Is the Holy Bible also a History book?
2016-02-11 00:08:53 UTC
Is it a book of parables or is it an accurate account of events?
164 answers:
2016-02-12 07:04:52 UTC
It is, for Humanity are formed with it. Some become good and some become bad, and those do not know about it are lost in the dark.

But some will tell story like this which is normal:

Absolutely not. It's a Holy Doctrine for sure but in NO shape or from a History book.

Only about a 6th of what we know to be true in the past makes it to schools BECAUSE "history events" are HEAVILY scrutinized despite us KNOWING them to be true just like Science. They has to be HARD evidence that the event happened proven by the many methods the people in this area have of dealing with this.

The Holy Bible is complete Here Say based on the fact that there is zero evidence to prove that ANY of it happened despite a cultural memory. But even that counts as here say. As far a History is concerned the Bible may as well be the Lord of the Rings.

Now! There IS evidence to suggest, (only 'suggest') that a lot of the people mentioned in the Bible DID effect live at those times but it's almost impossible to prove that they were the people that The Bible claims them to be and not just coincidence and even harder to tie them to the events that supposedly happened at the time.

History Doesn't denied either by the way. The same way as that can't deny the other 5/6ths of the stuff that doesn't make it to the mainstream school books knowing full well it happened. But it goes down a 'here say' until it can be proven beyond all doubt that it happen 100%. Hope this enlightened you!
2016-02-11 14:29:08 UTC
Absolutely not. It's a Holy Doctrine for sure but in NO shape or from a History book.

Only about a 6th of what we know to be true in the past makes it to schools BECAUSE "history events" are HEAVILY scrutinized despite us KNOWING them to be true just like Science. They has to be HARD evidence that the event happened proven by the many methods the people in this area have of dealing with this.

The Holy Bible is complete Here Say based on the fact that there is zero evidence to prove that ANY of it happened despite a cultural memory. But even that counts as here say. As far a History is concerned the Bible may as well be the Lord of the Rings.

Now! There IS evidence to suggest, (only 'suggest') that a lot of the people mentioned in the Bible DID effect live at those times but it's almost impossible to prove that they were the people that The Bible claims them to be and not just coincidence and even harder to tie them to the events that supposedly happened at the time.

History Doesn't denied either by the way. The same way as that can't deny the other 5/6ths of the stuff that doesn't make it to the mainstream school books knowing full well it happened. But it goes down a 'here say' until it can be proven beyond all doubt that it happen 100%. Hope this enlightened you!
2016-02-12 07:02:57 UTC
This may cause outrage by what I am going to say but I'll say it anyway. The Bible is more like a fiction book than a historical book. It is known that when The Bible was compiled together - it was religious men sat in a room hundreds of years after the events happened and that many books that told of the same events in a different way were taken out and hidden away - and have been discovered in recent years. Yes, technically some events did happen - for example there is historical evidence of a man called Jesus from Nazareth who was crucified in Jerusalem BUT to be classed as a historical book it has to be unbiased and unaltered. The Bible is just that - a biased and altered version of a larger book that depicted event from many different aspects and it was altered by man who wanted to control the way people worshipped. The Bible is nothing more than a story book - that gives the reader some logical morals to live by.
2016-02-14 09:57:56 UTC
Here Say based on the fact that there is zero evidence to prove that ANY of it happened despite a cultural memory. But even that counts as here say. As far a History is concerned the Bible may as well be the Lord of the Rings.

Now! There IS evidence to suggest, (only 'suggest') that a lot of the people mentioned in the Bible DID effect live at those times but it's almost impossible to prove that they were the people that The Bible claims them to be and not just coincidence and even harder to tie them to the events that supposedly happened at the time.

History Doesn't denied either by the way. there are some elements are factual and can be documented by independent evidence, but there are also things in the bible for which the only evidence is the bible itself: Egypt was a real place for which there is an extended history and masses of archaeological evidence, but the exodus as described in the bible is not a historical event - outside of the bible there's no evidence to support the claims, etc
2016-02-11 06:56:33 UTC
"The Bible" consists of a substantial number of books.

The Hebrew Bible part (the Old Testament)

Includes Law books,

and Philosophy books,

and books of Prayers, and "self-help" book


and several History Books written to a far more stringent set of review standards than any histories until maybe the last 100 years.

See Flavius Josephus "Against Apian" for a comparison of the standards and practices of the Jewish histories contained in the Bible versus the writing of the Greek and Roman historians.

The problem comes when many improperly trained Christians, and Christianly raised Bible critics read "The Bible"

and don't know how to differentiate A History

from A Philosophical Novel

from A Law Book

from A Song of Praise
2016-02-12 10:39:05 UTC
It's not that accurate. For one, it asserts that the moon has its own light, that earth is flat and humans are only about 6000 years old as a species.

Even without that, the Bible is a bit inconsistent, The Torah asserts in one place that God is not a man, doesn't lie or change His mind or repent. Then it says elsewhere inthe Torah that His soul or heart was troubled because of the creation of sinful man and he regretted it (if He was that troubled and regretted it, why couldn't Almighty God do anything about the tiny, puny humans He's gone off the idea of?

In Malachi, the Bible makes clear that the Lord does not change. Yet He changed from being strictly One, with the idea of a son or anything else being blasphemy in the OT, to still being One when Jesus was around, to suddenly being 3 persons when Jesus eventually went up to heaven.

And there are added passages, verses etc. which is why not all the many versions of the Bible add up exactly (as they would add up exactly if they were from the same source). The most famous is Jesus apparently stopping people stoning an adulteress unless they were without sin; this story is only in latter versions of the Bible.

Obviously the many writers of the Bible didn't get their information from the same source, but weren't careful enough to fill in the gaps properly.
2016-02-14 11:54:43 UTC
There IS evidence to suggest, (only 'suggest') that a lot of the people mentioned in the Bible DID effect live at those times but it's almost impossible to prove that they were the people that The Bible claims them to be and not just coincidence and even harder to tie them to the events that supposedly happened at the time.

History Doesn't denied either by the way. there are some elements are factual and can be documented by independent evidence, but there are also things in the bible for which the only evidence is the bible itself: Egypt was a real place for which there is an extended history and masses of archaeological evidence, but the exodus as described in the bible is not a historical event - outside of the bible there's no evidence to support the claims, etc
2016-02-11 14:28:15 UTC
The Bible like all religious books, have good things in them, but most of the religious books, Jewish, Muslim, Christianity, others were stories told 60-500 years the written down. And in all a lot of very bad things were done, and accepted, that are not accepted now, or even legal. And the powers at the time, interpreted the stories. Take the Bible, with all the good things we accept from the Bible a good, would God say it was OK to have slaves, who you can beat if they do not do what you say. What I am saying is there are some facts, and some not. There is a historical time line, but not everything in the Bible is factual.
2016-02-12 12:38:25 UTC
For all we know the Bible could just be mere nothing but a story. You don't believe everything you read in books. Although, the bible isn't a history book technically. It's basically a storybook of Jesus. It has morals to the story that people these days could learn from and follow on from the wisdom, cleverly made stories full of wisdom. Jesus may of not existed, even though the Bible is a good source of teaching humans to have a bit more..humanity.
Duke Nukem
2016-02-11 00:42:57 UTC
It claims to be an account of events, but it is at best only loosely based on real events and places.

You can make a valid case that the tribes and communities mentioned existed at some point, since those stories are precisely their cultural myths.

You can make a less valid case that some of the people mentioned are based on real characters, although highly romanticized in many cases. Others are completely made up or based on mythological characters from other cultures.

You can be reasonably sure that most of the events in the Bible are, at best, loosely based on real events, and mostly taken from old mythology. Even the events that are backed up by some external evidence have almost no evidence that the exact account is accurate, and no evidence whatsoever for the supernatural and miraculous parts of the story.

Israeli archaeologists devoted all their efforts, for political reasons at the time, to prove that Palestine was the Promised Land of the Jews, and certify that the account of the Bible was true. The words of the Prime Minister of the time were "Go and dig up our property title for this land". They came back empty-handed, and had to admit there was no evidence there was ever any historical validity for their biblical claims.

No one could have a more vested and vital interest on the Old Testament being accurate and true than the State of Israel, and they themselves admit there is nothing to support such claim.
2016-02-11 07:58:12 UTC
The bible as a whole is rather like a historical novel: there are some elements are factual and can be documented by independent evidence, but there are also things in the bible for which the only evidence is the bible itself: Egypt was a real place for which there is an extended history and masses of archeological evidence, but the exodus as described in the bible is not a historical event - outside of the bible there's no evidence to support the claims, etc.
2016-02-11 14:41:32 UTC
No, it is a mythology disguised as history. The fact that some historical personages and places are mentioned does not suffice to make it historical. The Greek Illiad mentioned the Trojan war, for instance. Now, there really was a city of Troy, and there probably was in fact a war fought there, but that doesn't mean that when the Illiad states that the deities Aphrodite and Ares showed up, we have to accept that as historical! Likewise, when the Bible has the Jewish tribal deity Yahweh vanquish the Egyptian army, we don't have to accept that as historical, either, because there is no evidence that it happened (or that the Jews were ever in Egypt at all, for that matter...)
2016-02-11 06:44:53 UTC
The nation of Israel views the Old Testament which is their sacred scriptures as historical fact. They have it on the website. This is also true for the New Testament in the gospels and Acts and certainly all the letters to various people and Christian churches in Asia and Rome.

It is the faith of real people in historical times from which man in our present day can view the world. There are lessons we can learn the Bible as well.

Some would speculate that these are just stories or parables. But stories do not make a nation progress and move forward in the way that they have through centuries of existence. The historical authenticity is what gives these stories clout and substance. It is tangible record in the way that modern man accepts historical accounts from old records that are not biblical.
2016-02-11 00:27:17 UTC
From Genesis to Revelation, virtually all of its 66 books contain a huge proportion of history. Exceptions would be Song of Songs and Proverbs and 2nd John etc. They have no history. But most of the Bible books include history in them - even the long genealogical lists in the Old Testament are historic records of real people, and real descendants.

The Bible takes us right back to the beginning, showing what happened to our first parents, then to individuals like Abraham, Moses etc. Then it details the forming of the nation of Israel and God's dealings with it throughout a couple of thousand years. Huge swathes of the Old Testament deal with the history of the nation of Israel, up to 400 years before Jesus was born.

Then the New Testament concentrates on the first century A.D., recording Jesus' life, death and resurrection, with over 500 eye-witnesses testifying to the latter, and the Christian faith exploding on to the world scene because of that event. The book of Acts is pure history about the formation and first few years of the Christian church. So, yes, the Bible contains history - a lot of history. And no amount of people sticking their heads in the sand crying, "Moses never existed! Jesus of Nazareth never existed!" will make the slightest difference to the facts. AiH
2016-02-11 06:46:08 UTC
"Is the Holy Bible also a History book?"

No, it's a bronze-age cult book full of silly stories, mythical bullcrap and nonsense. It's divine claims and other outrageous claims have NEVER been proven or validated. It's crap. Period.

And, by the way, just because the Harry Potter stories make accurate comments about London, Surrey, and the British Prime Minister, and many other similar things, places and events, those little nuggets of accurate information don't make Snape, Voldemort, Dumbledore, Hogwarts and Flying Broomsticks real. So, stop trying to apply that same transference/logic to that goddam, bronze-age cult BuyBull. It is a BOOK OF CRAP. Nothing more.
2016-02-12 15:38:28 UTC
A holy bible is not a history book but the contents inside are
brother trucker
2016-02-11 01:59:48 UTC
The Old Testament is the history of the Hebrew People told by Hebrews. The New Testament is the history of the early Christian Church.

Jesus the founder of Christianity taught in parables on many occasions. He was also known to mention specific people in His stories like the story of Lazarus.

The stories are accurate to a point, that point seeming to be the memory of the person telling the story. Some stories are told more than once with slight variations especially in the OT.

There are variations as well in the NT with much of what Paul taught disagreeing substancially with what Christ taught. This is due to the training of Paul. He admits that he was never taught by Christ and it shows in the preposterous claims he makes. Aside from this the New Testament is very accurate.
james o
2016-02-11 01:04:12 UTC
Yes, it is a book of parables, and yes, it has some history in it. The books of Samuel and Kings and Chronicles have history. I do not mean to say that it is impeccable history (Not one source from then was, after all), but it is about events that actually seem to have happened. The siege of Jerusalem is reported in the Bible and in a stele the Babylonian king put up. You can look this stuff up. It's more or less accurate.
Mr. Wizard
2016-02-14 08:45:29 UTC
Yes--the Holy Bible does hold / document historic the best way scribes ( the First Journalists ) of the day could; you got to look at the Bible like that.

Say, if we were to send BACK through time events, a 1980s model large TV, and land it just feet away from the Bible scribe Ezekiel--he'd probably describe the sight in terms we would be years trying to understand what he's describing; that's just one of the challenges the Holy Bible gives us.
2016-02-14 12:37:01 UTC
The Holy Bible is DEFINITELY a history book. The Bible is GOD'S story. He created the universe. It tells about man's need for Christ. Multiple times, archaeologists have uncovered evidence that things in the Bible really occured.
2016-02-11 09:16:12 UTC
The Bible is a collection of Holy Scriptures written by mostly Jewish authors over a period of hundreds of years.

It is a combination of different writing styles. There is allegory, poetry, history, philosophy, theology. It is not a science book, it is scripture, it is the story of salvation.

All the Books of the Bible are written by man, inspired by the Holy Spirit and guided by the hand of God. It is without error in the matters of Faith and Morals.

It is the most used and the most misused book in all of history.
2016-02-12 06:50:37 UTC
It's God's holy word. It's historically accurate because God's Holy Spirit guided the men who wrote it, making it God's word. But it's not a history book....a history book can't save your soul but the words in the Bible can.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12
2016-02-11 00:19:00 UTC
Both. In the Old Testament, King Solomon was a literal King and Noah's Ark is a figurative story possibly based on local events. The New Testament is mostly Parables which were taught by Jesus like the Good Samaritan. The rest are letters written by Paul the Apostle to the new churches that started after the death of Jesus. Whether or not it has any personal meaning is up to the reader.
2016-02-11 04:15:33 UTC
No it's not a history book but when it comments on historical events it is always accurate. The Bible is also historically accurate and reliable. Its accounts are specific. They include not only the names but also the ancestry of individuals. * In contrast to secular historians, who often do not mention the defeats of their own people, Bible writers were honest, even recording their own failings and those of their nation. In the Bible book of Numbers, for instance, the writer Moses admits his own serious error for which he was severely reproved. (Numbers 20:2-12) Such honesty is rare in other historical accounts but is found in the Bible because it is a book from God. The Bible is a gift from God, one for which we can be truly grateful. This unique book reveals things that we could never find out otherwise.
2016-02-11 13:52:30 UTC
Many answers here may appear to be informed opinions and everyone is entitled to their opinion.I think many responses go into too much detail and do not answer the simple question posed.

Yes,the Holy Bible is also a history book,that is a fact,it depicts in the life and times of Jesus Christ,accepted my many as the son of God and by others as a prophet.It is widely recognised as a true account,albeit written by different people.

Simple answer,Yes,the holy Bible is a history book however please anyone who reads this please accept that we all have our own views and we should not be discredited for our individual beliefs.

2016-02-11 05:27:23 UTC
SOME view the Bible as a book of history, since it documents thousands of years of God’s dealings with humankind. Others regard it as a book of ethics. They point to the more than 600 judicial, domestic, moral, and religious laws and regulations that God gave the nation of Israel. Still others consider the Bible to be a spiritual guidebook that reveals the mind of God.

Actually, all of these descriptions are correct. The Bible says of itself: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) Indeed, everything in God’s Word—including historical accounts, laws, and spiritual counsel—is valuable.

However, the Bible is far more than an anthology of helpful information. Uniquely, the Bible is a revelation from Jehovah God. It provides practical, divinely inspired counsel for daily life. It also reveals Jehovah’s purpose for the earth and for mankind, as well as shows how he will eliminate the causes of human suffering. Most important, the Bible explains that God has been willfully misrepresented and tells how he will settle this universal challenge.
Ruth Haskins
2016-02-13 14:20:20 UTC
When the Bible speaks of historical events it is accurate. It is not mythology.

Many scriptures in the Bible can be checked against secular historical records which show the accuracy of historical Biblical accounts. Many of the battles recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures find their counter-part in secular history. Also, the Bible characters and their behavior are also verified by secular accounts. For example Nebuchadnezzar; King David; Jesus; Paul; Peter; Herod the Great; King Cyrus and Sennacherib.

Many degrade the Bible by claiming that it is inaccurate or myth. Careful study of the Bible coupled with humility will show that such claims are not true.
2016-02-11 06:04:47 UTC
Yes I guess, but you have to set it in a context:

In religion it's a sacred book. "The word of God!"

In history it is more like a literary book where you can find a lot of ideas and inspiration about how people used to live in the ancient years.

In the scientific outlook it is not a History book because it don't have any validation from real facts.

Finally is a very good mythology book for literature.
Dave D
2016-02-11 13:55:14 UTC
No. While it does have what are called the "Historical Books" the concept of history at that time was very different than our own. The real facts were not as important as they are in today's histories and often they were skewed to show the triumph of Israel. Most of the Bible are Ancient songs, poems (Genesis 1), morality plays (Genesis 2), none of which were meant to be taken literally even back then, and ancient societal laws (Leviticus and Numbers).
2016-02-11 15:09:54 UTC
Yes it is part History-Science-Law-etc etc

the Bible covers all things

it at one time was the first text book used in schools

all other books followed it

today s world they have denied facts and truth, have rewritten history and science and the Law

and why this Nation has gone down the tubes due to denying the Truth and facts the Bible gives
Richard P.
2016-02-12 04:18:48 UTC
Some of the Old Testament books are supposed to be histories but they are likely to be heavily biased and have a lot of legend in them. I don't think many historians would regard any part of the Bible as being that good a historical source document.
2016-02-12 05:30:04 UTC
No no no no. The holy bible is something that is by itself for it is not a history book but a totally different book
2016-02-12 16:58:40 UTC
Yes it is also a history book. Here are some examples:

Scientists doubted the existence of Pontius Pilate. Fact: They found out that he actually existed in 1961 with his name etched into a stone.

Isaiah's prophesy of the destruction of Babylon 200 years in advance. He also said that it will 'never' be rebuilt. Which is true to this day. It's still in ruins.

You can also look at for even more info.
2016-02-11 13:58:09 UTC
ARE you friging kidding ?what is wrong with you people the bible first appeared for people to read 330 years after the so called crucifixion which never took place anyway,so how the hell can it be a history book,it was put together by over 500 peasants goat herders,and merchants,none of them were born during the so called JESUS period I do not not think you have one ounce of logic between you,Christianity is a fantasy world of make believe and delusion,and is followed by gullible easily led people.
2016-02-11 08:01:28 UTC

*** ba p. 14 Can This Book Be Trusted? ***

--“I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane [secular] history whatsoever.”—Sir Isaac Newton, renowned English scientist.1

--English author Charles Dickens noted about the Bible: “It is the best book that ever was or will be known in the world . . . because it teaches you the best lessons by which any human creature . . . can possibly be guided.”

*** w96 12/1 p. 17 par. 10 Youths Who Remember Their Creator ***

. The German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe noted: “The greater the intellectual progress of [a people], the more fully possible will it also become to employ the Bible both as the foundation and as the instrument of education.'

--“I owe my enlightenment quite simply to the reading of a book.—A book? Yes, and it is an old simple book, modest as nature itself, and as natural . . . And the name of this book is quite offhandishly the book, the Bible.”—Heinrich Heine, 19th-century German writer.3

*** g00 12/22 p. 4 A Far-Reaching Educational Program ***

A Far-Reaching Educational Program

“Only the educated are free.”—Epictetus, c. 100 C.E.

THE 19th-century antislavery activist William H. Seward believed that “the whole hope of human progress is suspended on the ever growing influence of the Bible

--“What a grand book! Stranger than its contents for me is its manner of expression, where the word becomes virtually a natural product like a tree, like a flower, like the sea, like the stars, like man himself. It sprouts, it flows, it shines, it laughs, one knows not how, one knows not why, one finds everything so completely natural. It is truly God’s Word, in contrast to other books that testify of only human wisdom.”—The 19th-century German poet and journalist Heinrich Heine’s comments...

Note what was said with common books in comparison with the Bible:

(Ecclesiastes 12:11, 12) “. . .. 12 As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.”


-----------Here are some references concerning accurate history------

* w12 6/1 p. 5 History, Not Myth *** (By Luke , physician & Bible writer)


( " I have traced all things from the start with accuracy.”)

“ACCORDING TO LUKE 1-3 Seeing that many have undertaken to compile an account of the facts that are given full credence among us, 2 just as these were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and attendants of the message, 3 I resolved also, because I have traced all things from the start with accuracy, to write them to you in logical order, most excellent The·ophʹi·lus, 4 so that you may know fully the certainty of the things that you have been taught orally.”

An example of accurate History is the connecting of Roman rulers as to the time period involved:

(Luke 3:1, 2) “3 In the 15th year of the reign of Ti·beʹri·us Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Ju·deʹa, Herod was district ruler of Galʹi·lee, Philip his brother was district ruler of the country of It·u·raeʹa and Trach·o·niʹtis, and Ly·saʹni·as was district ruler of Ab·i·leʹne, 2 in the days of chief priest Anʹnas and of Caʹia·phas, God’s declaration came to John the son of Zech·a·riʹah in the wilderness.”

Try your research above if were all liars:

*** w12 6/1 p. 5 History, Not Myth ***

“The chronological and geographical statements are more accurate and reliable than those afforded by any other ancient documents.”—A SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, BY ROBERT D. WILSON

*** nwt pp. 1727-1729 A3 How the Bible Came to Us ***

How confident can we be that the thoughts contained in the original Bible texts have been accurately transmitted to us? Commenting on the text of the Hebrew Scriptures, scholar William H. Green stated: “It may be safely said that no other work of antiquity has been so accurately transmitted.” Regarding the Christian Greek Scriptures, or so-called New Testament, Bible scholar F. F. Bruce wrote: “The evidence for our New Testament writings is ever so much greater than the evidence for many writings of classical authors, the authenticity of which no one dreams of questioning.” He also said: “If the New Testament were a collection of secular writings, their authenticity would generally be regarded as beyond all doubt"

*** g01 3/8 p. 8 The Bible—Authentic History? ***

The Bible writers were also meticulously accurate. After analyzing the Bible in the light of history and archaeology, writer Werner Keller said in the introduction of his book The Bible as History: “In view of the overwhelming mass of authentic and well-attested evidence now available, . . . there kept hammering on my brain this one sentence: ‘The Bible is right after all!’”

AS TO HISTORY involvement by Newton please note:

*** w75 11/1 p. 651 Insight on the News ***

● Sir Isaac Newton, the English scientist who lived in the 17th and 18th centuries, developed the mathematical system of calculus, made major discoveries as to the nature of light and the laws of gravitation. The “Encyclopædia Britannica“ calls his book on “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” “one of the most important single works in the HISTORY ( my caps ) of modern science.” Recently, a new publication entitled “The Religion of Isaac Newton” makes even clearer the profound respect this renowned scientist had for the Bible as God’s Word. His intense interest in the Creator did not develop in his old age. Rather, it was the subject of thought and research from his youth upward"
2016-02-11 07:43:09 UTC
some historical events are noted in the bible and have been validated whereas other events that have been notated in the bible have been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt as pure unadulterated fiction. so overall the bible could not be taken seriously as a factual history book from beginning to end. that is like saying since the movie spiderman would perhaps reference real world events it could be considered a history documentary.
2016-02-11 07:35:56 UTC
Yes. Consider People, Events, and Proper Titles:

PEOPLE- Before 1993, there was no proof outside the Bible to support the historicity of David, the brave young shepherd who later became king of Israel. That year, however, archaeologists uncovered in northern Israel a basalt stone, dated to the ninth century B.C.E., that experts say bears the words "House of David" and "king of Israel."


Until recently, many scholars doubted the accuracy of the Bible's account of the nation of Edom battling with Israel in the time of David. (2 Samuel 8:13, 14) Edom, they argued, was a simple pastoral society at the time and did not become sufficiently organized or have the might to threaten Israel until much later. However, recent excavations indicate that "Edom was a complex society centuries earlier [than previously thought], as reflected in the Bible." states an article in the journal Biblical Archaeology Review.


There were many rulers on the stage during the 16 centuries that the Bible was being written. When the Bible refers to a ruler, it ALWAYS uses the proper title. For example, it correctly refers to Herod Antipas as "district ruler" and Gallio as "proconsul." (Luke 3:1; Acts 18:12) Ezra 5:6 refers to Tattenai, the governor of the Persian province "beyond the River," the Euphrates River. A coin produced in the fourth century B.C.E. contains a similar description, identifying the Persian governor Mazaeus as ruler of the province "Beyond the River."
2016-02-14 10:04:30 UTC
Yes and No. The Bible is just stories told by human beings that were allegedly around Jesus back then. Nothing about the Bible is fact, so by definition it's not history. That's why it's Faith. We have to believe it's real, but that's our interpretation.
2016-02-15 09:14:34 UTC
up to a point. But don't forget all histories are (i) biased and (ii) written by the winning side. They reinforce the necessary social conventions that say WE are the good guys and THEY, our neighbours/recent enemies are a bunch of dyed-in-the-wool baby-eating Satanic bastards who don't worship the right God, act like sadistic psychopaths and deserve everything that's coming to them. A history of Palestine written from the point of view of the Canaanite, Moabite and Edomite tribes who were slaughtered and expelled by the Children of Israel would read radically differently, for instance. The Egyptians have a different take on the Exodus: their version concerns a primitive tribe of desert-dwelling barbarians who made a nuisance of themselves raiding into Egypt, and who had to be defeated in battle and forcibly expelled across Sinai into the remote desert beyond.

The Bible, for instance, routinely inflates numbers by a factor of ten. It ascribes a total population to Israel that simply isn't credible for the time and place until you knock a nought off. At one point it says the King of Israel could field an army of nine hundred chariots. Now not even Egypt, the regional superpower, had that many battle chariots. To say a smaller neighbouring kingdom had more than mighty Egypt- and a bigger army - is not credible. Ninety, perhaps, is more likely, but even that is on the high side. Claims of enemies slaughtered and heads taken on the battlefield e also vastly exaggerated - but you'd expect this from stories told to the kids about mighty deeds of yore by their forefathers. Like your grandfather exaggeraitng his own war history for dramatic effect. Read it alongside known history, yes, and see how it stacks up: but don't treat the Bible as a primary source.
2016-02-11 15:28:22 UTC
It always is of interest to me, how many OTHER Creation Stories from other cultures did anybody even LOOK at (youtube has several) before they announced that they KNOW the ancient Hebrew story is the "Least Silly" of the bunch.

The Bible timeline, as calculated by Bishop Ussher, using data from the Bible, puts the creation of this planet at less than 7,000 years ago, and the appearance of humanity at less than a week after the dry land first appeared from the oceans.
2016-02-13 04:16:21 UTC
Bible is a book that contains a lot of inaccurate historical accounts. It is a well known fact that A hole Christian apologists are the greatest liars in the history of mankind. We know that because christians are commanded to lie according to the bible (Philippians 1:15-18 & Romans 3:1-8). Don't worry to bother about the context. I have already checked it. Well, here we will examine the claim of christian apologists who defend the genealogy contradiction in the bible. Before we begin, let me make it very clear that that contradiction present in the bible does not signify different names of the same people, as some liar christians claim. Bible makes it very clear that it talks about different people in that genealogy contradiction. See a complete response to liar christian apologists:-
2016-02-13 08:16:00 UTC
The definition of history includes the study of past events, particularly past events connected with someone or something in human affairs.

From knowledge of history brings a feeling that we are part of a fellowship that runs through the ages from long before our birth to long after our death. To live without history is to live without a form of memory. Without history you, your family, your tribe, or even your nation would seem to be without roots, without a past. The present would seem to have no foundation and little if any meaning.

But from God's standpoint the Bible is his written letter to mankind. “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight.”—2 Timothy 3:16. As with anything created or invented there is a book of instruction. God created us and has given us his book of instruction, the Bible. The Bible has always been challenged by men saying the Bible is nothing more than a book of human wisdom and history. Man could never write the wisdom contained in it from beginning to end and fulfill with accuracy anything in it. The Bible is not an ordinary book of history but a book informing us of our creation, how to keep clean physically and morally and how to gain God's blessings now and his future promises. The writings of the Bible are backed by God himself and protected by his holy spirit. We find history within the Bible and that history acts as a timeline of events and help to build our faith that what is contained in it is truly from God. (Exodus 24:4; Daniel 7:1; 2 Peter 1:21) A few examples: scholars doubted the existence of Assyrian King Sargon, mentioned at Isaiah 20:1. However, in the 1840’s, archaeologists began unearthing the palace of this king. Now, Sargon is one of the best-known Assyrian kings; also Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who ordered Jesus’ death. (Matthew 27:1, 22-24) In 1961 a stone bearing Pilate’s name and rank was discovered near the city of Caesarea in Israel; also man thought that the earth was flat but God had told that the earth is round Isaiah 40:22. (Ecclesiastes 1:7; Job 26:7) So regarding the historical accuracy of the Bible, the October 25, 1999, issue of U.S.News & World Report said: “In extraordinary ways, modern archaeology has affirmed the historical core of the Old and New Testaments—corroborating key portions of the stories of Israel’s patriarchs, the Exodus, the Davidic monarchy, and the life and times of Jesus.” While faith in the Bible does not hinge on archaeological discoveries, such historical accuracy is what you would expect of a book inspired by God. The wisdom found in the Bible can make even an inexperienced person wise. (Psalm 19:7) In addition, once we gain confidence in the Bible, it can help us as no other book can in taking the next step toward having stronger faith in God.
2016-02-11 14:39:19 UTC
The Bible is a library, a collection of 70+ books.

The oldest are 5000 years old, the newest 2000 years.

Some are historic, many are myth, some fiction.

We call it the living word of GOD because it speaks to us.
2016-02-11 14:31:54 UTC
Yes. The Bible's history is accurate !
2016-02-12 11:21:02 UTC
The Bible can be thought of as an oral history, told through many generations of people, before finally being written down. And, as with any conversation passed from person to person (do you remember playing "telephone" in school as a child?), it changes over time. Events and places get added and dropped over the years.
2016-02-14 06:34:27 UTC
No, it is not a historical record. Let us take one example. At least one gospel recounts that Jesus was born in Bethlehem because the Romans were conducting a census and required people to return to their natal town to be counted. The Romans never conducted such a census.

We know that the authors of the gospels made up the story of Jesus. They could have easily placed the fictional narrative within a real historical fact. Instead they even made up the alleged historical event.
2016-02-13 02:55:17 UTC
The Bible is a book that accurately convey the original message that was inspired by God.—2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." Those scriptures explains that the bible is a book that was inspired by Jehovah God and written for our benefit.

2016-02-11 23:25:58 UTC
No think of it like the grims fair's a book full of unproven stories that have good morals in them but randomly ****** **** outta for any christians that saw that you can't prove the bible is holy that is a FACT.the bible isn't holy because it is i know the argument of it's real because it's god's word how do you know it's god's word? Because it's see it's logic that makes no ******* sence.i wouldn't be so annoyed if so many christians didn't try to shove it down peoples throats.
2016-02-12 09:15:32 UTC
Yes it is,17 historic books as well as 5 books of poetry and 17 prophetic books, that make up the OT, and of course the 27 books of the NT.
2016-02-11 08:47:18 UTC
The Bible is unique in that it is a book of salvation. It contains psychology, history, anthropology, geography, genealogy, poetry, prophecy, and many other topics, but they are all merely secondary to its purpose of providing eternal salvation, in conjunction with the leading of the Spirit, to the follower.

Consequently, to those who are not followers, it can seem like pure gibberish. But those who look at the ocean and see only waves and sunsets do not know there are fish.
2016-02-11 09:59:15 UTC
No it is not a history book, noir does it purport to be. Its only 'history' is the pseudo history of the Jewish people which is really a collection of folk tales, rather like those of King Arthur and Cymbeline, in other words loosely based upon something but bearing no relation to what you would call history. (Americans, with their lack of actual history do it all the time). The difference is that the tales in the Bible have been crafted over the centuries and woven into an amazing book of questions that we need to ask, although not necessarily to answer, in order to realise what being human is all about.
2016-02-11 19:16:59 UTC
The Holy Bible contains the historical genre, so yes.
2016-02-12 21:50:22 UTC
Yes, it is the best history book
2016-02-11 13:20:48 UTC
The bible is a collection of writings by Bronze Age People who thought the world was flat and who thought the sun revolver around the earth and who didn't know where the sun went at evening time and who didn't know what a germ or an atom was. They believed in fables and mythology.
2016-02-12 11:58:13 UTC
The Bible is mainly a religious record of the people of God down through the centuries. It is not intended to be a historic record but has been kept for the purpose of genealogy, a record of language of the people and a record of God's dealings with man on this earth.
2016-02-11 08:37:19 UTC
Is the Holy Bible also a History book?

The Bible tell the History of God’s dealing with mankind from Creation of life as we know it today found in Genesis 1 to the establishment in the future of God’s Kingdom on earth found recorded in the book of Revelation.

It tells of God's repeated attempt at reconciliation with mankind over the last 7000. However mankind have constantly refused to acknowledge the love and care bestowed at the beginning, preferring to follow their own inclinations which have led to the terrible state of affairs we see in the world today.

The world will become a place of peace and beauty when Jesus returns as promised by the angels nearly 2000 years ago.

Acts 1:10-12 NKJV

(10) And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel,

(11) who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven."

(12) Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey.

This is what the Old Testament prophet’s foretold -

Isaiah 11:1-9 NKJV

(1) There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

(2) The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.

(3) His delight is in the fear of the LORD, And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;

(4) But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, And decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.

(5) Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins, And faithfulness the belt of His waist.

(6) "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard shall lie down with the young goat, The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them.

(7) The cow and the bear shall graze; Their young ones shall lie down together; And the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

(8) The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole, And the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper's den.

(9) They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD As the waters cover the sea.
2016-02-11 05:23:26 UTC
Is the "Holy bible " a history Book ?

History word origin Greek meaning INQUIRY Knowledge acquired by INVESTIGATION

History is the STUDY of past particularly how it relates to humans

Stories common to a particular CULTURE But NOT supported by EXTERNAL sources are classified as CULTURAL HERITAGE because they do NOT show :DISINTERESTED INVESTIGATION" required of the discipline of history
2016-02-11 00:24:07 UTC
There are some historical characters and places in it but there are so many errors and so much down right nonsense in it that it can not be taken in any way as a history book.
2016-02-11 05:37:12 UTC
The things that are parables and visions are said to be exactly that in the Bible, and the things that are actual events are said to be actual events by the authors of the Bible. I don't know why people feel free to decide which was real and which was metaphorical or a vision.
Luis Bastidas
2016-02-11 13:51:12 UTC
Yes, it's also a book stories and parables. Besides, the characters of Bible are examples to follow in our daily life.
2016-02-12 01:02:20 UTC
The bible can not be used as a history book as it is not counted as a credible source
2016-02-12 08:00:44 UTC
The bible is historically accurate. Its accounts are specific and refer to real people and places. Archeologists have evidence showing that pontius Pilate and David were real people. When the bible refers to a ruler it always uses the proper title like proconsul, governor and district ruler. The genealogies can be checked to prove accuracy and the places were real. You can find more information at
2016-02-11 14:39:29 UTC
God says what he is going to do through the prophets

Isaiah 46

“Remember this, keep it in mind,

take it to heart, you rebels.

9 Remember the former things, those of long ago;

I am God, and there is no other;

I am God, and there is none like me.

10 I make known the end from the beginning,

from ancient times, what is still to come.

I say, ‘My purpose will stand,

and I will do all that I please.’

Amos 3:7

7Surely the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret counsel To His servants the prophets.

11 From the east I summon a bird of prey;

from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.

What I have said, that I will bring about;

what I have planned, that I will do.
2016-02-11 10:23:31 UTC
It is, at the very least, a significant work of literature. It is an accurate account of the oral history of one group of people, extending farther back than other historical accounts that survive. Whether or not that oral history is a truly accurate account of events is either a matter of faith, or else it is something for archeologists to research and debate. But it is the most detailed account that we have, accurate or otherwise, of ancient Israelite history.
2016-02-12 05:28:22 UTC
The holy bible is a book of fables.
2016-02-12 09:30:30 UTC
Its actually the exact opposite of a history book
2016-02-13 07:12:13 UTC
Thank you for asking. It certainly is proven to be Historically accurate and inspired by God.

It wasn't written as a secular 'history book' but is historically accurate account of events.

What matters most is the benefits it brings when we listen to the teachings of it's author and His Son.

John 17:3 says "this means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of YOU, the only True God AND of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ".

Learn what the Bible REALLY Teaches here.......
2016-02-11 17:57:09 UTC
Well, since a lot of the stories in the Holy Bible contain stuff that claim to have happened years ago, I guess you could say it is.
Re Vera
2016-02-12 06:19:07 UTC
It's a book containing elements of oral history. Like most ancient stories, there is usually an element of truth to them (e.g. how the Iliad refers to the Trojan war), but the more outlandish an event, the more likely it is that it was embellished and turned into mythology over time.
2016-02-12 04:11:53 UTC
Holy book is the source of knowledge and the fundamental base that holds Christianity all together.
2016-02-11 12:45:57 UTC
The bible is no more a history book than Grimms fairytales.
2016-02-12 15:09:29 UTC
No it is not. Go read an actual history book with actual real life facts
2016-02-11 09:20:23 UTC
Depends. ..remember the victors write history.

Non bible sources validate some bible history. ..some dispute points.
2016-02-11 00:32:32 UTC
the Bible gives the history of God's people the Jews and His dealings with them.

Muslims are not God's people.
2016-02-20 08:03:03 UTC
To some degree, yes. Of course History is written by men (and thus colored and altered depending on many things) and the Bible was also written by men.
2016-02-15 06:11:34 UTC is a history book and it is also a love letter to mankind. The bible tells us instructions on life. BIBLE stand for Basic instructions before leaving earth. This is a manmade acronym, but a pretty good one. It is the history of the planets, the creation, the generations, our descendants, all of the middle east, the confusion in language caused by God on purpose, instructions on how to eat, what not to eat, how to marry and stay married, on how to raise kids, on the talents that have been god given to us so that we can make money, on forgiveness, on tithing - giving ten percent of your income so that you can see Gods blessings come to your bank account, favor with teachers, favor with car dealerships, favor with every single thing in your life. Tithing REALLY REALLY WORKS. It even tells us this is what happened to Jesus and this many people, hundreds or thousands saw him to it as witnesses. Anyway start to read it and it will reveal things to you you didn't expect. GEt close to God and he will take care of you and your family even if your husband or wife is not saved get close to God and especially to his son Jesus. who is returning really soon.
2016-02-12 14:30:29 UTC
Yes. It is a group of 66 books written as an historical documents by ancient prophets.
2016-02-11 16:08:34 UTC
Christians will say it's a history book of indisputable historical accuracy but when you question them on it they'll "It was never meant to be used as a history book".
2016-02-13 15:21:50 UTC
It could be used to tell history, because it does state history, but don't reduce it to a history book, because it's God's word.
2016-02-12 02:38:24 UTC
The book was created in like 6 different languages that said different writing
2016-02-12 21:57:42 UTC
I watched a documentary that said in the 16th century in Rome they decided what should be put into the current Bible as we know it today and about a 1000% held in the vault under the Vatican.
2016-02-11 12:38:58 UTC
The Bible is primarily a spiritual book, though it contains much history.
2016-02-13 10:00:14 UTC
Yes the Bible has a history of people who serve God. And how to serve him today.
2016-02-11 16:42:18 UTC
Yes it is mostly a history book, anyone who says otherwise is likely afraid of the possibility that Jesus could exist, and are even more afraid that there could be a God.
2016-02-11 07:59:01 UTC
It's the history of the Jews. They were amazing record keepers.

It's full of real history, stories and poems.

It's the Jews saying to the world "LOOK! Look how BAD we were! And God rescued us anyway!"
2016-02-11 10:45:02 UTC
Read The Bible Daily
2016-02-13 08:51:37 UTC
Jehovah (God's personal name), used some 40 human secretaries over a period of 16 centuries to record it, but God himself actively directed the writing by his spirit.

A large portion of the record is made up of actual pronouncements made by Jehovah and details as to the teachings and activities of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Jehovah also preserved in the Bible a record demonstrating what happens when individuals and nations listen to God and work in harmony with his purpose, as well as the outcome when they go their own way.

By means of this reliable historical record,

Jehovah acquaints us with his dealings with humankind and thus with his own marvelous personality.
2016-02-11 00:17:15 UTC
It is the Word of God and it is accurate in its account of history from the creation of the universe through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the prediction of what will yet happen in the future.
2016-02-12 19:53:31 UTC
well yes 100% of the 73 books of the bible are true and it is historical but parts of the historical events are largely metaphorical or full or parables so it is both
2016-02-12 15:21:37 UTC
It is NOT a history book but when it comes to history is it accurate.
2016-02-12 07:11:05 UTC
2016-02-11 14:48:31 UTC
Of course! It's the most accurate recorded account of the ancient world, even for secular Westerners.
2016-02-12 07:28:12 UTC
Yes it is all of those things. It's also a genealogy book. From our first parents adam and eve, to Noah
2016-02-13 07:00:26 UTC
Look up fulfilled prophecies in the bible and you may have reason to search further. New discoveries in archeological studies mostly support rather than refute bible narrative.
2016-02-11 06:24:24 UTC
None of the major Bible stories actually happened in real life.
2016-02-12 18:58:36 UTC
Only certain parts. Isn't there some part about Hammurabi in there somewhere? That happened. But not a gigantic flood or living forever.
2016-02-11 10:01:29 UTC
NO. History is proven facts,the bible is a book of fairytales.
2016-02-11 00:46:58 UTC
It's similar to the U.S. history textbooks they use in public schools in Texas.
2016-02-13 14:56:56 UTC
Some I it is quite accurate such as Jesus being killed by the Romans (they wrote down EVERYTHING) but it is also contradicting of itself and very one sided. I wouldn't use it for an arguement as it has been translated a lot

Hebrew-Latin-English-modern English(rarely)
2016-02-12 15:29:10 UTC
They reckon that it does accurately describe a lot of real political events of the time, but of course it is also an interpretation of real lives that they claim is of divine importance. Whether or not they are or not, is all a matter of personal belief.
2016-02-14 06:11:19 UTC
Of course its history, everyone knows that its quite common for a virgin to give birth even in 2016, its also quite common for people to rise from the dead,
2016-02-11 08:44:58 UTC
It is definitely an eye opener when it comes to informing us about ourselves. And what a better way to do it than in a historical line of thought. That way we know how we were and how we are and how we are going to be a little better than we did before.
Barney Google
2016-02-12 12:35:09 UTC
No, the Bible is not CNN. And the events, could not possibly have happened in any universe, much less a godless one.
2016-02-11 00:13:01 UTC
No, it is a work of fiction with vague references to some ancient history.
2016-02-12 08:13:06 UTC
The Bible is loaded with history and prophecies that have been or will be fulfilled.
2016-02-11 09:08:52 UTC
Yes. Any book that records events, people, etc., can be used to learn about an era.
2016-02-11 19:32:39 UTC
No, there is very little evidence to support the events of the Bible.
2016-02-11 08:20:18 UTC
It is an historic law book
2016-02-11 07:45:46 UTC
We find more and more archaeological evidence supporting the events in the bible.

Google "Mesha stele". That's just one example.
2016-02-11 20:11:12 UTC
Yes it teaches history too. Things people did, Noah, Jesus, Moses are all historcals accounts. Shame on those that say no.
2016-02-12 03:12:08 UTC
It's a book to teach you how to live and to show you what is to come.
2016-02-12 12:47:25 UTC
2016-02-11 17:46:36 UTC
Christian scholars usually refer to the first five books of the Bible as the "Pentateuch", written by Moses. Moses received an Egyptian royal education (Acts 7:22), and was fully qualified to write the Pentateuch. He was trained by Pharoah's own guard, in training to become Pharoah, himself, but of course, he disappeared to lead his own people. Not many can match the integrity of Moses.

Science recently found Moses in the 12th Dynasty of Egyptian history, not the 18th where they were looking and knew the Bible to be in error before. Moses said that Adam wrote a book, so the Creation account was probably written by the first man, Adam, and handed down to Moses through Toledoth, thus 67 authors of the Bible.

Mizraim, was a grandson of Noah. You may recognize this Hebrew name, translated literally means "Egypt." It is the name given to the largest Pyramid of Egypt, in honor of the latest Pharoah.

So Mizraim’s descendants could not have built the Great Pyramid of Egypt (Mizraim) until after the Flood, and for that matter, after the events at the Tower of Babel that caused Mizraim’s family to move to the region of the Nile River.

With all this evidence, the Great Pyramid is clearly post-Flood.

Noah's grandson Kush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list.

Parallel historical accounts are found in 500 civilizations around the world of the Great Flood, or the Noachian Flood, many with no clear connection.

Those who try to argue it is impossible, invariably do so based on straw man arguments that are inconsistent with the actual account from the text.

Many today think Noah's Flood is a myth. The Great Pyramid of Egypt (Mizraim) was named after Noah's grandson. Mizraim was likely no stranger to his grandfather Noah, and spoke with the eyewitness of Noah's flood. There is no doubt whatsoever, handed down by eyewitness account, that Noah's Flood was literal, and there should be none now unless you can refute this evidence.

Noah's Flood was just a matter of common knowledge and history of the time, there was no question if Noah's Flood was literal, until evolution. Then it became a "myth" according to the OPINION of "pseudo-science" and the non-existent proof of millions/billions of years (the OPINION/MYTH), out with the "myth"/truth of a Young Earth. But Mizraim, the Great Pyramid, sits on top of the fossil beds of Noah's Flood. It's really difficult to hide the truth for very long, but the Bible always reveals truth.

When you want to prove something according to scientific method, you need a fact, evidence, support for your claim. Otherwise it is unfounded opinion and fails the truth test. The Bible is loaded with verifiable facts, evidence, and truth in detail and accuracy, building infallible integrity; ubiquitous.

The Bible gives us evidence that the genealogic record is accurate as evidence gets, or the Table of Nations, or the existence of Elba from the Bible, or the "pathways through the seas" by Maurey, or verification and evidence of the story of the Walls of Jericho by four different international teams, or the Dead Sea Scrolls that verify the historicity and accuracy and authenticity of the Bible over millennia. Evidence is hard to come by, so atheists take note. Almost all of the verifiable evidence clearly points to literal six day Creation, because of the accuracy and authenticity of the Bible, a Creator.

Your choice to believe the unfounded opinion of "men" w/o evidence to support your claim, the myth of evolution, or you can believe the evidence of God.

Is the Bible a copy from Paganism

Can we believe what the Bible says?

Seven Evidences for a Young Earth

Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?

Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)

Did The Biblical Flood Happen?how the chinese or the east indians survived the flood?

Addendum for @Duke Nukem using outdated info to criticize others with a haughty attitude to boot, the juke, taunt, heckle of the fool.

Chronology of the ancient world is being redated. Hammurabi now appears to be a near contemporary of Moses instead of Abraham. In Egyptian chronological studies, the patriarchs are dated earlier than ever before. In spite of this, there has been little research conducted on the relationship between Abraham and Mesopotamia in this new chronological revolution.

Abraham has been dated to the Early Dynastic or Old Kingdom periods of Egypt; and the discovery of the city of Ebla in Syria (The city was discovered in the remains of Tell Mardikh), both show in what period in Mesopotamian history Abraham lived.

Ebla is dated using thousands of texts discovered there to show that the palace was destroyed before or sometime during the Akkadian Empire.

The argument that biblical chronology cannot be stretched back to the Early Bronze Age is based upon the validity of the standard chronology. The standard chronology of the ancient world has been criticized and, as a result, biblical chronology can, in fact, reach back into the Early Bronze Age because the Early Bronze Age chronology has been brought down to the patriarchal period.

Studies in ancient chronology now show that the life of Abraham was concurrent with the Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia, the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdoms in Egypt, and the Ebla Empire in Syria. The evidence related to Genesis 14 and Sodom and Gomorrah also supports the conclusion that Abraham lived during the Early Bronze Age/Early Dynastic Period.

Analysis of the evidence around the Walls of Jericho reveals that the destruction took place around 1400 B.C. (end of the Late Bronze I period), exactly when the Bible says the conquest occurred. The archaeological evidence supports the historical accuracy of the biblical account in every detail. Every aspect of the story that could possibly be verified by the findings of archaeology is, in fact, verified.

@Duke Nukem - Umm, the evidence sorta "Nukes" your Bronze Age fairy tale, along with the idea of uniformatarian age dating and old earth and evolution, all in one fell swoop.

Any other of your superstitions and unfounded opinion and myths you would like to reveal? Give up on trying to verify your starting assumptions, so you attack mine? Take care of business at home first, or just go away. Duke got Nuked. No more unfounded opinion.
2016-02-11 04:33:17 UTC
According to the Christians.
2016-02-13 08:24:35 UTC
It's oldest written manual for control over human populations~!
2016-02-11 19:04:13 UTC
There are many historical facts and chronologies in the Bible.
paschal d
2016-02-13 08:26:29 UTC
YES one can say that it is,but also it is a book of present events and future events to unfold with time.
2016-02-11 00:09:51 UTC
No it is not a history book and Jesus is not a historic character.
2016-02-13 17:17:15 UTC
The Bible contains historical accounts, parables, prophecies and the ONLY way to redemption to God and salvation.

The Bible is the word of God written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. We who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour experience God's love and miracle working power in us and in our lives daily.

The Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient non Christian sources prove the validity of the Bible:

Fulfilled prophecies also prove the Bible is reliable:

Fulfilled Prophecy: Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible by Dr. Hugh Ross

The truth about Jesus Christ can be found only in the Holy Bible. Three days after the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, He resurrected from the dead (Luke 24:1-8; Acts 10:40; 1 Corinthians 15:4) and 40 days later, He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:3; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-11).

Without God, the spiritual part of the human being is dead (Ephesians 2:5, Colossians 2:13). The sin of our first parents (Adam and Eve) caused the separation between God and man. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sin causes us to be separated from God which results in spiritual death. Christ, the 2nd Person of the Triune Godhead was made flesh (through the immaculate conception) and paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross so we could through faith in Christ as our Saviour be instantly redeemed and united to God and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who teaches us, comforts us and grants us fruits to live in righteousness and gifts to help and edify the Church. There is no redemption or unity to God apart from receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as one’s Saviour and Lord.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood. Come into my heart. I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior. Amen"
2016-02-12 00:19:24 UTC
The main story is history. It is the history of aliens who were mistaken for gods.

When our ancestors looked up they saw sky and clouds. They couldn't imagine anything beyond it. Today we know there are countless other planets. About 25,000 years ago aliens came to earth. They seeded the oceans and created life. Later, primitive humans mistook them as gods. They had no other way of explaining their technology.
2016-02-13 00:13:21 UTC
Nope. Written by people who had zero concept of how the text would be twisted into today.
2016-02-11 17:49:52 UTC
Literally it is both... Although parables don't have a literal meaning but have a special implied meaning.
2016-02-11 16:03:04 UTC
The history in it is correct.
2016-02-11 18:33:50 UTC
of course it is...everyone knows the proof is in recent discoveries...or at least they should know...,alas so many are ignorant they don't WANT to agree

can't blame 'em really it's their upbringing , compiled with ignorance
great knight
2016-02-11 00:51:54 UTC

Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus loves you. All is as written. Read Romans chapter 5 and 8. Read John chapter 1 and 3.
2016-02-12 19:09:36 UTC
2016-02-11 01:29:03 UTC
it is in fact only part way to the truth of these ancient times for it is in itself a compilation of records held by the Vatican.
2016-02-13 12:13:09 UTC
Nicholas Matthew
2016-02-11 03:17:04 UTC
Only if you know how to separate historical facts from fiction.
2016-02-13 12:56:59 UTC
No, it is Abrahamic mythology. Do you really think snakes can actually talk and do you really think that the planet is flat and only 6,000 years old?
2016-02-12 00:15:49 UTC
Scarborough Fair
2016-02-11 11:29:30 UTC
It is both. It's like a library. It contains poetry, parables, allegories, and history.
2016-02-11 21:51:58 UTC
2016-02-11 04:35:58 UTC
It is history, prophecy and teaching on how to live. Jesus is the one who spoke in parables.
2016-02-11 11:12:34 UTC
Yes, dear. It is a history of faith in God on earth.
London Man
2016-02-11 10:46:44 UTC
Written by 500 mostly anonymous people? you must be joking
2016-02-11 08:22:18 UTC

archeology has proven many things that bible has stated
2016-02-11 12:16:34 UTC
2016-02-11 06:50:22 UTC
its "faction"

fictional stories written around real people and places

(its like the film "titanic"

this is full of actual events and people, but the story of "jack" and "rose" is 100% fiction)
2016-02-12 15:21:43 UTC
yes though not written in chronological order
2016-02-11 01:07:09 UTC
its a accurate account of things
2016-02-20 23:49:57 UTC
Bit of both.
Wellll... hello then!
2016-02-11 13:44:43 UTC
If it wasn't it couldn't tell us about God!
2016-02-11 11:51:39 UTC
Yes, it is, depending upon the verse involved.
2016-02-12 22:23:33 UTC
it is the most authentic historical source of the period.
Ernest S
2016-02-11 07:39:35 UTC
It is stunningly accurate.
2016-02-11 19:00:32 UTC
holly book is good.
2016-02-11 08:59:45 UTC
I guess so but not fact
2016-02-11 09:51:17 UTC
Some truth, most lies (parables)
2016-02-12 11:36:58 UTC
Vinegar Taster
2016-02-11 12:28:22 UTC
Not even close .
2016-02-11 14:53:58 UTC
hahaha nope. its not for education,
2016-02-11 06:40:06 UTC
yes and also prophetic
2016-02-14 12:12:47 UTC
Yes, it is.
2016-02-11 01:04:01 UTC
No, obviously not
2016-02-12 05:59:17 UTC
no one knows for sure.... but one thing is for certain : It is INCOMPLETE !
2016-02-11 11:33:10 UTC
2016-02-11 10:23:41 UTC
Not if you are a liberal
2016-02-11 15:43:21 UTC
No. It is not.
2016-02-12 09:08:54 UTC
it is
2016-02-11 06:23:51 UTC
2016-02-12 12:39:54 UTC
2016-02-11 11:38:47 UTC
2016-02-12 16:05:02 UTC
more or less............//


however, how would you verify it.............?/


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.