Did Qur'an describe about Big Bang and Big Crunch?
2009-09-02 22:49:11 UTC
Modern scientists discover that the creation of the universe started with the event called as 'Big Bang'. Before that event, everything in the universe is hold together as a single mass, until the explosion that splits and spreads out everything into current universe today.

The universe is on constant expansion as it is today.

Until one day, when the size of the universe reaches its peak, the temperature of the universe will start to cooling down and resulting in 'contracting' of the universe until it reaches its original state. Of course this is not happened yet, otherwise we are all dead by now.

The following verses are from Qur'an, which was revealed to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 1400 years ago, that describes about these topics:

"Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe?"
(Qur'an 21:30)

"...We have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.... " (Qur'an 51:47).

"On the day when We will fold the heaven, like the folder compacts the books, and as We originated the first creation We shall return it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will deliver"
(Qur'an 21:104)

Note that these information only available recently to modern science. The people during Muhammad' time has no scientific knowledge of about anything. How does Muhammad knows this? Who told him?

So my question is, did Qur'an describe about Big Bang and Big Crunch?
Eleven answers:
2009-09-03 00:49:42 UTC
check this website below for proofs..for those who argue that the bible has said this and that,this person do not know the bible.hah! see! old testament??????? some people think that they can change the words of God !the old testament is what we Muslim called Injeel and the Quran is a continuum of what Allah has said and foreshadows for the coming years!
Andrew the second
2009-09-02 23:02:44 UTC
Can you answer me now to this question : Does the Big Bang theory mention of a splitting of heaven and earth ? Where is heaven in scientific Big bang? Big bang does not say 2 things were separated.

1700 years prior to Prophet Mohamed The Buddha has explained The Big Bang and Big Crunch. According to it the universe has 4 stages:

1 Expanding Stage

2. Expanded stage

3. Contracting stage

4. Contracted stage

(Read Agganna suthra in Anguttrara Nikaya)

This is also not as a beginning or an end.

But The Buddha has told them not through divine inspirations but through his Personal Insights. Leonardo da Vince drew aeroplanes 500 years before they were made. Not as Divine revealations.

Read the following document if you really want to use logic and reason. All your logic and reasoning end in the statements Koran not because they are right but you are fanatically attached to it as a result of the practice of circumsciscion when seen psychologically.

_ If you really use logic and reason you would select the Karma Kadjy's answer above. But it is posiible you would select the traditional wailing as seeing up above that contribite nothing but wailing as "Allahu akbar...." etc.
Michael K
2009-09-02 22:56:08 UTC
My answer: No, absolutely not. There are many unscientific things found in the Quran. We don't even know about the Big Crunch. Right now that's just a idea and not a theory.

Since I cannot read Arabic, the video below will show that your argument is wrong.
2016-09-13 14:36:05 UTC
You quote: "How might an illiterate guy who lived 1400 years in the past have identified that it used to be simply smoke after the Big Bang?" Here we pass once more. You're repeating phrases of students, such a lot of whom aren't academically licensed scientists. Scholars simply say some thing coming from the tops in their heads. They simply say some thing. How approximately making use of your moral sense; finally, God has given you that moral sense. So use it freely.
2009-09-02 22:53:29 UTC
The big crunch is outdated as a possible scenario. Modern day cosmologists see the universe as expanding forever since the g force is not strong enough to pull it all back in. The big chill is the most likely event
2009-09-02 23:01:37 UTC
no. incidentally, the expansion of the universe is accelerating, there will be no big crunch (discovered about ten years ago). if you think the quran predicts that, then it's wrong. I think it would be more useful for your point if the quran predicted something like that _before_ it had already been discovered by other means.
2009-09-02 23:03:42 UTC
It didn't describe either one. A lot of people are selectively interpreting the Koran, and using a lot of imagination, when saying that the Koran predicted the big bang.
Karma Kadjy
2009-09-02 22:56:51 UTC
So how come we did not learn about it from the Quran?

Are you saying that you somehow understood something, that millions of Muslims in the past centuries did not? Or could it be (gasp), that you are just bending the words of the book to suit your preconceived ideas?
2009-09-03 01:43:17 UTC
all of you are fools specially those saying that muslim is the best religion...any part in the globe with muslim inhabitants are cruel and no mercy..terroristic acts mostly from the muslim world they treat ladies as slaves,other countries does not court girls but buy...mid east countries rape their servants,in times political problem they will declare war via jihad,they treat their workers as dogs...muslim is a very cruel and chaotic belief
2009-09-02 22:58:22 UTC
umm...the creation as you see it was recited in the bible WAY before this Koran you talk about, hundreds of years... Mohamed read the scriptures, and wrote his own belief.

lets find "original" or atleast "first sources"..ok.

i wont watch the bootleg if i have the original...

2009-09-02 22:59:23 UTC
qur'an is the best.

islam is the true religion.

allah akbar.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.