You have not clearly stated what exactly you want to know. Are you talking about how these three aspects shape the reflection of inner-self? or are you asking how they can help to exlpore reflection of innerself.
I will suggest you to ask this question in Philosophy section too.
First of all its very important to understand Inner-self.
Do you know there are two prevailing thoughts in philosphy about sense of existense.
1- I think therefore I Am.-Western
2-I Am therefore i think.-Eastern
their explanation would be out of the scope of your understanding. as you are bit little for it..
Here i suppose context of "Inner self "in your question is" Inner personality". Which means what you are inside. your inner thoughts and theories which develop gradually with time. Thats why i said you have asked this question in wrong section. Because According to spirituality Self is something beyond our this conscience. Self is essence of God within us. which is pure consciosness. According to hinduism we call it Atman.
"Inner -Self "that you are talking about is developed by influence and interaction of materialistic world and our experience of it. It is not the "actual-Self"(Or Atman)
For example In our inner-self if we suspect some one. What would be our attitude toward that person. We will always try to find something wrong or weird in his/her behaviour. If we hate Someone Inside.we will always be rude to that person no matter how good that person behave. And consequently that person will never be able to love us anymore coz his innerself is spoiled toward us now.
So every thing that happen around us in our life is reflection of our inner self. When we are sad Inside we feel every thing happening outside to be bad. and we make it more bad by our bad behaiour.
If we are happy inside same outside.
This "Inner Self " that u are asking( i suppose) drives our experience of outside world..
I hope you would have got some idea now.
So as it is your homework i would say -
"Sit and Think" and do it urself then.
By meditation you can both shape and explore this layer of thoughts and experiences in your mind(which is Inner-Self of ur question).
Meditation is done to reach the proximity of Actual self(Essense of god).
Let me know if my interpretation of this "Inner-self" in context of ur question is wrong or right?
Because I have Hindu background and according to its philosophy Thoughts and actions are illusiory and changeable. Self is Pure consciousness which is beyond them.