Can someone help me understand my feelings about Christianity/God etc.?
2009-07-31 06:47:50 UTC
Basically I'm really confused about God. I know God doesn't exist because to me it makes no sense whatsoever and I don't believe that Jesus did what the bible says, so why am I so confused about Christianity? Does anyone have any useful information to help me make my mind up or help me understand what I'm now going through. Thanks
Sorry the question is so vague.
Sixteen answers:
2009-08-03 08:39:20 UTC
How do we know God exists? As Christians, we know God exists because we speak to Him every day. We do not audibly hear Him speaking to us, but we sense His presence, we feel His leading, we know His love, we desire His grace. Things have occurred in our lives that have no possible explanation other than God. God has so miraculously saved us and changed our lives that we cannot help but acknowledge and praise His existence. None of these arguments can persuade anyone who refuses to acknowledge what is already obvious. In the end, God’s existence must be accepted by faith (Hebrews 11:6). Faith in God is not a blind leap into the dark; it is safe step into a well-lit room where the vast majority of people are already standing.
2009-07-31 14:06:58 UTC
Because in your heart you know that God exists. I think this is why most atheists hang around here and have such a hard time with people of faith, because they are in denial of something that's wired into them and it really bothers them. I agree with those who say "follow your heart".

Just curious though, what part of God existing makes no sense to you? Do you just have trouble believing that there could be a spiritual entity whose "mind" put in order all the miraculous things around us? I suppose the "scientific" explanation that it all "just happened" makes more sense.

Believing in God is the most important decision you will ever make in this life, so don't take it lightly. If you're up to it, I challenge you to weigh as many of the "facts" as you can and come to your own conclusion, even if it takes a lifetime to do it. I'm probably MUCH older than you and still searching for answers but I've chosen to follow the path of truth wherever it leads, and I think it leads to God.
2009-07-31 14:33:10 UTC
I'm a Christian, so that's where my answer is coming from.

May I suggest you delve into the creation/evolution issue. You'll be surprised by the evidence you haven't been told. That will take you out of the realm of subjective feelings and into objective evidence. In the end, of course, what you do with the evidence is a subjective decision.

Romans 1 says that everybody intuitively knows there's a God. A study in Japan showed that young children intuitively believe in a god; that surprised the researchers because god is not part of Japanese culture. Sorry, I can't cite the study.

My motto is: Pursue Truth at any cost. Seek the truth.
2009-07-31 14:01:22 UTC
Just because something doesn't always make sense doesn't mean it isn't true. There is no real proof one way or the other except for our existence on this earth. The earth is the only body in the galaxy with life. The galaxy exists. How would the galaxy exist without something out there to create it. That something is the same God that Christians and Jews worship even though they worship Him in different ways.
2009-07-31 14:20:59 UTC
If someone told you that the house you live in just got there - nobody made it with its heating, cooling, electricity, nobody stocked its pantry, fridge, supplied water to it....would you believe them? Of course not! Why? Simply because it takes design. Where there is design there is thought and a logical mind that can plan things. Look at the design of our earth how all its ecosystems intricately depend on eachother to survive. What about when all things die, don't they all rot down to compost the earth beneath us to yeild new life again. Even without lightning the ground would be devoid of nitrogen. The wonderful instincts of the animals, migratory habits of the birds, how do they know exactly where to fly year after year, how do they know where to pick the prevailing winds up that take them to their destination. An incredible mind has made all these things. This is why you may be confused. You may not be able to see God but you can see his handiwork. Don't you look in awe at some things when you watch documentaries on t.v., I know I do. Not only that but God draws people who are searching to him. Could that be what is happening to you right now?
2009-07-31 14:04:13 UTC
There's nothing wrong with admiring or empathising with the tenants (underpinnings) of a religion (like being nice to other people or being honourable) without buying into the whole deal. If you look at most religions they are all based on the same ideas and values all just dressed up in different packages. Remember that religions were created in different times, some thousands of years ago and they are based in what is normal for those times.

There's a lot of goodness in Christianity, just take away all the hoopla and go to the basic stuff. You don't have to believe in a God or in a religion to do that.

Hope it's helpful.
2009-07-31 13:58:25 UTC
Everyone goes through this. Deep down, you know there is something bigger than you out there....and deep down, you know you know you didn't come from a monkey or pond are wonderfully made and you have a purpose in life, your not some random "thing" just out in nowhere...

You just need to stop thinking about religion, and if you grew up with religion set it aside....and look at your own heart.....and the world around you......You were made to love and be apart of something after love....and you will find your way.....and you maybe surprised where it leads you.
2009-07-31 13:58:46 UTC
It seems that you have already made you decision. You already said you don't believe there is a God and that you don't believe what happened to Jesus. What's the confusion? No one can make you believe, either you believe because you want to and you truly do or you don't. However, if you decide you want to believe then you have to believe everything not just bits and pieces.
2009-07-31 13:53:32 UTC
Can I ask which bit you're confused about?

Please ignore the people trying to "enlist" you - if you look for answers objectively, on your own terms, you'll find your way.

Edit: I wanted to add, I really believe we're hardwired to have a relationship with God, because He created us that way, but please don't let any of us convince you or coerce you into anything. It's an intensely personal thing, between you and God. (((((hug)))))
JP (Jan)
2009-07-31 13:54:21 UTC
"The man without the Spirt does not accept the things that come from the Spirt of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned 1Cor 2:14

Your spirit knows it needs God, but your mind is fighting it. Be open and God will speak to you.
2009-07-31 13:53:36 UTC
you have denied the truth

God built it in us to seek out God and find him

creation reveals God and his power as does the holy scriptures of the testimony of men who experienced God.
2009-07-31 13:52:12 UTC
depends on what it is you are looking for. Your post could be interpreted in many ways. My advise for you, albeit vague, is to follow your heart.
Sirensong sunshine
2009-07-31 13:51:47 UTC
try this

You'r confused because the way you were brought up. culture, friends and family are (probably) all christian, and it seeps into the fabric of life. That doesn't make it right though. Keep thinking straight and you'll be fine.
2009-07-31 13:51:52 UTC
Christianity was invented to control the masses. nothing more. You are right in your direction.

"all thinking men are atheists" - Ernest Hemingway
My Flying Toast OWNS Yours!
2009-07-31 13:51:14 UTC
Just follow your logic and you'll be fine.
2009-07-31 14:01:33 UTC
become a lesbian.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.