Jehovah's Witnesses will likely suggest to you their New World Translation bible. It's a little biased in their favor, but you might use it to get some understanding. I would suggest another modern translation like the New International version, etc.
As far as time goes, you will be expected to make sure that work does not interfere with meetings and other congregational responsibilities. Of course, if you miss a few meetings now and again because of work, you will likely not be hassled, depending on your current body of "elders". This is from their magazines, notably the Watchtower, which you have been given:
*** w10 1/15 p. 21 Use Each Day of Your Life for God’s Glory ***
Yet, spiritual activities cannot occupy our whole day. Employment, school, and numerous household duties need to be fitted in. Even so, we do our utmost to arrange secular work and other activities in such a way that they do not interfere with our sacred service, such as attending Christian meetings. For example, when planning for a vacation, we make sure that we will not miss the circuit overseer’s visit, a special assembly day, a circuit assembly, or a district convention. At times, we may be able to combine some of our responsibilities. For instance, we could make cleaning the Kingdom Hall a family project or use lunchtime at work or at school to give a witness to colleagues or fellow students. Indeed, whenever we need to make a choice in our life—such as finding employment, selecting schooling, or choosing friends—we want to let our decisions be influenced by our greatest priority in life—the worship of Jehovah, our loving Father.—Eccl. 12:13.
-----> As you can see, there is a very busy schedule for JW's. Every situation is different, but you are expected not to allow anything, including work, cause you to miss their activities, especially the Circuit Overseer's visits, Circuit assemblies, District Conventions, etc. But also please note that they will not expect you to quit work or anything like that. Many witnesses work full time to support their families. But everyone is encouraged to downsize from time to time in order to "pioneer"(70 hours minimum door to door) and care to other congregational responsibilities. Here is an example from the Kingdom Ministry(guide to field service)
*** km 3/82 p. 4 par. 3 Presenting the Good News—As an Auxiliary Pioneer ***
Those who must work full-time at a secular job would have to make good use of time before and/or after work in order to be auxiliary pioneers in April. Would your employer grant you some adjustments in your daily work hours? Why not consult with him on this? Also plan full days of service on weekends. Get an early start and try to work until late in the day, having in mind contacting the greatest number of persons.
----->To conclude my post, I encourage you to learn anything and everything about Jehovah's Witnesses BEFORE you decide to join them and preach to others about them. Remember that in order to be a full fledged JW, you must "accept the entire range of Bible teachings, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses."-- 86' 4/1 pg 31
---->This means that no matter how much you may disagree with any teaching, no matter how big or small, you would have to keep it to yourself or be excommunicated for not seeing the "light of truth". There are certain things you should know about them that will not be covered in their Bible Studies:
Study Steven Hassan's BITE model to understand what many mind-controlled groups consist of
Here that BITE model is directly towards Jehovah's Witnesses:
PS: As far as you being in a dojo- that's a no-no. In article entitled Young People Ask- Should I learn Self Defense, they suggest there are others ways of defending yourself. Screaming, and only using "violence" as an absolute last resort