Christian scholars usually refer to the first five books of the Bible as the "Pentateuch", written by Moses. Moses received an Egyptian royal education (Acts 7:22), and was fully qualified to write the Pentateuch. He was trained by Pharoah's own guard, in training to become Pharoah, himself, but of course, he disappeared to lead his own people. Not many can match the integrity of Moses.
Science recently found Moses in the 12th Dynasty of Egyptian history, not the 18th where they were looking and knew the Bible to be in error before. Moses said that Adam wrote a book, so the Creation account was probably written by the first man, Adam, and handed down to Moses through Toledoth, thus 67 authors of the Bible.
Mizraim, was a grandson of Noah. You may recognize this Hebrew name, translated literally means "Egypt." It is the name given to the largest Pyramid of Egypt, in honor of the latest Pharoah.
So Mizraim’s descendants could not have built the Great Pyramid of Egypt (Mizraim) until after the Flood, and for that matter, after the events at the Tower of Babel that caused Mizraim’s family to move to the region of the Nile River.
With all this evidence, the Great Pyramid is clearly post-Flood.
Noah's grandson Kush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list.
Parallel historical accounts are found in 500 civilizations around the world of the Great Flood, or the Noachian Flood, many with no clear connection.
Those who try to argue it is impossible, invariably do so based on straw man arguments that are inconsistent with the actual account from the text.
Many today think Noah's Flood is a myth. The Great Pyramid of Egypt (Mizraim) was named after Noah's grandson. Mizraim was likely no stranger to his grandfather Noah, and spoke with the eyewitness of Noah's flood. There is no doubt whatsoever, handed down by eyewitness account, that Noah's Flood was literal, and there should be none now unless you can refute this evidence.
Noah's Flood was just a matter of common knowledge and history of the time, there was no question if Noah's Flood was literal, until evolution. Then it became a "myth" according to the OPINION of "pseudo-science" and the non-existent proof of millions/billions of years (the OPINION/MYTH), out with the "myth"/truth of a Young Earth. But Mizraim, the Great Pyramid, sits on top of the fossil beds of Noah's Flood. It's really difficult to hide the truth for very long, but the Bible always reveals truth.
When you want to prove something according to scientific method, you need a fact, evidence, support for your claim. Otherwise it is unfounded opinion and fails the truth test. The Bible is loaded with verifiable facts, evidence, and truth in detail and accuracy, building infallible integrity; ubiquitous.
The Bible gives us evidence that the genealogic record is accurate as evidence gets, or the Table of Nations, or the existence of Elba from the Bible, or the "pathways through the seas" by Maurey, or verification and evidence of the story of the Walls of Jericho by four different international teams, or the Dead Sea Scrolls that verify the historicity and accuracy and authenticity of the Bible over millennia. Evidence is hard to come by, so atheists take note. Almost all of the verifiable evidence clearly points to literal six day Creation, because of the accuracy and authenticity of the Bible, a Creator.
Your choice to believe the unfounded opinion of "men" w/o evidence to support your claim, the myth of evolution, or you can believe the evidence of God.
Is the Bible a copy from Paganism
Can we believe what the Bible says?
Seven Evidences for a Young Earth
Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?
Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)
Did The Biblical Flood Happen?how the chinese or the east indians survived the flood?
Addendum for @Duke Nukem using outdated info to criticize others with a haughty attitude to boot, the juke, taunt, heckle of the fool.
Chronology of the ancient world is being redated. Hammurabi now appears to be a near contemporary of Moses instead of Abraham. In Egyptian chronological studies, the patriarchs are dated earlier than ever before. In spite of this, there has been little research conducted on the relationship between Abraham and Mesopotamia in this new chronological revolution.
Abraham has been dated to the Early Dynastic or Old Kingdom periods of Egypt; and the discovery of the city of Ebla in Syria (The city was discovered in the remains of Tell Mardikh), both show in what period in Mesopotamian history Abraham lived.
Ebla is dated using thousands of texts discovered there to show that the palace was destroyed before or sometime during the Akkadian Empire.
The argument that biblical chronology cannot be stretched back to the Early Bronze Age is based upon the validity of the standard chronology. The standard chronology of the ancient world has been criticized and, as a result, biblical chronology can, in fact, reach back into the Early Bronze Age because the Early Bronze Age chronology has been brought down to the patriarchal period.
Studies in ancient chronology now show that the life of Abraham was concurrent with the Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia, the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdoms in Egypt, and the Ebla Empire in Syria. The evidence related to Genesis 14 and Sodom and Gomorrah also supports the conclusion that Abraham lived during the Early Bronze Age/Early Dynastic Period.
Analysis of the evidence around the Walls of Jericho reveals that the destruction took place around 1400 B.C. (end of the Late Bronze I period), exactly when the Bible says the conquest occurred. The archaeological evidence supports the historical accuracy of the biblical account in every detail. Every aspect of the story that could possibly be verified by the findings of archaeology is, in fact, verified.
@Duke Nukem - Umm, the evidence sorta "Nukes" your Bronze Age fairy tale, along with the idea of uniformatarian age dating and old earth and evolution, all in one fell swoop.
Any other of your superstitions and unfounded opinion and myths you would like to reveal? Give up on trying to verify your starting assumptions, so you attack mine? Take care of business at home first, or just go away. Duke got Nuked. No more unfounded opinion.