According to the doctrine of Trinity , God is THREE DIFFERENT PERSONS (God the Son, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit) each are FULLY GOD and Almighty.
The Bible says in Deut 6:4 Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is ONE Jehovah.
Notice in Deut 6:4 it used “IS” and only ONE person is involved. If there are three Jehovah then it should have used ARE for THREE persons.
There is ONLY ONE JEHOVAH, who is God Almighty.
Illustrations like the egg (egg yolk, white,shell), man (body, spirit, etc) even conflict with the doctrine of Trinity because it shows that GOD is COMPOSED OF PARTS but according to the Trinity each person is a WHOLE/FULLY GOD.
The trinity doctrine is not a true Christian teaching that;s why it is not taught in the Bible. Have you ever wondered why reincarnation is not found the Bible too?
It is senseless to conclude that when two persons have the same title and attributes that they are of the same nature. Jesus is called King of kings, which is also the same title that Nebuchadnezzar used. Using the logic that you presented, you are making Nebuchadnezzar God also if that's the case. Dan 2:37
Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. Col 1.
JWs believe that Jesus is the only Begotten Son of God (See also Acts 13:33 uses begotten), our King and Lord and Savior, the Christ, the Word, and was born of virgin birth thru Mary. Jesus is the Son of God who became flesh. Jesus was a god who eventually became Mighty God as stated in John 1:1 and Isa 9:6. Notice FUTURE tense in Isa 9:6 (will/shall). Jesus as the Word has been with God in the beginning. John 1:1 didn’t say that the Word, is “BEFORE the Beginning” but used the word “IN”, thus bound by that time, which is the “in the beginning”. Also notice that in John 1:1 it says “Word was”. Notice “was” which is in past tense, instead of “IS”. So Jesus was a god, who eventually became Mighty God.
Notice too, that Jehovah is called “God of gods” , it doesn’t mean that the other gods do not exist.Just like saying “King of kings” the other kings do exist. If you also say that “Jesus is my best friend”, it doesn’t’ mean that the “Father” Jehovah, and other human friends are false friends.
Why is Jehovah called “God of gods” acc to Deut 10:17? If the “gods” are all false gods, then are you saying that Jehovah is the God of “false” gods? Someone cannot be called God of “gods” if these other “gods” do not exist same as saying King of kings if other kings do not exist.
The Bible doesn’t support the idea of Trinity nor says that Jesus is the Almighty God.
The Bible also doesn’t use the terms “God-Man” TriUne God, Trinity, Three Persons in One God , Three in One God , TriUne characters of God, and other terminologies that Trinitarians invented. Why do you think you can’t find the word “reincarnation” in the Bible? The reason why you can’t find the word “reincarnation” in the Bible is the same reason why you can’t find the word “Trinity” in the Bible.
Isa 44:6 states that there is no other God besides him.
- This is what Jehovah has said, the King of Israel and the Repurchaser of him, Jehovah of armies, ‘I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no God.
This means that there is no other God, who is Almighty, and the Repurchaser. Notice the phrase it used, “I AM” and “ME”. DO you use the phrases “I am” and “ME” for THREE PERSONS? The phrase “I am” is not used for THREE PERSONS and to ONLY ONE PERSON.
Because it uses the phrase "I am" AND “ME” and “NO GOD BESIDES ME” in Isa 44:6, so there is no room for OTHER persons who are part of God, isn't it? So Isa 44:6 PROVES that God is only ONE PERSON, not THREE
IF only one person is talking in Isa 44:6 and he said “Besides ME, there is NO GOD” then if there’s still TWO OTHER PERSONS who is God, then you are saying that God is telling a lie.
God is not a liar, so it is the Trinity doctrine that is wrong.
Isa 63:16 - 16 For you are our Father; although Abraham himself may not have known us and Israel himself may not recognize us, you, O Jehovah, are our Father.
Jesus said at John 20:17 “‘I am ascending to my Father and YOUR Father and to my God and YOUR God.’” Notice Jesus has a God, whom he called “My God” and who is also his Father.
At Luk23:46 it states 46 And Jesus called with a loud voice and said: “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” This was quoted from Psalms 31:5. So you can tell that Jesus called to his Father when he was about to die. “Into your hand I entrust my spirit.” The text continues “You have redeemed me, O Jehovah the God of truth.”
Note that Jesus calls his Father, My God. defines God also as “one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe”
So basically, Jesus said “My God” means “My Supreme Being and CREATOR”
Gen 1:26 states “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..”
Does this verse make God composed of THREE persons?
Please notice this.
The Mother said “Let US make a cake”, Is the Mother composed of THREE PERSONS? Or Is the Mother THREE Mothers?
Or The Mother is only talking to someone else, which let’s say is a daughter.
Here are Bible proofs why the doctrine of Trinity is false.
Isa 44:24 conflicts with the doctrine of the Trinity. In the Trinity’s doctrine, there are THREE CREATORS. But Isa 44:24 states that there is ONLY one CREATOR, Jehovah, he is the only Creator. If what you said was true, then this text doesn’t allow for ANY partners as well because of the term “by MYSELF”. MYSELF is only used for ONE PERSON and NEVER THREE PERSONS.
Acts 2:36 states that God has MADE Jesus both Lord and Christ. The Lordship of Jesus has a beginning because it was MADE by God.
JWs believe in the God the Father, the Son of God (Jesus) and God’s holy spirit. It is just different with the Trinity doctrine which says that those three are “Three Persons in one God” who are all Almighty.
Phil 2:5-7 states
Keep this mental attitude in YOU that was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. 7 No, but he emptied himself and took a slave’s form and came to be in the likeness of men.
Before coming down to earth, Jesus was a spirit, and the Son of God. Jesus emptied himself and left his position and form (form being a spirit, and other positions in heaven) and became like men (Physical).
If Jesus is God Man on earth, then he didn’t really EMPTIED himself. Actually Jesus is the Son of God who EMPTIED himself and became flesh (man). Notice John 3:16 , it is the Son who was sent and not God himself.
Col 2:19.10 states “For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily”. Bodily according to Strong’s dictionary is corporeal or physical. Now, think about this, if this meant that the FULLNESS of the Godhead means FULLNESS OF BEING GOD, then how come Jesus when he was human says, The Father is GREATER than me. Jesus also LEARNED obedience. Jesus when he was a human, doesn’t know the last days’ hour/time. If Jesus’ was fully God when he was human and he has FULLNESS of being God, how come there are these limitations? If there are limitations, or lackness of abilities, then it is not FULL.
Here are the Bible texts that proves that Jesus was created.
John 5:26 states “For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to HAVE LIFE in himself”.
John 6:57 – “… and I LIVE because of the Father”.
Life (eternal life and life to exist) was given by the Father to Jesus, the Son.
2. For Trinitarians, the Son and Father relationship has no beginning. But Heb 1:5, that the Son and Father relationship has a beginning. Notice it uses the words “today” and “I have become”
In Heb 1:5 it states "You are my son; I, TODAY, I have become your father"?.
3. Here’s another Bible text that proves that the Father created Jesus. Notice it uses the words “This day” and begotten/made to prove that the Son has a beginning.
Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten(Gennao) thee. Acts 13:33
The word begotten in Greek is gennao. It means “to be born” –Strong’s dictionary defines this as procreate (properly of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively to regenerate: - bear, beget, be BORN, BRING FORTH, conceive, be delivered of, gender, MAKE, spring.
At Acts 13:33, it states the Father “has MADE/BRING FORTH” the Son. This verse talks about the relationship of God to his Son whom he MADE/BROUGHT FORTH (Gennoa).
4. We have to note that Jesus calls his Father, My God. defines God also as “one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe”
, ‘I am ascending to my Father and YOUR Father and to my God and YOUR God.’” - John 20:17
So basically, Jesus said “My God” means “My Supreme Being and CREATOR”
5. Rev 3:14, Jesus is called the “beginning of the CREATION of/by God”.
Jesus being the first or beginning is also qualified (Rev 3:14) . The God the Father is the Beginning and the End, but he is never called, “, the beginning of the creation BY/OF God” only Jesus is called that term. This term can be properly understood as “of the CREATION BY God, Jesus is the beginning”. This basically means Jesus is still part of the CREATION, notice the term OF THE CREATION BY GOD, eventhough he is the beginning, ruler, etc.
Is God composed of THREE PERSONS?
Gen 17:1 states “, then Jehovah appeared to A´bram and said to him: “I am God Almighty”
Now, please use your understanding,
Do you use the phrase “I am