I'm afraid that I'm gonna go to hell. Help!? [serious answers]?
2007-10-07 09:58:14 UTC
Well I have no motivation to go to church.
I think godly talk and the Bible is way boring.
I don't pray and if I do it's because my mom makes me.
I haven't gone through confirmation and I'm 15.
I don't know what I really believe deep inside.
My family is at church right now and my mom didn't make me go so I didn't.

I'm againt the Christian morals of:
Modesty. I don't think we should have to hide our talents.

Anti-homosexuallity. I support gays/lesbiens/and bis

Sex after marrige [sp?]. I think people should have sex when they feel the moment is right.

I used to love going to church when I was in 4th and 5th grade and I'm afraid that I have grown to believe that God isn't real. I don't want to go to "Hell" though. Any suggestions, anything at all?!
54 answers:
2007-10-07 10:08:10 UTC
I don't believe you are going to hell. If it makes you feel any better I sometimes wonder if there is a God myself. But I still pray, because I think that blind faith is better than no faith. I still want to go to church very much. I want to believe in God with my whole heart, but that is not where I am right now. Maybe it will just take some time. Everyone needs to find a God of there understanding. We all have different beleifs and that is okay. I suggest to you and this is only my opinion, that you pray on your own. Don't let your Mom force you, just tell her that you pray on your own in your room before you go to sleep. Just pray to God and tell him what you are feeling. You are confused, you doubt him sometimes. That is what I do. I think we all need something to believe in and it really does feel good to talk to him and tell him the way you feel. Ask him to show you the way, if he is real he will lead you to him in his way. Maybe you need to find a different church. One that feels right to you. It could take a while, but look around. Maybe even try watching a sermon with Joel Osteen. I find a lot of my inspiration from him. You will find that a lot of people love him and a lot don't. Just like everything else in life. Just give it a try and see if it feels right to you. His website is and you can check for local times and listings. Good luck Hon, don't let anybody scare you. Your a good person.
2007-10-07 10:28:06 UTC
Perhaps the motivation is not about to go to Church, is in faith itself, the thing of going to the building that doesn't make you a saint or either be saved, no, in my personal opinion is what you do EVERYDAY, not just one day, not just SUNDAYS, no, is how you treat your mind, your soul, your body, all the time, how you behave with your family, if you go on Sundays but all week act as a ***** to all around you..... don't go please.

If is boring the Bible is because you are not making ANY EFFORT AT ALL to understand, what I found funny is that you are afraid of going to hell, but you don't believe, you don't know how to see every day's miracles but you are afraid...

There's no age to go through confirmation, so if you really care and want to do it, you still can.

Praying is a way to communicate with God, but if somebody has to push you, oh boy... well, then what do you want? a free pass to where.... if you haven't read anything or even you are not interested to read the Bible, why are you afraid? perhaps, the only I could say to you is what you could miss, ...... HEAVEN.

Religion is not fanaticism, nothing more far from that, is faith, that is what you need to take out and make it grow.

Christian morals as you said "Modesty".... is just not to be a stupid person bragging about something, if you have a talent use it, don't brag about it. The perception that you have about that concept, I think is incorrect.

For your 15 years... what do you really know about homosexuality? your attitude is arrogant, you can't support nothing if you are not in the knowledge, remember that never stops, I can't say either "ah, I know all..." no, I would commit the same mistake than you, no, there's always something to learn, perhaps I have another point of view with 16 years more than you, just that, I could be wrong too.

About "people should have sex when they feel the moment is right..." yes I should add to with the right protection both partners, in order to avoid further problems. The word be responsible is BIG as you can imagine and the consequences the same.

If you used to love going to church, maybe something or someone disappointed you, but that doesn't mean you have to stop believing.

Life itself is a miracle, open your eyes and see all around you. Faith is not to be afraid, read between lines, God wants you to be a useful person, one with a heart, with a brain and a happy life, that's all.

hell could be this, no faith, only fear, heaven could be a life full of happiness, here and only here, perhaps there is no place to go, everything that we do we'll pay our bad deeds here...
2007-10-07 10:09:51 UTC
A lot of kids your age become like you. But a hell direction you are describing. Praying is what is most important! You have to be willing loving God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. And you should read the Bible. IF you have the King James Bible, that alone could be your problem. Get a NIV or American Standard. As least modern. Not only read the Bible; but obey it too. Pray to understand it. If you are still having problems, see if you can find Bible Study Lessons near you. To help you take in and understand more.
2007-10-07 10:06:26 UTC
You may just be at the age that you breaking from things to find out who you are, but God will be there while you figure things out. It's not a free ticket to purposely sin though, so remember that.

Explore other churches and their youth/teen programs though and maybe one will call to you sooner rather than later.

As for modesty, with ego and clothing... there should be some type of modesty. If your ego is big then you forget that you are human and God is God.

Sex: At 15, that is a difficult thing to consider about when the time is right because there also is an age where it can cause emotional problems if you trust someone and they just use you plus any possible consequences of sex.
2007-10-07 10:17:33 UTC
I wanted to pass your question up because you had so many answers. I hope mine makes a difference in your life. You need to pray and ask God to show you the Truth. I know what you mean about church and the Bible being boring. I have experienced this also. You do not want to cut yourself completely off from seeking after God. He is willing to show you everything that you need to know and want to know. He can make life and a relationship with Him very exciting just like when you were younger. Just ask Jesus into your heart, He then can make the changes necessary to help you and you will began seeing things in a new way. You will want to attend church and read the Bible. God Bless You and remember He does love you alot.
2007-10-07 10:53:50 UTC
I think that you are only 15 and have not lived long enough to really have known the Lord God for yourself, or have had the troubles in life that will bring you closer to him. You have to meditate on it and give your self some time. I know that sometimes it seems as if God isn't real,but he IS. I also even though I'm much older than you are have felt the same way you do, but I know not to fall into the Devil's trap of disbeliefe. Also, it is ok not to hate gays or bi's. But hate the person, hate their sin. You must acknowledge that engaging in gay acts is a sin as well as doing any other sin. All sin separates us from God, and you must acknowledge that. So hate the sin and not the sinner. Live and Let Live that is the Christian way. See, you are already half way there but don't know how to arive there yet. Give it time honey. Know that everyone must answer to God for their own sins, but you must answer for yours. Do this for me... Pray to the Lord to lead you in the right direction. Don't rebel, he loves you. You will find him in time.
2007-10-07 10:17:15 UTC
I think it is natural and positive for you to question your religion as you try to build a relationship with God. I think you are better served questioning at home than in church right now.

I believe that we are held spiritually accountable for our actions, but I personally don't believe in Hell. So I might not be your best guide to avoid it.

It was recently uncovered the Mother Theresa, a woman that will likely become a saint, doubted the existence of God for much of her life. You are in good company in having doubts.

There are also many different forms of Christianity that have different interpretations regarding homosexuality and sex. You may just be attending the wrong church for you to be able to build your relationship with God.

I would think more about Humility (not modesty per say) because even though an individual wants to show off their talents, it is important to have perspective upon one's own place in the world and the limitations we all have. It is hard to be humble, but it is worth the effort to reflect upon it as much as possible.
2007-10-07 10:20:52 UTC
You are simply opening up to the possibilities of MORE. I was in such a place when I was your age, and now at the age of 32 I am solid in my beliefs and my faith and I continue to grow both spiritually and emotionally with every new experience life has to offer me.

My suggestion to you would be to simply meditate. Go within yourself and just sit and smile for about 10 minutes a day. While you are sitting in a quiet place smiling, try not to think of anything at all; concentrate on the feeling of breathing and your body sounds and movements as you breathe and live.

The fact of the matter is; LIFE IS MEANT TO BE BLISSFUL!! --Not regretful. Spend every moment you can thinking only good things and doing the things you love to do, and you don't have to worry about heaven or hell... truth be told, this life is both!! Just choose either Heaven, or Hell, and you will live the life you choose. Simply depends on perspective. Happiness is a choice. Don't sweat the small stuff. (Most of it is small stuff!)
2007-10-07 10:17:50 UTC
Hello Sister, you're absolutely not the first person to have the same experiences that you are having. I don't want you to go to Hell either, but you need to be willing to accept certain facts. Jesus died for you not only that you can go to heaven one day, but also that you can live an abundant and peacful life on earth.

You first need to get to know him. I would not advise you to rush to church as yet. There are many people who don't miss a Sunday Service and they still would not see the gates of heaven. Why? Because they do not have a close and loving relationship with God. When you have this type of relationship with God, you will always be motivated to the right things, say the right things and strive to be that kind of person Jesus wants you to be. Jesus is not only your Savior, he is your friend.

Start a new habit of talking to him daily in prayer. You don't always need to be formal, you can also talk to him as you would to a casual friend. Begin to read the Gospels; start with Mathew. As you continually do this, your mind will be renewd and you will receive wisdom from God. God will now begin to work through you, by first changing the way you think. Eventually you will be the first person to leave the house for church.

Remember the objective of the devil is to get you to think that all that God considers ungodly and unholy is cool. Just like how he deceived Eve by making her believe that it was "cool" to eat the forbidden fruit. He wants the whole world to think that it is "cool" to curse, to fornicate,to kill,to be a homosexual, to disrespect people etc.

I give you advice as a sister, seek God through prayer and meditating in his word and he will forever be your defender, your provider and your peace.

Take care!
2007-10-07 10:05:38 UTC
For God so loved the World that He gave his only begotten Son that who so ever believes in him, shall not perish but have ever lasting life.

John 3 16 The Bible.

Jesus is the way to heaven. Do you have Jesus?

Do you believe?

The Greatest Love Song

Do You Know Jesus

By Mike McCracken


Do you know Jesus?

And how He loves us

How He died just to save us

Just because, He loves us

Judas betrayed Him

Who once was His friend

They beat, flogged and scourged Him

To where He didn’t look human

A crown of thorns on His head

Just another place where He bled

Humiliated in every way

Why, they even tore His clothes away

And there wasn’t any time loss

To where, they made Him carry the cross

To drive nails through His hands

He’s more than just a man

And Jesus still loved them

After all they did to Him

He did this for us too

When He said, “Father forgive them,

for they know not what they do.”

Jesus said that there is no greater love that a man can give than that he lay down his life for another. Jesus did this for all those who believe. I wrote this out of the Bible so everyone will know how great God’s love is.

Jesus is reaching out to you.
2007-10-07 10:23:27 UTC
The true meaning of the word "church" is worshipping god. You do not have to go to a church to be a good person.

You do not have to be a "Christian" to go to heaven. Different religions state different rules, interpreted from scriptures and I believe designed to command obedience and prove your loyalty to the particular faith.

I was brought up a catholic, and when I asked why I had to go to church, I was told "because it would break my Gran's heart if I didn't." I used to have debates with my father all the time at your age, questioning the catholic beliefs.

It is good to question, because this means you are thinking.

I am now an adult and I have developed my own set of beliefs, based on what I think are good teachings and morals:

Jesus was very simple in his explanation - he said "do to others as you would have them do to yourself".

No god would turn his back on his "creations". If god made us all as individuals, then why would he then forbid people to be happy in their true sexual orientation?

Marriage, whilst when it's right is a wonderful thing, is a man made institution. Cave men and women must have had sex, before marriage was invented - do you think they went to hell? Would we be here? I believe the moral in this rule is to encourage people to have sex in a loving environment, and to discourage people from fornicating at the drop of a hat with anyone - mentally people do come to regret liaisons of this type, and sometimes can hurt your health (e.g. Aids)

I think there is a god, but that he's like a conscience, encouraging you to live in a good way, to feel good about yourself and to care about others. If you are true to yourself and live life in a good way (no ones perfect - but if you try) you will be welcomed at the gates of heaven.
Me Encanta Espanol
2007-10-07 10:53:16 UTC
you need to become born again. Jesus talked about being born again in John 3:1-21. Being born again has to do with a spiritual birth, and here is a link which tells what being born again means.

Once you love God, you might want to go to church, if you feel that you connect with God there. However, if your church is a bunch of rules and rituals instead of loving God, then that might be why you feel bored.

When you read the Bible pray that the Holy Spirit would show you the deeper meaning of what you read means.

As for not believeing in God, there is evidence that there is a God. Archeology matches what the Bible says.
2007-10-07 10:04:59 UTC
You're not going to hell. Hell is a way to encourage people to do the right thing - kind of a threat - behave or ELSE! Do you really believe there's a pit in the ground somewhere? If there were, then all the cool people would be there anyway - da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Ghandi, JFK - heck, everyone besides Mother Theresa. If you don't believe God is real, why would you believe in hell?

If you want to really not believe in it, I suppose you could adopt a new religion like Judaism or Buddhism.

Read Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" - that might comfort you.
Jihad Jill
2007-10-07 10:08:31 UTC
I am being totally serious when I say this... but this answer may not be for you...

If a person wants to really get to know their inner self, then they should go live out in the wilderness for about a year...

When you are around a lot of people in today's society, they are going to influence and bias you whether you think so or not...

The only way to counteract this is to have solitude for a while... to rid yourself of other peoples ideas and beliefs...
2007-10-07 10:07:04 UTC
Well firstly, you'll only go to hell if you do what is considered morally wrong. Just because you dont believe in God or you dont go to church wont make you go to hell. Otherwise, about three quarters of the world would be going to hell (there are other religions on earth all of what is meant to be respected). You said you dont mind sex before marriage and you dont mind bis and homos, well once again, in my opinion, you wont go to hell just for having an independant frame of mind. Just bear in mind that you should follow your concscience and do what you feel is right.

P.s I dont go to church, Im learning about Christianity and a lot of other religions, and I'm a hippocrit because I dont support sex before marriage but yet Im practicing what I preach, I think thats even worse.....
2007-10-07 10:05:07 UTC
Dont worry about it, if there is a god that made you and your brain, then he made you feel like this, so if your generally a nice person then he wont put you into hell. God forgives. I personally dont believe in god, i think it might be to scare people int being good (like you) and if you dont believe the christian way is right then dont be a christian. Ive been told im goin to hell by a few christians on here for not believing. I consider myself to be a kind person and dont do anything majorly wrong in life, and if "god" wants to put me in hell for that then hes a pretty crappy god in my opinion
debbie d
2007-10-07 10:49:20 UTC
i think your just lost for right now?i was there to, we went to hurh every sunday as a kid, the best thing about it then was going to smorgborg after, ieven liked food back then, then when i became 18, it was like hooray, no more fighting about going to church, andi went crazy, it was like i forgot everything i was taught in cattykism?i still loved and believed in god, but i didnt want to follow rules, i was an adult now!!!!!!!!!!so i did everything that was a no no, i even had 2 children out of wedlock and decied not to take them to church, they had no religious back ground instilled in them at all.then i had my accident, i was frighten, where was i going and what would happen to my kids?well a very good christian friend of mine, was sent to me to put me back on the right path again,she told me to accept jesus christ as my savior, to ask for forgivness. which i did do, and my life has never been the same!!!!!!!!!!!!i believe in my heart, that my accident was kinda a kick in the pants, a sorta redirection by god, to put me on the right path,.i was lost and he found me and saved me from life and the lives of my kids and families are way better, now im back in church with my mom and dad, my kids go now.i would not change a thing about my accident if i could, my life is wonderful and fullfilling, and i no now where im going when i die, and i know my family will all be together there will be ,okjust accept christ as your savior, ask for forgiveness,change your life, try to start going to church?some of them are very fun, search for one,ask friends , relatives, co-workers, and keep up your prayers, i promise, you'll feel better, lifw will get better and you'll be more satified with life.go be happy and god bless you , hun!hey if theres spelling errors, sorry the spell check wasnt working, but hope this helps?
2007-10-07 10:02:58 UTC
If you don't believe in God, you can't believe in Hell. They are two ideals that need one another to exist.

Lead a good life and try to always do the right thing. It is the best you can do and any true God would see you for what you have done with your life, not how many times you have gone to worship.

Good luck with your quest, you sound like you are asking all the right questions.
2007-10-07 10:03:13 UTC
I think if you are a good person (and it seems like you are) then you won't go to hell. Maybe you are an atheist? You say you think God isn't real...

but you know, religion and paths to God and beleif in God is all very broad. So don't worry about it to much. Just believe whatever you want to believe. You're not going to hell.

oh and your beliefs about homo sexuality and marriage have nothign to do with believing in god or not...
2007-10-07 10:08:24 UTC
HELL.... is not your Problem... it is .... The LAKE OF FIRE!

The Reason you think about Hell... and you have Some KUDOS for GOD... and Yet are Against the Christian Morals.... IS .... BECAUSE... YOU.... DO NO...KNOW... GOD!

(1Corinthians 2:13-14) Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

(1Co 2:14) But the = = natural man [ girl / boy / man / woman ] = = receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: = for they are foolishness unto him [ her ]: = = neither can he know them, = = because they are spiritually discerned.

Simply PUT.... You Think like a WORLDLY MAN [ GIRL ] and Not Like a Godly ONE!

The THINGS OF GOD..... are Foolish unto YOU....!

YOU...... Need to have.... " A come to Jesus... meeting with GOD....!"

YOU.... Need to be Born Again.... and Stop being... PARTIALLY... RELIGIOUS!

Thanks, RR

Email me... for more?
2007-10-07 10:14:27 UTC
I think based on your comment, you are not going to hell but you are going to be one of the stones that will heat up hell....but it's not too late to save yourself, you are like most unbelievers, you want paradise doing nothing, you want to live the easy life with almost no rules and at the end you get heaven, well it doesn't work like that...god made laws that should be respected and it's not up to us to question them.

i think you need to find the religion that you lost and i recommmend you islam if you want real answers, ohh i said islam and not benladen's religion, because according to US media they are the same, but according to us Muslims, they are two different ones.

you have to chose
2007-10-07 10:03:06 UTC
This is normal. Your starting to become independent from your parents and you arent just taking what they say and believe as right. This is obviously a big deal for you. You have the right to have different beleifs then you parents. Personally i think all relgions need to modernize because they can hold pepole back but thats just me. Dont worry about going to hell as long as you arent a bad person God cant hate you just because ur ideas were different from the other people who worship Him. Just be a good person and you'll b fine!
2007-10-07 10:07:38 UTC
well thats kind of hard to answer but if you believe in "hell" then why is it hard to believe god isn't real? good and evil go hand in hand.

im catholic and i believe that even if you go to church you can still go to hell, its what you do outside that counts most, but you should still go to church (i think its boring sometimes too, but hows an hour or so a week going to hurt) because if i told you other wise i wouldn't be catholic
2007-10-07 10:11:45 UTC
Some of your wishful thinking are a manifestations of a sick mind. However, if you think you are going to Hell, I will be glad to assist you in some of your adventures & give you a company in hell. Will have fun there. Lots of interesting guys there
2016-10-06 10:21:41 UTC
pay attention, shirk is which you place different persons or issues interior the comparable place as God. So do you think interior you that God is one? And that He created you and each thing and everyone else? in case you do, then do you pray generally? in case you do not, then commence now. My suggestion is which you may learn your faith. it is taken under consideration necessary. i all started reading in Islam while i replaced into sixteen and as quickly as I found out approximately it. i all started reading in different religions besides. i wanted to make particular. I examine in Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hendoism or maybe atheist books. in case you have faith, you will comprehend your course. yet first examine in Islam. would God instruction manual you to the main suitable course :)
2007-10-07 10:01:45 UTC
If you feel like your going to hell then you must believe in God .

but your feelings are like many people who have let the world mold their feelings, You have to have accurate Bible knowledge to make proper decisions. I used to be a Catholic, then I learned that they were not teaching what the Bible says, so I began studying with Jehovah's Witnesses, THEY DO KNOW WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES. I talk to people of all religions, & as you might notice most of the answers given in the rooms are OPINIONS, NOT SCRIPTURES Go to & request a visit, find out for yourself WHO REALLY HAS THE TRUTH.

Don't expect a mirical, but you can have a transformation by getting accurate knowledge.

(John 17:3) 3 This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.

(Romans 1:28-29) 28 And just as they did not approve of holding God in accurate knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, 29 filled as they were with all unrighteousness, . . .

(Ephesians 1:17) . . .that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give YOU a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the accurate knowledge of him;

2007-10-07 10:17:03 UTC
find a chirstian freind and ask them wat to do ..i know u dont pray just tri it plz dont have a bad attitude about it, like he or she is makein me do it, u will get more out of it and feel that he is their if u do it that way GOD LOVES YA NO MATTER WAT YA SAY OR DO!!!!!! Those morals are not wt makes a christian it is wether they belive that JEsus is gods son and that he died on the cross for everone on this earth and u and he rose again.......WE worship a risen KING he conqured the grave
2007-10-08 03:50:17 UTC
The scriptures of Hinduism can give some mystical answers.

The soul dwells as the inmost body of light and superconscious, universal mind of a series of nested bodies, each more refined than the next: physical, pranic, astral, mental. In our conscious mind we think and feel ourselves to be a physical body with some intangible spirit within it. Yet, right now our real identity is the soul that is sensing through its multiple bodies physical, emotional and mental experience. Recognizing this as reality, we powerfully know that life doesn't end with the death of the biological body. The soul continues to occupy the astral body, a subtle, luminous duplicate of the physical body. This subtle body is made of higher-energy astral matter and dwells in a dimension called the astral plane. If the soul body itself is highly evolved, it will occupy the astral/mental bodies on a very refined plane of the astral known as the Devaloka, "the world of light-shining beings." At death, the soul slowly becomes totally aware in its astral/mental bodies and it predominantly lives through those bodies in the astral dimension.

The soul functions with complete continuity in its astral/mental bodies. It is with these sensitive vehicles that we experience dream or "astral" worlds during sleep every night. The astral world is equally as solid and beautiful, as varied and comprehensive as the earth dimension-if not much more so. Spiritual growth, psychic development, guidance in matters of governance and commerce, artistic cultivation, inventions and discoveries of medicine, science and technology all continue by astral people who are "in-between" earthly lives. Many of the Veda hymns entreat the assistance of devas: advanced astral or mental people. Yet, also in the grey, lower regions of this vast, invisible dimension exist astral people whose present pursuits are base, selfish, even sadistic. Where the person goes in the astral plane at sleep or death is dependent upon his earthly pursuits and the quality of his mind.

Because certain seed karmas can only be resolved in earth consciousness and because the soul's initial realizations of Absolute Reality are only achieved in a physical body, our soul joyously enters another biological body. At the right time, it is reborn into a flesh body that will best fulfill its karmic pattern. In this process, the current astral body-which is a duplicate of the last physical form-is sluffed off as a lifeless shell that in due course disintegrates, and a new astral body develops as the new physical body grows. This entering into another body is called reincarnation: "re-occupying the flesh."

During our thousands of earth lives, a remarkable variety of life patterns are experienced. We exist as male and female, often switching back and forth from life to life as the nature becomes more harmonized into a person exhibiting both feminine nurturing and masculine intrepidness. We come to earth as princesses and presidents, as paupers and pirates, as tribals and scientists, as murderers and healers, as atheists and, ultimately, God-Realized sages. We take bodies of every race and live the many religions, faiths and philosophies as the soul gains more knowledge and evolutionary experience.

Therefore, the Hindu knows that the belief in a single life on earth, followed by eternal joy or pain is utterly wrong and causes great anxiety, confusion and fear. Hindus know that all souls reincarnate, take one body and then another, evolving through experience over long periods of time. Like the caterpillar's metamorphosis into the butterfly, death doesn't end our existence but frees us to pursue an even greater development.

For more info,please visit
2007-10-07 10:05:56 UTC
Stop worrying and celebrate life to the fullest. How? Do good things in life. It's feels so good to do something that people would never forget about you.
2007-10-07 10:07:14 UTC
Be yourself and don't listen to all of the idiots in the world who want to change the authentic you. They don't know a damned thing more about the origins of our creation than does anyone else.
2007-10-07 10:04:27 UTC
You've come to a cross roads in what you believe and you need to make that decision on your own. You can't make it to heaven on your parents religion. Following God has to be a choice you make, no one can make it for you, and God won't force you too. Freewill and the choice is yours.......God did the work by sending His only begotten Son to pay for our sins. All we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation.
2007-10-07 10:02:57 UTC
i don't agree with some of what you're saying, but i do with plenty. i think all anyone needs to do is follow the path in which God wants you to take. in other words do what you can to make the world better, and i think you're obeying God

i hope all turns out well!
2007-10-07 10:04:44 UTC
You are under NO obligation to worship a fictional and sadistic killer God who drowned, plagued, and slaughtered millions (more than Hitler), and who repeatedly COMMANDED his followers to hurt and kill others. None of that is moral or 'love'.

There is no Hell. It (like Satan) was invented by Christians who wanted to scare and control people. Good for you for not letting it work! Just concentrate on being a good, moral person, and leave the shameful and immoral fairy tales to those who think killers should be praised.
2007-10-07 10:02:47 UTC
My dad talked to me about this... God isn't going to condem you because you have your own beliefs. If only one belief is the right one then why did he let us have freedom of choice? Believe what you want to believe, I mean I'm wiccan and I don't believe I'm going to hell. So just be you, that's all God wants.
2007-10-07 10:02:49 UTC
We all choose our own paths and we all had our own tough choices to make.

This is your choice, instead of worrying about going to "hell", why don't you go to your local library and begin investigating all religions and the history of those religions. Read as much as you can, learn as much as you can, then make your own decision.

Good luck on your path.
Lizzie A
2007-10-07 10:02:00 UTC
Everyone has different beliefs. God is real, my belief.

(and its sex BEFORE marriage, not after)

You should speak with your pastor or mother or someone you can confide in about how you feel. Maybe you are studying the wrong religion.
2007-10-07 10:02:05 UTC
if you dont believe in God then wouldnt it be more like you dont believe in hell either? its just you, theres nothing wrong with that as long as you are a good person in general
Maxine PantherFan
2007-10-07 10:03:58 UTC
Confess your sins to God, ask for forgiveness. Read the King James Bible.
love'd up x
2007-10-07 10:07:15 UTC
ok....your not christian so what your family is its your life you can believe in anything you want they will still love you as much thats why your mum doesnt make you go dont worry there is no hell do what you want its your life :)
2007-10-07 10:05:46 UTC
PRAY: lord help me to have peace at all times

then say you rebuke that spirit inn the name of jesus
2007-10-07 10:04:03 UTC
well you gotta start by having faith. he is real and right there. And start going to church, I know it may be boring but its worth it. juss start to have faith you wont go hell because he still accepts you and loves you so dont worry.
2007-10-07 10:01:32 UTC
It is hard to reconcile your own beliefs with that of your family. Often times there is wisdom in their beliefs, however intolerance and hate are also part of "traditional values."
2007-10-07 10:02:32 UTC
If you think God is not real, what makes you think Hell is?
2007-10-07 10:01:24 UTC
You're confused: Your post makes that obvious You can't accept the ways of the world and the ways of God at the same time.

You say:

1) I support gays/lesbiens/and bis

2) I think people should have sex when they feel the moment is right....

Those are not God's ways: They are sins. You must choose between God or the world.

You spoke of confirmation, which means you're a Catholic. I suggest all Catholics reads this link:
2007-10-07 10:04:00 UTC
You want to live like hell, but you don't want to go to hell. Answer your own question.
2007-10-07 10:01:38 UTC
Its not about any of those things you mentioned...its about being born again..

"But as many as received him (Jesus), TO THEM he gave the power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe in his name, which were born.... not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but were born of God"- (John 1:12)

"Except a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God" _ Jesus
2007-10-07 10:01:02 UTC
Fear of hell will never make you believe anything.

You need to relax and stop worrying about an imaginary vindictive sky-pixie. There are enough real things to be concerned about.
Stephanie S
2007-10-07 10:01:50 UTC
As long as you accecpt jesus into your heart and truly want him to be there god will not send you to hell.
2007-10-07 10:02:55 UTC
Every person is diffrent and god should understand that. seriously.
2007-10-07 10:01:54 UTC
I would suggest you to become Muslim- just go through that link and you will know why the Muslim Allah is the true creator (I don't know why the question didn't appear). I used to be a skeptic myself before my self-analysis and Karen Armstrong convinced me that Islam is the truest faith.
2007-10-07 10:01:46 UTC
There is no Hell(or heaven),it's a lot of nonsense.Don't worry about it.Enjoy your life,don't hurt others and have fun.
2007-10-07 10:01:16 UTC
your situation is about the same as mine. believe me, you will be ok =]
monica p
2007-10-07 10:01:56 UTC
hi im like that too idk what i blievein right now i dont think god is real but im afrid to go 2 hell.... yeah
2007-10-07 10:04:39 UTC
Read my lips ,"There is no such place"

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