muslims: please help! can you answer this ques.?
2007-10-23 05:04:19 UTC

hi everyone, got another question. i have made the decision to switch to islam. the only thing is, how in the world do i tell my mom?!!! she's christian, and doesn't believe in islam.yester day she was like"why are you reading the quaran?, you haven't even read the bible yet!do you want to be muslim now?" i could have said yes right then and there, but i had friends in the car, and did not feel like getting into a argument and she seemed a little irritated anyway. It's true i havent' read the WHOLE bible yet though, i heart keeps leading me back to the quaran. not sure how my mom would feel about it though, she said before that she didn't believe in a religion that worshipped a man (muhammed)., i kno he's a prophet and we don't worship him, that would be shirk. i think i may need a way to possibly influence her that islam is wat i believe to be the true religion, and if she begs to differ, at least let me be wat i am. its not like i worshipping shaytaan.
22 answers:
2007-10-23 10:54:22 UTC
if allah decided to pull u to lights, then u will be helped by allah, ur question was about ur mom and some people pulled it on trying u to pull u back from right path,if u read qur'an u must know that u will find that type of people in ur way, i want to tell u some things about ur question.

1: make ur self strong on what u want

2: dont leave the right path on any cost

3: islam will teach u to respect ur self and avoid those things are not good for u, like drugs,

4: try to follow islam strictly.that will be a surprise for ur mom to find changes in you, and the changes islam will make will be appriciated by ur mom

5: nicely tell her the truths about islam, and try to tell her about nagetive and fake knowlade about islam spreaded by media

6:as a muslim,u have responcbilities to be a good muslim,

7: ur mom will be respectable for u in any case,never be rude to her,

8: islam will teach u repect ur mom more then any religion,she must know that the positive changes are in u just because of islam

9: how she or anyone can have a good opinion about islam without right knowladge about islam

10:so give her that knowladge from quran
2007-10-23 05:57:32 UTC
As you can see the devil has entered in the minds of most of these people who answered your question in a rudely fashion. So much to say about their beliefs. I am so sad that you have to hide this from your mom. You can imagine how the prophet Mohammed had to do this for years and at the same time preach to his followers in secret. Certainly not for a lost cause. The day will come when you will be able to practice your beliefs freely. In my opinion your mom must understand that Islam IS a peaceful religion. It teaches what most parents would die to get out from their kids. No alcohol, no drugs, no gambling, no sex before marriage and much much more. I think she will be proud of you once she fully understands what Islam is all about. I also would hope that your mom tries to unplug herself from the negative media that has given Islam a wrong interpretation. That itself is a leading factor for your mom not to accept you becoming a Moslem. I would sit with my mom alone in a calm environment and slowly start to introduce some of your important concepts in Islam, without actually first mentioning Islam, then after all the concepts have been explained to her tell her exactly that you wish to be a Moslem for those reasons. Once she realizes that you have done your research she most certainly would understand. I ask God to give you the strength to stay on the right path. Good Luck.
2007-10-23 05:15:44 UTC
Based on what I have read. You are under 18, and live in your mothers home. So with your mother being a Christan, and being against Islam I would respect her wishes for right now. Not to say that this isn't the path. But it is still your mother. Maybe if you read her bible, and asked questions then tell her you would like to convert to Islam. At least then she might feel that you are making an educated decision. Think of it like a history lesson.

However while living in her home I don't think there ever be an easy way to tell.
2007-10-23 07:21:41 UTC
You are a very brave person and deserve a lot of respect. After all, how many of us grow up to question the belief we were born into and then search for truth! It takes a brave and honest person to do that.

It would have helped to know your age as it would have determined if you are also dependent on your parents. I think the main thing for you to make you mom understand in any case is that your converting to Islam does not change your relationship with her. If anything, it strenghtens it as Islam puts much emphasis on being good with parents even when they are not Muslims. Also, I think, if she is not a staunch Christian she would not object much to your conversion as religion does not play a very important role in modern Western life any more.

I recommend you to read a book by an American convert Jeffrey Lang. The book is called Struggling to Surrender. It is quite pertinent to converts in Western societies and will serve as a good guidance for you in your future in Islam.

I am also forwarding you a link to an exchange of letters between an American Jew woman in 60s-70s with a Muslim scholar and her subsequent conversion and migration. You might also relate to some of her thoughts and ideas.

Trust in Allah, remain steadfast and inshallah your problems will be solved.
2007-10-23 06:09:44 UTC
My family has mixed views on my journey to Islam, too. Growing up, my mom was Lutheran and my dad was Catholic. She joined the Catholic church later in life. So, my mom understands more than others in my family - and is very supportive. My children are Greek Orthodox. They are both very opposed - but they do realize that it is my spiritual journey - not theirs. It did take a while to make them see that though. Maybe your mom will surprise you. Maybe she just needs to be shown that Islam is something very beautiful. There is a lot of literature available online that explains the basic beliefs. Maybe she would read it when she learns how much Islam means to you. But if not, you always hold your beliefs within you. No one can take those away. And when you are grown and on your own you can follow your heart openly. Blessings....
2007-10-23 05:19:58 UTC
Hi :)

I've been in a similar situation as you, just maybe not as major as choosing a religion. To be honest, you've only got one choice, wich is to tell her. You can either prolong your hiding your beliefs and then tell her anyway, or you can tell her and finally find out what she thinks. When i had to tell my family what i wanted to do, the only person i could talk to was my mother, and yet my family still treated me like an outcast. I would worry for days about whether i should have just listened to them and drop whatever i wanted. Eventually, i realised that i had to be my own person, no matter what anyone else said or thought, and that they'd have to accept my decision sooner or later, because they couldn't control what i believed in, or what i did. Tell your mother. It's no use waiting around, it'll only make you worry more. And good luck ;)
2016-04-10 03:30:13 UTC
Muslims can only donate to muslims (mainly for jihad of course). It makes me laugh that Djinn has been thumbed down - the truth hurts. Most soup kitchens for all are at Churches not mosques.
2016-04-10 15:38:36 UTC
Think positive sister, embrace Islam and when you do, do it with all of your heart, mind and body....don't always pray in the toilet, pray in the open if you can, and remember you can, you must, you will....I returned to Islam and started praying my "Five" after having been outside of the deen for part of my youth. May Allah give all Muslims a way to pray our "Five" if we can, to tell you the truth I have moved slackerly a bit recently, anyway, but truly... "You exalt whom You like and abase whom You like"....Allah grants honour to whomsoever He wills and abases whomsoever He wills as The Holy Quran 3:26 says.
Pirate AMâ„¢
2007-10-23 05:24:55 UTC
Personally just doing a bit of research into Islam's origins was enough to completely turn me off i.e. claiming that the rock and Mecca were holy places when Mecca was founded 300 years after Christ and no body had attached any significance to the rock until Mohamed. Then there is the fact that Christianity plainly says that it is complete and not to be added to. Islam says that Jesus was a prophet which means that they think Jesus as a prophet lied - not the most theologically sound thinking.

Then there is the treatment of women in the Muslim world, even foreign women can not drive and in some places are expected to cover up - I had a friend who was visiting and her sleeves were too short so they spray painted her wrists. Any religion that is so closed minded about their morals that they need to make them into public laws is extremely dangerous to its population.
2007-10-23 05:19:25 UTC
Islam is true religion from God, religion of all prophet including Jesus. Read Quran and if you need more guidance send me your email so that I can send you some books as proof for the truthfulness of Islam from bible and other old books. Don't leave Islam but alway respect your mother. Respect her in everything except leaving Islam.
2007-10-23 05:34:20 UTC
MashaAllah! Alhamdulile that Allah has taken you from darkness into light, and put you on the straight path.

I am also a revert to Islam, so I am going through the same thing at the moment....

One thing that I know is that Allah is the only who can open your mom's heart so no matter how hard you would like to make your mom accept Islam, nothing is possible without Allah's will. Make dua for her, and ask Allah (swt) to unveil her eyes, her ears and her heart so that she may understand why you have made the decision to become a Muslim, and that InshaAllah one day you can share that same joy of Islam with her. Ask Him for the patience to be kind to her, and to be understanding although she might not act like that in return. Ultimately, in Islam you love your mother three times before you love your father, so no matter what happens love her above all else.

The best advice that I was given, is that to be Muslim, is to be a Muslim not only through words, but through your actions as well. Our beloved prophet (s.a.w) showed such high character and integrity in his everyday dealings with other people, that non - Muslims that initially hated him before meeting him, came to love and respect him. (I'm sorry that I can't provide the exact reference for the hadith - but it is out there I promise you). Ultimately our actions speak louder than our words, so in your everyday dealings do things that Islam obligates you to do and in regards to your mom; be dutiful to her, respect her, love her, honour her and above all show her your appreciation for all that she does for you. I can't think of a better way in order for you to show her the positive changes that Islam has had on you.

If your mom is open - minded, and has a willingness to know more, giving her a book about the basics of Islam may help her to understand Islam.

Remember that Allah (swt) is closer to us than our jugular vein, and He gives those provisions to whom He wills, and He takes from who He wills also. I am so happy that you are Muslim and inshaAllah you live this life with your forehead on the ground, the Sunnah in your heart and the Quran on your tongue, and remain a Muslim forever. May Allah bless you and protect you on your journey.
2007-10-23 06:49:56 UTC
The Cynic gave the most logical answer.

Have faith in God, your believes , learn from the others' experiences and try to convince your mother when the conditions are in favor.
Lord NeXuS M00N
2007-10-23 05:31:55 UTC
Just tell you mom the truth. Do it when you have some alone time with her. Don't hide your beliefs. I told my mom I am an Atheist. Her response was "as long as you can pay your own bills you can do what you want"

From time to time she tells me "your a catholic because you were baptized" I tell her that's not what I believe.
2007-10-23 05:52:18 UTC
Ok I'm going to share my story with u and then u can make a better informed decision. I was born a muslim, my parents immigrated to australia when I was an infant. We had come from south africa and at first my parents did everything they could to assimilate however by the time I was 9 islam had started to take hold of my parents. They were taught to be weary of all the young western habits,ie skimpy clothing, sexual activity, boyfriends, music and ultimately freedom. Islam teaches that to be free, to flow with life and live as honestly as possible in regards to your personal truths is a sinful practice. Islam fears freedom because essentially it can lead to opposition. Islam controls the masses through fear and intimidation, it is a religion wrought not with guilt but even more devastating through breaking a persons will to fight,to just surrender. In a muslim world women just don't have equal footing with men and are forced to submit to their men. A women is quite frankly not worthy in comparison to a man.I am not trying to over exagerate or pick apart islam. I am speaking absolute truths,you should know it , that is if you've read the right books. Yes there are many women who will insist that they are content and satisfied with their muslim marriages but what they don't tell u is that their standard of what is right and wrong is very different to the western world. Here are a few examples- A woman cannot deny her husband sex......she cannot say no... she has no choice, regardless of the cold she has or the dishes that need doing or that she just plain does'nt want any, she must concede and fulfill her husbands sexual demands. Of course if she is,"un clean", menstruating then she is so filthy in Gods eye that she cannot even walk through Gods home,the mosque, let alone be deemed worthy of sexual attraction. Am I starting to paint a picture for u, u see u r looking at islam with your young romanticeyes, I bet theres a boy in here somewhere too, no offense but its common practice for muslim2nd generation westerner boys to take on young naive women as their converted brides. I bet,"he", is teaching u the most about isam, he's obviously not going to tell u on ur first date that technically he can rape u if u became his bride. That is exactly what my father did to my mother. She even pressed rape charges against him, then droped them when my dad manipulated her enough to convince her he was just a poor man who was provoked into raping her. Can u hear how scary that existance can be. The short version of my life as a muslim is that basically my parents thought I was a sinful woman, who neede taming, they beat me and belittled me and when that didnt work they married me off at 16. I was stuck in a horrible,"marriage",for 10 years before I finally had the courage to leave. I came out of that relationship uneducated, alone, no financial stability, no job, zero confidence and a severe lack of trust,( another thing islam teaches u is to never trust a non muslim). Iwas also the mother of three precious children, I could see what their lives were going to be like and I believed they deserved better.Think about the impact of growing up in such a rigid and structured enviroment, would u really want that sort of life for your children,at least u have had the benefit of being an active member of main stream society and being given the gift of choice. U live in a country where u have religious freedom, if this was a muslim world you would be hanged for renouncing your faith. Make a clear decision, its much easier to get in than it is to get out, I know. Good luck my friend.
2007-10-23 05:08:45 UTC
Your beliefs are for you and you alone. They will not benefit/harm anyone around you, including your mother. Religious beliefs are a personal matter and if you are resolute enough in your decision to embrace a new religion, then be confident enough to acknowledge it openly. Once you have divulged it to your mother, you will realize that it was not that difficult.
the only 1 hobo
2007-10-23 05:14:24 UTC
Remember this, a Muslim is allowed to lie to you to convert you . Don't just flip a coin to join a religion , that's what it sounds like to me.Ask questions etc look around the world, see ho many prophecies are coming about from the bible and see where the world is heading and all foretold in the bible .compare Christ and Muhammed , Also God of all and Allah, there is none so listen to your mother and read the bible
2007-10-23 05:15:16 UTC
w/salam i know lots of people who have become Muslims and had to leave home because of family problems, i also know some who have kept it a secret and still live at home but the best thing to do is look at your finical side and then if in a good position then tell them other wise wait for a year or so and ask Allah (swt) for help and ask your question and Allah (swt) will answer with out doubt, email me and ill tell you how to ask Allah (swt) a question and get your answer
2007-10-23 05:23:46 UTC
If the Muslims do not worship muhammad, then why get all in a up roar when they put his face on a animal or something

As far a Jesus goes, man can do what they want with His image, I do not need His image to be who I am, I have deeper faith than that

As to telling your mom, Just tell her, she will know eventually, love should be deeper than just the surface
2007-10-23 05:36:53 UTC
I was trying to find the scripture but anyway, the bible does tell us that the heart is wicked. Just wanted to say that nothing else, so please don't follow your heart. Why don't you pray and ask God what you should do?
2007-10-23 05:13:22 UTC
Islam is the most backward religion and evil too.

Islam is against development and love. Only "peace" and maintain it using force. How ironic is that.
2007-10-23 05:10:06 UTC
Muslims claim the quaran is the last true holy book from God. They believe God will not allow "this" text to be changed and that this one is right.

My question is, why didn't he do that in the first place?
2007-10-23 05:08:41 UTC
you no trick me again you funny women in veil you report me last time i answer

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.