Why do some christian people justify their beliefs through denial of factual evidence?
Because they are ignorant about that evidence and arrogant in denying that the evidence exists.
The Anonymous poster shows that with his stupid link. In answer to that link, what are those below? Chopped liver?
@Old Man Dirt calls science pseudo-science, but it is his creationist nonsense that is the pseudo-science. He says the breakup of Pangaea occurred 6000 years ago according to the Bible.
That is total bullcrap! If the separation of the continents had occurred in such a short time instead of the millions of years as science has determined, the friction and the exposing of the earth's magma as the continents separated would have caused the oceans to boil away and all life on earth steam cooked. See my answer here for a fuller explanation as it relates to the Bible.
And the same can be said for every other responder who refers to creationist arguments and web sites. They are nothing but pseudo-scientific bullcrap.
As for pre homo sapien species of men existing, see below.