Having recently adopted the agnostic position after 30 yrs. of being a Christian, and getting nowhere, I
could no longer rationalize away the fable-nature of Genesis, all the animals of the world getting into an
ark (including, evidently, the millions of species in the Amazon jungle alone, not to mention the rest), the
talking snake in genesis, Jonah spending 3 days in a whale, the way large parts of the original scriptures do not come thru in translation, the way many books thought by the early church to be scripture are not
considered inspired by todays evangelicals, the irrational nature of an awful lot of Christians, and above all,
the fact I've been prayed over, prayed for, fasted, repented repeatedly, believed,had faith, read the bible,
did it all right, and not one thing changed, not one improvement, no healing, nothing miraculous, no answers from God. One more thing- if the bible is our guidebook, why not list directions more directly,
instead of burying it in mounds of Jewish history, stories of Jews being bad & chastised, letters from
one early church member to another, Jewish poetry that endlessly repeats itself (ad nauseum), and
parables for an ancient population? Why not some directions for modern man(since the vast majority of believers live now, not then)? Instead, Christian guidelines are pulled from passing references to the subject spoken by apostles, prophets, etc., and
worse yet, mostly misunderstood by modern humans, usually missing the original meaning written to ancient people. Many evangelical interpretations are really quite different from the interpretations of
the early church- shockingly so. I spent several years researching what the early church believed. I
can say truly the early church would've considered today's evangelicals to be heretical. So if Christianity
is re-interpreted for every age, what good is it? Even the beliefs of the 19th century were different- they'd consider todays believers to be mostly in sin. Women had to wear long dresses, no makeup (the bible does say that, you know-does anyone obey it?), morality was very strict & tight, & they'd certainly disapprove of
believers partaking of any modern media like TV. Not just the holiness/pentacostals, but basically all
denominations were like this.Christians speak of absolute truth, but the actual practice of it is as relative as you can get.It also varies today on different continents.So which version to practice? It all depends. Is this a rock solid foundation for your life? I know they say it's all based on Jesus, but all believers with different practices say this.What about "unless you eat my flesh & drink my blood, you have no life in you? Why do evangelicals only have a SYMBOLIC communion occasionally, while the 1st century church considered it vital for weekly, even daily use, & not symbolic, but a real one. No life in you. Sounds a lot more important than today's evangelicals give it credit for.But then, there's no directions for how to go about it.See, the varieties are so mind boggling, and not such a solid foundation as Christians say. I'd expect more from a God who can create a universe.Does Jesus guide his church like he said he would? It looks more like different people, in different times & places, have come up with their own ideas. One of the reasons Christianity has so many divisions is what I mentioned- no direct instructions, but passing references to things scattered over the entire bible Only the instructions to the Jews in the books of Moses have direct instructions, and then, they tell you to stone to death people for violations we'd consider barbaric today.. And they can be interpreted so many ways. When people from other religions look into christianity, it's so common to hear comments about
how it's such a vague religion, with few direct instructions. So true. So it's left to various leaders to come up with a plan- hence the 20,000 some denominations in the US alone.
This is not to say I asked God for anything more than help getting out of sin, But this God remained silent
the entire time. I did not expect luxury, healing, my way, anything like this, but that didn't happen either.
(This in response to comment below).
Going back to the question- I only wrote this to say that logically, it must all be believable, or else it all
comes into question. If you cant believe that 10 million species (maybe more) crawled into the ark, then you must question it
all, because Jesus certainly believed the Noah story. And don't say there were fewer species then- that's
speculation. I'm not basing my life on speculation.
By the way, I'll listen to your comments, but please address the issues, don't just say its all about Jesus-
been there, done that, repented of everything I could find. He never answered. I was a Christian longer
than many of you have been alive. If you put faith in Jesus, you must do everything he said, but because the directions are vague & incomplete, trying to actually do that leads to all the varieties of Christianity we see today- no one can figure it out. Is that how an intelligent God directs his church?