if your a Jehovah's Witnesses then help me out?
2011-11-25 15:46:24 UTC
ive got some info from couple of Jehovah's Witnesses (fit women n old man thought ill just had that aha)and got some watchtower and awake magazines they are great but dont wana read it as it could b seen to b brainwashin me etc so thought ill just read the bible as its perfect as its gods words but it might just be me but it seems to make no sence plus its like old english proper hard going so how am i might to learn i wana learn but dont wana just read the magazines which are great but like jws write them so thats y thought i read the bible so basicually am asking is the bible a book u read from front to back or not thanks i could ask the fit girl but dont wana seem silly aha

o another question might seem silly but i work as a chef at the mo so dont have much free timeso do like the jws work coz if they are doing gods work will they have time to actually work and ive been looking into going down for a meeting but the times that it startes ill b working so would god like me to stop work so i can learn bout him but yet and no money and live on the street o and spare time i weight train and fight would i b able to do that still like weight training might b seen as being vain and fighting (i mean in a dojo)might b seen as hurting people

sorry for random questions but if ya a jw try ya best to get bk to me ive been looking into it a lot and have lots of theses random questions probaly no one as asked before
Seventeen answers:
Here I Am
2011-11-25 16:08:46 UTC
I have been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for most of my life and I was not brainwashed into believing anything. I had access to encyclopedias from several different publishers at the time when I was studying and found that what was printed in those encyclopedias were facts regarding religious holidays, images, etc and using the bible to realize that what the Jehovah's Witnesses were teaching was the truth, I worked hard to rid myself of the vices that were disapproved by Jehovah so that I could qualify for baptism. Best decision I have ever made and have had no regrets in the 30+ years that have followed that decision.
2011-11-26 00:11:21 UTC
You could have asked the Jehovah Witnesses when you were speaking with them. The information thats in the Awake and Watchtowers are not our words but the word of Jehovah God. We are Bible readers. We read our Bibles daily. Our literature is Bible based information so it comes directly from the Bible meaning it's God's word. It's does not come from a man or woman mouth or their opinions. There are Scriptures that are quoted in the Bible that readers can look up with a copy of their Bible. The Scriptures in the Awake and Watchtower are giving proof where the information is sited and that's in the Bible. As Jehovah Witnesses we use facts and the Bible. The Bible is the source of all truth.

Jehovah Witnesses are employed too. We just balance our time. Some Jehovah Witnesses work, go to school, study, go out in the ministry( that's where people see us knocking on their door), go to the Kingdom Hall, and have recreation activities. You do not have to quit your job to learn about Jehovah God. But you do have to make time for him. Just like you make time to do those activities you stated. You have to balance your time so that you can fit more things into your day/schedule.

There are different times you can go to the Kingdom Hall. The Jehovah Witnesses do not meet at the Kingdom Hall for a meeting once or twice a week. We meet more than that. But try finding a local Kingdom Hall in your area and look at the times the Jehovah Witnesses meetings are. I'm sure they can fit into your schedule. If you need any help with the questions you needed answered just email me at I am a Jehovah Witness.
2011-11-28 23:23:58 UTC
Don't worry. The word "brainwash" used negatively by many people to mean bad thing. Well, for me, it is a good thing. I was not brought up in the "pure" teachings or the best way how to live my life. Basically I was raised under the influence of the ruler of this world (Satan) doing most of the things not harmony with Jehovah's perfect way. I was given a chance to wash and shine my brain like I would have my dirty car washed and detailed it once in a while. Now i had my "brain washed" into the pure teachings and live my life according to Jehovah's perfect law. (Psalms 19:7-10) I'm thankful everyday, having clearer thoughts and becoming better thinker due to Jehovah's teachings that rinsed my brain.

When you study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, you will find out that it involved more than just peering into God's Word, the Bible. It is life changing experience. The teachings from God's Word (when understand accurately) helps us to better, fuller live our lives than just being born, go to school, get a job, raise family and waiting to die. Give yourself a chance and with those two Jehovah's Witnesses that called on you.
2011-11-26 02:26:44 UTC
Unfortunately the watchtower magazines have had so many bad things said about them.

These magazines are written with bible scriptures sighted so you can look things up in your bible and see that what the magazine says is also what is in the bible.

these magazines are designed to help you understand the bible and nothing else.

Instead of being afraid and listening to what everyone else has to say.When they dont even know themselves.Why dont you go to a meeting? Why dont you ask a witness to help you? We offer free home bible studies.You can tell them you are dyslexia.There is no shame in that.We have brothers that share the same problem as you do and they still manage.

Jehovah God wants everyone to get accurate knowledge about himself and what the bible says.

Jehovah would bless you if you put him first and missed a days work to attend a meeting. There's a scripture in the Book of Matthew:

(Matthew 6:25-33) “On this account I say to yu: Stop being anxious about your souls as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Does not the soul mean more than food and the body than clothing?  Observe intently the birds of heaven, because they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses; still your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are?  Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?  Also, on the matter of clothing, why are you anxious? Take a lesson from the lilies of the field, how they are growing; they do not toil, nor do they spin;  but I say to you that not even Sol′omon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these.  If, now, God thus clothes the vegetation of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much rather clothe you,you with little faith?  So never be anxious and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to put on?’  For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things.  “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to you".
2011-11-26 00:00:14 UTC
Brainwashing? Ahaha xD

Well I'm not a JW or religious at all really, but my mom sure is. It's up to you if you want to read the bible or the magazines/articles. My mom is always giving them out to random people, I swear. I don't think you need to quit your job, because you can't attend any meetings. I guess it's enough you want to learn about this stuff and God. And believe me they won't think you're silly asking questions. They'll love it because they know they're helping someone out and teaching them which is why they do this in the first place. You can do it in a slow process and just have bible studies with these witnesses and then progress to meetings if you don't have the time. But really I think your interest in this is enough for now. So just do what you feel is comfortable and take it one step at a time. They'll help you I'm sure.
Rolando C I
2011-11-26 03:21:21 UTC
You say that there are certain obstacles that don't make it possible for you to go to the meetings. Or to learn more about the word of God with Jehovah's Witnesses. I can tell you this If you really have a strong and sincere desire to get to know Jehovah and Jesus according to John 17:3. If you pray to Jehovah in Jesus name to help you to draw close to him. I can guarantee you, that he will make it possible for you no matter how impossible things may seem. There is nothing impossible for Jehovah. Read Matthew 19:26 - Hebrews 11:6 - 1 John 3:22 -1 John 5:14,15. If you ask him with all your heart to help you, he will open up the way for you. No matter how impossible the odds may seem. It is impossible for God to lie.
2011-11-26 01:18:14 UTC
JWs are not out to brainwash people. It's people like "Lungboy" who are out to brainwash sincere, honest people who are searching for the truth.

His words are full of venom and bitterness. See, what people like "Lungboy" do not stop to think is... how could 7 million plus people be brainwashed? We have learned of a wonderful hope in the Bible which is available for all to learn if they would only open their eyes.

Isaiah 48:17,18 says "This is what Jehovah has said, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit [yourself], the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea."

Don't pay attention to poisonous words that only aim to harm Jehovah's Witnesses. The preaching work will not be stopped, it will only intensify. No one will twist your arm to go to the Kingdom Hall. But if you can make some time to study the Bible you will find a treasure and a hope that will give you a purpose for living.
2011-11-26 00:01:26 UTC
The bible is used right along with the watchtower--Men cannot possibly understand the deep things in Gods written word or the symbolism, unless they are being taught by the faithful and discreet slave( Jesus,s appointed teachers ) That is why there are thousands of religions calling themselves christian--they lack understanding because Jesus is not with them--there is one truth-one true religion. The watchtower is used so that weekly on a worldwide basis all get the same spiritual feeding

Yes JW,s work,but do this in the forefront--Keep on seeking first the kingdom and his(Jehovah) righteousness, and all will be added.

its good to keep oneself in shape--But God hates violence-that was his reason for destroying most of mankind in Noahs day--it said they were really violent. Pray to Jehovah--he will help you.
2011-11-26 00:00:32 UTC
If you have never read the bible then I would say look up online the order of the books chronologically becasue not all books of the bible are in that order and read them that way. It's alot of work but deffinatly worth it in the end when/if you finally do study the bibile with JW becasue you will know what is what.
2011-11-25 23:56:54 UTC
I recommend the New International Version, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, or the Living Translation of the Bible. They are all more modern translations, and may be more easy to understand. The King James Version was translated hundreds of years ago, and the New King James Version is more modern if you'd like to read that.

Also, if you are trying to do the Lord's work, just talk to local Witnesses about working it into your schedule. You have to eat, y'know.
2011-11-26 14:17:19 UTC
I am a Jehovah Witness 21 years and I am not brainwashed. the watchtower goes along with the bible scriptures. the awake is like reading a newspaper. people who know nothing about us love to tell lies about us, please do not listen to them. I love using our bible because it speaks in the language that we talk. the king james bible took Jehovah's name out of the bible and we do not speak the way the king james bible speaks. please see the website at and see what Jehovah Witnesses are all about
2011-11-26 00:34:27 UTC
One of the key words used by those who oppose Jehovah's Witnesses is "brainwashing". They use this word to scare people into not looking into this faith.

If you read a magazine and then decide for yourself that what was written is truth after doing the necessary research, then you are not being brainwashed... you are learning.
Poя¢єℓαιη Vєѕѕєℓ (στην αλήθεια)
2011-11-25 23:59:29 UTC
Our magazines & other literature can help you to understand the Bible.

They show you where to look in your Bible for answers to your questions.... that's all.

No brainwashing.

Please don't be gullible to believe everything negative that is said about us. How can a magazine brainwash someone. Please get real... no offense.

Think about this please...

The Bible makes no sense to you, that's what you said...right?

So, God knows this & sends his people to you to help you to understand the Bible. He wants you to understand the Bible. But you are rejecting his help by refusing to read our magazines which will help you understand your Bible more.

Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses do work

We use our free time to spread the good news
2011-11-26 00:26:03 UTC
If you look at most of the Witness replies, their religion is 100% good and anyone that says otherwise it 100% bad.

Then they laugh at brainwashing.

Absolutes are a danger sign when it comes to religion. Even the bible doesn't speak in absolutes. Look at Jonah, he was directed by God to go and preach and he ran away. Solomon was blessed with wisdom but still fell away. The bible is full of stories of God's word working and in some places failing.

The vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses don't say anything bad about their religion. Not because it doesn't exist, but because they are afraid to. If you are found out to be someone with doubts, you are dragged before your local congregation leaders and drilled about being an apostate. If they feel you are an apostate, you are kicked out.

It's understandable why they all nervously tow the company line.

They are only friendly to people they think they can convert.

Edit: If numbers convey anything, there are 8 million Scientologists. That's even more than the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's good to see that large numbers make an organization more normal and trustworthy.
2011-11-26 15:30:42 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses will likely suggest to you their New World Translation bible. It's a little biased in their favor, but you might use it to get some understanding. I would suggest another modern translation like the New International version, etc.

As far as time goes, you will be expected to make sure that work does not interfere with meetings and other congregational responsibilities. Of course, if you miss a few meetings now and again because of work, you will likely not be hassled, depending on your current body of "elders". This is from their magazines, notably the Watchtower, which you have been given:

*** w10 1/15 p. 21 Use Each Day of Your Life for God’s Glory ***

Yet, spiritual activities cannot occupy our whole day. Employment, school, and numerous household duties need to be fitted in. Even so, we do our utmost to arrange secular work and other activities in such a way that they do not interfere with our sacred service, such as attending Christian meetings. For example, when planning for a vacation, we make sure that we will not miss the circuit overseer’s visit, a special assembly day, a circuit assembly, or a district convention. At times, we may be able to combine some of our responsibilities. For instance, we could make cleaning the Kingdom Hall a family project or use lunchtime at work or at school to give a witness to colleagues or fellow students. Indeed, whenever we need to make a choice in our life—such as finding employment, selecting schooling, or choosing friends—we want to let our decisions be influenced by our greatest priority in life—the worship of Jehovah, our loving Father.—Eccl. 12:13.

-----> As you can see, there is a very busy schedule for JW's. Every situation is different, but you are expected not to allow anything, including work, cause you to miss their activities, especially the Circuit Overseer's visits, Circuit assemblies, District Conventions, etc. But also please note that they will not expect you to quit work or anything like that. Many witnesses work full time to support their families. But everyone is encouraged to downsize from time to time in order to "pioneer"(70 hours minimum door to door) and care to other congregational responsibilities. Here is an example from the Kingdom Ministry(guide to field service)

*** km 3/82 p. 4 par. 3 Presenting the Good News—As an Auxiliary Pioneer ***

Those who must work full-time at a secular job would have to make good use of time before and/or after work in order to be auxiliary pioneers in April. Would your employer grant you some adjustments in your daily work hours? Why not consult with him on this? Also plan full days of service on weekends. Get an early start and try to work until late in the day, having in mind contacting the greatest number of persons.

----->To conclude my post, I encourage you to learn anything and everything about Jehovah's Witnesses BEFORE you decide to join them and preach to others about them. Remember that in order to be a full fledged JW, you must "accept the entire range of Bible teachings, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses."-- 86' 4/1 pg 31

---->This means that no matter how much you may disagree with any teaching, no matter how big or small, you would have to keep it to yourself or be excommunicated for not seeing the "light of truth". There are certain things you should know about them that will not be covered in their Bible Studies:

Study Steven Hassan's BITE model to understand what many mind-controlled groups consist of

Here that BITE model is directly towards Jehovah's Witnesses:

PS: As far as you being in a dojo- that's a no-no. In article entitled Young People Ask- Should I learn Self Defense, they suggest there are others ways of defending yourself. Screaming, and only using "violence" as an absolute last resort
2011-11-26 20:35:51 UTC
Email me and I will tell you all about this cult

JWs make up their own rules and make false predictions.
2011-11-25 23:55:49 UTC
You are right the Watch Tower is a brain washing tool of the J/W's

Their bible is a incorrect translation made to fit their false doctrines.

Here is a large selection of bibles that you can read online.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.