I just finished my first book.
I plan on reading another one.
The fact is this, I have never concerned myself with 'secret parables'. The implication would be that somehow, God in his Almighty attempt to provide the information that leads to life had been thwarted. The fact is, that without any secret parables, the truth was concealed in darkness, in plain sight for centuries. How so? Because, (as Jesus foretold) the evil one over-sowed the good seed with the bad. What is this to mean? That not long after Jesus and his disciples were gone, darkness in the form of apostasy took root and overshadowed the pure teaching with the traditions and doctrines of man.
These included the obvious in-grafting of the pagan practices trace-able to Babylon. (The Two Babylons-Rev. Alexander Hislop).
The influx of false practices (paid clergy with titles, Easter, Christmas, use of candles in worship etc.) did indeed drown out the simple and clear reasoning of the Bible. Men, who determined to lord over others the scripture put others to death for reading, questioning, or even being accused of questioning the church.
The age of the church/state prostitution arrangement had begun.
Yet over the centuries, small groups sprang forth from time to time and set before them the scripture. Desirous of stripping away practices that could not be supported from scripture, they would try and spread what they had found. Time and again, the catholic church, the church of England, and others would squash such ones with a level of violence and depravity that reeked of Satan himself.
Yet, despite all of this, amazingly, manuscripts of the original texts have survived to today.
THe point is this, if the Bible is really the word of God, and we need this knowledge to have life, would a God of love, allow that information to be hidden wher we could not find it? Would it be worded so as the understanding was beyond us?
The true Jesus, can best be examined, not by seeking to find alleged secret parables.
I once read a book called "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived"
This book drove home the point of the personality and character of the man called Jesus. The explanations of traditions of Judaic Law, were very helpful in understanding the attitudes and traditions in Palestine at the time the man Jesus walked the earth.
I suggest you find a copy of this book.