Am I the only one who's noticed this? Everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING that has to do with God in general works in 3's. You have the Holy Trinity. Satan's a copy-cat so I'm pretty sure he has the exact opposite of that. Maybe some evil version of the Trinity. Lol Anyways, In some religions they focus on achieving both sides of the spirit to get to God. The left and right side. Right being feminine, and left being masculine. Right being emotions, and left being logic. Once you achieve both of those, and create some sort of balance then can you open your "minds eye" and enter the realm of god and achieve inner peace and a relationship with our creator. Isn't that strange that, that also is 3 things? In the bible, they say the Mark of the Beast is 666. I hope I don't have to explain basic math to you. Lol. Jesus was 33 when he died. He performed 33 miracles whilst alive. God appears 33 times in the book of Genesis. (Might be wrong on that one, If I remember right it was the first book of the bible). I mean, IT'S JUST SO BIZARRE THAT IT'S ALL IN 3'S!? Call me nuts, but it's just an observation that's come to my attention whilst on my spiritual path. I love God, and can't get enough of his Love, but I just find myself having these "AH-HA!" moments when I'm developing my relationship with him. That man, surely works in strange ways. :D
I'm Christian but this is in NO way an attempt to force my preferences on you. Please no answers attaining to saying "Um this is stupid God doesn't exist." Or anything around that matter. I don't care what you believe. I believe and have Faith in what I believe, and you do too. I'm not forcing my views on you, don't force them on me. Got a problem with that, then why'd you click on this question in the first place? Lol Not trying to be mean. But I know how people get when it comes to religion. Hope you understand. :)