The bible says the earth was created in one day?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
The bible says the earth was created in one day?
239 answers:
2014-12-23 17:52:23 UTC
Why can't it be "literally" true?

Just because you can't do it - doesn't mean God couldn't.

I can knit a hat in 3 hours. I bet you can't. So does that make it "literally untrue" that it can be done?

What do fossils have to do with anything?

Sure - can't prove God exists. But YOU can't prove he doesn't either. And you can't prove what He can possibly perceive or endure in days, months or years.

And it would do you good to actually look up the meaning of blasphemy instead of throwing big words around - when you have no clue what they mean.

No I don't see "all this logic just eats itself". As I don't see your logic at all.
2014-12-22 15:46:01 UTC
The bible never said the earth was made in one 24 hour day. Because a number of creationist ideas actually conflict with the Bible. Consider the following two examples:

Length of the six days of creation. Some creationists assert that the six days of creation were literal 24-hour days. But the word “day” in the Bible can refer to a considerable length of time.—Genesis 2:4; Psalm 90:4.

Age of the earth. Some creationists teach that the earth is just a few thousand years old. However, according to the Bible, the earth and the universe existed before the six days of creation. (Genesis 1:1) For that reason, Jehovah’s Witnesses have no objection to credible scientific research that indicates the earth may be billions of years old.
K & D
2014-12-22 16:47:08 UTC
(2 Peter 3:8) . . .However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with God as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. . .

Does this mean that 1 day equals 1,000 years?

This scripture merely lets us know that God is NOT bound by time the way we humans are. One creative day could have been 1,000 years long or longer.

Also the Hebrew word translated “day” can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period. For example, when summarizing God’s creative work, Moses refers to all six creative days as one day. (Genesis 2:4)

Hope this helps!
2014-12-22 14:12:46 UTC
Day in the Bible does not indicate a 24 hour day.

A "creative day" could have been thousands of years long. We cannot set a human limitation on God's days.
Sheltie Lover
2014-12-25 18:12:32 UTC

The bible says the earth was created in one day? ... NO THE BIBLE DOES NOT SAY THAT. ...ANYWHERE!

Seeing that this can't literally be true, why should we trust the rest of the bible? I mean we have fossils for crying out loud. Why would you believe that nonsense? THERE IS NO "MISSING LINK" FOSSIL BETWEEN HUMANS AND ANY PREHISTORIC HUMAN LIKE LIFE.

You could easily go out of your way to sit here and write your own interpretation of God in the bible and say "oh well a day is a thousand years to God" but that's blasphemy. NO IT ISN'T. THAT IS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS.. Number one you can't prove that. Number two God exists OUTSIDE of space and time according to the bible. FAIL AGAIN. ... NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE DOES IT SAY THAT GOD EXISTS OUTSIDE SPACE AND TIME.

He couldn't possibly perceive or endure days months or years. THAT STATEMENT MAKES NO SENSE.

Don't you see all this logic just eats itself? THERE IS NO LOGIC TO ANY OF YOUR POST.

2014-12-24 08:26:54 UTC
You are working on your already biased view that it 'can't literally be true' - why can't it? This is the Almighty God who is the Creator - what is impossible for you and your tiny, finite brain is NOT impossible for God! He created the world in 6 days (not 1) and rested on the 7th day.

Edit: Whilst the NT does say that for God, a day is as 1000 years & a 1000 years is as a day - 2 Peter 3:8 - this is not a mathematical formula as some people seem to think! It means that for God, time is of no consequence - God is outside of time. Yet the 6 days of creation ARE 6 literal days -24 hours - God's Word - for that is what the Bible actually is - says that at the end of each part of the creation, 'there was evening and there was morning, the (first/second/third etc etc) day. Added to that, God rested on the 7th day. God is clearly defining the length of each day, even explaining some of the purposes of the sun & moon 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons,and for days and years' - Genesis 1:14

This was for OUR benefit, just as the pattern for work 6 days per week and rest 1 day per week.
2014-12-23 14:21:17 UTC
6 days, not 1.

I'm glad you mentioned the fossil record. Once you examine it more scientifically, you will see that it actually proves the Bible to be accurate.
2014-12-23 07:34:41 UTC
The Bible says the earth was created over the course of six days - not one. This is earth time, also. The first day, light was created, according to Genesis 1:3-5. On Day 2, according to Genesis 1:6-8, the water above, the sky, and water below, the seas, were created. On Day 3, land and vegetation were created, according to Genesis 1:9-13. Day 4 was the sun, moon, and stars, according to Genesis 1:14-19. According to Genesis 1:20-23, Day 5 was when birds, sea animals, and life were created. Day 6 was for Man and land animals, according to Genesis 1:24-31. According to the Bible as well, God is all-powerful, meaning He can do anything. This means He could have created the world in one if He wished, and yes, He could perceive days, months, and years. Just because we have fossils doesn't mean that the original dinosaurs weren't created by God. Just like humans, the animals could have and did reproduce, creating fossils from all different dates. The reason we don't see everything created in one day would be because of evolution. Since God is outside of time and space, He could have very well created the world in one day, even though the Bible does not say He did. He could have done it in what we would consider a different "time span." Also, if you don't believe the rest of the Bible, God Himself could not exist, and without God, nothing else would exist. God has to exist to create everything else. Sure, trees are formed by seeds blowing in the wind, moving, then being buried, but each tree came from a different tree, and so on and so on until you get to the original tree, and then what? Maybe God created that tree. Maybe a human planted that tree. Where did that human come from? You can go down the line again, going from this human's parents, to their parents, to their parents, and so on. But then that brings us back to Adam and Eve, or, if you don't want to use the Bible in this, the first human. They had to have come from somewhere. Let's try evolution. That brings us back generations and generations more until we get back to monkeys and chimpanzees. We can go down their genealogy and that'll bring us to the first ones. But where did they come from? If you just want to stop and go to the earth, then the earth would have to have come from somewhere as well. Sure, let's go with the Big Bang Theory. According to scientific law, matter cannot be created or destroyed. If the earth was originally a tiny piece of matter, no matter how much pressure there was, matter would have had to have been formed to form the entirety of the world today. So, that matter would have had to come from somewhere. This is why God exists. He had to make it because, bringing in the Bible again, He has always existed, never was created. Since He's powerful enough to create in the world, I'm sure He could have done it in one day if He wanted to, but the Bible says He did it in six day, the seventh being for rest.
2014-12-23 01:17:33 UTC
Why do you even care if some one believes in God let them be happy .

Why not believe in God it's not gonna hurt you
🤔 Jay
2014-12-22 14:11:59 UTC
What are you, some kind of atheist or something?

I think god worked on it longer than that, like maybe 6 days.

A day back then could have been millions of years..

A Christian told me that. They know a lot about god.
2014-12-23 12:44:21 UTC
Things in the bible are written to give people an idea. If we bring God into a book, how can anything make sense. People are creatures in space and time and God isnt. So how do you close the gap? Communication occurs when something or things, like symbols, words, letters, images, or actions, hold meaning for both parties. How to bridge the gap? Give things symbolism. A day is a thousand just gives the meaning that a day for humans is very little for God. I mean, how do you tell an ancient ppl? Hey. I exist outside of time and space! Oh. You can't. A message needed to be communicated. Did common farmers have knowledge of the number billion? or trillion? No, you say?? Ok. So it'd make sense to write a book where a message of importance was communicated using symbolism because you can't speak to God and understand.

Which, btw. Unless you're a mathematician and physicist, Do NOT go all I'm a smart atheist. I am and yet I have come to the conclusion many other men have come to. Better is living as if there is a God and dying, nothing to happen, rather than living as if there wasn't and dying to find out there was.
2014-12-25 00:32:38 UTC
Earth was instantaneously created first on day one. God then spent the next three days forming it like a potter forms a bowl.

There is almost no time delay between the creation of space-time and the creation of matter which was formed into the Earth. A day is simply based on the rotation of the Earth, usually in reference to a light source.

There is also the concept of retrospective dating. Consider 10 years BC. Each year before Christ's birth is considered to be the same as afterwards, A day after day 7 can be retrospectively applied to before day 7.

" I mean we have fossils for crying out loud. " - the fossils are the evidence left by Noah's global flood some 1600+ years after creation. I am not sure how fossils connect to your argument.

The 1,000 years is like a day text is found in the prophecy of II Peter 3. It is a scale that sets the 6 days of creation as a clue to the prophecy's fulfilment at 6,000 years. That is the Evolutionary hypothesis that we are discussing.
2014-12-27 12:18:51 UTC
Without the spirit of God its impossible to get the true understanding of the Bible, and its plenty of atheist who are on here that think they're quoting scriptures but don't have the meaning behind the words. For your sake lets just say there is a God and he's been around forever. Would a 24hr human day be a the same for him??? Is a day for a ant or fly the same as one for a human? Of course not. Even the dictionary defines day as: Often, days. a particular time or period: the present day; in days of old.

So the scriptures you think you're proving a point with is completely being used out of context. The scriptures even point to a day as a thousand years to God at 2 Peter 3:8. The Bible is a book to tell us God's will for mankind and also the future for mankind, it does't go into detail about every aspect of creation etc.... In order to understand the Bible you have to be humble, have God's spirit and reconize your spiritual need.
2014-12-26 22:24:11 UTC
Without the spirit of God its impossible to get the true understanding of the Bible, and its plenty of atheist who are on here that think they're quoting scriptures but don't have the meaning behind the words. For your sake lets just say there is a God and he's been around forever. Would a 24hr human day be a the same for him??? Is a day for a ant or fly the same as one for a human? Of course not. Even the dictionary defines day as: Often, days. a particular time or period: the present day; in days of old.

So the scriptures you think you're proving a point with is completely being used out of context. The scriptures even point to a day as a thousand years to God at 2 Peter 3:8. The Bible is a book to tell us God's will for mankind and also the future for mankind, it does't go into detail about every aspect of creation etc.... In order to understand the Bible you have to be humble, have God's spirit and reconize your spiritual need.
2014-12-26 19:17:45 UTC
Without the spirit of God its impossible to get the true understanding of the Bible, and its plenty of atheist who are on here that think they're quoting scriptures but don't have the meaning behind the words. For your sake lets just say there is a God and he's been around forever. Would a 24hr human day be a the same for him??? Is a day for a ant or fly the same as one for a human? Of course not. Even the dictionary defines day as: Often, days. a particular time or period: the present day; in days of old.

So the scriptures you think you're proving a point with is completely being used out of context. The scriptures even point to a day as a thousand years to God at 2 Peter 3:8. The Bible is a book to tell us God's will for mankind and also the future for mankind, it does't go into detail about every aspect of creation etc.... In order to understand the Bible you have to be humble, have God's spirit and reconize your spiritual need.
2014-12-26 11:41:53 UTC
Without the spirit of God its impossible to get the true understanding of the Bible, and its plenty of atheist who are on here that think they're quoting scriptures but don't have the meaning behind the words. For your sake lets just say there is a God and he's been around forever. Would a 24hr human day be a the same for him??? Is a day for a ant or fly the same as one for a human? Of course not. Even the dictionary defines day as: Often, days. a particular time or period: the present day; in days of old.

So the scriptures you think you're proving a point with is completely being used out of context. The scriptures even point to a day as a thousand years to God at 2 Peter 3:8. The Bible is a book to tell us God's will for mankind and also the future for mankind, it does't go into detail about every aspect of creation etc.... In order to understand the Bible you have to be humble, have God's spirit and reconize your spiritual need.
2014-12-29 11:03:12 UTC
In this chapter in Genesis the word "day" means a unit of time of unspecified length, it was translated day probably to look nice. The Bible never actually mentions creation ever finishing or more specifically, the sixth day ever finishing. In Chapter 1 man is created on the sixth day, then in Chapter 2, man is created for the first time again, but this is obviously just going into more detail about the sixth day. The bible never indicates it finishing up talking about the sixth day so one must presume that we all still living it.

The first chapter in Genesis, then, must be an account of things that have happened, are happening and will happen. That's not just one day; this part of the Bible can't be used to discredit it. Try and come up with something else.
2014-12-25 00:05:03 UTC
In this chapter in Genesis the word "day" means a unit of time of unspecified length, it was translated day probably to look nice. The Bible never actually mentions creation ever finishing or more specifically, the sixth day ever finishing. In Chapter 1 man is created on the sixth day, then in Chapter 2, man is created for the first time again, but this is obviously just going into more detail about the sixth day. The bible never indicates it finishing up talking about the sixth day so one must presume that we all still living it.

The first chapter in Genesis, then, must be an account of things that have happened, are happening and will happen. That's not just one day; this part of the Bible can't be used to discredit it. Try and come up with something else.
2014-12-24 08:34:24 UTC
I am so sad to read this and know that not all but so many people are not educated in the Bible. Not even a little bit. Do y'all know that the earth we live on now is considered the second earth age? It wasn't like God was starting over entirely. The first earth was already here but God destroyed it. That is why in Genesis starting with chapter one, it states......".In the beginning" when was the beginning? Was it at that moment or from another time?

Have y'all read about the giants in the Bible? When Satan was kicked out of Heaven and a third of the angels followed him, they looked at women on the earth and decided to have off springs with them. That brought about the giants. There are your hybrids.

God was so fed up with all the terrible things going on that he destroyed that age. Not the earth but the age. He wiped out he people except for 2 of each kind including the 6 day creation. What people do not understand is that Adam and Even were created on the 8th day.

Have you ever wonder where Cain found a wife? I did most of my life until I found out that there were other people on the earth. Then it made sense.

I know that I will be blasted for what I have written because people who do not dig deep into the Bible for understanding using a Strong's Concordance will not get it. I had to have help understanding but once, I got it, it all made sense. God is all powerful and is in a different dimension that where we are. One day, if we are Christians, we will also live in His dimension.

My heartfelt prayer is that all get into God's word because it is beautiful. It is His letter to us for us to read not just when we want to but everyday with patience and we are to ask Him for understanding. I love you all. May God Bless those who love Him.
2014-12-23 11:21:31 UTC
A: You’re trying to compare God’s days to man’s days. This is the same error people have been making for centuries. God’s days are not governed by the sun and the moon, ours are. This is evident because he didn’t even create the sun until the fourth day: “And He called the light day and the darkness night.” (Gen 1:5) This light explained here was the creation of the universe, backed up by scientific fact. Science has known for years that the universe has been expanding, and surmised that it was due to the “big bang theory” and that, over millennia, it’s been slowing down. But recent discoveries, thanks to the Hubble telescope, have shown that it isn’t slowing down at all, but rather speeding up. This has the scientists stumped since gravity should inevitably slow things down and cause them to reverse. So they’ve given this strange force a name: “Dark Energy”; Jews, Christians, and Muslims all know it to be God. But by knowing the incremental speed increase, they’ve been able to trace the creation of the universe back to its inevitable beginning: Many scientists now theorize that in the beginning the universe was, basically, an empty expanse with one microscopic form of energy that was so compact and powerful that is was unbelievably hot. And when it blew up it spread a great light instantly throughout the universe. All matter in the universe came from this one big explosion: The “Big Bang Theory.” This is exactly what the Word of God says: “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. And the evening and the morning were the first day.” (Gen 1:3) Much later gases formed and created the sun and the stars. Calculating the billions, maybe trillions of years science says this took, you can kind of understand what a day is to God. In fact, the Bible says “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day….” (2 Peter 3:8). “And God said, Let there be lights in the heavens, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years…. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.” It’s noteworthy here to mention that God separated days by the “evening and the morning,” whereas we separate them by the “morning and the evening.” This demonstrates that the Author of the Bible knew thousands of years before we did that FIRST there was light, and later the sun. How could anyone back then have known that when we didn’t, with all our computers and telescopes, until recently?! To put God’s day and ours into perspective, a gnat lives 5 of our days, but to the gnat it’s an entire life cycle. By contrast, we live on average about 80 years. That’s about 29,000 days, or 5,840 life cycles to a gnat. But if a gnat had intelligence I doubt it could fathom that long a life because we all develop our own concept of what’s normal by our own experiences. But if we could talk to a gnat and say, “See you tomorrow” it would be about 16 years later to the gnat!

I wrote an 11 page document called "integrating God and Science." The above is one of the points I address. ~ Steve B.
2014-12-26 07:47:37 UTC
You may find this interesting, but in the bible contains little gems. It gives us a perspective on how Almighty God views time. At 2 Peter 3:8 it says that "one day is with God as a thousand years as a a day". This is saying that 1,000 years is equal to 1 day. For a man a 1,000 year period represents some 365,242 individual time units of day and night. To the Creator it can be just one unbroken time period in which he begins the carrying out of some purposeful activity. Psalms 90:4 also touches on time in God's eyes. The earth was not created in one literal day but perhaps over a long period of time.
2014-12-23 08:26:45 UTC
In theology classes the way it was explained to me they state that each day could have been thousands of years since there was no way to measure time back then. And the bible technically says 6 days because on the 7th he rested and that's why we are supposed to keep that day holy and call it the Sabbath because it's supposed to be a day of rest. But because of the way the churches set everything up the Sabbath is on the first day of the week instead of the 7th and Christmas is celebrated in winter even though in the Bible it describes it being warm out when the wise men found Jesus. The explanation I was given is that the ancient church decided the dates to have all of our religious holidays on pre-existing pagan holidays to assist them into assimilating the pagans. Even the Celtic Cross when done properly shows the cross in front of the circle because it's supposed to symbolize the superiority of the Christian GOD over their pagan deities.
2014-12-28 22:33:37 UTC
Okay, obviously there are a few things that are not right here.


You have clearly never read the bible.


Your statements make no sense.


Why are you making a post on something you clearly know nothing about?

God did not create the whole earth in one day, he created it in several days. IF you read the bible, you would know this. Let this be a lesson to everyone that you should know something before talking, asking, or making statements about it.
2014-12-26 17:58:20 UTC
They changed it dude.

It used to say things were created in time periods called "yoms", these weren't days, you could say the "day" of the dinosaur or something like that but it was a really long freaking time.

The dinos were also mentioned in it, the "tannyim" were located within one or two of the "yoms" of creation. I still struggle though because how are you not just a total asshole for making those things? Doesn't that seem a little crazy to anyone that someone made the dinosaurs?

Anywho, i've seen proof of spirits, several i've seen spirits and some of what they can do and have done, i've seen the strangest proof that our little world was created. There is very advanced technology and scientific knowledge and ability that exists here and it is indeed very possible to make us alive again.

It's not even magic or anything, we just don't know anything yet but we're getting there, this resurrection thing looks as though it was entirely plausible.

A day is like a thousand years to him? Maybe thats just the perspective of an eternal being or something like that. Maybe it's just a figure of speech. Like things are percieved different from an elderly perspective than from a young perspective.

A kid waiting for christmas is as an eternity?
2014-12-26 00:29:08 UTC
Many people have said in their answers that it would have been impossible for God to have created the earth in one day. That's a huge assumption! They are saying what God can do and what He can't do, how do they know that? Humans could not create the earth in one day but God literally can do anything He wants to, He has no limits!. I was in an Ashram in the 1960's and did many exercises to improve the capabilities of our minds. One of the things I came to see is that there is only God and there is no other anything. The entire Universe only exists because God wills it to exist and not only that but this is true every instant. If God for 1 instant, ceased to will the Universe into existence, the entire Universe would instantly blink out of existence! God is in complete control od every atom in the Universe! To say that it would have been impossible for God to have created the Earth in just a day is funny to me. He could have created the entire Universe in just 1 instant, and in fact does that, at every instant!.
2014-12-26 20:02:55 UTC
The earth was created in 7 days. These seven days could like our 7 days or they could be centuries. The bible has been changed from its original words. So we don't know if what it is saying is true or not. But, one book which has not a song word changed from it is the Quran. That's where I get all my info
2014-12-22 22:41:20 UTC
Having recently adopted the agnostic position after 30 yrs. of being a Christian, and getting nowhere, I

could no longer rationalize away the fable-nature of Genesis, all the animals of the world getting into an

ark (including, evidently, the millions of species in the Amazon jungle alone, not to mention the rest), the

talking snake in genesis, Jonah spending 3 days in a whale, the way large parts of the original scriptures do not come thru in translation, the way many books thought by the early church to be scripture are not

considered inspired by todays evangelicals, the irrational nature of an awful lot of Christians, and above all,

the fact I've been prayed over, prayed for, fasted, repented repeatedly, believed,had faith, read the bible,

did it all right, and not one thing changed, not one improvement, no healing, nothing miraculous, no answers from God. One more thing- if the bible is our guidebook, why not list directions more directly,

instead of burying it in mounds of Jewish history, stories of Jews being bad & chastised, letters from

one early church member to another, Jewish poetry that endlessly repeats itself (ad nauseum), and

parables for an ancient population? Why not some directions for modern man(since the vast majority of believers live now, not then)? Instead, Christian guidelines are pulled from passing references to the subject spoken by apostles, prophets, etc., and

worse yet, mostly misunderstood by modern humans, usually missing the original meaning written to ancient people. Many evangelical interpretations are really quite different from the interpretations of

the early church- shockingly so. I spent several years researching what the early church believed. I

can say truly the early church would've considered today's evangelicals to be heretical. So if Christianity

is re-interpreted for every age, what good is it? Even the beliefs of the 19th century were different- they'd consider todays believers to be mostly in sin. Women had to wear long dresses, no makeup (the bible does say that, you know-does anyone obey it?), morality was very strict & tight, & they'd certainly disapprove of

believers partaking of any modern media like TV. Not just the holiness/pentacostals, but basically all

denominations were like this.Christians speak of absolute truth, but the actual practice of it is as relative as you can get.It also varies today on different continents.So which version to practice? It all depends. Is this a rock solid foundation for your life? I know they say it's all based on Jesus, but all believers with different practices say this.What about "unless you eat my flesh & drink my blood, you have no life in you? Why do evangelicals only have a SYMBOLIC communion occasionally, while the 1st century church considered it vital for weekly, even daily use, & not symbolic, but a real one. No life in you. Sounds a lot more important than today's evangelicals give it credit for.But then, there's no directions for how to go about it.See, the varieties are so mind boggling, and not such a solid foundation as Christians say. I'd expect more from a God who can create a universe.Does Jesus guide his church like he said he would? It looks more like different people, in different times & places, have come up with their own ideas. One of the reasons Christianity has so many divisions is what I mentioned- no direct instructions, but passing references to things scattered over the entire bible Only the instructions to the Jews in the books of Moses have direct instructions, and then, they tell you to stone to death people for violations we'd consider barbaric today.. And they can be interpreted so many ways. When people from other religions look into christianity, it's so common to hear comments about

how it's such a vague religion, with few direct instructions. So true. So it's left to various leaders to come up with a plan- hence the 20,000 some denominations in the US alone.

This is not to say I asked God for anything more than help getting out of sin, But this God remained silent

the entire time. I did not expect luxury, healing, my way, anything like this, but that didn't happen either.

(This in response to comment below).

Going back to the question- I only wrote this to say that logically, it must all be believable, or else it all

comes into question. If you cant believe that 10 million species (maybe more) crawled into the ark, then you must question it

all, because Jesus certainly believed the Noah story. And don't say there were fewer species then- that's

speculation. I'm not basing my life on speculation.

By the way, I'll listen to your comments, but please address the issues, don't just say its all about Jesus-

been there, done that, repented of everything I could find. He never answered. I was a Christian longer

than many of you have been alive. If you put faith in Jesus, you must do everything he said, but because the directions are vague & incomplete, trying to actually do that leads to all the varieties of Christianity we see today- no one can figure it out. Is that how an intelligent God directs his church?
2014-12-22 20:27:16 UTC
If that is your only argument, then you have no argument.

First of all regarding the "six days of creation" ...

You are correct that the bible does refer to six "days". And, according to, over forty percent of Americans believe in Creationism which carries the belief that creation began less than 10,000 years old. (Many believe the first day of creation was on October 23, 4004 B.C.) That conflicts with nature and half-fife measurements of the earth and the solar system. As a Christian, I believe the creation of the world goes way back in time and it was after the seventh day when God rested that we are much closer to the 4004 B.C. date listed above as the first seven days were not twenty-four hour days. I have heard that the expected date of the beginning of creation has dropped from around 10 billion years to around 4.5 billion years since 1977. (I have not been keeping up with physics as I chose to specialize in mathematics while a college student.)

Second, you are correct that God does exist outside of space and time. How this implies that God could not perceive or endure time is unclear.

Merry Christmas

First of all, you will not find hardly any Christians who believe the world was created on October 23, 4004 B.C.

Second, the bible was translated from books written by
2014-12-23 19:09:42 UTC
I just want to point out that there was no such thing as a 24 hour day before the creation of the Earth, so the day or days which the Earth took to be created will have been in God's view, and it is longer than our Earth days
2014-12-22 14:27:06 UTC
Most Christians do not deny that dinosaurs existed, this is a well known fact, most Christians do not deny that the Earth is billions of years old. There is a big difference between Creationists and Christians. Creationists believe the world is 6000 years old and that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. I'm a Christian, the Christians I am friends with as well as those at my church do not believe this, they don't look at the Flintstones as if it were a documentary like Creationists do. They don't reject everything that comes from the scientific community, they, like me believe that science and religion can work together. If religion truly hated science then why is one of the largest laboratories/space observatories(telescopes) in the world at the Vatican in Italy?
2014-12-26 14:30:08 UTC
It was created in 2 days
2014-12-26 07:59:40 UTC
In theology classes the way it was explained to me they state that each day could have been thousands of years since there was no way to measure time back then. And the bible technically says 6 days because on the 7th he rested and that's why we are supposed to keep that day holy and call it the Sabbath because it's supposed to be a day of rest. But because of the way the churches set everything up the Sabbath is on the first day of the week instead of the 7th and Christmas is celebrated in winter even though in the Bible it describes it being warm out when the wise men found Jesus. The explanation I was given is that the ancient church decided the dates to have all of our religious holidays on pre-existing pagan holidays to assist them into assimilating the pagans. Even the Celtic Cross when done properly shows the cross in front of the circle because it's supposed to symbolize the superiority of the Christian GOD over their pagan deities.
sharp shooter
2014-12-28 21:53:17 UTC
No the bible does not say that. The bible says the earth was made in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. Go back to the beggining of genesis. Are you reading kjv version ?
2014-12-27 23:20:21 UTC
Earth was created in 6 days. 6 LITERAL days. People claim the KJV bible contradicts itself but it doesn't. If you would read the actual bible, it is all there for a reason.

Ps. I have no idea where you read that everything was made in 1 day.
Old Man Dirt
2014-12-22 16:06:13 UTC
Time is relative to the observer! As you know on what we call earth- that first day of creation could not been gauged based on a single rotation of the planet because there was no reference point to know when the rotation was complete.

The story is told from a witnesses point of view- so we would have to know where that person was standing to get any kind of an idea to cross reference "day" to earth time as we now have it. All that we can be sure of is that who ever was narrating the events- for them it was one day!

Now science claims the earth is so many earth years old, but those are earth years. We have to find the place of observation that would yield the correct time ratio for both accounts to get any kind of a confirmation. It is clear your evaluation of time is close minded and excludes the possibility that the narrator was not on the planet earth. Which is clearly the case.
2014-12-23 14:07:30 UTC
it actually says it took six days to complete the creation of the earth from beginning to the final creation of what the bible believes to be Gods ultimate creation - humankind.

What you have to remember though is that the Bible was wrote in a time when people really had no idea of the vastness of geological or cosmic time and besides, creation myths are as old; as well, the bible.

They are or were a way for people to understand their place and helped them to answer questions like who am I and where did I come from. They also provided guidance on how to be a good person and how to live your life.

The bible is a tool to help an emerging species understand things that is beyond their ability to comprehen
2014-12-23 07:32:50 UTC
PEOPLE! THINK! The Bible was written, by men, 2000 years ago, for men 2000 years ago. It had to be written in context that they could understand at that time. What matters is the lessons being taught. Like a finger pointing at the moon; if you stare at the finger, you miss the entire point of the lesson. There is no conflict between religion and science;Religion=what God did; Science = how He did it. If He created the universe, He created the rules that make it all work.
LobarCybertronic v.2.0
2014-12-23 06:11:13 UTC
You can't trust the Bible. There are many things in there that are demonstrably false. And even if God created the universe with the feel and history of a 13.5billion year old universe, it means that he is deceiving us. Which in turn means that you once again can't trust the Bible.
2014-12-26 16:24:40 UTC
The earth is eons of ages old. People who say other wise do not read the bible. The bible actually explains things, that was not the flood. In other words, some event that was before the flood. So we realize, that adam replenished the earth meaning it was filled before. Than, in other parts, its talking about how the continents where shifted....explains how animals from africa wind up in the middle of America...You just need to read the bible for yourself to get it....there is allot more there than what you are told.
2014-12-22 14:18:17 UTC
Where does the Bible say the earth was created in a day?

The act of initial creation was covered in vs one of Genesis, without any timeline.

Verse two says it was "without form and void"....mentioning "the surface of the deep"

I get the impression you haven't read it.

The balance of your question also shows a disregard for the actual teachings involved around creation, and that event in time with relation to the fossils you mention.
2014-12-22 16:47:43 UTC
Everyone knows that the Earth is flat and rests on the back of a giant turtle, which stands on the back of another turtle, which stands on the back of another turtle, which stands on the back of another turtle... Everone knows the truth is that there is no first turtle and that it is turtles all the way down. Also the universe which has Earth at the very center was created just 30 seconds ago. By all the laws of irrationality you ca not prove that wrong either. After all you can never prove that something really does not exist because someone will argue that their faith is stronger than reality.
2014-12-23 09:14:58 UTC
No matter how well You may present Your case They will always find a way to twist and turn it around to cover Their point's of view. I have seen this question being asked in many various forms and They always come up with some new answer to it. Read all the answers and You will see what I mean.
Vinegar Taster
2014-12-24 07:59:13 UTC
The bible was written to control the uneducated people of the time, and it worked. Of course common sense tells you it's impossible. People fear the unknown , so they make up things.

China had / has it's own religions. How can anyone say they're wrong ? Or the then natives of North and South Americas ? None of then knew of the bible.
2014-12-27 16:05:13 UTC
Don't question god. Nowhere in the bible does it say the earth or space was created in 1 day.
Jerome C
2014-12-24 08:03:14 UTC
GrandPa says that back in his day, children behaved better. His use of "day" does not refer to a specific time period. Gen 2:4 says in the day the earth was created. So the word "day" in this context is not a definte time period.

There is evidence of the billions of years involded in creation. Creationists dishonor the Bbile by using 24 hour days in their explanation. We can be thankful thatJehovah gave us such a beautiful home. May we look forward to the time when the "Meek shall inherit the earth." It will come according to Jehovah's time.
2014-12-22 14:17:20 UTC
Much of the truth presented in the Bible is not presented by literal statements. The "days" of creation simply mean mean "distinct periods of time", and when understood that way, do not conflict with scientific findings. You ssound like someone who would read Aesop's Fables, and say, "This can't be true. This is worthless".
2014-12-29 10:56:15 UTC
7 days
2014-12-26 22:26:12 UTC
7 days
2014-12-25 10:34:02 UTC
No it does not. It says it took 6 days.

Why can't it be literally true? Simply because you reject it?

Fossils don 't negate the truth of God.
2014-12-26 00:28:43 UTC
Your point is well taken but the bible is nothing but pure horsesheit designed to frighten the weaker minds and control them. The believers are trying today to cover up their belief about the young earth but they will not come out and say that they were wrong all the time. So now they want to tell us that one day about 5,000 years ago was really perhaps a thousand years or perhaps more.
2014-12-26 04:26:11 UTC
The earth was created in 6 period of time according to the Arabic

al-Quran but some translators have made errors and wrote 6 days so the translations are done by humans but Quran in Arabic is words of Allah!

so there wasn't isn't & never will be any other god besides Allah.

and moses jesus Muhammad were all humans and prophets messengers servants of allah. Allah also means god and in islam allah is also considered 1 of the names of god! so all other religions are man made or just highly corrupted but Islam is the complete religion Quran is the final testament and Muhammad is the last prophet apostle messenger of god. islam is the only true religion and solution for humanity so there is many conspiracy propaganda against islam!
2014-12-23 04:57:13 UTC
The Old Testament is a collection of legends handed down by generations of story tellers. Things get lost in the translations. Some say it was inspired by God but that doesn't mean that he wrote it.
2014-12-23 12:48:28 UTC
I am answering this question today. Does today have 24hours? Or maybe I will do it the next day, when am I going to do It? A day is a indefinite period of time. In any case, God does not exist in our reality, even if our view of reality is really true. These electronic impulses are transmitted to our brain by our optic nerve, the brain forms a image, is the image that we receive really what is out there? Does a day really have twenty four hours?
2014-12-26 06:04:30 UTC
I read the Bible more out of curiosity than I did out of trust. It was curiosity that led me to understand what can be trusted and not trusted about the Bible. I didn't just go into it with my eyes closed. It is hard to read something written so long ago and relate it to this modern world. But as a book of historical meaning there is much to trust and understand and use in todays world to help understand man and how he is even today.
2014-12-28 07:07:36 UTC
Actually, the Bible says that God created the heavens and Earth in six days, declared it good, then rested on the seventh day. So, no offense, but that renders your entire argument invalid.
2014-12-23 01:28:07 UTC
First, let's assume it can be trusted (especially since religion is all about faith and faith is choosing to believe in something as truth). Now, if the bible can be trusted, it is important to note that the main idea is that it is from god who is all powerful. So, here is a question to answer your question: Why can't an all powerful being create a universe with a history in any amount of time desired? Before you start with some all powerful paradox response consider another notion from the bible: God always was, is, and will be. This statement fits into our understanding easily except one part: always was. No one can try to comprehend something that was always waiting to create us because everything we have ever sensed has a beginning. If we cannot even hope to understand his beginning we can never understand his power. Moral of the story: have faith is you want, don't if you do not; its your choice, its their choice. Its not something worth debate. In the end it will always come down to right and wrong from different eyes. There is no definite answer from logic and evidence alone, but the hunt sure is fun.
2014-12-24 17:59:18 UTC
If there were proofs yes you can believe it. There far more than hypotheses. Every religion in the world says about the origin of the Earth on their own way. Now tell me how can we believe that the God created the Earth. If there are Aliens in another planets or in the Universe, then who created them. There are several planets in the Universe with their own nature and characteristics. With this sense, we can say that the Earth is a member of Universe Planet.
credo quia est absurdum
2014-12-24 05:18:24 UTC
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."(The Holy Bible. 2 Peter 3:8. King James Version.)

There, it is _not_ blasphemy to say that. This verse exemplifies that time has no meaning for God. To say that He created our universe in a "day" is meant for _our_ limited understanding.
2014-12-23 12:25:23 UTC
The Bible has been translated through several languages and cultures.

The 'day' referred to in the Bible usually refers to a period of time.
2014-12-26 06:32:57 UTC
Ina dictionary or web reference to the word day ...

THe bible as the Word of God has differing means to a day.

THe time is what we want answers for specifically?

Faith does have a differing a approach.

Without faith the bible says it is impossible to please God.

So the term day is likel

Jesus Christ as we know is recorded later in the bible.

He is also prophesized as christians believe in the old testament.

The old testament observed as the Prophets of the bible .

Todays day in calendars even differs too.

Months and years, hoildays too from other faiths.

Some answers are found within the bible regarding time. As we dilligently search, pray and more...

relevance of the bible in its many disemenated editions and pertinence in life today clearly shows examples, situations that we have grown to follow.

Creation over other teachings.

Revolving planets over evolving creations.are generally exempt in non planet earth areas.

Later in the bible we observe that thanks and praise to Jesus Christ is proper .

AS an earthly extension to God , Jesus Christ is part of God, the godhead here on earth.

Because God is spirit and Spirit in the bible he is immmortal and not in need of food, water, shelter.

God existed before His creation as a timeline is nearly impossible to grasp.

The term," I knew you before foundation of the world i"s a term that indicates we already existed as a spirit, plan, in His plans.

in spite of clarity on the day, earth being created by Him and for Him.

Jesus CHrist has come, died, was resurected and will come again.
2014-12-22 23:34:24 UTC
Assume for one moment that the Bible is not to be taken literally. I know this is heresy and something to be burned over but we are also aware that the church changed radically and broke off into branches of various denominations. If it was a good thing and suggests cells dividing and so the body of Christ experiences growth. People are going to evolve in their understanding or get much worse. If you read Plato , you wonder how little we have progressed. For whatever reason , I never assumed the earth was created in a day. I just didn't really care if it was or it wasn't . I simply wanted to know the nature of God and what he required.

There are people who are collectors of rare musical instruments. They never play them. They keep them in a air controlled temperature and sometimes a lucky musician is allowed to play them for their enjoyment.

A lot of people like to study the Bible in depth. They don't ever learn to play it or experience it much like the instrument collector.

You cannot keep God in a book. He keeps escaping and people's worlds are rocked. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth. If it doesn't seem like it is true, file it away as insignificant. There is no law that says all of the Bible is without error and if you study you find there are errors/ God is still real.
2014-12-26 09:33:48 UTC
Science and the Genesis Account

Many people claim that science disproves the Bible’s account of creation. However, the real contradiction is, not between science and the Bible, but between science and the opinions of Christian Fundamentalists. Some of these groups falsely assert that according to the Bible, all physical creation was produced in six 24-hour days approximately 10,000 years ago.

The Bible, however, does not support such a conclusion. If it did, then many scientific discoveries over the past one hundred years would indeed discredit the Bible. A careful study of the Bible text reveals no conflict with established scientific facts. For that reason, Jehovah’s Witnesses disagree with Christian Fundamentalists and many creationists.

Here is the research I found: When Was “the Beginning”?

The Genesis account opens with the simple, powerful statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) A number of Bible scholars agree that this statement describes an action separate from the creative days recounted from verse 3 onward. The implication is profound. According to the Bible’s opening words, the universe, including our planet, Earth, was in existence for an indefinite time before the creative days began.

Geologists estimate that the earth is 4 billion years old, and astronomers calculate that the universe may be as much as 15 billion years old. Do these findings—or their potential future refinements—contradict Genesis 1:1? No. The Bible does not specify the actual age of “the heavens and the earth.” Science is not at odds with the Biblical text.

How Long Were the Creative Days?

What about the length of the creative days? Were they literally 24 hours long? Some claim that because Moses—the writer of Genesis—later referred to the day that followed the six creative days as a model for the weekly Sabbath, each of the creative days must be literally 24 hours long. (Exodus 20:11) Does the wording of Genesis support this conclusion?

No, it does not. The fact is that the Hebrew word translated “day” can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period. For example, when summarizing God’s creative work, Moses refers to all six creative days as one day. (Genesis 2:4) In addition, on the first creative day, “God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night.” (Genesis 1:5) Here, only a portion of a 24-hour period is defined by the term “day.” Certainly, there is no basis in Scripture for arbitrarily stating that each creative day was 24 hours long.

How long, then, were the creative days? The Bible does not say; however, the wording of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 indicates that considerable lengths of time were involved.

Six Creative Periods

Moses wrote his account in Hebrew, and he wrote it from the perspective of a person standing on the surface of the earth. These two facts combined with the knowledge that the universe existed before the beginning of the creative periods, or days, help to defuse much of the controversy surrounding the creation account. How so?

A careful consideration of the Genesis account reveals that events starting during one “day” continued into one or more of the following “days.” For example, before the first creative “day” started, light from the already existing sun was somehow prevented from reaching the earth’s surface, possibly by thick clouds. (Job 38:9) During the first “day,” this barrier began to clear, allowing diffused light to penetrate the atmosphere.

On the second “day,” the atmosphere evidently continued to clear, creating a space between the thick clouds above and the ocean below. On the fourth “day,” the atmosphere gradually cleared to such an extent that the sun and the moon were made to appear “in the expanse of the heavens.” (Genesis 1:14-16) In other words, from the perspective of a person on earth, the sun and moon began to be discernible. These events happened gradually.

The Genesis account also relates that as the atmosphere continued to clear, flying creatures—including insects and membrane-winged creatures—started to appear on the fifth “day.”

The Bible’s narrative allows for the possibility that some major events during each day, or creative period, occurred gradually rather than instantly, perhaps some of them even lasting into the following creative days.

According to Their Kinds

Does this progressive appearance of plants and animals imply that God used evolution to produce the vast diversity of living things? No. The record clearly states that God created all the basic “kinds” of plant and animal life. (Genesis 1:11, 12, 20-25) Were these original “kinds” of plants and animals programmed with the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions? What defines the boundary of a “kind”? The Bible does not say. However, it does state that living creatures “swarmed forth according to their kinds.” (Genesis 1:21) This statement implies that there is a limit to the amount of variation that can occur within a “kind.” Both the fossil record and modern research support the idea that the fundamental categories of plants and animals have changed little over vast periods of time.

Contrary to the claims of some religious fundamentalists, Genesis does not teach that the universe, including the earth and all living things on it, was created in a short period of time in the relatively recent past. Rather, aspects of the description in Genesis of the creation of the universe and the appearance of life on earth harmonize with recent scientific discoveries.

Because of their philosophical beliefs, many scientists reject the Bible’s declaration that God created all things. Interestingly, however, in the ancient Bible book of Genesis, Moses wrote that the universe had a beginning and that life appeared in stages, progressively, over periods of time. How could Moses gain access to such scientifically accurate information some 3,500 years ago? There is one logical explanation. The One with the power and wisdom to create the heavens and the earth could certainly give Moses such advanced knowledge. This gives weight to the Bible’s claim that it is “inspired of God.”—2 Timothy 3:16.

You may wonder, though, does it really matter whether you believe the Bible’s account of creation? Consider some compelling reasons why the answer does matter.
2014-12-23 19:07:18 UTC
It was created in 9ne day and in fact it was spoken into being by God Hilself. Then How long was that day then, because without the manufacture of the Earth there would have been o relatively considered "Day"> At that time the idea was irrelevant
2014-12-22 19:09:10 UTC
I believe in Qur'an for Islam it said that the whole world was made in 7 days.
2014-12-26 10:11:09 UTC
A creative day is not a 24 hour day. It is in fact unreasonable to believe that Gods timetable is as ours. Believe as you wish but the Bible wins in my book. Genesis 1.
2014-12-23 10:23:11 UTC
Upon reading Genesis chapter 1,2 yes God did create the world, the earth, the heavens and ALL things in them Jehovah made it. Because He is Supreme He can do whatever by means of HIS holy spirit
2014-12-23 00:14:54 UTC
The bible never said the earth was made in one 24 hour day. Because a number of creationist ideas actually conflict with the Bible
2014-12-23 00:18:31 UTC
Don't believe anything you read in the Bible. It is simply a collection of myths. Just fairy tales.
2014-12-22 18:44:15 UTC
or for laugh in silent, fossils are dead, the word of God is a live, one thousand years is as one year or 1 years is a thousand. That is because He is the author and creator of time. He is outside od time and inside of it. he is not subject to time. So what is He or who is He that you can not understand due to your limited knowledge . think and search
2014-12-23 08:13:04 UTC
No, it does not. The bible says the earth was created in six days and on the seventh God rested.
2014-12-23 03:51:19 UTC
Obviously you know very little about the Bible or creation One day in creation of Earth is equal to one thousand years
2014-12-22 14:12:21 UTC
A day to man is a thousand years to God. So the earth was created actually in 7 thousand years.Our minds are so finite!
great knight
2014-12-22 19:08:39 UTC
Who said it can't!? But let's be clear, you are being told it is not true by men. Here are some interesting things to consider, obviously I can't post all the evidence in a short youtube comment but here ,"" and "" and "" The Word of God is always true. Jesus Christ is the truth.
2014-12-23 14:21:06 UTC
It did I thought it said the Lord made the earth in 6 days and 6 nights and on the 7th day he rested(Sunday hence why people mainly go to church on sundmda
2014-12-25 09:28:08 UTC
I don't know but the created earth will one day perish is all I know
2014-12-26 10:54:47 UTC
should we deny our very logic that god gave us the evidence outside the bible that the earth is greater in age and took time to create then the bible. and if thats gods word well then ........
2014-12-22 14:42:08 UTC
It could literally be true, of course...

but in fact it is not true. In fact, the Bible does NOT "say" that the Earth was created in one day.

Your claim definitely is not literally true.
Luis Diego
2014-12-22 17:27:21 UTC
The Bible DOES NOT say the earth was created in one day. Period. So, whoever wrote this short article is clearly an ignorant.
2014-12-25 09:25:28 UTC
It refers to a time period, and not a 24-hour day. Example of that is when we may say "One day I'll become a pianist, nurse, doctor... ".
2014-12-22 14:15:10 UTC
Hear what you are saying and Yeah - but I do believe God created us and the world - how else can you explain the intricate systems of plants and animals and humans? The amazing reproductive systems, circulatory systems, etc
2014-12-25 09:29:52 UTC
If a being has the power to create the Earth, I think it could do it within a day.
2014-12-24 12:35:46 UTC
Maybe G-d put the fossils here to confuse us because if there were none, we would all believe in his creating of the universe. G-d wants blind faith. Fossilized evidence or not.
Blue Dragon
2014-12-27 12:41:02 UTC
What you believe is between you and God. What I believe is between me and God. When you meet your maker you will realize the truth. My belief isn't between me and you so stay out of it. If you want to get to know God read the bible and look around you.
2014-12-25 02:07:42 UTC
the way I see it, time was created by man. The earth has a day by how fast it does one rotation. For all we know, one day back then was alot longer because the earth rotated slower.
2014-12-23 05:03:53 UTC
So, what? do you think the bible is a science book? what do you know about one bible day? bible is a holly book. What you are supposed to do is believe in God, and learn your science as you want.
2014-12-22 14:32:16 UTC
Why would it be impossible to be true? Adam was created mature and so was Eve. Why not the world? Just how small is your God?
2014-12-22 16:29:47 UTC
It's more difficult to pin down a Christian than it is to pin down a greased Snake. No matter how well You may present Your case They will always find a way to twist and turn it around to cover Their point's of view. I have seen this question being asked in many various forms and They always come up with some new answer to it. Read all the answers and You will see what I mean.
2014-12-24 00:39:25 UTC
I'm just Blessed to Be A Believer!!! We were born knowing there is a higher power!!! And that higher power Is JESUS CHRIST!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
2014-12-22 14:10:36 UTC
what do fossils prove besides dinosaurs weren't extinct 65 million years ago and man didn't evolve from chimpanzees?
Briana Bonilla
2014-12-22 20:23:34 UTC
Religion is all one big joke and we are all going to hell.

Obviously there is something wrong with people who believe in a book that has talking animals.
2014-12-22 14:17:47 UTC
not so

Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
2014-12-22 14:12:35 UTC
But don't you know that Satan planted fossils to deter mankind from God? hahaha that one is by far my favorite.
2014-12-22 15:12:50 UTC
I think when god made the earth....1 day for god is a if that is true......then it would of been other words 1 day=1000yrs......god says that a 1000yrs on earth must pass.....before 1 day in heaven,,,,
2014-12-26 01:39:01 UTC
What we go by today, is the Gregorian calendar, which was created by the Roman Catholic church, and before that was the Julian calendar. As I've read, in old Israel, each day starts at sundown and ends on sundown. For example the Sabbath starts on sundown Friday and ends on sundown Saturday. God made the sun, moon, earth, and its rotation, so He designed literal days for us to perceive. He used our concept of days to explain to us what He created on each day. Even though God is outside the realm of our time, He is able to operate inside of our time as well. He is called the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, knowing the end even from the beginning. As far as the fossils go, Kent Hovind has refuted many evolutionary theories like this very nicely. You should look up some of his videos. Also look up Duane T. Gish, John D. Morris, Aaron Judkins, Marvin L. Lubenow...etc...
2014-12-26 00:13:16 UTC
Ok, majority of Christians from the 2000 denominations of Christianity know ONE DAY of creation does NOT equal 24 hrs. It's a select few that take it literal. As God said in the Bible that "One day is LIKE a thousand years". Meaning a short time to God is a long time to man. So ONE DAY in the 6 days of creation could easily mean half a million years or a millions years or a billions years or even 1000 yrs. NOT ONE 24-HOUR DAY like we made on earth by astronomers long ago came up with while studying the stars and moon and sun.

With that said, we believers can take many things in the bible as true because we know a man named Moses lives in Egypt and took a bunch of slaves out of Egypt that pissed the Pharoah off, it's in hieroglyphics, look it up. And we know there was King Herod, along with 2 other kings names Herod. One lived 2000 yrs ago and took a census of Jerusalem. We know there was a King Saul and a King David. That Pontius Pilate was a real ruler. etc. etc. I think what you don't like in the Bible is that big guy we call God. And that Jesus was not His Son nor God Himself. There's been discoveries of tombs with Jesus' name in it carvings. And it was dated around 30 AD.

So believe what you want to believe and let us believe what we want to believe.
2014-12-25 21:45:29 UTC
7 days
2014-12-25 20:34:13 UTC
I dont see any reason it couldnt be the literal truth. If god is all knowing and all powerful he could have made the earth in 24 seconds had he wished.
max matte
2014-12-25 17:03:49 UTC
There is tons of information on this topic
2014-12-25 16:13:27 UTC
no proof
2014-12-25 12:10:02 UTC
< in one day?>>

Yeah. . .

< of the bible?>>

That narrow-minded, are you? Seeing that this can't literally be true, the OBVIOUS truth of the matter is that "day" isn't meant to be interpreted as one single 24-hour period. . . DUH!

< believe that nonsense?>>

Just, just, just - STOP! In the name of 'nonsense'. Stop! You're embarrassing yourself, and you don't even know it!

< but that's blasphemy.>>

Well, yeah! Anyone's "own" interpretation of the Bible is blasphemous because they didn't write it. They don't know the mind of God. They, individually, cannot presume to have the Authority to Interpret the Bible. So how could it be anything other than blasphemous?

< months or years.>>

Number One, there's more to life than that which can be "proven". Truth be told, even so-called irrefutable evidence is irrelevant, because it's still up to people to decide whether or not they believe it. Belief, with or without evidence, is still a mater of personal choice.

Number Two, God can indeed perceive time, even thought He exists outside of it. He did, after all, create the temporal realm. That fact alone suggests He understands time even though He is directly irrelevant to it.

< just eats itself?>>

What you have presented does not constitute logic.
2014-12-25 09:38:34 UTC
Why make it your business to "correct" people of faith. Faith requires believing without seeing, without sense knowledge, believing via intuition sensibiities. We know, we intuit without seeing it, feeling it, touching it, smelling it. Quit being so insensitive, and demanding sense knowledge. There are areas of knowing that cannot be measured empirical-ly.
2014-12-25 09:34:59 UTC
you see but do not perceive; you hear but do not understand; your heart is not right with Me, says Yahweh. Humble yourself before Me, and I will open your mind so you may believe. Ron
2014-12-25 08:38:49 UTC
God created the universe, including the earth, in the indefinite past—“in the beginning,” as Genesis 1:1 says. Modern science agrees that the universe had a beginning. A recent scientific model suggests it to be almost 14 billion years old.

The Bible also describes six “days” of creation. However, it does not say that these were 24-hour days. (Genesis 1:31) In fact, the Bible uses the word “day” to refer to various lengths of time. For example, it calls the entire period of creation “the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.” (Genesis 2:4) Evidently, these “days” of creation lasted many thousands of years.—Psalm 90:4.

WHY IT MATTERS The false ideas of creationists could lead you to dismiss the Bible altogether. On the other hand, if the Bible actually contains a credible account of creation, you stand to benefit from its storehouse of “practical wisdom.”—Proverbs 3:21.
2014-12-25 07:46:46 UTC
The Bible doesn't define a day as 24 hours in this case.

The bible says that a 1000years are as one day to the Lord and a day 1000 years, so no hourly time is given.
David Manhart
2014-12-25 00:47:55 UTC
As were all the other religions that predated christianity/judaism/islam.... The human race expanded from Africa, through Europe, across Russia, through the land bridge that existed between Russia and Alaska, down through Canada, through the US, down through Mexico....

Those ancient people's carried religion with them, so religion is at least that old. Of course, those older religions were before any christian/judaism/islamic ones.
Alan H
2014-12-25 00:29:06 UTC
The Bible does NOT say that the earth was created in one day.

If your opening is inncacurate why should anyone reade the rest?
2014-12-24 23:36:35 UTC
And how long do you think a day is for God? It can be as long as He wants it to be.
2014-12-24 20:14:09 UTC
1) How long is a day to God?

Cheap evasion. How about how long is a day?

Mercury - 58 days and 15 hours

Venus – 243 Earth days

Earth – 23 hours and 56 minutes

Mars – 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds

Jupiter – 9.9 Earth hours

Saturn – 10 hours 39 minutes and 24 seconds

Uranus – 17 hours 14 minutes and 24 seconds

Neptune – 16 hours 6 minutes and 36 seconds

Pluto – 6.39 Earth days

That's just our star system.

Add that during the Big Bang, they are looking at a nearly fully formed universe in the first few minutes of the event because of time dilation.

I'm afraid your "logic" lacks premises, a conclusion that necessarily follows from the premises, and frankly, is based on ignorance of what could be rather than any limitation of Genesis.

I'm not religious, but this question has SO little to do with what is possible vs.what limitations the asker is laboring under.
2014-12-24 10:42:56 UTC
God is omnipotent. That means he has the power to do anything. Maybe you should look into your down syndrome instead of bashing something that you don't understand because you can't read.
2014-12-24 08:23:44 UTC
That's why you should read the Quran. The Bible has too many errors. We are the true believers of the true words of Jesus.
2014-12-26 01:35:51 UTC
Well you have to remember the bible is a product of its time. You also have to take into consideration that it was copied repeatedly over the course of history by many different people. Sometimes it was deliberately edited, while others were accidental. Copying from other copies is a recipe for disaster.

The thing is, for some people, no amount of evidence will ever sway them from what they believe. And in that case, there is no point arguing with them. Everyone has their own interpretation of god and you would be hard pressed to find to people that will agree with one another. But to keep from yammering on....yeah, I do see what you are talking about. But then faith negates those scientific inaccuracies and contradictions.....or so I've been told.
2014-12-25 10:02:11 UTC
The key to the Bible is to seek. Seek God.

Ever consider of walking into a Jewish Temple, to get the original translation? They just might explain why/how the English term "day" is being used to describe a passing of time, or a passing of one "event" to another." (Last I checked, science seems to always change, the measurements of years for Earth's entire history was expanded into 7 eras.) We can come to our own conclusion of this because the English word day is used to describe both 24hour period and the difference of day and night.

So to your original question, no - the Bible does not say the Earth was created one day.

In concern with how God exists, I have yet to read the part where He exists outside space and time. Perhaps you may go to a forum (I suggest since they have "apologists" and theologians from multiple backgrounds and religions, and you won't find trolls) or as I suggested above, a house of worship of our Lord. there you can find an open forum (usually) to discuss the matter.

Perhaps God is not affected by time and space, but He is not confined to existing only "outside" of it, as that would be or at least seem unlikely. furthermore, how could being who does not perceive time, create it? better yet, how could a being who created time (or anything it creates) not understand what it has created? Clear is it?

God's existence is described in His name: "I AM"
2014-12-25 09:33:19 UTC
Either my answer will be lost in this or God Himself has directed you to read it:

Fossils are created by silica in sediment penetrating tissues... water is the medium for the silica to penetrate, and it must happen under immense pressure.

The only reason why fossils exist is because of the world wide flood. Everything preserved in intricate detail in the mudflows (think Japanese tsunami). Billions of tons of water pressure settled on the mud for a year before the waters receded.

Every culture in the world has a story of the flood (google it). People and animals were scattered after the Tower of Babble in an attempt to preserve mankind. Can you imagine how we would have self destructed if we knew how to harness electricity thousands of years ago?

Don't feel bad. The FIRST question I had for God when I found out he was real was "WHAT ABOUT THE FOSSILS!!???"

Because after all, I had been taught the earth was billions of years old.

The truth is God created EVERYTHING 'in the beginning', and has called things into having their being as each day progresses. God created the world BEFORE he created time - the first day. You are called a 'human being' because you are 'being' right now.

Know God. He is the source of all and infinite treasures.
David G
2014-12-25 07:34:40 UTC
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

HalleluYAH - praise ye the LORD!
Van Herman
2014-12-24 21:51:03 UTC
Just go along with it
2014-12-24 17:40:55 UTC
According to the Genesis account of the creation of the universe, amidst the primordial state of chaos, void and darkness, God created light. God next separated the waters under the firmament from the waters above the firmament. He then divided the land from the ocean, created plants, fish, birds and mammals, and finally made humankind. All of this took a period of six "days." From this account, we can surmise that the process of creating the universe took some period of time represented by six days.

The process of creation recorded in the Bible bears some resemblance to the theory of the origin and formation of the universe as described by modern science. According to modern science, the universe began as expanding plasma. Out of the chaos and void of space, the heavenly bodies formed and gave light. As the molten earth cooled, volcanic eruptions filled the sky with a firmament of water. The land rose and the water fell as rain, creating the continents and oceans. Next, the lower plants and animals came into being. Then came fish, birds, mammals, and finally humankind, in that order. The age of the earth is calculated to be several billion years. Considering that the account of the creation of the universe recorded in the Bible thousands of years ago nearly coincides with the findings of modern scientific research, we are reassured that this biblical record must be a revelation from God.

The universe did not suddenly spring forth complete, without regard to the flow of time. In fact, its origin and development took an enormous length of time. Therefore, the biblical period of six days for the completion of the universe is not to be reckoned by the number of literal sunrises and sunsets. It symbolizes six ordered periods of time in the creation process.

~Exposition of the Divine Principle
2014-12-24 16:34:28 UTC
If Earth can be destroyed in 1 day why can't it be created? -_-
2014-12-24 16:20:30 UTC
the Bible was inspired by God through the Holy Spirit, but written when an individual's lifespan was the only concept of time. The Word was given to the writers in concepts they could understand.
2014-12-24 16:06:50 UTC
Personally I think if you study Islam it makes more sense
2014-12-24 14:01:31 UTC
In Gods creative time, one day is one thousand years, you do the math
2014-12-24 12:27:15 UTC
Well the evidence does not back up the claim from the bible.

Remember the bible is a Latin translation from King James .
2014-12-24 12:13:30 UTC
Some people have to understand that life exists beyond logic. These tales from the bible are passed down from many years ago from the people who experienced it first hand.

That how the theories of the universe came to be, at least I think so. People used to believe that God live in the clouds, but when they actually saw what was up there, they blamed everything on the universe. God is a powerful being. He exists beyond any of our reasoning. He is something we cannot rationalilze. He's beyond our comprehension.

Would you rather believe atheists and spend an eternity in Hell? Their theory doesn't even make sense.

Atheists theory: There was nothing, and then nothing exploded into particles, or whatever, that turned into living breathing beings.....

It's such a shame how people are losing their faith these days..... God bless
2014-12-24 08:47:23 UTC
Humans wrote/created the bible.

It doesn't mean that everything in the bible is true.
2014-12-24 04:16:29 UTC
Just hit the hay as you didn't even have the guts to post this in religion and spirituality.
2014-12-24 00:24:50 UTC
7 days
Barney Google
2014-12-23 23:05:21 UTC
We can not see the possibilities beyond the life of one planet. Yes, what if...the first day of creation were the first 9 billion years it took for the earth and the solar system to form around a lousy star in a fairly rural neighborhood of the milky way. I could be barking up the wrong tree--I know it looks bad for a holy book. You believe what you want to.
2014-12-23 22:54:56 UTC
The universe was intelligently designed,

unfortunately, Atheists weren't... Oh well
2014-12-23 18:45:24 UTC
"You could easily go out of your way to sit here and write your own interpretation of God in the bible and say 'oh well a day is a thousand years to God' but that's blasphemy."

That's not blasphemy. You should look up what that word means before you go throwing it around.

Before I say this, keep in mind that this is being written from a neutral perspective, and everything I say is being said under the assumption that God exists. I am not going to claim that he exists, nor that he does not exist.

First of all, who's to say that portions of the bible weren't left to interpretation? Keep in mind that, if God exists, and left us this book as a guideline for how we should live and practice his religion, wouldn't it need to be written in such a way that everybody in different periods of time would be able to understand it? If you look at it from that point of view, it makes sense for him to leave out the very complex details of how the universe was created, especially considering that, as human beings, we would not even be able to truly comprehend how something like that would work. The Bible was not intended to be a science book, it's a religious text that provides guidelines for how we should live. How God created the universe is pretty irrelevant when you consider that the point of this book is to give us instructions on how to live and worship him. Imagine how long the Bible would be if God had to first explain all of the mathematics and science behind the creation of the universe. That book would be absolutely huge, even if you removed all of the religious content. Wouldn't it make sense to divide the creation of the world into six easily comprehended sections that even very primitive people could understand? Then, as later generations gain knowledge of how the universe functions, things would begin to fall into place on their own.

Also keep in mind that there are numerous translations of the Bible. It has been translated to many different languages, and even different translations in the same language. I have heard of a Hebrew word being used in the Bible that means something along the lines of "periods of time" instead of "days," which could easily cause confusion during translation (From what I hear, Hebrew is a rather difficult and complex language.). Sadly I don't have any sources for that, but it would be a good thing to look into (I intend to do so as soon as I'm finished typing this up.).

So in short, why not structure the Bible in such a way that it gets the essential points across in a basic and easy to understand manner, leaving the unessential details for interpretation as our knowledge of the world increases? I don't know about you, but that seems like a smart way to do it, since you don't have to explain all of the science, mathematics, etc. behind it all.

Now, second of all: "Number one you can't prove that."

Of course we can't, the existence of God cannot be proved. He is allegedly an all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient being who transcends time and space, but who chooses not to give every human being solid visual proof that he exists. Anybody who claims that they have solid evidence that God exists doesn't even understand one of the simplest and most important aspects of their religion. Which brings me to my next point:

"Don't you see all this logic just eats itself?"

See, that's the problem with religion. It's all based on a spiritual aspect of life. And we don't even have proof that there really is a spiritual side of life. This is why it's so hard to accept religion, and to follow the guidelines you are given. To make this shorter, I'm going to just narrow this down to Christianity.

The Bible asks us to defy all logic and rationality and believe in something which has no solid physical evidence to support it. Throughout our lives, the only signs we could see that we are making the right choice by following Christianity would be spiritual, but logically, we can't even be sure that these "spiritual" signs are actually spiritual signs at all. In return, however, we are promised eternal life, salvation, etc. (I'm sure most of you know by now what is promised to us if we believe and all that) if we put our faith in God. That's why Christians call their religion their "faith," and that's why the Bible asks us to put our "faith" in God. We are asked to make a choice that is backed by very little logic (Some argue no logic; it depends on your point of view I guess.) and no solid evidence, in return for something that may not even exist. When people argue back and forth about whether or not Christianity is logical or not, it's pretty ridiculous, considering that the book that serves as the guidelines for what to believe never even claims to be logical, and in fact implies the opposite.

One last thing I would like to point out is this: "You could easily go out of your way to sit here and write your own interpretation of God in the bible and say 'oh well a day is a thousand years to God...' God exists OUTSIDE of space and time according to the bible. He couldn't possibly perceive or endure days months or years."

The "a day is a thousand years to God" saying is not meant to be taken literally (or at least, I don't think that's how it was originally intended. I'm not sure about the origin of that phrase really.), it's just a simpler way of explaining that God does not experience time in the way that we do (as far as we know anyway). It's impossible to truly visualize and comprehend the concept of infinite expanses of time, or lack of time at all, because time is such an important tool in the human mind. It's much easier to imagine time going faster for another being (or slower for us) than it is to imagine time not being a thing at all for that being.
2014-12-23 14:49:38 UTC
not possible

gods not real
2014-12-23 14:40:44 UTC
Cele Bune. Să aveți înțelegere bună și mult discernământ. Dumnezeu când s-a adresat Marilor Patriarhi ai poporului evreu le-a dat o înțelegere de formare a Universului conform înțelegeri care o aveau păstori evrei din acele timpuri și nici de-*** conform înțelegeri care o au oameni de știință azi. Și azi dacă facem o analiză serioasă *** a apărut universul că puțin oameni știu despre ultimele cuceriri ale științei. Deci *** apare acest univers? Avem azi varianta științifică care ne spune că la început a fost un Bulgăre mare în care s-a produs o explozie mare numită Big Ban și a împrăștiat materia supra condensată din acest Bulgăre Mare. În momentul actual Universul se găsește în expansiune, dar la un moment dat mișcarea se va inversa, deci apare o forță de contracție. Toată acestă teorie și observațiile practice care se fac cu diferite aparate științifice confirmă această dilatare a universului. Deci nu putem spune că nu e adevărată că se vede cu ochiul liber. Dar aici se pun multe întrebări și e foarte greu să răspundem la aceste întrebări. Prima ar fi *** a apărut materia. A doua ar fi *** a apărut spațiul. A trei ar fi *** a apărut timpul. A patra ar fi *** au apărut forțele naturi. A cincea ar fi *** a apărut programul subtil(invizibil pentru orice aparat științific). Dacă noi strângem materia la un loc degeaba tunăm și fulgerăm pe ea n-o să apară niciodată ființe umane. dacă un calculator funcționează fără programe atunci eu zic ca și omeni de știință „Natura l-a făcut pe om”. Astăzi când lucrăm la calculator și vedem că dacă un program se defectează, calculatoru se blochează sau nu merge. Că oameni de știință nu văd programul de funcționare a naturi, e necunoaștere omeniri. Probabil Dumnezeu a proiectat acestă creație ca omului de știință să-i fie imposibil de descifrat în detaliu secretele naturi. Acum să dau și eu pe scurt o variantă de manifestare a acest-i univers. Să lămuri prima dată ce este „Ființa Supremă”. Eu practic yoga de 5 întrupări și yoga care eu o practic se numește „Yoga Noastră”, iar Ființa Supremă este Tati Shiva( sau *** mai știți dumneavoastră Brahman). Tati Shiva este format numai din Chit(la evrei spirit). Dar noi în yoga spunem că el este dincolo de formă, el este dincolo de mentalul uman și nici o ființă umană nu poate să-l vadă. Acel Dumnezeu despre care vorbesc evrei nu este Tati Shiva ci este Mami Kundalini, deci Domniei Sale evreii i-au spus „Iehova”. Deci Mami Kundalini este cea care a condus poporul evreu prin deșertul Sinai. Deci poporul evreu nu la cunoscut pe tati Shiva(care este aspectul static al creației). Deci să fim mai clari Tati Shiva nu poate fi mișcat de nici un yoghin sau Mare Zeu. Iar Mami Kundalini este tot Tati Shiva, dar în aspect dinamic. Deci Mami Kundalini(Iehova) poate fi mișcat de un yoghin superior. Și la mine în Muladhara Chakra vibrează în mod etern Mami Kundalini. Și în cazul când vibrează ea emite curenții Ei(în creștinism acești curenți se cheamă Duhul Sfânt). Dumneavoastră aveți un corp subtil format din cinci învelișuri. Voi vorbi acum despre al treilea înveliș care se cheamă „învelișul de Pranayama” și este învelișul care susține viața în corpul dumneavoastră. Acest înveliș ca materie este format din Prana Shakti(energie). Acest înveliș este format „Șapte chakre” care sunt: 1. Sahasrara(mijlocul capului), 2, Ajna(mijlocul funți), 3. Vishudha(la baza gâtului), 4 Anahat(în dreptul inimi), 5. Manipura(puțin sub ombilic), 6. Svadisthana( în dreptul organelor sexuale), 7. Muladhara(la două grosimi de degete deasupra anusului). Aceste chakre(sau centri de forță) se găsesc în corpul subtil în canalul Sushumna nadi. La ființele umane obișnuite aceste chakre sunt blocate la yoghini avansați ele se rotesc în sensul acelor de ceasornic. Aceste 7 chakre care sunt făcute de Iehova în 7 zile sunt totuși în plan subtil și nici de *** grosiere. Cea care desfășoară începând din Sahasrara și până în Muladhara aceste chakre este Mami Kundalini(Iehova) și nici de *** Tati Shiva. Tati Shiva stă numai în Sahasrara. Învelișul de Pranayama mai este format și din 10 sufluri vitale care fac diferite funcții și mișcări în corpul dumneavoastră. Două sufluri sunt foarte importante și anume, Prana și Apana care sunt legate între ele și ruperea legături dintre ele vă cauzează dumneavoastră moartea. Eu sunt yoghin foarte avansat și o ridic pe Mami Kundalini până în Sahasrara cu ajutorul forței sau Mantră. În acest caz are loc unire dintre Tati Shiva și Mami Kundalini. Acestă unire poartă numele de Samadhi(stare). După aproximativ 4 sau 5 minute acest cuplaj se rupe și Marea Zeiță Kundalini în maxim 2 minute e înapoi în Muladhara. Deci nu îi trebuie 7 zile, dar 7 e în toate, 7 zile, 7 culori etc. Deci lucrurile în formarea universului sunt foarte complicate, iar evreilor li s-a dat o înțelegere simplă ca orice om să o poată înțelege.
2014-12-26 01:16:45 UTC
If a being has the knowledge and resources and power to do it, WHY couldn't the Earth have been created in one day? ALSO learn a little about the language and culture, the Hebrew word for "DAY" does NOT always mean a 24 hr period.It can ALSO mean a TIME period in which something takes place.Like GOD told Adam and Eve that if they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge HE said if they did it"in that DAY ye shall surely die".They did not fall over dead instantly, but lived a long time after.It also talks about the "DAY of judgment" which is not a 24 hr period.
2014-12-25 19:42:50 UTC
Who cares? It's a book of mythology masquerading as the history of the world. If a god exists I doubt he/she/it is all that concerned with what we do. We are insignificant specks on an insignificant rock orbiting around a yellow star hurtling through the universe. In about 4 billion years the sun will go red giant and vaporize the earth. All life will have become extinct long before that happens. If we are to preserve our species we must advance our science and colonize the planets in other star systems that are capable of supporting life. To make these advances we must abolish ignorance and relegate superstitious religions to the ash heap of history. In the process we will abolish poverty and sickness. Remove all debate about religion from the schools and focus on math and science. Religion is a plague. A disease which needs to be exterminated. We don't need antiquated superstitions. They are little more than quaint notions. However, they pose a real threat to the advancement of our species. If they should ever regain their stranglehold over mankind they will return us to the dark ages and insure our extinction.
2014-12-25 12:23:05 UTC
Like the tales of schizophrenics their stories keep changing and exaggerated, the bible and it's followers just follow this pattern of behaviour. I like the comment the our earth was gods second go at getting it right, good one ! Very funny.
2014-12-25 11:35:32 UTC
One week*
2014-12-25 09:42:57 UTC
People believe in manmade religion and ignore their innate spirituality which was given to them by the Divine Creator at birth. You're not born with a religion, but you're born with a spirituality. That's the essence. That's what Religion does, it Binds your spirituality and sucks you dry.
2014-12-25 01:05:59 UTC
Well, the Bible cannot possibly be literally true according to science.

Does that mean that the everything in the Bible is untrue ?

Of course not. Any sensible being,would agree that the Golden rule :

"Do unto others as you want them to do you" is true.

The most important thing is what you can learn from the Bible, not if

it is historically or literally correct.

You can also learn something from fairy tales, despite the fact that they are made up.
2014-12-24 22:46:05 UTC
One week*
2014-12-24 15:38:26 UTC
you have provided a more graphic and finite reason to believe in the bible. by this post and your existence you have convinced me that god has a developed and sophisticated sense of humor.
2014-12-24 11:36:30 UTC
The Bible says the Earth and universe was created in six days thank you. Get your facts right before you through out criticism and judgment!
2014-12-24 11:05:08 UTC
Woah never heard a person ask things like this?!

I guess only the dumbness person would ask this... and you are.
2014-12-24 09:44:54 UTC
First define Earth ? if you do i will answer the question according to your IQ..,
2014-12-24 07:52:05 UTC
A day to GOD is 1000yrs to us. so yes it is possible- also He's GOD he created all living and breathing cant do that and neither can I, You can't put a limit on what GOD can do
2014-12-24 06:01:42 UTC
It has been calculated that each creative day was an estimated 7000 years ......... so where is the problem in creating the Earth in one day if Jehovah's day is about 7000 years in length
2014-12-24 00:52:44 UTC
Oscar the Grouch - please state clearly WHERE, in the bible, we are told that God created the earth in ONE day.
You Know . . .
2014-12-23 23:49:24 UTC
The Bible is not proof of anything unless you can prove who wrote it, when, and where.

Pure fiction until proven other wise.
2014-12-23 23:26:22 UTC
i don't believe the bible say, Allah said earth created 6 days.
Na Na
2014-12-23 18:25:48 UTC
One week*
the King of the Divan
2014-12-23 11:32:32 UTC
Afraid to say, but Christians just call fossils a test of god for our faith. Also, what is a day when days weren't measured yet?
2014-12-23 08:17:45 UTC
all I can say is who ever wrote that must have been drunk at the time. I have never read so much rubbish as I have on here unbelievable
2014-12-23 07:57:23 UTC
What's so hard to understand about that? A bunch of elements bang together by divine decree, then join via divinely created gravity into someday becoming a deliberately placed actual planet? How do you think Christians believe planets form? By magic? Suddenly? Did God somehow toss a ball into space and viola!? Instant earth?

Wake up. Have some coffee and a donut..or even two, as a present to yourself. THEN resume actual thinking before you type. Just because we believe what the bible says, doesn't mean we believe what the bible says.... according to you.
Jasmin Khalique
2014-12-25 18:52:14 UTC
lol............... god made amazing creations
2014-12-25 06:52:20 UTC
Just to bring clarity the bible is an interpretation written by man about gods word. God was not writing a diary to himself and dropped it on earth by accident. So why do people think they have to dig deep into the bible which is a collection of stories from varies writers chosen by a select number of individuals BTW. I mean if God is truly powerful should 7 days be enough what about 7 milliseconds or even instant for that matter. Maybe because instant was not a very imaginable thing back then, so 7 days (actual earth days) can be imagined better but still have you leaving the movie with a shock on your face. That's just what I think....... And if the creation happened the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt thing happened and the flood except there is absolutely no evidence. Zilch
2014-12-25 02:11:13 UTC
the bible does not say the earth was created in one day

how can we listen to anything you claim with your flawed incoherent reasoning?
Caine Breedlove
2014-12-24 21:40:55 UTC
Wasn't most everything in the Bible a metaphor anyways? And remember, people wrote the Bible, not a God
2014-12-24 18:57:03 UTC
It was created in one day. The Big Bang theory. Duh
2014-12-24 15:22:14 UTC
Every bible I read says the earth was created in one day. That is proof that the bible says the earth was created in one day.
2014-12-24 10:34:36 UTC
Okay first of all the world was created in six days, not one, secondly, the entire point of saying that a minute is like a thousand years to God is saying that in his world, time isn't a thing, its man made. Finally some people believe that this six days are a metaphor and that God created the world through evolution. Personally I do not. Believe that, but you should know that a lot of the crap you learn in schools with science and history, a lot of it is lies. They've proved that carbon dating isn't accurate, and they've found blood cells on fossils, meaning these fossils can't be anywhere near as old as they claim.
2014-12-24 08:32:42 UTC
I don't trust the bible. so many things in there are not true and could never happen. i really don't know how earth was created. and who says the bible is the right belief? there are thousands of others without the bible or god! what makes them wrong? it annoys me that so many people say that god made earth hands down cant even plead your case to them. get up early go to church waste your sunday learning about something that isn't true. why? i dont think god is real. god is the only belief my family has ever known. but im not giving up my sunday to listen to some lady go on about some girl named eve eat fruit from a tree. i don't have a belief and honestly to me the bible is full of sh**
2014-12-24 02:54:41 UTC
No scholastic source I know of inside or outside of any major church regards The Bible as factual in the simplest sense. Remember the oldest parts originate from bronze age sources all of which use parables etc. to pass on knowledge. Even later sources had written languages with only a thousand or two words with many multiple meanings. Uninformed literalists have done more to discredit the Christian faith than any aggressive atheist.
Hasibur Rahman
2014-12-23 23:30:54 UTC
Bible has alot of contradictions and scientific errors. I'm not saying that, The christian scholars are saying that. So you should see the Quran and Compair it with the Bible.
2014-12-23 19:41:03 UTC
Keep in mind that the original Bible was not written in English. We have to ask what a " day " meant in Hebrew.

I found that it means " a set period of time ".

Another expression found in the book of Daniel 7: 25 states " a time, times and half a time ". How much is that?

The answer is 3 and 1/2 times. You have to know that the plural of " time " is " times ", it represent " Two times ".

Therefore 1 + 2 + 1/2 = 3 1/2.

One can not take an expression in the Bible and interpret it, without taking in consideration the context and the

meaning of the expression when the Bible was written

Another common misunderstanding is the believe that the Earth is about 6,000 years. If you read carefully Genesis 1 : 1 you will read " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth "however there is no mention when " the beginning ". Nobody knows how old the earth is.

For hundreds of years " Higher Critics " have tried to find a mistake in the Bible and they have failed. This is one the facts about the Bible that shows that its is Higher in wisdom than " all the wise men that have existed from the beginning.
2014-12-23 18:23:03 UTC
It was created in 7 days but God doesn't run on the same 'time" schedule we do. Time is something that man created to understand the motion through space. We measure time but the placement of the sun in the sky and rotation of the stars. As human we naturally created a time to make sense of it. Because God existed before time was ever created and he will exist long before it ever goes. Do I think God created everything? Yes! But God who can create something with just his voice BANG! just like that there has to be a reason he wanted to reference the number seven. Read this link to see all the references of the number 7 in the bible. Basically it sums up the prophecy of Jesus Christ. So God's plan for our salvation began before man was ever created, from the moment he spoke life.

Also interestingly if God spoke life into the earth, we are looking at very young planet, but then how do we see evidence of millions of years of existence. I like to give the example of the video game the sims. You can build a home, landscape your yard with fully grown shrubs having no 'time' to wait for them to grow. Do you think the characters have any idea that that tree didn't grow at all but rather was placed there. In fact, I bet you if that character could argue with you he would put his foot down and say that that tree you put there had been there many months/years before otherwise it would not grow. So thus you see an interesting comparison. God spoke the earth into existence already millions of years old because God has the power to do that. Do I think the earth is 6000 years old yes, but I also think that the earth was given billions of years of growth and wisdom upon its creation. Otherwise how would a tulip know to grow into a tulip, or a fish to swim in water and not land. There is life in the world around us and were there is life there is intelligence. Everything God has done is for a very specific purpose and I think its important to figure out what that is but I also think its important that there will be some things we cannot learn. We don't have the comprehension to learn it. Perfect example of that is science tell sue there are colors existing in the world around us that our eyes literally do not have the capability to see. So we do not see them. Doesn't mean they are not there! Just because we cannot explain why or how doesn't eliminate the fact that it exists.

Hope this helps!!!!
2014-12-23 18:01:10 UTC
I guess you figure that everything you think and say is correct then.

When was the last time you created a sun?

(Isaiah 55:8,9)
2014-12-23 12:45:46 UTC
Athiests....its not blasphemy,one day youll see it. And how would YOU know that it WASNT created in one day...were YOU there in the beggining. You people think can out think god...pure stupidity.
2014-12-23 12:41:02 UTC

When was that ? it does not say.

How many days? it does not say.

The rest of this idea about this question can rather be turned to,


Certainly not that you should compare it to your latest of many science books.

Putting God to the test ? very bad idea.

But how do we take him to say what a day was to God if that was the point? It is not.

But the "Day of the Lord" at Christ's return is a millenium of teaching. You can ask relevant questions then.

That is, if you are present in "breath of life" form.

If you don't have a soul, just disregard my comments.

But if you aren't sure ? ?

You might actually read the Bible ?

It is difficult to watch the tv, read the computer and answer the phone and have any bible time left over so you must put it first.
2014-12-23 11:49:21 UTC
This is a very old anti-religious argument one that is not always clarified properly. The

Bible NEVER says the earth was created in a single day rather it says that all things were created in six consecutive days. Men who have devoted their lives and their time to studying and researching the Bible for two thousand years know that it cannot be interpreted literally in every chapter and sentence and it still have real meaning to it that is not the work of a mad man and every Christian who is not crazy them self knows that or at least has faith that the Bible is not the work of a charlatans or insane people but rather the work of both human men and god himself in a joint effort to produce the most meaningful and eye opening text the world has ever known
2014-12-23 10:56:04 UTC
Length of Creative Days. The Bible does not specify the length of each of the creative periods. Yet all six of them have ended, it being said with respect to the sixth day (as in the case of each of the preceding five days): “And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day.” (Ge 1:31) However, this statement is not made regarding the seventh day, on which God proceeded to rest, indicating that it continued. (Ge 2:1-3) Also, more than 4,000 years after the seventh day, or God’s rest day, commenced, Paul indicated that it was still in progress. At Hebrews 4:1-11 he referred to the earlier words of David (Ps 95:7, 8, 11) and to Genesis 2:2 and urged: “Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest.” By the apostle’s time, the seventh day had been continuing for thousands of years and had not yet ended. The Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ, who is Scripturally identified as “Lord of the sabbath” (Mt 12:8), is evidently part of the great sabbath, God’s rest day. (Re 20:1-6) This would indicate the passing of thousands of years from the commencement of God’s rest day to its end. The week of days set forth at Genesis 1:3 to 2:3, the last of which is a sabbath, seems to parallel the week into which the Israelites divided their time, observing a sabbath on the seventh day thereof, in keeping with the divine will. (Ex 20:8-11) And, since the seventh day has been continuing for thousands of years, it may reasonably be concluded that each of the six creative periods, or days, was at least thousands of years in length.

That a day can be longer than 24 hours is indicated by Genesis 2:4, which speaks of all the creative periods as one “day.” Also indicative of this is Peter’s inspired observation that “one day is with God as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” (2Pe 3:8) Ascribing not just 24 hours but a longer period of time, thousands of years, to each of the creative days better harmonizes with the evidence found in the earth itself.
2014-12-23 09:03:00 UTC
They ( Father, Son and Holy Spirit ) created "earth". as did they create the "universe" when God the Father spoke the Word ( you may call that Word " B-A-N-G " if you choose )
Asked and Answered
2014-12-23 08:31:55 UTC
Who is to say a day to God is not 10,000 years to humans?

I have a relative who, purely because this person likes to 'argue', came up with a theory that weaves creation and evolution into a 'master plan'.
2014-12-23 00:47:57 UTC
You think it is impossible, my friend, the Christians don't. Moreover, let us talk frankly. You have seen a fossil in the museum. Christians have seen Bible in Churches. Therefore, fossil can be as much false as Bible can be. What guarantee do you have that the fossil is not a 'plaster of paris'? What guarantee do you have that God has not kept it to fool people?

Remember, we PEOPLE are always BIASED in some ways.
2014-12-26 03:17:52 UTC
Science and theology coalesce perfectly in verse one of Genesis..

It seemingly took some 13 billion years to provide this backdrop to the formation of the solar system to support life.The remaining chapter then describes a seven day logical progression in turning the amorphous Earth into a habitable planet. Gravitational equilibrium,Ocean covered mantle,Atmospheric inversion, Geological trauma to raise dry land out of the formless firmament,seeds of dna life encoded for plant and animal life in all their diversity.A microcosm of Creative power uinleashed throughou t the world.North ,South axis to regulate atmospherical tub tropical climate evenly around the globe.Temperature,air pressure, gravitational fine tuning had to be achieved through precision engineering beyond the possibilkity of chance and good fortune.Finally the genetic material of man was taken from man to produce woman.Just as that is technically possible today to replicate human tissue the Creator was able to develop perfect breathing creatures to represent His glory and love.
2014-12-26 01:45:07 UTC
no proof
2014-12-25 21:36:53 UTC
You have a faulty understanding of the creation account. Let's examine this a little more closely.

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

Science tells us that there was a creative event called the standard model of the big bang. In this standard model about 14.7 billion years ago nothing existed. Not light, not spacial dimensions, not time, not the physical laws of the universe or the natural constants. Nothing existed, and then, in one instant, it exploded.

If we take the expression "...God created the heaven and the earth" to mean that God created the spacial dimensions and time (heaven) and all the matter and energy in the universe (the earth) then the current teachings of science agree with the first verse of Genesis. As the earth was the only known inhabited place by the ancients, and if truth be told, it still is the only place known to have intelligence inhabiting it now, then to assign all the properties of matter to the earth is logical and understandable.

Let's examine the next verse.

Genesis 1:2 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

The earth, that is matter, was without form. Darkness existed.

The two theories of physics which are at the heart of the Big Bang theory – General Relativity (GR) and the Standard Model (of particle physics; SM for short) – are mutually incompatible, and that incompatibility becomes so intolerable that saying anything about what happened in the first Planck second (approx 10^-43 second) is meaningless.

Around 10^-35 seconds leptons and baryons were created (the strong force became a distinct force), and inflation caused the universe to expand so much that the part which later became our observable universe was both flat (no curvature, in the GR sense) and incredibly smooth (with only tiny variations in density due to quantum effects).

At around 10^-11 seconds the electromagnetic and weak force became distinct.

And by about a microsecond the universe underwent another phase change … it was no longer a quark-gluon plasma, but hadrons formed (protons and neutrons).

So the earth, matter/energy, was without the forms of electrons, neutrons and protons we are familiar with today. What happened next?

Genesis 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

It is at this point that the electromagnetic spectrum comes into play. Photons start to travel carrying with them energy. Entropy, the formless chaos of the universe is decreasing and the universe is becoming more ordered.

So in just the first three verses of the very first book of the bible we have an accurate depiction of the earliest description of the universe, one that is consistent with our current understanding of how the universe came into existence.

You have mentioned that we have fossils. That is correct. But perhaps you don't realize that every creationist is not necessarily a young earth creationist. I for one do not believe that the earth is only six thousand years old. I am not willing to tell the all knowing creator of the universe what methods and means he is allowed to use to bring about his creation. If God chose to start 14.7 billion years ago, and bring things into existence through slow processes, or if he chose to do it all in a week and make it look like it took a long time, I am good with that decision either way.

Can you trust the bible? Yes, I can.

1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

You may consider the cross to be foolishness. If so, it is not a reflection on the truth or falseness of the cross. It is a reflection on you and your destiny.

God has created one path by which your sins not only can be, but MUST be forgiven. If you choose to ignore his free to you offer of forgiveness, then you are condemning yourself to the lake of fire. The choice is yours to make. Choose wisely.
2014-12-25 20:23:14 UTC
Excuse me, but I'm not going to even consider the possibility that you actually believe that.
2014-12-25 18:13:18 UTC
If you don't believe the Bible, what does it matter what Genesis Says. you won't believe it.

The Bible also teaches that Jesus turned water into wine. This He did instantly.

Seems illogical to me to ask this kind of question when you don't believe it anyways. So it seems the devil wins, all you are trying to do is cause strife, not find out any answers. Trouble working for the enemy, is they will want paid, and it is your soul that he will get.
2014-12-25 11:18:21 UTC
The bible is meant to be understood through metaphor. It is NOT literally true - it is metaphorically true.
2014-12-25 06:43:58 UTC
Language has meaning and it changes from generation to generation. In the Fred Flintstone cartoon program, the theme song has the words "we'll have a Yabba dabba doo time, we'll have a gay old time". Since the song says that, I suppose that means that Fred Flintstone is gay or homosexual. Obviously there's NOTHING gay about the cartoon's intent.

In the Bible and in particular the Book of Genesis, the HEBREW word for day means an unspecified expanse of time OR in CONTEXT it could mean a literal 24 hour day. The word was TRANSLATED into English as a day and means a 24 hour day. It is an erroneous TRANSLATION TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE and was done over four centuries ago. The Book of Genesis was ORIGINALLY written in HEBREW and was written TO THE HEBREW PEOPLE whom we call Jews today. Your question and argument for discounting the Bible is nothing new. This very same question gets posted almost every week by the same people who think as you do and NEVER bother to check the facts before submitting a false narrative and question.
2014-12-25 02:48:42 UTC
The Bible is a nonsense book written by primitive men

who knew nothing, they even thought that the world is flat.

Come to think of it, Creationists of today are just as daft,

proving that religion addles brains.
2014-12-25 00:08:28 UTC
I'm not going to try to convince you of anything else or try to shove religion and all that down your throat. But that's why we have faith. Faith is when you don't know if something is real or not but it's like, it keeps you going in life because you believe it just might be real. It's un logical but so is the fact that Billions of people believe that there is a human being out there that can answer your prays and give miracles everyday. That's faith. And when you have faith, you don't need logic. Because a lot of people believe in that human that created this world. Faith eats logic.
flying scot
2014-12-24 22:04:08 UTC
Some like a good fairy tell
pro am
2014-12-24 17:50:21 UTC
for anyone who beleives there is no GOD and/ordose not recognize the perfection in how this universe is made, well that is your perogative but I beleive that if you doubt heaven you should get on your knee and pray there is no hell for you will surely be there because satan loves to know a non beleiver and spend his eternity proving there was a paradise and you passed it up.
Angel McKonw
2014-12-24 12:08:25 UTC
No it does not it was created in 7 days!! At least the proper bibles says that! that's how there became 7 days in a week!!
2014-12-24 06:17:08 UTC
Good job.
2014-12-24 05:05:11 UTC
2 Cor 4:4 The god of this age(Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers... 1 Cor 2:14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. You will never see nor understand the Bible that is why creation of the earth is foolishness to you.
William P
2014-12-24 02:47:15 UTC
A day is the time measurement based on the 24 hour period of one complete rotation of our planet rotating on its axis. If during the project of creating our planet it is not possible to use a day as a unit of time measurement for the period of construction as stated in what people study but insist is the word of God yet are unable to comprehend what the writer intended to convey to the reader. I studied "Dick, Jane and Sally" in first grade. Why don't theologians study scientific theories of the laws of the universe to understand creation of matter?
MittRomney for U.S
2014-12-24 01:56:04 UTC
no proof
2014-12-23 18:33:09 UTC
There's a passage (not sure if it's in the bible but it is related to the bible) that one day for god is one million years for us.
2014-12-23 06:25:42 UTC
Actually, the Bible says that the earth was created in SIX days, and on the seventh day he rested and gave us our Sunday. And by the way, the way you put your question made it sound like Christians were always wrong. It even sounded a little offensive when i read it. Watch what you write!!

And besides, we have fossils because of Noah's flood, not because it "happened over a period of time.'
2014-12-23 01:59:55 UTC
My bible said it was made in the USA.
2014-12-22 22:06:39 UTC
You should not get hung up on specific inaccuracies in the Bible. There is not one religious text that is totally 100% true, nor is there one that is totally wrong. Some of the stories are symbolic and weren't intended to be taken literally.
2014-12-26 02:23:12 UTC
Christians are nuts
James O
2014-12-25 10:26:46 UTC
it's allegory
Bad Speller
2014-12-24 23:29:33 UTC
yes that is of what they say but is not truth
2014-12-24 23:16:39 UTC
The bible never said the earth was made in one 24 hour day. Because a number of creationist ideas actually conflict with the Bible.
2014-12-24 23:00:51 UTC
Well it seems all those bible readers don’t seem to agree with each other? As I have said before the bible is a book off contradictions and untruth’s, of facts never proved written so many thousand years ago . To be exaggerated and often meaning so many interpretations you can ague all day and get nowhere.

Someone said here that “The bible is a tool to help emerging species to understand things that is beyond their inability to comprehend. If that is so why bother to get brain damage.
2014-12-24 17:42:17 UTC
I find it really sad that anyone would take what's in the bible seriously. It was written by people who thought the earth was flat. there isn't a god people. Look at science. So you believe in the ark? Parting of the red sea? thats why our world is so messed up, people believe their imaginary friend will take care of everything. Believe in yourself
2014-12-24 15:21:55 UTC
lifetime after lifetime is a buddhist idea of existence, isn't it?
2014-12-24 15:09:51 UTC
Who gives a feck?
2014-12-24 11:00:37 UTC
This is something we as humans can not understand as we are not God. This does not automatically make it false, however. There are many things I do not comprehend but I do not regard it as not true.
2014-12-24 10:48:48 UTC
Can God create a rock so heavy that even he cannot lift...
2014-12-24 10:05:13 UTC
Anyone notice that all the bible thumpers make stuff sound so damn confusing that you cant even understand the point the are trying to make? That's not winning an argument that's being a gullible fool. Im sure these folks believe in unicorns as well. Cant prove that the DONT exist, right? Just like your God. If you can't prove that it doesn't exist then it must be!
2014-12-24 09:03:49 UTC
i believe that when something happened that supported our species and we cant explain how, we refer to it as god, i dont believe god made us, i believe god helped us become what we are today
2014-12-24 06:36:56 UTC
Nope, creation was accomplished in 6 days. Mankind was created in a day.
2014-12-24 04:56:26 UTC
i really don't know, but in islam the world was created in 6 days. and i think christians also believe that.
2014-12-23 17:22:04 UTC
The bible was written at a time when science did not really exist. They had no way of knowing about evolution, and it would have confused the people of the time if they had put evolution in the bible. It is just a simple explanation, one that everyone of the time could understand. Most Religions accept science. A catholic priest came up with the big bang theory. Most of the bible is made up of similes and metaphors that you should not take literally.
2014-12-23 07:59:20 UTC
Religion was man-made.

Point blank.
2014-12-23 05:01:27 UTC
We are just mere humans, human wisdom and intelligence can't understand the thought of God,. .Just imagine an ant, do you think ant can understand human's thought??? ofcourse not, so let's not level our thinking to God's thinking. .
thenurrse d
2014-12-22 23:35:35 UTC
Why not? For us humans it is impossible to create the earth in one day.

Try to imagine a person who is specialized in manufacturing modern weapons and let this person travel back in time where the world was premitive. He would be considered a God for demonstrating mass killings if he wanted to. Simply because his knowledge is more advanced.

Bottom line is God is more advanced than man. God will not be using cranes and construction workers to create the earth.
2014-12-22 21:44:09 UTC
The earth was created in one week, but the week was of large period time.
2014-12-22 18:10:25 UTC
New pyramids were just discovered in the Azores in water extremely deep. These discoveries are being made worldwide from India, Japan, Cuba.

There was indeed a worldwide flood. Atlantis was the whole pre flood world, not just a continent.

Dr. Robert Ballard who found Titanic claims there indeed was a global flood 5000 years ago.

Man has been on earth about 6000 years. Yes, earth created in a day. Fossils prove creation and the flood.

Coal can be formed in hundreds of years, not millions.

And these skulls are not the result of head binding. DNA tests show they are hybrids, half human, just as it says in Genesis.
2014-12-25 08:30:00 UTC
religious cults exist because their brainwashing tactics work.....and there's an endless supply of desperate morons to exploit with fear and threats......
2014-12-25 00:48:21 UTC
How long did the initial forming of the Big Bang take(answer it was quick, really, really quick), I'm always amazed that people have such a hard time combining Physics with the STORY of Creation.

I highlighted STORY because it's a storying account of what happened, but when you stop letting your own preconceptions block the dynamic that is described(people get lost in the flowery-words used in old-language), you see an almost identical description in the Bible, to the Scientific explanation of how the Universe, and how the Eart was created(which is quite impressive, since it's an old book).

About God existing OUTSIDE of 'space, and time', what do you think we're expecting to find in the Hedgeron Collider? Particles that exist outside of 'space, and time'.

Again not a stretch of reality, since there's quite the consensus that we will find particles outside of time. A good example of WHY, the Higgs-Boson particles, the particles that fill our 'open space', proving the Universe is closed, and completely filled with life.
2014-12-23 20:31:02 UTC
No it's your logic that's at fault. If there was no earth, then there could be no day, a day is a measurement of the earths revolution. So earths first revolution would be earths first day.

Besides that, why 'can't this literally be true'?
2014-12-23 20:30:33 UTC
Personally im an atheist and I think that god doesnt exist because its physically impossible to live outside of time because scientifically time is everything and if god created earth in one day Then why isn't there any real human bones like Adam and eves except only Neanderthals and dinosaurs if earth was created in one day and god is the all mighty being then why would he have his creatures devolve. and then where did the big band theory and al the other theory's of how earth was created pop up because they were proved not to be flat out lies.
2014-12-23 04:41:30 UTC
Well Quran say that God created whole universe in 6 days. Then he created human. It's all true, but if you don't believe in God and his abilities, then you are in loss. Just ask yourself how he grows wheat from small grain and how you were born (from small sperm) and he will recreate you on judgment day.

So believe in Him always. if you don't God don't cars, but if you do, He is merciful.
2014-12-24 08:41:56 UTC
how can you question God , on his birthday and all, his brother santa isn't going to bring you a new red bike thats for sure
2014-12-27 17:35:02 UTC
2014-12-23 18:04:18 UTC
First off the bible does not say the earth was created in one day. Get your facts straight and try again.
2014-12-23 02:30:36 UTC
The bible says the earth was created in one day?

Yes it is made in one day

But they didn t say the earth was made in 24 hours

Their day is different from our day
2014-12-26 19:58:36 UTC
God is such a greater force than the human, we cannot perceive things like that. If you are a believer like me, you just keep your faith in God, and go with it.
Raj Mohan R
2014-12-24 07:33:16 UTC
Nothing takes just a day to complete its progression according to me
Jenny Lynne
2014-12-24 05:49:05 UTC
If you believe this so strongly why are you going to such trouble to explain the way your feel. What about it is worrying you?
2014-12-22 19:23:43 UTC
With God all things are possible.
2014-12-22 15:16:40 UTC
Most things in the bible are impossible so either be stupid or be Atheist.
2014-12-22 15:08:35 UTC
Why should anyone trust your lack of creditability and lack of logical statements?
2014-12-23 21:55:49 UTC
How long do you think it took God to create it?
2014-12-22 14:39:13 UTC
Bible is not an eternal or true doctrine, it is misled and half correct, or less.
2014-12-24 10:27:00 UTC
Time for the entity is not the same as for you and me. Simple!!
2014-12-26 04:15:17 UTC
2014-12-22 14:31:37 UTC
The earth seems motionless, because the earth is motionless.
2014-12-22 16:36:19 UTC
One second.
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2014-12-22 14:11:35 UTC
"Seeing that this can't literally be true..." You lost me at this precise point.
2014-12-22 23:34:40 UTC
Hear we go again.No one really knows ,so I am not going to guess like all of you.
2014-12-24 03:12:28 UTC
2014-12-23 12:27:39 UTC
*Ignoring* the original definition & use of the word 'day' (Heb., yohm; Gr., he·me′ra), and the fact that it was NOT used to refer to a 24 hour earth day until at least the 5th century CE --many CENTURIES AFTER Moses penned Genesis-- is a common & serious mistake that has led many to doubt the Creation account, as well as the rest of God's Word.

So, let's examine the origins of the word, 'day', and what time frames it originally referred to:

"SEVERAL definitions of this universal human concept are used according to context, need and convenience. "

(Wikipedia > 'Day')

>day (n.)

(1) Old English dæg "day," also *"LIFETIME,"* from Proto-Germanic *dagaz "day"

(cognates: Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Dutch 'dag', Old Frisian 'dei', Old High German 'tag',

German 'Tag', Old Norse 'dagr', Gothic 'dags'), according to Watkins . . .

(2) "a day" considered as A *SPAN* of TIME. . . ."

Considered related to:

Sanskrit 'dah' / "to burn,"

Lithuanian 'dagas' / "hot SEASON" [seasons are most often days, weeks, or months long].

Old Prussian 'dagis' / "SUMMER" [which is several months long].

Original English meaning, "dayLIGHT [only about 12] hours [varying with the seasons];"

EXPANDED to mean "the 24-hour period" in LATE Anglo-Saxon times. [LONG AFTER Moses recorded Genesis.]<

"Online Etymology Dictionary"

"For a given planet, there are THREE TYPES of 'day' defined in astronomy:

▸ stellar 'day' - an entire rotation of a planet with respect to the distant stars

▸ sidereal 'day' - a single rotation of a planet with respect to the vernal equinox

▸ mean solar 'day' - average time of a single rotation of a planet with respect to the sun as the central star"

(Wikipedia > 'Day' )

"A 'day' is the length of time it takes for a planet to complete one rotation on its axis – 360°. . . .

A 'day' on Venus is 243 Earth days. . . .

A 'day' on Mercury takes 58 days & 15 hours in Earth days."

("Days of Planets" )

So . . . in Bible times as well as today, the word 'day' was --and is still-- used to refer to SEVERAL DIFFERENT periods of time . . . with some of them short --& some of them very long-- being included:

▸ noun: a period of opportunity ("He deserves his 'day' in court" [which can last days, weeks, or months])

▸ noun: the recurring hours when you are not sleeping (esp. when working) ["Night shift worker's 'days' begin at sunset"]

▸ noun: a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance ("Mother's Day")

▸ noun: the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside ("The dawn turned night into day")

▸ noun: the period of time taken by any particular planet to make a complete rotation on its axis (["How long is a Jupiter day compared to a Mercury day?"])

▸ noun: an era of existence or influence ("In the day of the dinosaurs")

▸ noun: the time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star . . .

(Quick definitions from WordNet (Day) )

The Creative 'Days' could thus have been ANY length of time, and still be considered 'days'!

The first verse in Genesis states: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Many Bible scholars agree that this describes an action *separate from* the creative days described from verse 3 on, so that the first verse is the INTRODUCTION to the periods of creation that followed . . . meaning that the Universe --including Earth-- was ALREADY in existence for an indefinite time BEFORE the creative days began . . . those Creative Days referring to creation of Earth's ECOSYSTEM and LIFE FORMS, rather than the planet or universe themselves.

As A Religious Encyclopædia (Vol. I, p. 613) observes:

“The days of creation were creative days, stages in the process, but not days of twenty-four hours each.”

(Edited by P. Schaff, 1894.)

The ENTIRE period of creation --including all six time units or creative 'days' -- is summed up in ONE all-embracing 'day' at Genesis 2:4:

“This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the *DAY* that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.”

"In both the Hebrew and the Greek Scriptures, the word “day” is used in a literal AND in a figurative or even symbolic sense."

(Insight on the Scriptures > Day )

It is therefore clear that the Bible NEVER says that the Earth was created in one 24 hour earth 'day'. The assumption that it does is vastly incorrect . . . one of many suppositions regarding the Creation that 'cannot hold water'.
2014-12-22 14:15:53 UTC
The bible is wrong on most things
2014-12-26 10:16:18 UTC
God can do all things
2014-12-24 07:13:40 UTC
I dont think it was
2014-12-26 21:51:43 UTC
Good job.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.