2009-09-02 22:49:11 UTC
The universe is on constant expansion as it is today.
Until one day, when the size of the universe reaches its peak, the temperature of the universe will start to cooling down and resulting in 'contracting' of the universe until it reaches its original state. Of course this is not happened yet, otherwise we are all dead by now.
The following verses are from Qur'an, which was revealed to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 1400 years ago, that describes about these topics:
"Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe?"
(Qur'an 21:30)
"...We have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.... " (Qur'an 51:47).
"On the day when We will fold the heaven, like the folder compacts the books, and as We originated the first creation We shall return it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will deliver"
(Qur'an 21:104)
Note that these information only available recently to modern science. The people during Muhammad' time has no scientific knowledge of about anything. How does Muhammad knows this? Who told him?
So my question is, did Qur'an describe about Big Bang and Big Crunch?