Why do you claim that there is no evidence of the existence of god?
2012-01-22 03:45:18 UTC
Not everything you can not see means that it does not exist.

The fact that you can not see god does NOT mean he does not exist.

You can not see your soul, Science doesn't have an evidence of the soul, but does that mean that you have no soul???

Plus, what do you mean there is no evidence of the existence of GOD?

Everything around you is proof, if there is no god like you claim, who created the first human?

who created the first lion, bird, dog, chicken, etc?

Just look at yourself, how were you created? from your parents, and your parents are born by their parents, and etc, but who created the FIRST parents in the universe, from which all the other humans were born?

Isn't that evidence enough?

If you want to discuss, more just send me a message!
I would love to debate with you!! x
Eighteen answers:
2012-01-22 10:08:06 UTC
i dont, no one does, people just say how it is, there is no evidence of any god/goddess/creator/higher being

its not about sight, its about evidence, a trace, everything leaves a trace and can be researched and found, the effects it has on everything is part of that,

i believe in a lot of things, and in my view there is evidence for them that either supports them or proves them, i dont believe in a god because there is none to support or prove it

if everything around is proof of god, why is it necesarily proof of the god you believe in?

why not another god/goddess? why not someone elses?

out of all the possiblites why would you, or i, be right?

no one created them, they evolved

like i said in the other q you asked, no one can answer that

is that evidence of a god? i wouldnt say it was no

and again, if it is, why would it be evidence of the god you believe in and not the one someone else does?

2012-01-22 04:08:22 UTC
Just because we don't know (yet, anyway) how it all started, does not mean that there is a God. That is just ridiculous!

If I were to say I believe in a giant orange created the world and it must be real because how did we even get here? I would have equal evidence as you do for your God.

Your 'evidence' is just an example of human natures desire to know and our ability to make up things and put quick answers to things we don't understand. Your 'evidence' also does not single out the existence of your God or your religion. How do we know the thing/things that started it all weren't Hindu God's, or Greek God's or the Islam God etc.

The idea of a creator is not absolutely ridiculous. But how we would know what or who that God is like is a different story. Heaven, hell, souls and all those other things that come with religion I also do not accept as either logical or evidence based.

The bible has a lot of contradictions, and scientifically flawed statements.

The fact that we can not hear God, or can not see God, or can not physically touch God, that there is absolutely NO scientific evidence AT ALL to believe in God, is why I do not believe in God or God's or any creative being that is worshiped or has been worshiped through the many religions created by man.
2012-01-22 03:58:06 UTC
"Not everything you can not see means that it does not exist." No one claims it has to be by sight. What they mean by "show me the evidence" is to provide a way that they can verify that your claim about the existence of god is valid.

"You can not see your soul, Science doesn't have an evidence of the soul, but does that mean that you have no soul???" No, it does not mean we don't have a soul. What it means, however, is that there is no good reason to believe we have a soul. Just like if I claimed there was a dragon in my garage, but you never saw any evidence of the dragon in my garage. There could be a dragon in my garage, but there is no good reason for you to believe there is a dragon in my garage. (Thank you, Carl Sagan)

"Everything around you is proof" False. Every religion claims that everything around me is proof of their god. What makes it proof of -your- god and no one else's? What makes it show that your god is real to the exclusion of all others? If it was for only your god, then the other religions couldn't claim it as evidence for their god. You are wrong.

"if there is no god like you claim" I don't claim there is no god. I'm simply unconvinced that there is one. Learn the difference.

"if there is no god like you claim, who created the first human?" First, your question is putting the cart before the horse. There is no justification for saying "Who" created the first human instead of "What." Your question deliberately removes options without justification. Second, your question is an argument from ignorance. Even if I didn't know what brought forth the fist human does not mean your explanation is justified by default. Third, we do know where humans came from: another species of ape which, over the course of time, evolved to the current human state.

"who created the first lion, bird, dog, chicken, etc?" All species are a product of evolution. Kindly pay attention in biology class next time.

"Isn't that evidence enough?" You've presented no evidence. You have instead presented a logical fallacy which I have pointed out to you.

"I would love to debate with you!!" Ha! If your debate style requires pathetically easy logical fallacies like this to defend your position, it's not even worth anyone's time.
2012-01-22 04:09:12 UTC
"God" is really a powerful word. No one can really say that he exist right now. If you think that God really created the first lion, bird, dog, chicken etc. then you should have a REAL basis of what you claim that would prove that it is logically true. You cannot win an argument by saying that the Bible says so. Because the Bible is a man made book which is written by men in the 10BC (approximate, trying to make a point) and older.. Think about it, do you really think that everything the Bible says is true? Superficial people in the late B.C. age created that, just like the people of Greece and Rome who believed in Zeus and Athena, but do you think they are real? No you don't. You know why? Because you weren't born in that era. People become smarter as time goes by, why do you think there has been so many gods? It's because people were dumb before, we don't know anything about the universe so we keep on praising everything in front of us, and making up stories so we can explain why such things happen and why. Why the Sun is hot, why it rains, why earthquakes happen, and how the rainbow is formed, but now we know that through science, which eliminates our superstitions for the reason why it rains, and why earthquakes happen, and why rainbows are formed.

This is from the Bible:

God makes it rain to punish.

God makes earthquakes to punish.

The rainbow is made by God to remind his promise to his people.

But now we know that low pressure area from the wind etc. etc. makes it rain. (trying to make a point, I don't know the science of this) earthquakes happen because (insert scientific reason) same as the rainbow. NO ONE controls this.

Anyway this is getting longer. All I'm saying is that it is not God who made us, it is us who made God. So for the people who wrote the Bible and Koran and etc. etc. etc. it was all because of human nature, and everything can be explained by history. You didn't live in Jesus' era, so don't say you're 100% sure that he really existed.

Helge P
2012-01-22 03:57:10 UTC
1: I can't see black holes, but I can see their effects. Means, they can be measured, means, they exist. If something cannot be measured, like god, it's fair to say it doesn't exist.

2: The fact that there is no evidence for god means however, there is no reason to think there is. It's up to you to prove there is one, not us to prove there isn't.

3: Yes. Souls do in fact not exist.

4: That means, there is no evidence for the existence of god. An incoherent, self-contradicting book and faith are not evidence.

5: Everything around me is proof there is no god. Humans evolved from a common ancestor we share with chimpanzees. We also share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees.

6: Evolution.

7: *points at #5*

8: No, since it's all evidence against god.
2012-01-22 04:14:54 UTC
It seems to me like you don't have a clear understanding of evolutionary theory and abiogenesis. Abiogenesis means that naturally occurring processes formed the first life on earth, and evolution states that all other life (lion, bird, dog, chicken, etc) evolved from the first life, over a span of billions of years.

I actually agree with you, that God does exist. But it is helpful to know these theories so that you don't appear to be uneducated. You say I can message you to discuss the topic further, and I might actually take you up on that offer. It could be interesting.
2012-01-22 06:24:54 UTC
Here we have another example of where a mother can point to say - go to school or you will be this stupid.

You begin with lack of evidence is some how evidence. And then you begin with a conclusion - who - did something.

That we exist is nothing other than we exist.
Guess who's going to Hell?
2012-01-22 05:53:57 UTC
You're right, as they say; absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Of course absence of evidence is a characteristic of things that are absent.

What is a soul?

There is no honest evidence for gods, it means just that. If you think you have some post it, but put your crash helmet on because t he responses will be more honest than kind.
2012-01-22 03:47:16 UTC

Cos there isn't...

God is imaginary.

If he really existed he would have found a way to convince me he exists.

Obviously he hasn't cos just as obviously he doesn't.

If you wanted to convince someone you existed, what lengths would you go to?

Would you drop a few seriously ambiguous ‘clues’... OR, introduce yourself.

Seriously - this has SCAM written all over it.


“Understand that:

Dreams are not evidence.

Wishful thinking is not evidence.

Logical fallacies are not evidence.

Personal revelation is not evidence.

Illogical conclusions are not evidence.

Disproved statements are not evidence.

Unsubstantiated claims are not evidence.

Hallucinations/delusions are not evidence.

Information that is ambiguous is not evidence.

The Universe doesn't care what you believe in.

Data that requires a certain belief is not evidence.

Information that cannot be verified is not evidence.

Information that cannot be falsified is not evidence.

Experiments with inconclusive results are not evidence.

Information that is only knowable by a privileged few is not evidence.

Experiments that are not and cannot be duplicated by others are not evidence.

The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn't ask for your faith, only your eyes.”

2012-01-22 03:47:14 UTC
Some of us need a little more that just "feeling something" when it comes to evidence.

Wave the word around all you want, but it doesn't change the fact there is none for God.

Research Abiogenesis for how life came about.
Acid Zebra
2012-01-22 03:47:17 UTC
So, in a nutshell, "look at stuff, it's evidence of your favorite sky daddy", and then you add an argument from ignorance/personal incredulity. Your god is not the default explanation for unknowns.
2012-01-22 03:57:15 UTC
Since it is a fact that we all evolved from lower life it proves that all gods are myths.
2012-01-22 03:53:59 UTC
because they have evidently never picked up a science book in their lives
2012-01-22 03:47:37 UTC
So, do you have any evidence or is this just one, long cop-out from the burden of proof?

Yep. Just one, long cop-out.
2012-01-22 03:48:59 UTC
Oh dear oh dear

Are we really still on this page?
2012-01-22 03:48:50 UTC
Because there is none. No tooth fairy or Easter bunny either.
2012-01-22 03:46:05 UTC
well, do you have any evidence to bring to the table?
2012-01-22 03:51:04 UTC
This is so pre-Darwinian. Welcome to the 21st century in western culture!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.