Do you believe evolution was invented to promote racism and white superiority?
2010-03-20 06:31:12 UTC
I read my history book on evolution and it had all these people that believed that white people was the superior evolved race of humans. While the Bible promotes love for Ethiopians and other races, the theory of evolution promotes hate.
33 answers:
2010-03-20 06:43:32 UTC
That's a lie spread by creationists. Your history book must have come from the creationist propaganda mill. Most 19th century Europeans believed that whites were the superior race, but it had nothing to do with evolution. In fact, the Southern plantation owners used the Bible to justify their ownership of an "inferior" race.

Evolution says that all humans are the same species. Race is a social construct, not a scientific one. Genetically, there are greater differences within one race than between races. Science does not support racism at all.

Why are the most racist groups in the US Christian? Look at the white supremacist organizations - they're almost exclusively conservative Christians. They're not atheists, contrary to what your church propaganda tells you.

EDIT: Creationists claim that Darwin's subtitle mentioning "favored races" refer to human races, which it doesn't. Anyone who has actually read the book knows that, but of course the propaganda mill is counting on you to simply believe everything it puts out without checking for yourself.
2010-03-20 06:36:06 UTC
The Bible actually has a guy killing someone because they'd married a dark skinned woman. Oh, and the woman. And then God rewards the killer. The storis of Cain and Ham, and other biblical myths were used for centuries to justify racism. Long before Darwin.

Evolution wasn't invented. It was discovered. And it shows that all humans are the same despite superfical differences like skin tone.

Science helps tear down the racism that religion supported.
2010-03-20 06:36:09 UTC
Evolution wasn't invented. And there is a difference between adaptions and evolution. Humans adapted to their environments by some features changing. Evolution does not promote hate. Obviously people in history had different views but most would have been based on biblical teachings.
2010-03-20 06:47:50 UTC
You are confusing Darwinian (biological) evolution with a simplistic offshoot called "social Darwinism," among other things.

Biological evolution is focused on changes in entire species (usually), through individual characteristics that increase the likelihood of survival and production of viable offspring. (This is a simplified definition, to avoid technical jargon and lengthy detail).

After Darwin, some well off people decided that they were rich and members of high society because they had superior characteristics. But being rich does not mean that you necessarily produce more surviving offspring - you may well produce less. Nor are they changing the characteristics of human beings, The same flawed argument is true of those who argued that Europeans were superior to other races, because they were more powerful and technically advanced. All humans have the same genetic code, and evolution will generally produce changes in the entire species, not individual races, etc. (there are exceptions, but they are not on issues of interest to the fascists)

Biological evolution -describes- how species change. It does not -prescribe- how they should change or act towards others.
Steve H
2010-03-20 06:35:03 UTC
Try reading a legitimate science book, one that isn't published by a church for example.

Based on personal experience (maybe others feel different), the most racist organisations I know of base their beliefs on God given rights and superiority by virtue of being the chosen people of their deity, I've yet to hear a KKK or National Front member citing evolution as a reason for their racism.
2010-03-20 07:01:05 UTC

You're confusing evolution and the eugenics movement, which attempted to use some parts of evolutionary theory to justify the claim that white people were superior. Social Darwinism is not the same thing as evolution.

People used your Bible to justify slavery, oppose interracial marriage, and withhold civil rights from people of color and women. And now people are using it to justify being homophobic.

Christians also used to support the seperation and abuse of Native American children in the US and Canada, as well as Aboriginal in Australia. They also used to to justify the genocide of Native Americans and other groups as well as the justification for many other wars and human rights issues.
2010-03-20 06:34:05 UTC
no... because from my knowledge... we all evolved from beings in Africa who migrated to different lands... I actually just learned this in Biology this week...

people who believe that white people was the superior race that we evolved from are both ignorant and racist

Thats not an example of evolution promoting white supremacy... Thats an example of white supremacy promoting evolution
2010-03-20 06:32:18 UTC
No. What evolution describes wasn't invented. It was observed.

The fact that organisms have a change in allele frequencies over time does not imply any type of mindset. The point is that we have brains, we aren't just unthinking natural forces that only value survivability. And even if we were, how would race imply survivability? Try reading a biology book on evolution...
2010-03-20 06:42:52 UTC
No, but racism is a natural progression of Evolutionary thinking. Darwin's book, the complete title was:

The Origin of Species: by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
2010-03-20 06:36:20 UTC
you read a history book on biology?

thats your problem right there, people -did- used to believe that, as in history, the book you are reading, they are letting you know about the past, and they were all wrong.

the KKK are Christians, the Neo Nazi movement are Christians that believe in eugenics, -this- is a historical fact.

The Bible promotes slavery in leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy, exodus, etc etc, I could go on and on
LARA, age 82
2010-03-20 06:35:27 UTC
I can't imagine what history book you read that gave you such a wrong idea.

actually all modern humans are descended from a small group of people living in central Africa towards the end of the ice age.
2010-03-20 06:45:45 UTC
I guess the whole "out of Africa" theory must really annoy them. I do like adding Ethiopians, which if I am correct is one of oldest Christian nations in the world.
2010-03-20 06:41:23 UTC
What the book says and what the followers of do, are two entirely different things. Here's a few of your churches atrocities they may not have told you about.

The Spanish Inquisitions. Note that is plural

The genocide of the south American indigenous people

The genocide of the central American indigenous people

The Salem witch trials

Using the African indigenous people as slaves

The genocide of the Australian indigenous people

The Catholic Hitlers genocide of 6 million Jews and other dissenters.

The genocide of the Canadian indigenous people

The on going court cases of laundering Holocaust victims money

The on going court cases of laundering Mafia money

The on going court cases of kiddly fiddling

The on going court case to force the churches to disclose where they buried the bodies of over 50'000 indigenous Canadian children that died under their care.

The on going court case of child stealing and racketeering from impoverished countries.

So yeah, what a perfectly lovely religion. (sarcasm off)

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
2010-03-20 06:34:28 UTC
I personally don't believe in evolution, but no it doesn't promote hate. Actually is does [to a degree] promote equality, "all creatures came from one" That doesn't sound too bad in my opinion. And Darwin was a Christian himself married to a pious lady.
The Original GarnetGlitter
2010-03-20 10:50:28 UTC
READ the Old Testament part of the Bible THOROUGHLY dear...there's racism in it as far as the Israelites being GOD's 'chosen people ', and how other peoples are written about......of course it was the Israelites who wrote the Old Testament so they put their spin on the stories....
2010-03-20 18:31:50 UTC
I don't think it was invented to promote racism, but it certainly has had that affect.

Many of your respondents seem to think that evolution was "observed" or "discovered". However this is completely false. The concept of evolution was "invented" or imagined first by the ancient Greeks, long before Darwin and other evolutionists since have cherry picked evidence in an attempt to support it. They do this because it is the only explanation of our origins that eliminates the necessity for God. Since 87% of leading evolutionists (by survey) deny the existence of God, this fits nicely into their religious outlook. And, of course, evolution is not "science" since it is simply speculation about one time ancient events that cannot be observed and can never be repeated. Observation and repeatability are essential components of the scientific method which is what defines something as being scientific.

Darwin himself was a considerable racist and in his books promoted the viewpoint that societies should prevent the "lower races" of humans from breeding so that the gap between apes and humans could widen. Hitler and many others simply used evolutionary principles to the extreme to murder millions of people consider less evolved. Did you know that aborigines were hunted down, killed, the skin boiled off their bones and their skulls sent to museums as examples of less evolved races? There is nothing in evolutionary theory that rules out the possibility that various races of humans evolved at different times and therefore some might be superior to others.

The Bible on the other hand (and the corresponding scientific creation theories) promote the viewpoint that humans are all of one blood. Having descended from Adam, we are all equal.

Some of your respondents have tried to suggest that the Bible promotes hate. However, people who committed "atrocities" in the name of religion did so in CONTRADICTION to the teachings of scripture. However, those who committed "atrocities" in the name of evolution were being consistent with the it's teachings. In addition, "religious" atrocities pale in comparison (in regards to number of people murdered) with evolutionary atrocities.

I have to make special mention of @lainiebsky who seems to think you have been deceived by creationists. However, she apparently has bought into the evolutionary propaganda mill hook line and sinker. The Bible promoted the abolition of slavery and it was abolished by Christians! Of course, science does not support racism, evolution does. The most racist groups in the US are atheists, not Christians. It is bigoted atheists and atheists groups (like the NAS) that don't want students to use their critical thinking skills in school by making it illegal to even suggest evidence contrary to evolution. In addition, they persecute and ruin the careers of scientists who suggest that there may be evidence contrary to evolution. Lastly, she states that Darwin's "origin of species" does not promote racism and suggest you haven't read it. How convenient that she doesn't mention Darwin's other book "The descent of man" which most certainly does promote racism! Apparently she is the one that believes everything from the evolutionary propaganda mill and doesn't check things out for herself.
Soulless - The Anti-Cat
2010-03-20 06:54:36 UTC
"While the Bible promotes love......." "..... the theory of evolution promotes hate."

ROFL!!!! You Xtians make my day. Really, you do. It wouldn't be the same without you.
2010-03-20 06:38:38 UTC
2010-03-20 06:34:07 UTC
No, of course not.

Science, like religion, can sometimes be twisted from its original context to serve as an 'excuse' for mentally unstable persons to believe and commit horrible things.
2010-03-20 06:32:38 UTC
Okay, whatever you believe.

Homo-sapiens-sapiens evolved at about the same rate. The skin tone is to compensate for the type of sun exposure.
Wicked ɥɔʇıʍ of the West
2010-03-20 06:58:22 UTC
What a good little zombie-slave for Christ you are.

Go outside and play now, the grown ups are talking.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2010-03-20 06:38:19 UTC
Let me guess. Your "history" book is part of a home-school curriculum put out by a creationist organization.
2010-03-20 06:38:44 UTC
Are you a POE?

Let me guess your textbook was approved by the Texas board members?
2010-03-20 06:32:45 UTC
no, evolution promotes mixing of genes
2010-03-20 06:33:23 UTC
You don't invent Science, (Global Warming Alarmists excepted), you discover it.

So No.
2010-03-20 06:39:51 UTC
Gawd bless the public school system!
xx cuti pye xx
2010-03-20 07:41:29 UTC
2010-03-20 06:34:26 UTC

How is it there in Texas?
2010-03-20 06:39:57 UTC
Yes, and to avoid honoring and worshiping the Creator YHVH, and the Savior YAHUSHUA.
2010-03-20 06:34:12 UTC
Yes; it's also been used to promote euthanasia and abortion.
2010-03-20 06:32:04 UTC
No, I do not...
War Penguin
2010-03-20 06:33:19 UTC
Yes it does promote hatred and intolerance...
Jabber wock
2010-03-20 06:32:26 UTC

If you think otherwise, please provide a citation.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.