The problem that I know that you , myself and many others have is that we try to put forth our arguments in a rational form . We get frustrated by the other sides inability to see what we know is a well thought out point of view.
The reason our arguments do not work is because our approach to the problem is all wrong.
To the religious mind all arguments are allegorical not literal. Arguing from a literal perspective then of course must fail.
Telling a member of a faith that believes that the consumption of alcohol is a sin that Jesus did in fact turn water into wine not grape juice but real live 13.5 % red wine is a waste of time.
You could talk about historical context, cultural expectations , the fact that grape juice if left alone will ferment w/o human intervention, the fact that the Greek Orthodox and the Catholic Churches do still use real 13.5 % red wine for their communion services and you will be wasting your time.
What he heard was that you just told him his religion was wrong which means that he is wrong and that you support the abuse of alcohol which has a cascade efffect that ultimatley leads to sin, debauchery and human degradation.
MADD - see above
Anti- abortion is not about the alleged sanctity of human life because as we all know if it was then the ant- abortion people would be against war, capital punishment , and in all likehood would be all vegetarians and then we could hold then up and praise them as worthy role models.
The ant-abortion argument is in fact about the dis- approval of the sexual behavior that allows people to need abortions in the first place.
Gay marriage should be legal It's a simple 14th Amendment equal protection under the law issue . The State basically puts few if any restrictions on hetero- marrige so what is their legal basis for discriminating against gay people ? Realitically none, The simple fact is that it is easier to get a marriage licence in any US state than it is to get a food handlers permit , a hunting license , a beauticians license or a drivers license But then the allegorical arguments kick in and things get freaky.
The same thing with evolution.After a lifetime of being told that you are intentionally made by God, that you are super special and that God personally cares and is involved in all the minutiae of your everday life to the point where he plays baseball with you and helps you determine whether or not you should swing at a 3-0 [ actually you should because a lot of 3-0 pitches are thrown for strikes but coaches hate the idea] then some non believer with more brains then common sense wants you to believe that you are merely another life form that evolved from other life forms apes no less. and that all that God made me on purpose and very special at that stuff is simply not true. Man that has got to kick in the allegorical defend the faith response.
So watch how you approach these arguments.