Atheists. What if you're wrong?
2016-05-07 06:33:06 UTC
Atheists. What if you're wrong?
144 answers:
2016-05-07 23:55:34 UTC
Atheists. What if you're wrong?

To be wrong, we'd first have to make a claim to be right. But that's not what atheism is. It's the lack of a belief in a deity. That's it. We're not claiming anything about a god. Most of us are agnostic atheists.

If your fairytale is real, i'm still not worried. You claim that your god is a good being. Righteous, just, fair, good, all of that. If that is true, than I have nothing to worry about. I'm not a bad person, far as I can tell. At the very least, I try not to be.

What I find amusing is that you people do terrible things, you binge on drinking, gambling, drugs, you cheat on your spouses, you LIE constantly to the point where it's become commonplace in our society, and then you go to your church, tell an old man in funny robes about it, and think you're good.

I honestly wonder who exactly you think you're fooling. An omnipotent deity can see through nonsense like that. Hence the omnipotence.

If your god Really gave any kind of **** about what I or any other atheist believed, he already knows Exactly how to convince us, and has the power to make it happen. The fact that he does not convince us leads to two possible explanations: he is either not real, or doesn't care.

Maybe you should think about whether or not YOU are wrong. You're the one who thinks all this fairytale horseshit is real. How do you know YOUR version is the right one? Why not Zeus' or Odin's or Ra's? You have ZERO evidence supporting your delusion as the one true one, and the only reason you even believe it in the first place is because mommy and daddy inducted you into their cult before you could even conceptualize what a deity was. The ONLY reason you've been able to claim your nonsense is right for so long is because you used to be able to get away with murdering anyone who said otherwise. Now that your religion has no real power, it's just as obviously made up as every other religion it crushed or copied.

And you know it.
2016-05-08 01:45:25 UTC
Then we all go to hell. What do you think?

but some will tell you story like this which is boring:

To be wrong, we'd first have to make a claim to be right. But that's not what atheism is. It's the lack of a belief in a deity. That's it. We're not claiming anything about a god. Most of us are agnostic atheists.

If your fairytale is real, i'm still not worried. You claim that your god is a good being. Righteous, just, fair, good, all of that. If that is true, than I have nothing to worry about. I'm not a bad person, far as I can tell. At the very least, I try not to be.

What I find amusing is that you people do terrible things, you binge on drinking, gambling, drugs, you cheat on your spouses, you LIE constantly to the point where it's become commonplace in our society, and then you go to your church, tell an old man in funny robes about it, and think you're good.

I honestly wonder who exactly you think you're fooling. An omnipotent deity can see through nonsense like that. Hence the omnipotence.

If your god Really gave any kind of **** about what I or any other atheist believed, he already knows Exactly how to convince us, and has the power to make it happen. The fact that he does not convince us leads to two possible explanations: he is either not real, or doesn't care.

Maybe you should think about whether or not YOU are wrong. You're the one who thinks all this fairytale horseshit is real. How do you know YOUR version is the right one? Why not Zeus' or Odin's or Ra's? You have ZERO evidence supporting your delusion as the one true one, and the only reason you even believe it in the first place is because mommy and daddy inducted you into their cult before you could even conceptualize what a deity was. The ONLY reason you've been able to claim your nonsense is right for so long is because you used to be able to get away with murdering anyone who said otherwise. Now that your religion has no real power, it's just as obviously made up as every other religion it crushed or copied.
2016-05-08 11:00:26 UTC
First of all- Atheism isn't a belief or a claim of anything. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a supernatural deity who, for reasons unexplained, knows all and sees all. So, considering how most agnostic atheists aren't claiming anything, there isn't much to be wrong about.

A question for you and all other theists out there- What if YOU'RE wrong? What if, after you've dedicated the whole of your life to worshiping some mystical robed figure and his son, you suddenly realize it's not real at all? That everything you so staunchly believed in doesn't exist? That the religion you never once thought to question the plausibility of was, in fact, a HUGE lie passed down by each generation?

The thing is, religion is the biggest cause of death throughout history. Entire empires have risen and fallen for nothing more than an idea. And nowadays, when religion doesn't have as much power as it used to and there is no believe-it-or-die ideology to instill fear into nonbelievers, people are forced to look for evidence and ask questions. And that's just it- when you get down to it, there is NOTHING. Zero evidence for any of your claims. Maybe a few unexplained miracles, but nothing that can be proven or replicated using, say, the scientific method.

There are hundreds of religions out there. Why aren't you as committed to your belief in Christianity as you are to the Flying Spaghetti Monster (look it up, this is a real thing)? There are SO MANY logical arguments, not to mention steadfast scientific evidence, that point to only one thing- atheism. What evidence or logic can you give me, or anyone, that God exists? Nothing other than a fear factor and the narcissistic belief that something will happen once you're gone.

Because in all honesty, we're just specks in the grand scheme of things. In a few million years, any trace of human life, and in turn, religion, will be wiped off this planet. In all honesty, we don't really matter. And so, with all that being said, I see no reason to waste my life on a God that with scientific certainty does not exist. Guess I'm going to hell.
2016-05-08 00:02:37 UTC
About supernatural beings? We could be; however, if there is one, there's 30,000 minimum different versions, so there's an equal chance that atheists could be wrong as there is that theists are worshiping the incorrect one. So far, since it's safe to assume that you're a Christian, you've been pretending that yours is the correct one, but what if YOU are wrong and maybe Horus is the correct one? Or Shamash? or Quetzalcoatl? There's also the possibility for that and it's just as great as the possibility that Atheists are wrong.
2016-05-08 22:09:47 UTC
Wrong about......what?

See it's the stuff I can define I can answer. But until I can define something then the answer is, I have no idea and I'm not gonna do your work for you. Figure it out, let me know what the correct information is and go f your self if you want me to commit to some nonsense that isn't defined.

Martial arts makes sense because it's complete and laid out and I can see everything. It's real. I have met the master. The one in charge is not imagined.

So when this thing you're talking about reaches the level of say, traditional american karate. Let me know.
2016-05-09 08:40:17 UTC
About what? There are many things I make claims about. Atheism isn't a claim or belief, though, it's the lack of a belief.

Congrats on fooling yourself with Pascal's Wager. I guess you're aware now that it's not a convincing argument other people. It's only for trying to suppress your ow doubts.
2016-05-08 17:18:59 UTC
Show proof of God's existence then that's how you can show that athiests are wrong. Plain and simple, right? Bring proof, logicality and common sense to light and the non believers will believe. One cannot believe what one has no proof of even existing to believe in. Somehow, there are many people that can't seem to understand that logic. I've stopped trying to get it a long time ago. I don't want to become insane also while trying to understand what is the opposite of reality.
2016-05-08 04:52:56 UTC
Wrong about what? What time to wake up in the morning? How they get to school and work? What? :)

But that's still opened ended, because that could mean not just wrong about God, but how they know to worship if they believed. Maybe they should or shouldn't pray a rosary daily (rosaries are cycles of Catholic prayers.) But if they're wrong about God, I think plenty would happily worship or at least accept God!
2016-05-07 23:02:06 UTC
"Atheists. What if you're wrong?"

Wrong about what, exactly? Being an atheist?

Even if a god/gods were proven to exist right now, as a theist/deist you would still have all of your work ahead of you in showing that said god/gods have the properties that they are claimed have.

Not only does it not matter if I'm wrong, but the theist/deist doesn't gain anything by being right.
2016-05-08 13:46:21 UTC
In the journey through life we are constantly being faced with choices about many things, and we all have to form many opinions about which w can have no proof whatsoever.

Some of these opinions are not the result of any personal well thought out process, but are the opinions passed down to us by parents and family members who in turn have reached these conclusion by being taught them , rather than forming the opinions by their own conclusions.

Such opinions can hardly be considered to be based on any personal conviction, for they are a form of tribal brainwashing which the student is expected to accept without question..

Not a very good way of producing a convincing theory that religion has a convincing and fool proof role to fill in the development of the human race, is it ?

And what if your wrong ? In all things you may equally be right or wrong, that is part of the human frailability. If your wrong, then that s just a very small part of lifes little cock-ups, and if your correct, then give yourself a pat on the back, cos this time you got it right. Clever lad.

Try to remember, that if that is the only problem your ever going to come up against, then your doing very well indeed.
Dogstar Ascendant
2016-05-07 06:42:56 UTC
What if I'm wrong and there really is an afterlife and the god who controls it doesn't mind atheists but really hates Christians? Well, then I guess that I'm good. It would suck to be you though. Perhaps you should become an atheist, just in case.
2016-05-09 05:42:16 UTC
About what exactly? I have been wrong about loads of things in my life.

I assume though that you mean about the existence or not of a god of some description.

I don't BELIEVE there are any "gods" I don't believe there are any gods because there has, over the centuries, been absolutely NO proof that any of them exist(ed).

That is my belief. I am not claiming to be right or wrong just stating that I don't believe that any gods exist or existed.

If it in fact turns out that Ra, Krishna, Horus, Thor, Zeus, Neptune, Poseidon, Jehova, Yahweh, Allah or whatever one of the many thousands of gods that man has made up over the years actually exists then fine. I will carry on with my life as it is now except I will know (because there will actually be proof) that a god exists or existed.

It will not change anything substantial in my life.
2016-05-08 10:58:26 UTC
I don't mind if I'm wrong. Unlike some retarded atheists I respect other peoples religions and understand their reasons and culture. I know I cant change religious opinions. Personally I dont believe in God but we will never know if he exists or not I suppose.
2016-05-08 22:08:36 UTC
Johnny Cash wrote an awesome song, "When the man comes around..."

I know some stop believing in God just out of cynicism... in which case simply means they still believe, but don't practice... but I don't know how others can ignore the evidence.

I even WANT to, but I can't.

When a person has no beneficial reason to believe in God, such as a blessed life, but still does, that means it's real.
2016-05-08 03:43:52 UTC
Then unlike 'christians'

Atheists will not have worshiped false gods

or the stench of the unkept promises of a 'jesus'.

Since they waited for the *real* God to show up, Atheists will be deemed "worthy" of God's Love in Heaven.
Special EPhex
2016-05-07 15:21:15 UTC
No a big deal. Atheist are subject to near death experiences as much as atheist are. Incredible stories from atheist having died, and experience what they describe as "possible heaven" shown to them by what they consider "could be God", have been retold by many, typically leaving them profoundly changed and questioning their faith. Those who report "hell", including theist, recount a giant hand (presumably God's) coming down an taking them out of the misery of hell,, and showing them heaven before they're sent back to earth. Historically, the NDE has be essentially identical in all faiths and cultures. I believe there is something to this or everyone is making up the same story.
Elsie Treize
2016-05-08 14:57:30 UTC
If I'm wrong about what, exactly. You think Quetzalcoatl might be real? You think Eostre might be real? It's not possible to live a life pleasing all the hundreds of gods. The best thing, is to live a life of compassion and understanding and do unto others as you would wish to be done.
2016-05-08 08:13:38 UTC
If I'm wrong to doubt the existence of Odin, then I shall be denied entrance into Valhalla.

If I'm wrong to doubt the existence of Zeus, then I shall be denied entrance into the Elysian Fields.

If I am wrong to doubt the existence of Phuquioras, then I shall be denied a seat at the Eternal Feast.

If I am wrong to doubt the existence of Allah, then I shall not be given any virgins in Paradise.

If I am wrong to doubt the existence of Risen Jesus, then I shall not be allowed to stand with the 144,000 around the throne of the Most High.

If I am wrong to doubt the existence of The Goddess, then I shall not be brought to Avalon, the Isle of the Blest.

There are SO MANY Gods and Goddesses to BE wrong about, that I shall simply TRUST that any God or Goddess which really DOES exist, DOES know all things, and DOES have the POWER to make things happen, will cause testable, repeatable evidence of His or Her existence to be readily available

And when that happens, I will believe in that God or Goddess.

Until then, that which is CLAIMED without evidence, may be dismissed without evidence.
2016-05-07 21:32:36 UTC
What if you weren't a troll?

Nah that cannot be either.

Now there may be a god but I bet yours is the one in Genesis and THAT god does not exist. Long disproved. There is zero possibility that there ever was a Great Flood or that the Earth is young or that grass grew before the Sun. That god is a fantasy. Period.

Thanks for the two points, Troll. Anytime you want to stop hiding and have an honest discussion let me know.

Never is my guess on that.

Join the few, the rational, the Agnostic

Ethelred Hardrede
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2016-05-07 21:15:46 UTC
Even if it was, I also don't think such a being would be anywhere near what people's fictional religions depict it as. All the stupid angry, jealous, punishing god stuff should be far beneath a being such as that. People have applied human traits to a "god" as a way to scare people and control them. If I'm wrong, then theists are still very wrong themselves.
2016-05-07 16:06:52 UTC
Christians, Catholics, Mormons,etc... What if you're wrong the whole time. That's why you're regulations of going to heaven are so biased!!!
Freethinking Liberal
2016-05-07 07:12:35 UTC
Do you know how arrogant this question implies. From the question, I get the impression that YOU consider that you know 'the truth'. Most atheists are so because that just do not accept the so-called evidence that supports the existence of gods.

Where as YOU are saying - "On the same amount (which is none) I reject hundreds of god BUT KNOW that one of them not only exists, I will MAKE others accept the existence of that one even though there is nothing to support its existence."

Arrogant - just so arrogant.
2016-05-07 06:40:13 UTC
Wrong about what? I'm not wrong that there is no evidence of God. I'm totally right about that. Unlike a believer, I don't mistake my parents and childhood clergy for God.
2016-05-09 08:59:31 UTC
Then we're wrong. Big deal. We're human and limited, after all.
2016-05-07 18:48:58 UTC
If we're wrong we're wrong, we won't know until it's too late therefore, we can not at this point of time predict any what iff's.
2016-05-08 06:14:49 UTC
Then I'm wrong.

I can only assess the claims of theists based on evidence that I have.

Since theists have no evidence (hint: you'll know you have evidence when faith is no longer required nor desirable to accept your religion as true), I can only conclude that their claims are unfounded and I treat them as provisionally false.

I would rather be wrong than be right based on poor reasoning.
2016-05-07 23:22:14 UTC
If I'm wrong wrong then I'll become religious. I don't think for religious people it's the same way, no matter what is shown to them to disprove their beliefs they will be religious.
2016-05-07 21:22:20 UTC
There's no proof


There's a proof of mamamary existence

search the video on youtube

you will see a footage of mamary in a Church.

Hope this helps you
2016-05-07 06:59:43 UTC
Then I'd be really surprised to see Seth or Wodan when the time comes, if I'm wrong I'm wrong, but you don't have to be right for me to be wrong.
2016-05-07 12:18:07 UTC
can't say for sure. you'll have to write a compendium of the thousands of gods humans have believed in and what those gods were said to do to the unfaithful after death. then i'll have an idea of some of the possible fates awaiting me. and you, since as a monotheist you're odds aren't stellar yourself.
2016-05-09 15:04:15 UTC
What if I'm wrong about not believing that invisible supernatural beings magically control my life? Well, then, I guess I'll have 10,000+ gods mad at me for reasons I can't perceive. Oh well.


2016-05-08 19:12:41 UTC
HEY CHURCHBOY,what if YOU'RE wrong and Islam's right?Or what if your wrong about your branch of christianity being true christianity instead of false?An ex christian since May of 2005,now a Spiritual Scientist into Native American spirituality plus Original LaVeyan Satanism.

Private Detective Eddie Valiant
2016-05-10 01:32:41 UTC
Deja vu.

I can't help but feel like this question has been asked a thousand times a day, everyday for as long as I've been here.

And I can't help but feel like this question has been answered, thoroughly, effectively, humorously and even famously on this site and beyond, a thousand times a day, everyday for just as long.

Or maybe it's just me.
2016-05-07 11:09:46 UTC
Well, what if your wrong? Throught human existence there have been literally 1000's of Gods. And no proof for any of them. Religion was created to control and enslave people. If there is a god, then he is going to be very upset with you as well for following others and not him.
Stan M
2016-05-07 19:19:48 UTC
I ain't got nothing to worry about whether I am right or wrong because I have prided myself on living a righteous life so according to the Pope I am still getting into heaven.
2016-05-07 06:35:30 UTC
I'm Agnostic, and that is definitely the most logical position, also if there is a God, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form. It's eternal, and it "created" us. Get it? It's more just a case of Chinese whispers and magic mushrooms changing what people think it is. God is the universe, we do the thinking.
2016-05-07 06:46:25 UTC
Then I will accept the consequences.

The odds of any particular religion being correct are so small as to be almost nonexistent, because the number of imaginable gods is far greater than the number of gods worshipped. One could follow all religions ever invented and one would be only improving one's chances by a fraction of a whisker.
2016-05-08 06:14:02 UTC
If we're wrong(I'm assuming your talking about "god") then that would mean that you and all of us would likely be going to hell. According to the new testament, there are so many rules follow that would automatically rule out almost all of western civilization from going to "heaven".
2016-05-08 07:49:33 UTC
Atheists are always wrong, they've been propagandized by a corrupt ruling class, who worship demons and the devil themselves, but then teach others none of it's real.
Doug Freyburger
2016-05-09 17:42:10 UTC
That's Pascal's Wager. It's a failure. It assumes that Christianity is the only valid religion and Yaweh is the only deity to follow. Not. Plenty of other religion and plenty of other deities.
2016-05-09 02:40:23 UTC
So what if we're 'wrong'? When we die, we won't be able to come back and tell people what it's like so it doesn't matter.
2016-05-07 06:33:38 UTC
Then there would be evidence. If a god or gods existed, then there would be only one religion. Every avenue of inquiry, scientific or theological, would return the same result, a god or gods exist. If they existed, that would be the inevitable conclusion and not an argumentative one. There would be no fossils. There would be falsifiable and peer reviewed archeological evidence of a Great Flood. When we looked up in to the sky, the only stars we could see would be within 6000 light years of Earth. Our sky would look completely different and much emptier. The Second Law of Thermodynamics would, as we know it now, be wrong. There would be physical evidence of a supernatural being or beings regularly interacting with the physical universe. I could go on, for a long, long time, but, hopefully, you get the idea.
2016-05-07 16:36:14 UTC
Theists, what if you're wrong? Billions of people throughout history thought that their religion was the correct one. What makes you different from them?
2016-05-09 04:33:45 UTC
Don't buy into the 'Atheist/Agnostic' bullshit. They are NOT one and the same. And whenever someone tries to tell you that that's what they are - it just tells you that even THEY realize how ******* stupid it is to BE an atheist.
2016-05-08 19:03:37 UTC
in that case, who cares? Not the atheists? And what if you're wrong? You won't care either. You're DEAD
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-05-07 14:28:10 UTC
If you're completely right - god is a psycho. People say I put myself into torment, why can't I be completely unconscious or reincarnated.
Hazel the McWitch
2016-05-07 07:06:40 UTC
If I'm wrong then I guess I'm doomed lol - you know I like it hot and down there it's hot as hell!
2016-05-10 04:59:16 UTC
But we are not wrong, if atheists were are made as the Catholics in the past and the poope, atheists would be slashing heads off if you believed in religion, because that is what the poope did in the past, slash everyone's heads off unless one bowed and crapped at the poopes feet.thankfully King Henry Vlll dropped the poope as his leader, lucky for us as from that time forward man started to improve. The Catholics and the poope just held everyone back.
2016-05-07 16:51:52 UTC
Hundreds upon hundreds of dead and forgotten gods and religions tells me that you're more likely wrong than I am.
2016-05-07 14:24:10 UTC
But they KNOW they are not wrong!

The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!

Atheism is not a conscious decision or a belief but a realisation, those that cannot escape remain prisoners of their conditioning!

The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

The bible is what is called "Faction” A fictional story set in a factual time and place. Thus the time, place and real historical characters are all correct but the fictional characters and stories are not!

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!

Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until several hundred years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books more than a hundred years after they would have been dead?

Christianity is an invention of the Italians and that is why it came from the Holy ROMAN Catholic church!

Please realize that those claims for the Old historians are worthless since they were not even born until long after everyone in the stories would have been so long dead!

Josephus AD 37 – AD 100

Tacitus AD 56 – AD 120

Suetonius - 69 – 130 AD

Pliny the Younger, 61 AD – 112 AD

Justin Martyr (Saint Justin) AD103–165 AD

Lucian - AD 120 -180 AD but he was hostile to Christianity and openly mocked it.

Pamphilius AD 240-309 AD

Eusebius AD 263 – 339 AD

Photius AD 877 – 886 AD

Thallus - But there are no actual record of him except a fragment of writing which mentions the sack of Troy [109 BC] Showing that he was clearly not alive in biblical times.

Some even try to use Seneca. 4 BCE – 65 CE but as a Stoic Philosopher he opposed religion yet made not a single mention of a Jesus or Christianity!

Even funnier is trying to claim Celsus AD ? – 177 AD Who said that Jesus was a Jew who’se mother was a poor Jewish girl whose husband, who was a carpenter, drove her away because of her adultery with a Roman soldier named Panthera. She gave birth to an illegitimate child named Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus became learned in sorcery and upon his return presented himself as a god.
2016-05-07 07:11:11 UTC
"Atheists. What if you're wrong?"

Dumb question. Reality can't be wrong.

There are some atheist wimps here. Real atheists would call this moronic question "bullshit".
2016-05-08 04:32:24 UTC
Aitheists are way better than Pakistan'i & Bangladeshi Muslims fundamental... Actually all of them are like that. They blamed each other when something coming up
2016-05-07 17:47:38 UTC
I'm a devoted Christian, just in cast atheists are actually wrong.
2016-05-07 16:14:35 UTC
Atheist WHAT if your WRONG ?

Ok one is addressing Atheist a term for people who do not ACCEPT OTHER PEOPLES Claims of Gods

. why do they Not accept OTHER people s Claims of God ?

# 1 reason they are not PROVEN . If they were proven you would not be asking this question

. So Do you have a Self Evident Independent god NOT dependent on certain Humans assertion and maintenance of the god one is possibly projecting ? answer NO

Ok So Buddhism is a religion but it is a GODLESS religion they have a conceptional belief of re-birth and afterlife but no god agent its supposedly self directed related to learning and self responsibility for ones actions . apparently have no NEED for a god agent of Intent for Torturer and punishment or desire to Burn people for ETERNITY

.. why did you not address Buddhist ? Taoist Shintoism . Not only will I be potentially wrong so will people of other religions . apparently they have religions that do not need threats of torture .

.One can possibly Conclude that religions with threats of torture used it as a FEAR or scare tactic for purposes of Converting or scaring people into accepting the religion . because other religions apparently have people who accept those religions without COERCION or INTIMIDATION Greek MYTHOLOGY had a Hades maybe Christianity blended or adopted that idea of hell from them its possible so your hell can be based on a MYTH

Judaism doesn't have a Hell concept but Sheol the grave the concept there is when the messiah appears the righteous dead will be resurrected with the opportunity to live a perfect life the non righteous will just remain dead No burning in hell ..

.. have you considered another religion less VIOLENT and intent on torture and punishment in the afterlife ?

Some respond with but the offenders need punishment well We got civil law we do it while they are alive some would say but civil law not all are caught , thats true But in Christianity all are not punished either see If you have your JESUS free pass card you are EXCUSED and forgiven and not punished meaning hell by those standards is basically for all those who who do not have a Jesus free pass .. Non Christians

so my suspicion remains a tactic for converts coercion and intimidation .. sounds a bit corrupt like a mob boss not exactly a religion i could find ETHICAL or really moral is coercion and intimidation moral behavior ?

personally that sin thing so your want to attach a black mark to my name for your "original sin because of what someone else did . I am not responsible for their actions thats not JUST or moral

Oh and the lie steal and kill or covert I have never had a NEED or DESIRE to . I do fine with what i have you earned what you have good its yours food i can grow or buy why would i have to lie unless i had a NEED to deceive you i Have no reason to I have my own spouse I can eat chicken and fish so i have no reason to kill you Not interested in eating human

I would only have to defend my self it YOU first exhibited intent to harm me so that would be reactionary . so I don't NEED a God and have no Desire for an afterlife content with this one life and death Your culture society and family possible chose not a very nice religion .

. MAYBE YOUR WRONG and are a product of generational intimidation and coercion and a historically MANDATED religion by dictators and alliances with kings emperors and authority hierarchy the church itself persons who used religion for power control and wealth me being wrong does not make your Religion true or correct or RIGHT nor persuade me to accept I don't find it fair or just and human sacrifice makes your god Happy

has it considered just saying ok what did you learn today and why is this just or correct ?

Morality is doing what is RIGHT regardless of what we are told

Religious Dogma is doing what you are told No matter what is right
2016-05-09 12:17:18 UTC
I just took the

simple way without a long diatribe as others have done about your simple basic question

But in no doubt you will still believe your thinking is right and award the points to what fits your purpose

Again but what if you are wrong in your belief

Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-05-08 09:35:32 UTC
If we are wrong then we will go to the same place YOU are going. HELL!

That's where people go who only believe to get a ticket to magical heavenland. See ya!
2016-05-07 07:11:20 UTC
That would be nothing new.

I've been wrong, lots of times.

I am just doing the best I can,

within my capabilities,

which are admittedly,

quite limited.



John Popelish
2016-05-08 13:41:26 UTC
Why would God have said in his Bible that people HAVE to worship Him at least weekly, if not daily, and that He LOVES everybody, but He killed everything on the planet except one family in one fell swoop? And then let us figure out how to find proof of what happened thousands of years later? It wasn't the devil who did that; the Bible NEVER mentions a devil. He WASN'T the snake.
2016-05-09 11:46:24 UTC
I go by Blaise Pascal's Wager.
2016-05-08 19:27:26 UTC
There is no right or wrong you believe what you believe and that's that
2016-05-08 04:30:58 UTC
Wow why do the atheists sound so offended/ defensive? If you truly believe there is no afterlife then this question shouldn't faze you. Or maybe your conscience is saying otherwise?
2016-05-08 09:49:32 UTC
Ah. Pascal's wager.

But, what if YOU are wrong about Judaism and Islam?
2016-05-09 12:04:51 UTC
I'm coming with an army to invade heaven if i'm sent to hell
2016-05-07 06:44:17 UTC
Then I'm wrong and I will have the courage and honesty to admit it. I assume you talk about if a God were proved to exist. (That event is highly unlikely)
2016-05-07 14:16:09 UTC
If, unlike many of his believers, "God" is a grownup I should have no problem. On the other hand, if God is the bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic, sexist, homophobic Über-narcissist of the Abrahamic faiths then I'm in about as much trouble as it is possible to be.
2016-05-07 06:40:04 UTC
If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. I couldn't care less.
2016-05-08 00:44:20 UTC
We never said we were right. If there were an afterlife, I'd ask to be excluded. One life is enough, an eternity would be hell.
2016-05-09 20:32:34 UTC
God’s patience have been necessary for salvation. First of all. God knows that before he can provide righteous humans with a secure and prosperous home, he will have to “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) However, because he loves humans, God “does not desire any to be destroyed.” Consequently, Man's heavenly Father has been patiently trying “to warn the wicked one from his wicked way.” To that end,God is having the message about his Kingdom preached worldwide. (Ezekiel 3:17, 18) All who respond favorably to God’s warning and bring their life into harmony with his righteous principles will be granted salvation and enjoy everlasting life on a paradise earth.

For a certainty, the Bible has “good news” for all humans. (Matthew 24:14) It gives us God’s unfailing word that our earth will never come to an end! Moreover, according to Bible prophecies, we can have faith that “just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more.” Soon, only those righteous in God’s eyes “will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” (Psalm 37:9-11, 29; Matthew 5:5; Revelation 21:3, 4) Until then, God will continue to call out patiently: “Turn to me and be saved, all you at the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 45:22)

(Luke 17:26-29) Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of man: they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the Flood came and destroyed them all.  Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. But on the day that Lot went out of Sodʹom, it rained fire and sulfur from heaven and destroyed them all.

For all of God's human creation it is good to remember (2 Peter 3:9) Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with us all because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. (Ezekiel 18:32) “‘I do not take any pleasure in the death of anyone,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. ‘So turn back and live.’” (Ezekiel 33:11) Tell them, ‘“As surely as I am alive,” declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that someone wicked changes his way and keeps living. Turn back, turn back from your bad ways, for why should you die.
2016-05-09 20:04:26 UTC
What if you're wrong?? Exactly my point.
2016-05-09 17:56:17 UTC
i heard an interesting analysis about the character of religion recently; that people are afraid of being in the dark, of not knowing where they came from or where they are going, and of the things which happen to them on a daily basis.

this says that people do not understand their own lives, nor are they happy in them. i suppose that you mean christian religion will give people the confidence which comes from being with a crowd or a community of similar believing peoples? and, as for answers the intellectual nature of christianity answers all of the great questions like: what to eat, how to have sex, where to live, how to live, and what to wear, and so on.

so, provided with closure on an emotional and an intellectual way, people who are christian should be happy.

and, unless someone comes along who believes differently, they will be fine.
2016-05-07 07:05:00 UTC
If atheists are wrong then there is a god of some sort. That is all one can say, since the disbelief in gods is all atheists have in common.
2016-05-10 12:40:25 UTC
Who would you think more likely to get into heaven

1) an atheist who has led a good life cos thats the way they are (since they dont believe an heaven exists they cant have been "good" in order to get there)

2) a theist who does "bad" things, "confesses" them but just does them again

3) a theist who at heart is "bad" but does "good" things to make sure they get into heaven

Now if you were "god" which of these 3 would be 1st on your list to get into heaven?
2016-05-07 20:44:31 UTC
That means Hitler's in heaven. BFF with the big guy.
2016-05-07 08:28:24 UTC
When the evidence appears, one changes one's mind.
2016-05-07 10:02:56 UTC
Well your wrong ! What's the difference when your dead your dead your not going to have a clue well I guess you have no clue now !
2016-05-07 20:30:57 UTC
Since I rely on science and have no solid indication of a magic man in the sky, I am confident that I am not wrong.
Lrac Nagas
2016-05-10 02:41:32 UTC
You do not seem to understand what an atheist is, let me explain it.

Atheists do not claim that a god does not exists they simply do not believe the myths that claim that a god is real.

You can not be wrong if you have not made a claim.

If you have any evidence that your version of god is real please provide it.
2016-05-08 00:49:57 UTC
You need to think about yourself, if you are wrong. But since hell is a stupid thing to believe, why should I think about it. If you are right, I have lived my life and living in as a ghost praying all day and night is for fools.
2016-05-10 14:32:50 UTC
What if your both wong and Lord Ixlo Nazeer created us 250000 years ago. A reptilian interdimesional morpher who wants you to plant as many trees as you can during life to go to heaven?
2016-05-09 10:21:36 UTC
Pascal's wager much?
2016-05-07 06:39:13 UTC
Then, I am wrong. I am glad that I was able to clear that up for you.

However, my beliefs are based on facts and are far less likely to be proven wrong than your baseless faith in old fairy stories.
2016-05-08 10:40:36 UTC
2016-05-08 19:17:10 UTC
What if we are BOTH wrong?

Then we both end chained to a rock, where our livers get eaten daily by an eagle, only to be regenerated by night.
2016-05-07 07:20:23 UTC
And what if you have the wrong god?

Pascals wager has been shown to be a faulty argument for belief in gods in many ways. Look it up.
2016-05-07 22:09:46 UTC
Theists. You better be right because if it's the opposite, like Allah, Buddha or Jehovah, and you worship the other one, your fu*ked!
2016-05-07 12:17:12 UTC
Wrong about what - Allah? Zeus? Apollo? Mithra? Attus? Horus? Dionysus?
2016-05-07 18:14:42 UTC
then I will be wrong. clearly, an all knowing god or gods will already be well aware of why I was unable to accept an unproven god, so presumably I will have played out the exact role I was created for
2016-05-07 06:39:34 UTC
"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but...will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."
Anne Campbell
2016-05-07 07:16:59 UTC
Vice versa.
2016-05-09 10:37:10 UTC
And? I could ask that about ALL 1500 gods. Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids
2016-05-07 07:04:56 UTC
What if YOU are wrong, having wasted a big part of our life on a phantasy being.
2016-05-07 18:34:18 UTC
I¨ ve been waTCHING THE TRENDING SIDE (RIGHT PART OF THE PAGE). You are pretty obsessed with Atheist people.Unfortunately, you are wrong and can not stand that up.And that is my answer, you are thoroughly wrong.(I am a catholic)
Kevin Queen
2016-05-09 10:47:10 UTC
ok well for starts Atheists have proof that humans have evolved but can I ask do you have fiscal proof of god apart from a book do you have fiscal proof of jesus no but there is lots of religion, beliefs and others that can be all right
2016-05-07 17:08:02 UTC
Atheists ARE wrong.
2016-05-09 16:24:46 UTC
God exists.

I'd like you to visit any of these sites:
2016-05-08 15:55:26 UTC
About what? About a god? Then we have been honest, our beliefs have been based on the evidence available to us, so any god that would punish us for not believing, for a thought crime is not worth knowing
Alan H
2016-05-08 01:31:55 UTC
Rather than ask stheists if they msy be wrong, may it not be more effective so to live what you believe that they want to ask why?
2016-05-07 06:33:57 UTC
If I'm wrong then one or more of these exist:
2016-05-08 13:02:15 UTC
save us
2016-05-10 07:08:16 UTC
What if you are wrong and you have just been pi$$ing off the real God more and more each day by worshiping the wrong one?
2016-05-07 06:33:46 UTC
I'm not wrong.
2016-05-09 04:34:37 UTC
I will meet with several odds, risks or pitfalls in life. That is the net result.
2016-05-08 03:18:05 UTC
They are wrong. They will wake up being casted in the hell and burning forever.
2016-05-07 20:53:45 UTC
Then then will start whining again. Only this time they will whine about Christians NOT preaching ENOUGH!
2016-05-09 01:27:00 UTC
Who cares.
2016-05-07 16:07:58 UTC
The most interesting people who ever lived are in the same boat.
2016-05-08 10:58:00 UTC
I could ask what if Christians wrong. How would you answer. ?
2016-05-08 14:59:59 UTC
I am amused by a deity that is so insecure that it demands homage.
2016-05-08 07:02:34 UTC
Mr. Dawkins has covered this issue thoroughly kid !
2016-05-07 06:34:04 UTC
then I will still have lived a good life
Vincent G
2016-05-07 10:35:06 UTC
I will take my chances, given that all clues are that I am right.

More importantly, what if we are right?
2016-05-08 17:30:31 UTC
Then I decay in the ground instead of above it.
2016-05-07 06:38:30 UTC
Not to worry, on the topic of god, they are assuredly not wrong.
London Man
2016-05-08 01:13:24 UTC
Your question is a low intelligence question. There is no God
2016-05-08 16:34:55 UTC
They know they will bow to GOD and spend eternity in HELL with SATIN.
2016-05-07 07:20:58 UTC
About what? Quetzalcoatl?
2016-05-09 13:45:14 UTC
Then we never have to worry about freezing to death
2016-05-08 00:50:50 UTC
Believers. What if you chose the wrong god?
2016-05-07 09:31:15 UTC
Why do you ask? Are you already a saint?
2016-05-08 23:44:19 UTC
Then god has no one to blame but himself.
2016-05-09 10:24:27 UTC
you just failed at an attempt to make a good question...
2016-05-08 11:59:23 UTC
Then we are wrong. The end.
2016-05-07 21:40:57 UTC
Jesus will forgive me. You keep saying so.
Use Your Brain
2016-05-07 06:34:23 UTC
And what if you are wrong also?
2016-05-09 05:54:35 UTC
religion what if ur wrong
2016-05-07 15:50:30 UTC
We are not wrong.
2016-05-07 06:35:48 UTC
They are
2016-05-07 07:03:56 UTC
what if I am

what if you are

how much research have you done
2016-05-09 10:30:33 UTC
Yes, but what if they are not?
2016-05-07 06:33:46 UTC
Who knows?!... Christians? The bible? LOL!
2016-05-09 15:03:41 UTC
they are wrong
2016-05-08 04:40:43 UTC
Atheism is death!
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-05-09 18:32:25 UTC
Then we will BURN ! What if we are RIGHT ?
2016-05-08 18:07:27 UTC
2016-05-08 12:36:21 UTC
they are
Chris Ancor
2016-05-07 20:27:22 UTC
We are not.
2016-05-08 03:10:24 UTC
Not IF, they are!
2016-05-07 06:37:13 UTC
R&S regular
2016-05-08 19:11:30 UTC
***passes popcorn***
2016-05-09 15:10:32 UTC
the odds
2016-05-09 16:02:41 UTC
2016-05-07 13:57:04 UTC
2016-05-08 12:41:59 UTC
2016-05-09 12:42:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.