I don't think it was invented to promote racism, but it certainly has had that affect.
Many of your respondents seem to think that evolution was "observed" or "discovered". However this is completely false. The concept of evolution was "invented" or imagined first by the ancient Greeks, long before Darwin and other evolutionists since have cherry picked evidence in an attempt to support it. They do this because it is the only explanation of our origins that eliminates the necessity for God. Since 87% of leading evolutionists (by survey) deny the existence of God, this fits nicely into their religious outlook. And, of course, evolution is not "science" since it is simply speculation about one time ancient events that cannot be observed and can never be repeated. Observation and repeatability are essential components of the scientific method which is what defines something as being scientific.
Darwin himself was a considerable racist and in his books promoted the viewpoint that societies should prevent the "lower races" of humans from breeding so that the gap between apes and humans could widen. Hitler and many others simply used evolutionary principles to the extreme to murder millions of people consider less evolved. Did you know that aborigines were hunted down, killed, the skin boiled off their bones and their skulls sent to museums as examples of less evolved races? There is nothing in evolutionary theory that rules out the possibility that various races of humans evolved at different times and therefore some might be superior to others.
The Bible on the other hand (and the corresponding scientific creation theories) promote the viewpoint that humans are all of one blood. Having descended from Adam, we are all equal.
Some of your respondents have tried to suggest that the Bible promotes hate. However, people who committed "atrocities" in the name of religion did so in CONTRADICTION to the teachings of scripture. However, those who committed "atrocities" in the name of evolution were being consistent with the it's teachings. In addition, "religious" atrocities pale in comparison (in regards to number of people murdered) with evolutionary atrocities.
I have to make special mention of @lainiebsky who seems to think you have been deceived by creationists. However, she apparently has bought into the evolutionary propaganda mill hook line and sinker. The Bible promoted the abolition of slavery and it was abolished by Christians! Of course, science does not support racism, evolution does. The most racist groups in the US are atheists, not Christians. It is bigoted atheists and atheists groups (like the NAS) that don't want students to use their critical thinking skills in school by making it illegal to even suggest evidence contrary to evolution. In addition, they persecute and ruin the careers of scientists who suggest that there may be evidence contrary to evolution. Lastly, she states that Darwin's "origin of species" does not promote racism and suggest you haven't read it. How convenient that she doesn't mention Darwin's other book "The descent of man" which most certainly does promote racism! Apparently she is the one that believes everything from the evolutionary propaganda mill and doesn't check things out for herself.