC
There is probably some truth to all religions
2017-01-18 20:29:46 UTC
the truth is not an organization... the truth is a person...

"i am the way, the truth and the life... no one comes to the father except through me..."

that exclusive statement by jesus rules out establishments, traditions, regulations and all 'man-made' efforts to get to god, and therefore ultimately, heaven...

one god, only one way to him...

the way (and the truth) is a person, not a religion...

ps... the religious people who called for jesus to be tortured to death also really believed they were doing god's work...
2017-01-12 17:47:47 UTC
Jesus said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of the people who practice it. “By their fruits you will recognize them,” he said. “Every good tree produces fine fruit.” (Matthew 7:16, 17) In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. Although they are not perfect and they make mistakes, true worshipers as a group seek to do God’s will.

Jesus Christ set the proper example by basing his teachings on God’s Word. In prayer to his heavenly Father, he said: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Jesus believed the Word of God, and everything he taught harmonized with the Scriptures. Jesus often said: “It is written.” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10) Then Jesus would quote a scripture. Similarly, God’s people today do not teach their own ideas. They believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and they base their teachings firmly on what it says. Hence, beliefs and practices of the true religion are not based on human views or tradition. They originate in God’s inspired Word, the Bible.
2017-01-12 05:00:29 UTC
All religions in this world are TRUTH based. There is no religion based on falsehood. No religion is ungodly.

There is no "such" religion to the best of my knowledge, belief and experience. If at all there is any, it is for you to presume in a wise way. Use your discrimination powers wisely and then decide.
2017-01-12 03:22:03 UTC
I claim that pouring vinegar on to baking soda will release bubbles of carbon dioxide.

I stand ready to demonstrate the validity of my claim, with evidence, not arguments.

The evidence is almost immediately visible, rigorously testable, and turns out the same, EVERY time.

Any religion which can demonstrate the existence of their Gods or Goddesses with evidence which is almost

immediately visible, rigorously testable, and turns out the same, EVERY time, has a GREAT chance of being the truth.
2017-01-12 23:00:19 UTC
2017-01-13 22:18:26 UTC
There is equal evidence for all religions, gods, and beliefs. By equal evidence, I mean there is no evidence. Unless, of course, you consider holy text and scriptures as evidence. If this is the case, all religions are true. For example, if Christianity is proven correct simply because there's a bible supporting their claims, it also means that the Quran is evidence of Islam. The bible being used as evidence supporting Christianity would be similar to me using "The Chamber of Secrets" as evidence for Harry Potter. This is no different.
2017-01-14 07:24:42 UTC
the religion that is the truth is the one that not only explains the person of the truth: "jesus saith unto him, i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me..." - john 14:6 (kjv)

but the religion that is the truth also explains the prerequisite to coming to that truth, which the truth had already stated: "no man can come to me, except the father which hath sent me draw him........." - john 6:44 (kjv)

the truth made the same father's name known: "and i have declared unto them thy name........." - john 17:26 (kjv)

nowadays however, most people who think they come to the father through the person of the truth, are taught to reject even the father's name, yahweh or jehovah in english, as satanic! believing that lie, how are they to recognize the father, when he draws them to the person of the truth?
2017-01-11 22:20:51 UTC
2017-01-14 03:35:13 UTC
The real truth is that one must believe on Jesus Christ and His teachings. I am a believer and for me religion is just rituals that man holds dear to him. Yet the Holy Scriptures have already told us that true religion and undefiled is holding on to the truth of Jesus Christ. We are all sinners and need Jesus Christ to save us from the wrath of God.
2017-01-13 01:58:47 UTC
I don't really think any is necessarily the truth. Most religions teach that people who follow other religions are wrong and will essentially be going to hell, purgatory, or the similar place in various religions if you don't believe in their religion. But each religion thinks theirs is right; who is really right? We don't know, which leads me to believe that no one is really right.
2017-01-20 14:25:36 UTC
today we see so numerous different religions that claim to be christians... how can we identify true religion ?

only a group with the marks of true christianity have the truth... - john 8:32...
2017-01-12 17:50:45 UTC
2017-01-14 06:52:34 UTC
we should have no religion. Only one religion that is the religion of truth, humanity. No religion can teach u better than yourself. Just believe in god, any god. ur god should be who has sacrified for u the most . dont follow his or her bad ideas but the good ones. respect all religions and those who have sacrificed for good . example herione of the hijack Neerja Bhanot
Nathan H
2017-01-13 22:09:42 UTC
2017-01-13 07:00:35 UTC
2017-01-13 12:15:25 UTC
2017-01-12 00:56:01 UTC
The religion that is truly Christian and follows Christ's teaching. That religion is Jehovah's Witnesses.
2017-01-14 00:10:45 UTC
No religion is "the truth". As in obtains ultimate truth. All gave snippets of truth. Unfortunately the little truth they contain do not prove the deities or myths.
2017-01-13 00:15:00 UTC
I used to ask this question alot. A guy finally said "why don't u just ask God?" I was studyin Islam and Christianity and liked to hear them debate (it was interesting) but it just confused me more so I prayd, asked God n flippd open the Bible to a random verse (Grandma used to say it's how u get answers) Verse I landed on was "he (the Holy Spirit) will bring back to your remembrance all the things I have taught u" not helpful so I tried it again. "I will take the goats on my left hand cast them into Hades, and I will take the sheep in my right hand into the bosom of my father". Even MORE frustrating so I slammed the Bible and went back to hear the debate and while they were talking I went deaf and heard a whisper say, " I'll take the goats into my left hand n the sheep into my right." I was confused but felt in my heart it was the answer to my question. Then it felt like walkin out of the house into the sunniest day ever when I realized the pastor sat on my right! My first revelation
2017-01-13 00:33:58 UTC
There can not be "different truths" That's bull EVERY "mainstream" religion

The Universal Laws are truth

The truth is true

Everything else is false...including your "blind-faith"
2017-01-13 01:40:47 UTC
Christianity or Judaism, Christianity is about God fulling prophecies then & now, & creating a way to cleanse sins forever, & give human kind a way back home to Heaven.

Judaism is about God, Elohim Yahweh Shaddi, to The Hebrews/ Jewish people, his power, help, trust, loyalty, kindness, friendship, & love, & his holiness, that has made him unable to even be around sin, he is basically deathly allergic to it, & Lord Jesus Christ, can only handle up to 90% at the most of it to get rid of it, as well as other Heavenly tasks as God Head and Monarchs of Heaven and Hosts. But their love goes beyond all human imagination.
2017-01-12 08:35:41 UTC
The religion that is truth is the one you believe in. You need to access and commit. After that be respectfull to those that do not have the same beliefs.
2017-01-12 11:46:13 UTC
As soon as human beings become truth, religion also become true. Its nothing but the matter of belief.
2017-01-15 09:23:12 UTC

People of many races, ages, and circumstances following the way of true worship

base their teachings on the Bible

worship only Jehovah and make his name known

show genuine love for one another

accept Jesus as God’s means of salvation

are no part of the world

preach God’s Kingdom as man’s only hope


There is only one true religion.—Matthew 7:13, 14.

True religion is identified by its teachings and practices.—Matthew 7:16, 17.

Jehovah’s Witnesses practice the worship that God approves.—Isaiah 43:10.
2017-01-12 22:24:41 UTC
Religion is such a tricky word! Knowing there is a God is the first step! If you are familiar with other "religions" like Buddist for instance there is a prophecy about just Jesus, which he happens to fit his discription to the tee! I suggest you pray and ask for guidance! Seek and you shall find!
Fil T
2017-01-12 05:50:14 UTC
I am very definite, it is not the kind being preached by many Christian sects and denominations, simply considered as "Semi-biblical".

Rather, the "Biblical" that follows strictly God's instructions, sans "human wisdom".

1 Corinthians 1:19  For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 

1 Corinthians 1:20  Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 

1 Corinthians 1:21  For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom KNEW NOT GOD...

Since the "real GOSPEL" is JESUS CHRIST as we read in the following:

• 2 Cor 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth ANOTHER JESUS, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or ANOTHER GOSPEL, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

Then the "true CHRIST" or the GOD of the original Apostles is the real JESUS CHRIST. Since there is only One GOD, reconciliation of the following verses is needed:


Isa 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I AM HE: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

* Isa 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is NO SAVIOUR.


• Mat_1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

• Luk_1:47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

• Luk_2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.


• 1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son JESUS CHRIST. This is the TRUE GOD, and eternal life.
2017-01-13 13:18:24 UTC
Jesus made this statement about his father. He said your word is truth. So naturally the true religion would be the one that adheres to what the Bible teaches. It should be obvious when you look at its members that they too are living by those teachings.
2017-01-13 10:51:01 UTC
None, Science is true however and uses facts, and probable theories to establish truths, unlike religion which blatantly doesn't do.
2017-01-11 06:48:24 UTC
All religions (except Orthodoxy) are empty; there is nothing in them (except in Orthodoxy). Orthodoxy is the only true faith. Priests who betray Orthodoxy will have Pagans walking on their heads in hell. Ecumenism has 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Seraphim of Sarov and Sergiy of Radonezh will be resurrected soon not only to prove to the world that Orthodoxy is the only true faith but to make Orthodox priests (who don't even believe in resurrection of the dead anymore) repent and start preaching what they were supposed to preach. Seraphim of Sarov will teach the priests the basics because they forgot the basics. Forgive me.
Steve Amato
2017-01-11 14:00:20 UTC
More to the point is how would you know. Jesus and his apostles provided evidence that God has spoken and has affirmed them through miracles, done in public with eyewitnesses and subject to scrutiny at the time. No other religion has provided the degree of evidence as does Christianity.
2017-01-11 20:26:37 UTC
My religion

Solartology the belief that everything is a waste product of the sun and I am the deity that created the sun thus created you.

See how stupid that sounds? That's how stupid every other religion sounds to me.

I don't believe myself to be a god it was to prove a point
Sheri Laird
2017-01-14 01:31:53 UTC
No religion is true, evolution is the truth
2017-01-11 06:45:37 UTC
The one I made up just now. Because newer is better. Or is it Hinduism, because older is better? Or is it scientology, because ridiculous claims would not be made unless they were true, and scientology makes the most ridiculous claims? Or is it Buddhism, because it tends to avoid making ridiculous claims? Or is it Wicca, because their gods are personal? Or is it Deism, because that god is totally devoid of personality?

I would argue that the truth is that your religion is entirely determined by your criteria for religious "truth".
YHWH my Elohim
2017-01-12 10:20:22 UTC
As long as the religion has a creator and has excellent morals I dont see why there isnt truth to it.
2017-01-12 10:29:41 UTC
That religion that sees the other religions to be variations of the same thing, like different languages. Probably Buddhism?
2017-01-13 18:07:00 UTC
I doubt we'll ever know the truth wether that is a religion or not but I think that what ever you believe in is what is the truth for you as an individual.
2017-01-11 21:37:46 UTC
None are true. Religion is just a way for people to explain the unknown
2017-01-14 05:36:41 UTC
the truth is religion says re the sound ligion into legion that returns from evil to love
mataripis a ugnay
2017-01-11 15:51:11 UTC
Those with Spirit of Truth!
2017-01-11 10:25:34 UTC
No religion is true. Keep in mind that if you could emphatically prove any religion to be correct then it would be the only religion because everyone would convert.
2017-01-14 23:35:36 UTC
The truth : ALL religion is of man and poison .

Spirituality is of ' God ' and is divine .
2017-01-12 11:58:05 UTC
The philosophy of kindness. Doing good is the only true religion.
2017-01-12 23:03:34 UTC
How can anyone say which religion it true when almost all religions are corrupted and greedy and most religious people Follow the God of money rather than following the words of God Jehovah................ Now as for me, I know that the name and word of Jehovah and Jesus The Christ have saved my butt a thousand time over and over again.................. I also know that my God Jehovah does answer my prayers and I know that my God Jehovah and my Lord and savior Jesus the Christ are Historically real and they have kept me away and protected me from worshiping a multitude of false teaching.....................
2017-01-13 16:36:07 UTC
This is an answer everyone has to discover themselves. The best place to start is to study the Bible, particularly Jesus' teachings and the book of Acts, and then find the Church that most closely teaches, believes and practices what you have read.
2017-01-14 03:48:51 UTC
All my religions my friend. All religions. You see religion brings peace and joy in people's life's. It can blow you away and end you up in the hospital ready to be with God again. Isn't that great?
2017-01-12 12:25:47 UTC
All of the are equally valid. There is no right or wrong religion.

You have to pick what is right for you.

Not all religion prohibits you from learning others. If you chose one that prohibits learning of other religion (Christianity for example), then you should ask yourself what it is that they are hiding from.

Anyone trying to tell you that only his or her religion is true is ignorant at best. He or she just picked it up from his or her parents. Odds are they know very little about it at all.

Furthermore, many religions teach "intolerance" (Christianity, Islam, etc).
2017-01-12 11:46:29 UTC
2017-01-14 21:21:23 UTC
Sorry I'm late. It's me, God. My religion is NOT the truth. False alarm. Sorry for any inconvenience
2017-01-11 19:43:15 UTC
The one that adheres closest to Christ's teaching. Not all are correct for Christ himself said at Matthew 7:13,14,21 not all who say Lord Lord will enter in his kingdom. The road to life is narrow and few are on it. This shows that not by words alone are we declared righteous but by works.
2017-01-11 22:09:58 UTC
All of them. Its very confusing.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159–167
2017-01-12 07:08:08 UTC
Love is the truth.
2017-01-12 21:09:06 UTC
the one that believes the Bible

I have been in different religions, have read books about others that are prevalent, my Pastor has examined for us in class various ones but there in only one that really follows the Bible and that is what Martin Luther announced to the world, Read Galatians if you want the real stuff.
2017-01-11 20:38:41 UTC
Orthodox Judaism.
It Is True
2017-01-13 08:38:40 UTC
2017-01-11 22:41:14 UTC
My dear,

From Adam to Muhammed , this is Islam. One religion. many Messengers came with the same Message: to worship God All Mighty In Heaven,named Allah. Every messenger pre tolled the next one that would to come.

We Muslims are the only one who believe all of those prophets and messengers and we are the only one who believe in correct concept of God.

God, All Mighty Allah , The creator of Universe, is not a battler. Islam teaches us about the GRANDEUR of our creator and it says: " In the seventh heaven there is a House of Worship where 70.000 Angels enters in to worship Allah, The creator of all, every day. When these angels exit the House they never return again, put the new ones comes in. Every day, new seventy thousand enters in and out since the existence of Universe until the Day Of Judgment! When you multiply 70.000 every day by 365 a year, for thousands and millions of years, can you imagine the Mighty Grandeur of your Crietor?!! I hope I put the climbs of Greatness of Allah that we Muslims worship: Your creator and ours.
Jan C
2017-01-13 03:41:41 UTC
The one that accepts the truth of God and His Word.
2017-01-11 23:16:28 UTC
"You Are My Witnesses" Is The Utterance Of Jehovah. (Isaiah 43:10,12)

Jehovah is the One and Only True God. (Psalms 83:18) Therefore; Jehovah's Witnesses have been entrusted by Jesus Christ to carry on (accurate) teaching and Disciple Making work. (Matthew 28:19,20) We offer free home biblestudies at your convenience.
2017-01-12 17:27:03 UTC

the bible describes numerous miracles, but little explanation has been provided for how these miracles were possible...

thousands of years ago, aliens known as the elohim came to earth... they seeded the oceans and created life... later, they interacted with humans... the elohim had such advanced technology that our primitive ancestors mistook them as gods...

in 1973 the elohim contacted claude vorilhon (aka rael)... they explained all of this to him... the raelian religion is the result... it explains that the so called miracles of the bible were simply the result of alien technology... religion is how primitive people explain science...
2017-01-15 05:54:09 UTC
JESUS SAYS..........John 14:6-7 (NEW TESTAMENT)

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.
2017-01-12 01:43:21 UTC
When the Day of Judgement comes, you will know the truth.
2017-01-13 05:50:54 UTC
2017-01-12 13:59:05 UTC
The one that teaches the truth, the truth about God, his purpose, and the kind of person he is.
2017-01-11 06:35:55 UTC
2017-01-11 06:49:32 UTC
The Bible has been so validated by objective science it is no longer up for debate and the focus of the Bible is to follow Christ. The church of Christ as exampled in Acts and the Epistles is the kingdom of God on earth. the ONLY way to God today is through Christ.
2017-01-11 07:55:27 UTC
Every religion is true and takes us to the path of god. Every religion has their own values and believes and they all work for humanity and mankind.
2017-01-12 17:41:11 UTC
Believe in Buddhahood would attain Nirvana's.
2017-01-12 18:59:22 UTC
2017-01-14 06:42:02 UTC
2017-01-11 23:34:54 UTC
God Himself has given sincere truth seekers, scientific clues in the Quran to get the right religion;
2017-01-11 21:11:45 UTC
No religion is the truth. All are composed of absurd lies.
james o
2017-01-11 07:02:23 UTC
The true religion is the one which works for each individual. What works for one does not work for others, but that doesn't mean it is not the right one for the one for whom it does work.
2017-01-15 03:43:38 UTC
The one that worships Jesus in spirit and in truth, that teaches Jesus is God and that salvation only comes through faith in him and the grace God gives in return

Romans 10:9,10

Ephesians 2:8,9
2017-01-12 06:55:23 UTC
I suppose Buddhism. Buddhist do not claim a creator God exist and so far no creator God has appeared to prove them wrong. On the other hand, Christians, Jews and Muslims claim a creator God exist yet no creator God has appeared to prove them right.
Peter K
2017-01-12 08:22:28 UTC
What the world needs is not religion but relationship: that is offered in

2017-01-11 10:35:59 UTC
The Seventh-day Adventist Church. You may know this by reading Matthew 5:17, 18; Romans 3:31; Isaiah 8:20; and Revelation 12:17 and 14:12. We are the only ones who fit these criteria. God describes His end-time church in these passages.
2017-01-12 03:55:26 UTC
Non of them. I think Science is the truth because with science you go by facts and evidence and can say your wrong when you are wrong.
2017-01-12 22:18:32 UTC
2017-01-14 03:49:35 UTC
2017-01-11 06:43:13 UTC
2017-01-13 06:46:52 UTC
Don't recall who said it, or exact words, but "Associate with those who seek truth, avoid those who think they've found it" fits the bill for me
2017-01-13 12:26:18 UTC
The one that closely follows the one in the first century.
2017-01-12 04:45:29 UTC
It is impossible for finite human minds to know in any absolute sense, but those who study Pandeism (pantheistic Deism) realize that Pandeism fully accounts for all theistic faiths. Blessings!!
2017-01-12 20:00:43 UTC
Non..there is actually a non religious side.. It's not so bad and wierd..and u actually feel list more than other says no to god
2017-01-12 01:34:01 UTC
None is religion is man made
2017-01-14 23:54:56 UTC
The truth is a mutable concept.
Randy the Atheist
2017-01-12 18:12:34 UTC
It all depends on when and where you were born.

After all, if you were born in 500 BC Japan, christianity and islam weren't even invented yet.
2017-01-13 12:52:56 UTC
2017-01-13 13:47:50 UTC
None of them are the absolute truth....evolution theory makes more sense...but you make up your own mind what you believe is the truth.
2017-01-11 06:37:30 UTC
The one that is right. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, except through Me." (John14:6)
2017-01-12 06:24:54 UTC
Any one other than those sects created/invented/fabricated during the 1800s or afterward since those were designed to brainwash people to control them and their money!
2017-01-12 20:48:29 UTC
NONE - THE YHWH - the yaweh,jehova.god religion is based on a fictitious lie that speaks of god JEHOVA being the voice of god JEHOVA coming from a burning bush. CAN YOU BELIEVE such a series of fairy tales about God JEHOVAH BEING A BURNING BUSH? NOT ME!
2017-01-12 22:30:02 UTC
All of them, apparently cause that's what they all say. But, of course, no matter which one you pick, you'll still be wrong so, why not just refused to believe any of it and avoid all the BS?
2017-01-11 07:32:16 UTC
None. Jesus hates religions, churches etc. To be saved you need to repent and accept Jesus as Savior.
2017-01-15 06:18:30 UTC
Everyone believes theirs is, that's why they follow it. Some people say there's one God and we're all communicating with HIm in different ways.
miyuki & kyojin
2017-01-15 00:29:46 UTC
None is true. All have many lies at holy books. Organized religion is big con game.
2017-01-12 03:25:24 UTC
No religion has been proven correct no one has came back from the dead therefore none
2017-01-13 09:18:14 UTC
2017-01-13 18:40:27 UTC
2017-01-11 22:05:53 UTC
No man-made religions can save you from sin. Only Jesus saves.
2017-01-12 10:00:47 UTC
The Church of the Religious Consciousness.
2017-01-12 21:47:14 UTC
of the three main religions Judah is the main core as Christians and Mohamed both recognise it in their teachings and are both extentions of that teaching
Noble and famous
2017-01-11 07:53:21 UTC
The one which spreads the word of God and makes common sense.

all this hype that dinosaurs or all man came from adam and eve is not written of in the bible are from those who never read or know the bible.

read and study
2017-05-03 07:23:50 UTC
i see all religions having some flaws but combines they's be the truth to me... christianity sees jesus as the son of god or god himself depending on the christian... i see jesus as a prophet sent to inform people of god similar to muslims... although i hate how the religions split off into different religions instead of just joining and setting on a set of beliefs although even those beliefs have a high chance of being wrong in some way... if a prophet of god came down to inform us it'd be a huge help but no news of that yet sadly...
2017-04-06 19:42:21 UTC
i see all religions having some flaws but combines they's be the truth to me... christianity sees jesus as the son of god or god himself depending on the christian... i see jesus as a prophet sent to inform people of god similar to muslims... although i hate how the religions split off into different religions instead of just joining and setting on a set of beliefs although even those beliefs have a high chance of being wrong in some way... if a prophet of god came down to inform us it'd be a huge help but no news of that yet sadly...
2017-03-07 18:27:35 UTC
to me, the only religion that's true is science... i know not alot of people consider science a religion but in terms of biology, all of us living creatures are connected and we come from a single ancestor... we're part of a cycle that make up this thing called life... i don't exactly have a belief in a deity or have some crazy spirituality but being a small part of the overall large nature and life is enough spirituality to me...

deep down, we're bags of water and various metallic elements that work in definition with physics to create an eminent entity we call consciousness...
2017-02-26 18:18:20 UTC
that's an easy question... none ore true, religion is a mechanism invented by man to explain all of the 'unknown stuff' at that time... that's why religion does not like change or to be questioned, as time passes these questions are answered and the number of reasons for religion becomes smaller... now we may not ever know it all and their may be a place for religion in the conscience of man for as long as man exists...
2017-02-20 17:57:24 UTC
today we see so numerous different religions that claim to be christians... how can we identify true religion ?

only a group with the marks of true christianity have the truth... - john 8:32...
2017-02-16 09:03:09 UTC
that's an easy question... none ore true, religion is a mechanism invented by man to explain all of the 'unknown stuff' at that time... that's why religion does not like change or to be questioned, as time passes these questions are answered and the number of reasons for religion becomes smaller... now we may not ever know it all and their may be a place for religion in the conscience of man for as long as man exists...
2017-01-13 06:09:33 UTC




2017-01-12 15:56:19 UTC
Christianity is the only one that is true. The rest of them are false religions.
2017-01-12 09:07:48 UTC
Can't we just wait till after we die to know the truth about which religion is true? We can and should reach out to God in this life for guidance but i mean s h i t....we can't know. Just give up.
2017-03-21 12:09:21 UTC
the truth is the religion a person chooses to believe in... that s why we have freedom of religion in america... so people can live the life they want as long as they do no harm to others...
2017-02-11 00:22:48 UTC
that's an easy question... none ore true, religion is a mechanism invented by man to explain all of the 'unknown stuff' at that time... that's why religion does not like change or to be questioned, as time passes these questions are answered and the number of reasons for religion becomes smaller... now we may not ever know it all and their may be a place for religion in the conscience of man for as long as man exists...
2017-01-27 21:16:12 UTC
the religion that is the truth is the one that not only explains the person of the truth: "jesus saith unto him, i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me..." - john 14:6 (kjv)

but the religion that is the truth also explains the prerequisite to coming to that truth, which the truth had already stated: "no man can come to me, except the father which hath sent me draw him........." - john 6:44 (kjv)

the truth made the same father's name known: "and i have declared unto them thy name........." - john 17:26 (kjv)

nowadays however, most people who think they come to the father through the person of the truth, are taught to reject even the father's name, yahweh or jehovah in english, as satanic! believing that lie, how are they to recognize the father, when he draws them to the person of the truth?
2017-01-26 01:20:53 UTC
the religion that is the truth is the one that not only explains the person of the truth: "jesus saith unto him, i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me..." - john 14:6 (kjv)

but the religion that is the truth also explains the prerequisite to coming to that truth, which the truth had already stated: "no man can come to me, except the father which hath sent me draw him........." - john 6:44 (kjv)

the truth made the same father's name known: "and i have declared unto them thy name........." - john 17:26 (kjv)

nowadays however, most people who think they come to the father through the person of the truth, are taught to reject even the father's name, yahweh or jehovah in english, as satanic! believing that lie, how are they to recognize the father, when he draws them to the person of the truth?
2017-01-14 07:40:32 UTC
For believers, the religion is the truth to them they believe.
2017-01-12 22:04:50 UTC
No religion is the truth. All of them are made up of lies. There is no proof of god and no proof of Heaven and Hell.
Linda R
2017-01-13 17:46:01 UTC
EVERY religion has their own truth.
2017-01-13 11:02:04 UTC
'Truth' is the religion.
2017-01-12 18:26:52 UTC
Nazism is the true religion because Hitler existed.
2017-01-11 12:47:50 UTC
It depends on what truth means to you.
Crapmore Ernest Puddwacker III
2017-01-13 23:24:38 UTC
2017-01-12 21:27:59 UTC
Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light".
2017-01-11 17:34:56 UTC
Rastafarianism mon
2017-01-13 00:12:54 UTC
Athiest since it's all about science and facts
2017-01-14 00:29:54 UTC
Muslim appears to be the most healthier amongst the crowd especially when they bend over to pray ... This seem to help with the vlood pressure
2017-01-11 06:37:35 UTC
None of them. All religions are human inventions.
2017-01-13 21:58:03 UTC
2017-01-13 09:11:45 UTC
Who knows
2017-01-13 02:30:00 UTC
all and none, you gotta simultaneously believe in everything and nothing otherwise you're doing it wrong and will go to hell. i have a book about this, send me your contact info, and then also $50 and i will give you a copy so you dont go to hell.
2017-01-12 22:50:33 UTC
Who knows
2017-01-12 21:32:04 UTC
ONLY the one that follows the Bible without exception. Jesus said "I am the way & the truth..."

His father said "I am Jehovah I give my GLORY to no one else..."
2017-01-11 23:00:42 UTC
God told me withc one was the right one

to go to but you onc e again have to

ask God to show you as you walk around

looking for the church

One day as I was walking trynig to find a church

he says look to your left and there was a big

church he says go to that one.

I started going and they were were LOUD!

I put ear plugs in and went to that church

they read out of the Bible, and say what

in means.

once again you have ask the Lord

in Jesus name to show you what church

to go to and he will show you some how.

your way not my way your way.

really it is God's way in Jesus name AMen.
2017-01-12 11:29:37 UTC
2017-01-12 17:40:19 UTC
Which human has love is in his heart? We are all part of the same family.
2017-01-20 21:03:38 UTC
The one that follows in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. 1peter2:21
2017-01-11 21:48:54 UTC
How can a person know which religion is right?

(1) On what are its teachings based? Are they from God, or are they largely from men? (2 Tim. 3:16; Mark 7:7) Ask, for example: Where does the Bible teach that God is a Trinity? Where does it say that the human soul is immortal?

(2) Consider whether it is making known the name of God. Jesus said in prayer to God: “I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world.” (John 17:6) He declared: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matt. 4:10) Has your religion taught you that ‘it is Jehovah you must worship’? Have you come to know the Person identified by that name—his purposes, his activities, his qualities—so that you feel you can confidently draw close to him?

(3) Is true faith in Jesus Christ being demonstrated? This involves appreciation of the value of the sacrifice of Jesus’ human life and of his position today as heavenly King. (John 3:36; Ps. 2:6-8) Such appreciation is shown by obeying Jesus—sharing personally and zealously in the work that he assigned to his followers. True religion has such faith that is accompanied by works.—Jas. 2:26.

(4) Is it largely ritualistic, a formality, or is it a way of life? God strongly disapproves of religion that is merely a formalism. (Isa. 1:15-17) True religion upholds the Bible’s standard of morality and clean speech instead of weakly going along with popular trends. (1 Cor. 5:9-13; Eph. 5:3-5) Its members reflect the fruits of God’s spirit in their lives. (Gal. 5:22, 23) So, those who adhere to true worship can be identified because they sincerely endeavor to apply Bible standards in their lives not only at their places of meeting but in their family life, at their secular work, in school, and in recreation.

(5) Do its members truly love one another? Jesus said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35) Such love reaches across racial, social, and national boundaries, drawing people together in genuine brotherhood. So strong is this love that it sets them apart as being truly different. When the nations go to war, who have enough love for their Christian brothers in other lands that they refuse to take up arms and kill them? That is what early Christians did.

(6) Is it truly separate from the world? Jesus said that his true followers would be “no part of the world.” (John 15:19) To worship God in a manner that he approves requires that we keep ourselves “without spot from the world.” (Jas. 1:27) Can that be said of those whose clergy and other members are involved in politics, or whose lives are largely built around materialistic and fleshly desires?—1 John 2:15-17.

(7) Are its members active witnesses concerning God’s Kingdom? Jesus foretold: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) What religion is really proclaiming God’s Kingdom as the hope of mankind instead of encouraging people to look to human rulership to solve their problems? Has your religion equipped you to share in this activity, and to do it from house to house as Jesus taught his apostles to do?—Matt. 10:7, 11-13; Acts 5:42; 20:20.
2017-01-11 06:51:38 UTC
No one attained God without prophets in history. That religion is true one in which successful prophet is present. He should be successful on inner path only.

One who is only outwardly he is not on right path according to all holy books. Until one is not interacted with true prophet he cannot attain salvation so meanwhile one can pray to any deity and he should. All holy books teach to believe in one God and it is prohibited to pray to imaginary faces which we create with our wishful thinking.

You pray to God with name Jesus or any past prophets name that is the pray to God. One means one but by praying to past prophets you will not get salvation. All holy books are written about present prophet of that time. Further their successful disciples were way of getting salvation. People did not accept them and created their own way. This is reason in these fake religion no one attained God. They even dont know where is alive word of God.

Successful prophet is connected with light of God only because of this reason he is the way. His body is full with light of God. Body does not go with us. Only alive body of prophet is way after them that way closes. For recognizing prophets and knowing ourselves we got mind and this complete human body. Human is the top creation only because of this reason. He himself makes way to meet with himself, i.e to teach himself. Only God is truth and only he was existing in the beginning.
2017-01-11 20:58:37 UTC
Never mind religion. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. No one will get to God the Father, without going through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Please watch and listen closely:
2017-01-12 02:56:21 UTC
Thiestic satanism.
2017-01-14 17:20:51 UTC
Faith in redemption by the blood and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2017-01-11 18:09:21 UTC
Great question. They can't all be right can they?...but they can all be wrong. That's what all the data suggests.
2017-01-12 08:53:21 UTC
I think science is the ONLY reliable "religion."
2017-01-13 08:47:16 UTC
Christianity without the trinity. Just God and his son.
2017-01-13 12:41:04 UTC
All religious cults are 100% pure bullsh!t.
2017-01-12 16:59:46 UTC
Islam is the truth.many western scientists have converted to Islam.
Heart of the Matter
2017-01-18 15:13:57 UTC
Which religion is true ---that is the same question a young Joseph Smith had...

from his own account:

In the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: What is to be done? Who of all these parties are right; or, are they all wrong together? If any one of them be right, which is it, and how shall I know it?

11 While I was laboring under the extreme difficulties caused by the contests of these parties of religionists, I was one day reading the Epistle of James, first chapter and fifth verse, which reads: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

12 Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine. It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of my heart. I reflected on it again and again, knowing that if any person needed wisdom from God, I did; for how to act I did not know, and unless I could get more wisdom than I then had, I would never know; for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible.

13 At length I came to the conclusion that I must either remain in darkness and confusion, or else I must do as James directs, that is, ask of God. I at length came to the determination to “ask of God,” concluding that if he gave wisdom to them that lacked wisdom, and would give liberally, and not upbraid, I might venture.

So he asked - and what happened afterwards is what is now known as "The First Vision"

I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.

17 It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!

18 My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.

19 I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight

Later - God RESTORED His true church to the Earth - through the instrumentality of the prophet Joseph Smith

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's church on the Earth.
2017-01-13 04:10:20 UTC





Jimmy C
2017-01-13 23:23:21 UTC
The one I believe in, of course.
2017-01-11 19:58:40 UTC
The one that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and love each other as he said to do.
2017-01-13 23:45:17 UTC
None of them.

They were all designed to delibateretly poorly depict God.

******* think man ?
2017-01-11 15:36:35 UTC
Absolutely no religion is true. All are empty lies.
2017-01-13 00:11:44 UTC
I don't know figure it out yourself! Why would someone ask someone what to believe in find out don't half *** it.
2017-01-14 16:38:38 UTC
The one with evidence!
2017-01-13 16:00:31 UTC
The religion one chooses to believe openly it is true to him/her. No religion can be proven true.
2017-01-13 12:33:37 UTC
2017-01-11 20:43:50 UTC
The one that can provide evidence to their deity.
2017-01-12 18:59:55 UTC
Do you favor truth or do you favor balance?
2017-01-11 06:47:07 UTC
2017-01-13 00:23:36 UTC
I think the remnant Church or another Sabbitarian Christian Church
2017-01-15 23:29:48 UTC
Whoever the hell answers that question will be a billionaire
Amy Miller
2017-01-12 21:52:07 UTC
The one you believe.
2017-01-11 19:04:35 UTC
I am the way, truth and Life.

2017-01-13 00:42:29 UTC
individual preference'
2017-01-12 08:51:42 UTC
2017-01-12 23:52:20 UTC
2017-01-15 16:39:19 UTC
The one that holds your belief.
2017-01-14 22:56:08 UTC
All of them combined
2017-01-13 15:31:53 UTC
The one that can prove its god is real.

Do you know any like that?
The Best Blasphemer
2017-01-12 11:21:21 UTC
Jesus Christ, the one the only. Only because he gives the best blowjobs
2017-01-12 23:00:11 UTC
2017-01-11 23:34:11 UTC
GOD until we can challenge him with bionic life forms
2017-01-11 07:04:56 UTC
Thor the viking god is obviously the real god
2017-01-13 00:16:18 UTC
eastern orthodox christianity
2017-01-12 22:51:11 UTC
Christianity. Period.
2017-01-13 21:41:54 UTC
None of them.
2017-01-11 06:37:22 UTC
Jesus is the truth. Seek him and you will find him when you seek with all of your heart.
2017-01-12 01:15:35 UTC
Probably none
2017-01-13 02:44:58 UTC
All of them. Or none of them. Who gives a shyt.
2017-01-14 10:47:46 UTC
I think we can all out rule out scientology.
luisa l hi
2017-01-12 06:49:37 UTC

Arc Light
2017-01-12 23:53:29 UTC
Whatever you believe in or don't believe in. ..
2017-01-12 19:03:15 UTC
no one knows. anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something.
2017-01-12 15:56:02 UTC
Whichever one you have faith in and fulfills your life.
2017-01-12 23:05:56 UTC
2017-01-12 12:52:16 UTC
Jesus is the only way
2017-01-15 00:38:21 UTC
2017-01-12 16:43:26 UTC
thy question maketh no sense
2017-01-12 05:33:35 UTC
Not a damn one. It's a fraud.
2017-01-13 03:31:47 UTC
All of them and none of them.
2017-01-13 23:13:16 UTC
Ask God to show you and He will.
2017-01-11 20:49:53 UTC
2017-01-13 02:45:47 UTC
The true religion is individualistic. I recommend looking into Jefferson's letters, April 1803.

Thomas Jefferson -

"Dear Sir: In some of the delightful conversations with you, in the evenings of 1798-1799, and which served as an anodyne to the afflictions of the crisis through which our country was then laboring, the Christian religion was sometimes our topic; and I then promised you that one day or other, I would give you my views of it. They are the result of a life of inquiry and reflection, and very different from that Anti-Christian system imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions."

Henry T. Laurency -

"For the true essence of religion is individualistic, and the form is the individual’s private matter corresponding to an individual need."

Alfred Rosenberg -

"What Hitler's own beliefs were he never told me in so many words. Once, at table, he said a high-placed Italian had asked him point-blank what his religious beliefs were. He had begged permission not to answer that question."

Jefferson -

“I am moreover averse to the communication of my religious tenets to the public; because it would countenance the presumption of those who have endeavored to draw them before that tribunal, and to seduce public opinion to errect itself into that inquisition over the rights of conscience which the laws have so justly proscribed. It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself to resist invasions of it in the case of others, or their case may, by change of circumstances, become his own. It behooves him, too, in his own case, to give no example of concession, betraying the right of independent opinion by answering questions of faith, which the laws have left between God and himself.”

All those who heeded the calls of Reason AND Life understood that all historical religions have been the outcome of some profound vital need, outfitted for a specific group or race of people, practically teaching the same thing. Christianity was not the first to preach honorable brotherly love and it will not be the last one to. Truths can be found in all existing religions, the religions merely differ by time, geography, and the intellectual development of the people among whom they arose. All the religions of antiquity and the pagan religions had the same basis of Truth.

The falsity of the Abrahamic religions, particularly the proselytizing Christianity and Islam, is in their claim to being an universal religion, meeting universal needs, and in their unwavering ambition for world domination. Does Islam fit Europe like a glove? Did Christianity "save" the indigenous peoples of the Americas? They have demonstrated their total impotence in their inability to counteract the spread of Evil. They have even failed to reconcile the existence of Evil with the existence of a benevolent Deity. The conception of an entity in opposition to the Deity (which was a thing before Christianity came into existence) has only increased superstition, uncertainty, fear, enmity, and paranoia. I do not deny that demonic entities may exist, but to say that the whole world lies under their control is blasphemy.

The aforementioned Abrahamic religions have foisted unto the rest of the world a negative conception of the world, with an increasing emphasis on the afterlife and a dependency on the Deity. God does not do what man has to learn. This should have been made perfectly clear by WW2.

Julian, Celsus, Porphyry... it's no wonder why their works were destroyed. They saw, as clear as day, the way to destroy Christianity: by dissecting and attacking Judaism. Rationally, not emotionally.

Of course, I bear no ill will towards Judaism. Julian certainly didn't. There are actually a great deal of truths preserved in the Old Testament, which are rarely brought to the surface since the Christians have made the Old Testament, in the eyes of unbelievers, a book of no consequence. Granted, it is quite primitive, archaic, and barbaric in some areas. This can be easily explained: the Jews came across many ancient cultures and appropriated from them, and were also taught by them. They were even inclined to worship the pagan gods. Whether they were harmless folk or parasites, their development under these empires was truly a learning experience compared to their development under the Christian yoke.

This is plainly seen in the development of Jehovah/Yahweh. He was, at first, a pastoral deity, then the god of the Patriarchs, then a national deity, and finally the one we have today. With the advent of Babylon, he was given cosmic properties. The transition from a barbaric to a loving god can be explained through this manner as well. It should be noted that some of the dialogue was them putting words into their deity's mouth...

Julian praises Abraham for his faith strengthened by divination. Joseph was considered by the Egyptians as one of their own and he practiced divination. Moses was born, raised, and lived as an Egyptian for many years. Like Akhenaten, he promoted the worship of one God and made it exoteric. Since the masses were inclined to build a golden calf, and serve a dozen idols, it should be clear that this worship was not initially accepted by the majority of Jews until a later period in their history. A comparison of Atenism with Judaism reveals the similarities and differences. Judaism was meant to bind Jews together while Atenism was meant to strengthen political power of the Pharaoh. Moses initially forbade worship of other gods, he did not deny them. Julian mentions the offering to the Azazel. Whereas Atenism was envisioned as a "monotheism of knowledge", absolute knowledge of the one God. Moses' contact with the true Deity was the turning point for Israel. Originally, as their prophet Amos plainly states, they had worshiped Saturn/Moloch/a star deity, like the rest of their neighbors. This is specifically stated in Deuteronomy 32:8-9.

What the Kabbalah and the Jewish philosopher Philo have to say on the book of Genesis is remarkable. It adds much dimension to the account, truly more fascinating than the naive Christian theological interpretation of it.

Two things to take note of: increasing overpopulation of humans was tolerated (Genesis 6:1), 120 year space given for repentance (Genesis 6:3).

The Flood myth can be found worldwide, but no global flood took place? Then it must have been some catastrophe that affected many nations, everyone remembered it and transmitted to posterity. The sinking of Atlantis comes to mind.

Anyway, a Jewish heretic, who renamed himself Paul, is basically responsible for the chaos of two thousand years and it is this Christianity of his which bears the "greater sin". Christianity has hindered the development of the Jewish race for centuries. It has also supplanted symbols with meaning for dogma devoid of all meaning, reverence for the futile observance of outdated customs and rites, truth for a pack of lies. If it really had good intentions in it's beginnings, then it would have built off of what was then existing, removing only what was unsuited. Christianity stabilized at a later period, when they turned pagan temples, symbols, etc. into their own.

The Christians have forcibly enthroned the Nazarene and corrupted his simple teachings of universal morality and divine son-ship. They have betrayed him.

Where did the Jews get their racial laws, monotheism, and the conception of man being "made in the image of God"? A combination of their contact with the higher truths of Egypt, the burning bush episode, and at Mt. Sinai. Revelation is never given in fullness, it is gradual. Christianity assumes that the Bible was the end of it. Period. They are wrong. They only have a small, tiny portion of the truth, which has been mixed with countless errors and superstition, which they elevate above all others.
2017-01-12 21:50:11 UTC
all but Scientology
2017-01-11 13:45:35 UTC
laveyan satanism.
Sheltie Lover
2017-01-14 03:48:01 UTC
Jesus said: "By their fruits you will know them."
2017-01-11 19:36:47 UTC
2017-01-12 05:58:38 UTC
2017-01-12 01:20:11 UTC
JW s
2017-01-12 21:49:31 UTC
2017-01-13 02:36:46 UTC
2017-01-12 04:14:25 UTC
2017-01-14 03:28:53 UTC
2017-01-12 00:08:56 UTC
2017-01-13 01:20:41 UTC
If the question of truth of religion is to refer to any type of religion and not only for instance monotheistic ones, it must be considered on a broad basis. First, if such a broad basis is to be developed at least four categories must be correlated: religion, truth, truth of religion (religious truth) and study of religion. None of them is unambiguous or obvious and this fact makes it practically impossible to discuss all possible combinations of their meanings.

1) The notion of religion.

Even if in everyday life people in the western culture have no significant problems in using competently the term "religion" and at the bottom of their use there is common human experience of the world, we seem to have no satisfactory, scientific or philosophical, definition of religion which would cover all situations and ways of speaking about religion and religious phenomena.

When sociologically considered, religion is a complicated cultural state of affairs constituted by cult (rite, worship), a doctrine and an institutional organization. The doctrinal aspect of a given religion is equally difficult to determine for it consists of a complex and extensive system of beliefs developed throughout the ages by generations of believers. The whole issue is further complicated by the fact that debates on truth of religion and on the way in which religious truths must be interpreted are going on not only between different religions but also within some particular religion: between churches, denominations, religious groups, sects, etc.

2) The notion of truth.

The (philosophical) nature of truth is equally difficult to explain. When asking about the truth of religion the researcher has a choice between many competing philosophical theories and definition of truth, both classical and non-classical. According to the classical correspondence theory, truth consists in adequacy between things and intellect. According to the coherence theory a proposition is true if it coheres with a system of propositions. According to the pragmatic theory truth is what fulfills our practical interests and human praxis is the criterion of truth. Today there are more popular alternative theories of truth, generally labelled "deflationary", which challenge the classical theory and claim that truth is a theoretically insignificant concept. All those definitions of truth can find in various degrees applications in studying of religion and each of them gives rise to specific problems. The issue is to find such a definition of truth of religion which could be applicable to any religion.

3) The notion of truth of religion.

Let us notice at the beginning the following ways of speaking: religious truth, truth of religion, true religion, truth question in religion, truth about religion. Each of them presents difficulties. In the domain of religions "truth" can mean very different things. Religious truth can be treated a feature of religion in general or of a definite religion. In the case of religious truth one deals with a propositional truth, i.e. religious statements (dogmas as the teaching of the church) are authoritatively (by the church) declared true on the basis of strict religious argumentation. Thus, the problem here arises: how to conceive the truth of religion taken as a doctrinal system in the same manner as the truth of a scientific theory is conceived?

In the study of religion we find a distinction between intra-religious and extra-religious truth of religion. The extra-religious truth concerns historical events whose truth can be determined from outside also by a person who is not a believer of that particular religion, e.g. historicity of Jesus Christ and Muhammad. The intra-religious truth concerns the supernatural content of religious beliefs and its truth can be determined only from inside of a given religion by a believer through one's own revelation of God or through appeal to the authority of the divine founder of that religion. The truth about God in Christ is not a statement of a historical fact but the article of faith.

The question of truth of religion acquires different meanings which depend on religion under consideration. That is its meaning depends on whether we consider religion in general or a specific type of religion such as religions of tribal culture, non-literate religions (worship of ancestors, Animism, Manism, Fetishism, Totemism, etc.), ancient religion of Babylon and Egypt, Chinese religions (Confucianism), natural religions and religions based on revelation (Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam), polytheistic, henotheistic or monotheistic religions, eclectic and syncretic religions, religions founded on oral tradition and those with canonical Holy Scriptures (Bible, Koran, Upanishads, Avesta, Bhagawadgita) and finally such secularized "religions" as Atheism, Communism, Nazism and many contemporary new forms of religions (New Age religions).

It is relatively easy to apply the notion of truth to monotheistic religions. How can one however apply that notion to ancient religious myths? to ancient Greek and Roman religions? to the Babylonian worship of stars and moon? to the Persian cult of Mithra? to ancient Iranian Mazdaism and Zoroastrianism? And how can one apply the notion of truth to contemporary atheistic "religions" which lack any transcendent object of devotion and to those which only function as religions (Scientology, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy)? The problem of truth of religion becomes even more complicated in the case of esoteric religions (Buddhism, Wedanta, Christian Gnosis) which assume the existence of two kinds of truth: surface truth and deep truth. The latter kind includes truth which cannot be expressed in any discursive language and is accessible only for the initiated. Articulation of supernatural religious truth also presents difficulties because of its transcendent object of reference that may need the language of analogy.
2017-01-11 18:13:10 UTC
2017-01-12 21:35:13 UTC
Christian. Jesus Christ.
2017-01-13 18:38:14 UTC
2017-01-13 05:11:18 UTC
the catholic church
2017-01-12 01:20:27 UTC
2017-01-13 19:25:51 UTC
Dick fag
2017-01-13 02:30:00 UTC
whatever !!!
2017-01-12 08:19:10 UTC
Please stop causing trouble.
2017-01-13 03:36:26 UTC
2017-01-13 01:18:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.