Atheist vs Christian debate?
2010-02-25 02:14:03 UTC
I'm not sure what to believe, both side can never seem to offer definitive proof, give me your best reason as to why which way would be correct
36 answers:
2010-02-25 02:25:21 UTC
"Atheists tend to be logical" like Nothing created everything. Logical enough maybe for morons.
2016-11-17 16:44:12 UTC
Atheism Vs Christianity Debate
2014-05-08 20:57:04 UTC
If a Christian can give a valid response to this then maybe they are right, why is it that your god is right but the thousands of others are wrong, also tell me why people who missionary have never reach deserve to go to hell and why do you believe in a book that wasn't even written by your lord, lastly explain why Christianity has set back people in plenty of ways like triggered the dark age. Has anyone ever thought that one maybe earth was once visited by aliens and people worship them but they left and could have died or we became too smart so they decided not to come back or maybe religion was created to make since of the world and life before we understood science.
2010-02-25 03:00:53 UTC
Though it is impossible to technically prove either side, I'd go with atheism because the concept of a god is an old personified concept that people use to explain what they don't understand. The christian, muslim, and jewish god for example, probably started out with the creation myth used to explain our origin which we did not understand. It soon expanded to other wild stories. Today, much of the creation story is proven false with much evidence supporting evolution. The reason people choose gods is because they posess human like qualities they can relate to. What we are more familiar with seems more significant through our perception. I still can't offer complete proof, but to some degree, all proof is impossible and you sometimes need to take a leap (see the meaning of life).
The Blue Pill
2010-02-25 02:22:18 UTC
I think you will be like alot of us, you will never be completely sure whether to believe in God or not. What I can tell you is that, as with all things in life you should apply a certain amount of reason and logic to everything. Christianity is based on 2000 year old iron age scribblings, with many comforting words interspersed with threats of eternal damnation. It is a very powerful psychological book, which people cling to because it seems to give answers about something which terrifies most people "Death". On the other hand, science has never claimed to have all the answers, as new information comes to light theories and knowledge are being reevaluated and rewritten. I would like to point out though that if it weren't for the Catholic hold on the entire European population, through the threat of fear of exclusion, persecution, and often torture at the hands of the church, and its unexceptance of any explanation for unexplainable, that didn't include God, we would never have had the "dark ages" and we would now be 1000 years more technologically, socially, and scientifically advanced than we are now. Just something to think about. All I can suggest is if it doesnt sound reasonable, it's probably not true. Basically, listen to your gut, its seldom wrong. Good luck with your search for answers.
Rick T
2010-02-25 02:24:49 UTC
That's why it is the infinite debate, my advice to you is to go sit down in a quiet room completely undisturbed close your eyes and think about anything you want and if you think at any point that there is anything out there that can hear you then there is your answer.

The problem with this is that there is really no distinguishing religion from schizophrenia which is a big argument for the Atheists but personally I don't care if I'm crazy then I'll have fun being crazy and that's all there is to it.

Honestly I've never understood why so many atheists are so opposed to people believing in something that just makes them feel good. But then again I've also never understood why so many Christians have to believe things that are very obviously negative and provably faulty.
2010-02-25 02:52:14 UTC
There is no scientific test/theory/experiment/formula/etc... that can give you definitive proof. Do not go looking for it because you will never find it.

Jesus said (John 14:6) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

You either believe this statement is true or a lie. There is no "fence sitting".
2010-02-25 04:25:08 UTC
First, there probably is a god but he cannot be proven or understood by the human mind.

Second, the bible, OT is nothing more than a poorly plagiarized version of the Sumerian tablets simplified for bronze age goat herders. Many of the stories are true, in some manner. There was a "genesis"type beginning but it had nothing to do with god. Adam and Eve did exist except 230,000 years before the biblical version. Noah actually existed but 10,000 years before the biblical version.

Third, the NT was written 20 to 320 years after the fact so is all made up for political convenience.
2016-02-29 07:55:48 UTC
In years to come it will end. At the end of the day religion is slowly dyeing anyway. And when Christians thinks it ok to stop pushing their belief onto us then it will stop. However at the moment they think its ok to do so, but once an athiest starts to share their point, they tell us that everyone if allowed a belief and we should keep it to themselves? Ps love the word of war , becasue to be honest religion is the causes of most wars and kills people who fight in them, yet their meant to love everyone and keep peace. What rubbish.
2017-03-03 18:32:14 UTC
I love watching television, I love the pet shows, the medical shows and the Judges and court docket shows
2017-02-02 03:04:38 UTC
There are numerous many reviews out there that do not have movies. Catalogs can explore ideas and principles without having to stress about a special effects budget.
ASBO Annie
2010-02-25 02:27:59 UTC
Let's look at it from the point of view of fairies.

Person A believes in fairies. He asserts that as they are invisible, they can't be seen. They do not manifest in the real world as they are supernatural, but provided you believe in them wholeheartedly, they will speak to you. He cannot provide even an ounce of evidence proving that they are there - so resorts to "faith".

Person B is open to the idea that fairies MIGHT exist, but is not willing to actively believe in them without any reason to do so.

Your big mistake here is to think there ought to be proof for the atheist position. No - it's the theists who are making the claim that need to provide proof. Since they can't, the only position for a thinking person to take is atheism. Atheists don't need to provide proof.
2014-01-12 21:36:10 UTC
Theists actually have all the proof they need.

Let's think of it in the terms of history and logic. In the past, even around Columbus' time, many people still believed that the earth was flat. It took logic, such as the shadow of the earth on the moon during an eclipse, the way ships seem to slowly disappear from the horizon the farther they are from a point of view, and the ability of explorers such as Columbus and Magellan to sail without falling off the "edge" of the earth. Now would they have solid proof of the roundness of the earth if they weren't open to the idea? If everyone was so closed to the idea of a flat earth, we would all still believe the earth is flat today. It took the faith of sailors to prove the earth's curvature. After Magellan was able to sail around the world without falling off, it was pretty much a done deal that the earth was round.

Now let's get back to religion. Atheists do not want to believe in God because "there is no solid evidence." But are they too positive that there isn't a God that they just do not want to try to search for him? The way to prove theories is to experiment, and ONLY when the experiment is done is there actual evidence that theory may be correct.

Jeremiah 29:13 says "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."

The only reason atheists do not have the "proof" that God exists is because they don't even try to look for Him. I, on the other hand, am a Born Again Christian, and I know for a fact that God exists, because I actually had the guts to look for Him. I found Him.

Concerning other debates I've seen:

"God allowed slavery. Do you really want to have a God who accepted such immorality?"

Well, think of it this way. The Old Testament did, in fact, showcase people who had slaves. This is the Old Testament. Keep that in mind. Now, this was when God tried communicating with us, humans, before sending his son, Jesus, to save us. Do you really think we, humans, who are not NEARLY as intelligent as a Godly figure, can understand or interpret the message He was trying to tell us? It's like this. If I were to talk to a cockroach and say, "Leave my house, I don't want you here," do you actually think it would obey? No, of course not, because it doesn't understand me. It's the same situation as God trying to communicate with us. God sends his only son to earth, thus the beginning of the New Testament. Everything Jesus said and did was supposed to explain what God wanted. Jesus did not advocate slavery. People who say that God advocated slavery simply just misinterpreted Him.

"God did not want nations to mix, so the KKK in correct. The Bible clearly states that Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman."

God did not intend for humans to misinterpret this either. People say that this verse of the Bible tells us not to mix nations, thus advocating racism. That is surely not the case and is a strong example of misinterpretation. First of all, God was very proud of Moses. That is why He made him the leader of all those who left Egypt. Secondly, Miriam and Aaron are NOT God. Just because the Bible said they got mad at Moses doesn't mean God was too. It is also made clear in the New Testament that God only commanded believers not to marry unbelievers. So… Don't be racist just because you THINK the Bible had commanded you to be. In fact, the Bible said to love everyone just as you love yourself.

"If it takes religion to make you a moral person, then that is sad because that must mean you are not a moral person after all."

So many people tell theists that the only reason they act "good" is because of their religion, so in reality they should be ashamed because their own mind cannot come up with morals and they depend on a God to make it up for them. Well, this is where you should think to yourself. Ask yourself questions like "Have I ever lied before?" "Have I ever stolen?" "Have I ever looked at people with lust?" "Have I ever been jealous?" "Have I ever wished for bad things to happen to a person?" "Have I ever cursed?" "Have I ever been disrespectful?" For all people, DON'T LIE! You know that you fall under most or even all of these categories of sinners. Truth is, NO ONE is perfect. No one truly is moral. Even if we told the person we wronged that we were sorry, chances are we commit the same sin again and again, even to other people. It continues. No one is "good." So if atheists tell theists that "they are not moral because they need God to help them be good people," then they are right. But before they are quick to judge us, they must ask themselves, "Am I good?"

In the end, this is my statement. I believe in God because He has brought me through so much pain. To be honest, most the pain happened when I wasn't in this "religious mood." I've witnessed many miracles. I've seen people change dramatically because of repentance. I've seen people die happy because they believe in God. I have seen them smile through the worst situations because they've given their problems to God. I've seen that God exists because of the goodness I've seen in people. People act as testimonies, and that's proof enough. People are able to see the future because the Bible said that there would be many prophets. The Bible said that "Mothers would give birth to monsters" which explains the generations that are becoming worse and worse. The Bible said that there would be false gods, which explains the claims of men who believe they're Jesus. The Bible has been correct in everything, including things predicted in the future. Pretty impressive right? Considering it was written about 2000 years ago. Now let me ask: How many times were science textbooks updated? Would you really put your trust in a book that "ALWAYS" changes its content because somehow it was proven wrong? Or would you put your trust in a book that doesn't need to be updated because it was and always will be right?
John F
2010-02-25 02:17:56 UTC
You have to come to that conclusion on your own. I can't definitively say I'm right, but no one can.

Personally, I used to be Christian and then I spent a while thinking about what I believe and eventually came to the conclusion that a God is highly unlikely and I became atheist.
2010-02-25 02:50:38 UTC
There are alot of people who are happy being a christian and alot of people who are happy being an atheist, in todays world there are people who murder in the name of christianity but there are no atheists who murder in the name of atheism. Take time to study your faith, other faiths and religion as a whole, read a few so called 'atheist books' like The God Delusion or God Is Not Great and take from them what you wish, no one is forcing you to believe anything in them but there is no harm in reading them, it will answer some of your questions.
2010-02-25 02:25:20 UTC
Neither side CAN definitively prove the existence, or non-existence, of God.
2010-02-25 02:17:37 UTC
Atheism has no need to offer proof, as it is the non-belief in something. Christianity on the other hand is a belief in something, so should offer proof of this. Instead it relies on empty words like ''faith''.

Of course atheists can never PROVE god doesnt exist, but neither can we prove the flying spaghetti monster doesnt exist either. The onus is on the christians!
Captain Sarcastic
2010-02-25 02:19:17 UTC
Reality makes two things abundantly clear:

1. Humanity is not the center of the universe.

2. There is no such thing as magic.

The choice is essentially between reality and religion.

I prefer reality.
2016-09-13 03:55:16 UTC
Interested in this as well
Guy Armanie
2010-02-25 02:16:49 UTC
Live Your Life Along... Gain Knowledge.... Share them.... Then ask your self Later...
2010-02-25 02:21:11 UTC
the real debate is atheism vs theism sins Christianity is obviously false in almost every way and only still exists thanks to child indoctrination and flat out lies
2010-02-25 02:16:00 UTC
Just have no religion like me and still believe in God.

I believe in God and go to church once in a while but knowing I have no religion, I just pray and leave happily.

You can believe in something and not be part of it =)
2010-02-25 02:16:51 UTC
There's a debate? Sorry, I must be out of the loop.

My best reason for not believing in Yahweh? Same as my best reason for not believing in leprechauns. Figure it out. Wait. You're a troll. Busted.
2010-02-25 02:26:10 UTC
Correct has nothing to do with it. Being incorrect does. Beleving things that are absolute lies would of course be crazy, and yet, that is exactly what religious people do.

You go find the answers:

Was Jesus crucified on a cross?

Did Moses Ever Exist?

What about Noah?

YOu know I am only allowed so many links.

Just educate yourself.
Who's got my back?
2010-02-25 02:22:48 UTC
Atheists tend to believe in naturalism which basically says we got here by time, chance, and natural processes. Yet none of the natural processes can really be recreated in a lab nor can they come up with the simplest of chemical reactions that brought about a single cell organism.

A Christian worldview is based on logical inferences. Like arguments of Intelligent Design that it is more logical to conclude a grand designer rather then everything happening by chance. Which include complexity of creatures, natural cycles, cosmic constants that maintain life, etc.
2010-02-25 02:14:51 UTC
Be Agnostic.
2010-02-25 02:16:33 UTC
It's not about proof it's about rationality, and to believe in something without evidence is irrational.
2010-02-25 02:20:58 UTC
1. Humans evolved from lower species.

2. Due to #1 There was no Adam and Eve.

3. Due to #2, there was no original sin.

4. Due to all of the above, Christ served no purpose.

Genesis is flat out wrong, all evidence clearly shows this to be truth. Genesis *is* the foundation for the rest of the Bible, if you take out genesis the rest literally falls apart and can not sustain itself.
Dreamstuff Entity
2010-02-25 02:27:10 UTC
both sides? there are thousands of different religions.
just laugh
2010-02-25 02:29:33 UTC
check this out for a bit of history facts

this is what jesus and the bible says about the last days.
2010-02-25 02:16:48 UTC

prove that there is not a fairy standing before me invisible and intangible like God


prove that there is not a man standing above me invisible and intangible called God

the real deal:

whatever you believe to be real is what works out for you. if you can't decide or haven't had enough time to think, be an agnostic (in question) until you do reach your answer.

watch this:
David:Jesus Saves at Bank of America
2010-02-25 02:20:51 UTC
logic vs myth
2010-02-25 02:17:30 UTC
Be true to yourself.

I don't know.
2010-02-25 02:16:55 UTC
You can't believe something simply because people say its true.
2010-02-25 02:17:08 UTC
who cares
2010-02-25 02:16:02 UTC
Atheists tend to be logical.

Christians tend to be superstitious.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.