What is death? Is there life after death?
2011-03-07 06:05:52 UTC
After birth we experience life on this earth. But what about after death? The religious mythologies indicates about rebirth, sin, karma, akarma, , etc .How we can believe on this ? Is there life after death? How to believe all this?
27 answers:
2011-03-07 06:12:00 UTC
Please listen to the experiences of three men.........
2011-03-07 06:20:30 UTC
There are two opinion about death.

One is that the soul, whom we feel as myself, travels in this world where Universe is a part of the world, and this soul or the phenomenon which make us feel "myself" changes it robs and cloaks from time to time and assess the update experience and comes again by accepting a suitable body - may be as a human body or any one of the lives at a time. (Every live or creature has been controlled with the feeling of myself n the body it bears for the life time, and then goes to sleep. During sleep, we do not understand that we are sleeping or what we are doing - same, if longed for more time, ?!).

The other opinion is that If we light up a candle, it would burn till its oil is finished. Either on end of the oil-stock or when strong wind beats, the candle would burn off. The wick is there, candle is there, the candle stick is there and everything, but the 'light' is gone and noone knows where the light is gone!.

Each individual's feeling of "myself" is like the light of the candle, just goes when the oil is finished or strong wind attacks.

But with this body, one can withdraw from all Karmas and go back deep into his/her own mind and find out the source, which is called as God, who was remaining here before the creation and after the 'Yuga Pralaya'. - says Scholars (and I confide it)

So death is just leaving the present human body to come back with another body of any of the lives on earth - may be a grass or an elephant or lioness.
2011-03-07 06:31:07 UTC
What that thing that existed in the body while we were alive and that leaves the body at the time of death Where was it before our birth and where it goes after death. Have any body seen it? Is it that thing we call SOUL? If the soul existed in our body, the pain we suffered or the joys we enjoyed is by the Slumr the Soul? iS IT THAY THE SOUL CANNOT EXPERIENCE PAIN OR JOY AND THAT IT REQUIRES A MEDIUM AND THAT MEDIUM IS THE BODY Anything that material has to come to an end get destroyed. but the thing that didi not get destroyed is the soul. the soul again looks for another medium and that is called rebirth
2011-03-07 06:30:02 UTC
We all should believe that what we have found proof of, in the from of experiences, incidents, and well founded theories.

Still, I believe in God, only on the basis of my feelings, perhaps the lessons taught at home since a very impressionable young age. Life after death can easily be said to be false. Your functions, they stop working, you're buried! You mix with the earth. So that is the end of the physical being.

What about soul? How does the soul die? What IS the concept of soul? That voice inside you? One would say that it is simply the working of the intellect. If you believe in the concept of soul , then you can believe in the concept of the life of soul after the death of its keeper too. That after death, you live on as your soul.


I had read in the newspapers, about people having near death experiences, and while they were struggling between life and death, they experienced seeing this tunnel like thing with a strong white light. This, was explained as the game of chemicals in the mind of the person.

The safest road for us would be to not believe in this, as long as we don't have any such experiences our self. Man has the tendency to imagine things and use his highly developed intellect in such a way that he even believes his imagination. Something animals lack.

Its very confusing for me, so even though I follow people with such experiences, I reserve my belief for the time when I myself will be convinced.
2011-03-07 06:30:33 UTC
There is no hellfire. Once you are dead you are dead.

Ecclesiastes 9:5 “For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten.”

Ecclesiastes 9:10 “All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in She′ol, the place to which you are going.”

John 5:28-29 “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”

Acts 24:15 “and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”

Not only is there no torture nor burning in hell, but there will be a resurrection in the new system of things. You can see your dead loved ones again. How does that sound? For more information please visit
2011-03-07 06:31:07 UTC
Does it really matter? We are all destined to die regardless, so we are going to find out one way or another. Why worry about something so unavoidable and predetermined? And I am certainly not going to spend the remainder of my life sucking up to whatever gods supposedly exist on the off chance that religion is real. In my opinion, when you're dead, you are DEAD. Anything else in a human conception created in complete and blatant denial of this fact.

As a side note, it is going to suck big time if it turns out that there is life after death and god is real, I'm seriously screwed if he is o_O on the other hand, if he isn't real (where my votes are casts) every christian has spent there entire lives in worthless dedication to a non existent Deity. L.O.L
2011-03-07 06:43:06 UTC
I underwent Bye pass surgery. Caught by pseudonymous and required to be re-opened within a month. I was not conscious for one and quarter month. I was on ventilator and on tracheotomy, till i gain consciousness. I had experienced death, not near to death experience. Till got conscious, I always find myself heading towards, in which looked like moon light (but no moon no stars no scene) and arguing to myself. I asked my self if I should continue to go farther or go back. I told myself that I have not completed my responsibilities towards my sons. So I should go back but even if I go back I have to come here again to proceed further. I was in dilemma for a month & more. Then I decided to go back. The next day I got conscious and later recovered slowly.

Now I think, when I was there standing in moon light ( Chandra Lok or Du lok ) heading to some unknown place which i do not know. I was actually dying and soul had left body but connected by say some weak thread.

The Point is that even after death I was there thinking like a live person. It definite proves that there is life after death (of eternal body) because I (me) remain even after death.
Dr. Eric vonAnderseck
2011-03-07 06:28:17 UTC
Death is a spirit that God created to restrict and consume the soul and the body of Satan. That is why demons carry the image of Death in their appearance possessing horrific looks. The mystery of Death intrigues mankind seeing that adamites (humans) were not created for this experience but for God and the inheritance of His Light, possessing Eternal values. Jesus died on the cross to both provide a covenant for faith and to reverse the curse of Death in the soul first than the body removing its powers. We see this in examples of healings and also the Tree of Life which symbolizes the eternal appearance of the flesh.

1 CORINTHIANS 15:26 THE LAST ENEMY that shall be destroyed is death.

REVELATION 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and DEATH AND HELL delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

14 And DEATH AND HELL were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Do you Know Jesus

Return to God


Apostle Eric’s Testimony Part 3

Apostle Eric’s Testimony Part 4

The Antichrist Code


God’s Time-line
2011-03-07 06:12:08 UTC
I received a revelation from God last Thursday.

God has decided that the system of Heaven and Hell was just not working. Torturing prisoners had grown boring, and hymns of praise even more boring. So he has abolished Heaven and Hell and set up a new system of sequential reincarnation. When you die, your soul will go to the back of a line. When you reach the front of the line, you go into the next available human body.

He has declared a general amnesty for the residents of Hell, and put them into the line. Those who were good enough to get into Heaven, all twenty-seven of them, volunteered to go into the line as well, so they could teach virtue and goodness by example.

He hopes that we will have enough sense to treat each other well and care for the Earth. If not, we will just have to live in the mess. He is turning his attention to other galaxies, where he has other children to raise. He said, "You're on your own now. It's time to grow up."
2011-03-07 06:09:01 UTC
Death is the termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. The word refers both to the particular processes of life's cessation as well as to the condition or state of a formerly living body. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include predation, malnutrition, accidents resulting in terminal injury, and disease.

The nature of death has been for millennia a central concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical enquiry, and belief in some kind of afterlife or rebirth has been a central aspect of religious belief. In modern scientific enquiry, the origin and nature of consciousness has yet to be fully understood; any such view about the existence or non-existence of consciousness after death therefore remains speculative

No there is no life after death
2011-03-07 06:15:27 UTC
Death is the end of life.

Is there life after death? There is no way of knowing, as nobody ever comes back to say so.

I suspect that after death is similar in sensation to before life
2011-03-07 06:21:05 UTC
In my personal opinion, death is the end of our existence. And there is no life after death.
2011-03-07 06:18:51 UTC
no there is no life after death,death is completion of our time granted by Almighty. But soul which live in side body will go to hell or heaven .
Muthu S
2011-03-07 12:48:47 UTC
We cease to live after death.

Anything/anyone who is born has to die, It is Nature.

Rebirth, sin, karma are man made beliefs

There is no more life beyond death

and it is a myth and there is no proof

Hell and heaven are the workout of religious heads
2011-03-07 06:20:50 UTC
If our body too; like all material matter; is made up of atoms( ATMA if read in hindi); and if they continue to exist for ever; with all its properties; like the sciences of date tell us; then we should also continue to exist in their form after the death i.e ( the destruction of our physical body); especially with all our karmas being such a principle of activity; of their properties which need / await the forceS of a principle of inertia; for helping them to perform their tasks.

2011-03-07 06:27:53 UTC
yes after death a another life borns.

Called . The life of ghost

dont beleving me and all guys who answering your question after death life become end

i request that guys go your nearest graviard at mid night .and go alone.

Then again come in this question and edit your answer. Sure your answer wil be changed.
2011-03-07 07:29:27 UTC
he (i.e. man) presents for Us an example (i.e. attempting to establish the finality of death) and forgets his [own] creation. He says, “Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated?” Say, “He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing.” [It is] He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite. Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator

(Quran, 36:78-81)

And they say, “There is not but our worldly life; we die and live (i.e. some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time.” And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, “Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful.” Say, “God causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt,” but most of the people do not know (Quran, 45:24-26)

But those who disbelieve say, “The Hour (i.e. the Day of Judgment) will not come to us.” Say, “Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you. [God is] the Knower of the unseen.” Not absent from Him is an atom’s weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is] smaller than that or greater, except that it is in a clear register - That He may reward those who believe and do righteous deeds. Those will have forgiveness and noble provision. But those who strive against Our verses [seeking] to cause failure (i.e. to undermine their credibility) - for them will be a painful punishment of foul nature (Quran, 34:3-5)

Then is he whom We have promised a good promise which he will meet [i.e. obtain] like he for whom We provided enjoyment of worldly life [but] then he is, on the Day of Resurrection, among those presented [for punishment in Hell (Quran, 28:61)

[For such is the state of the disbelievers], until, when death comes to one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back that I might do righteousness in that which I left behind (i.e. in that which I neglected).” No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected. So when the Horn is blown, no relationship will there be among them that Day, nor will they ask about one another. And those whose scales are heavy [with good deeds] - it is they who are the successful. But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who have lost their souls, [being] in Hell, abiding eternally. The Fire will sear their faces, and they therein will have taut smiles (i.e. their lips having been contracted by scorching until the teeth are exposed). (Quran, 23:99-104)
2011-03-07 06:12:44 UTC
this is a really hard question. everyone's not sure about whether there is life after death.

we'd never know about that for sure! some say there is, some say there is not, some people believe in reincarnation, some say we'll live in heaven.

One thing for sure is that, We'd never really know!
2011-03-07 06:59:12 UTC
Decaying of body is called death.All your senses will become in-operational and ineffective.Life after death may not be confirmed.
hari k
2011-03-10 06:54:32 UTC
has simple, when you breathing stops is death. after your death, you will find the answer for it. just think about how to live and enjoy each and every movement.
2011-03-07 06:24:38 UTC
We are all familiar with the facts of our origin and the course which life takes from the womb until death. But at the end of our lifespan, whether it terminates in youth or in old age, our familiarity with the nature of things comes to an end. It has been surmised that death means total and final annihilation. But this is not so. Death is simply a means of consigning us to a new womb, to the womb of the universe itself. From that point, we are ushered into another world: the Hereafter. While the present, physical world as we know it has a finite time-frame, the Hereafter stretches away from us into infinity. We fondly imagine that there is some parallel between the pleasures and pains of this world and those of the next, but, in truth, nothing that we can experience in this world will ever match the extremes of agony and bliss of the life after death.

It is because life in this world is intended to be a testing ground that the world of the hereafter remains beyond our reach. But all around us, we have innumerable signs which can help us, by analogy, to understand and appreciate the nature of the world to come. Imagine a room which ostensibly consists of four walls, furniture, a few material objects and some human occupants. To all outward appearances, that is what the room adds up to. But the moment we switch on the TV set, we are introduced to a hitherto unsuspected world of colour, movement, and highly vocal human activity. This world with its scenery and very alive human beings had existed all along. It had only needed the flip of a switch to make us aware of it. Likewise, when someone is dreaming in his sleep, everything comes to an end as soon as one opens up his eyes, he bumps back into reality. Similarly, our terrestrial existence is made up of a world within a world. The world we know is concrete, visible, audible, tangible. The ‘other’ world, the world within it, or rather beyond it, is not, however, one which can be apprehended through any of the normal human senses; no switch can be turned on to make us understand what it is really like. Only death can do this for us. And, when we reopen our eyes after death, we find that what had formerly been impalpable, and quite beyond human comprehension, is now a stark, overwhelming reality. It is then that we grasp what had hitherto existed, but had remained invisible.

Once we have become clear in our minds that the afterlife truly exists, we realize that the sole aim of our earthly existence should be to strive for success in the life to come, for, unlike the present ephemeral world, the Hereafter is eternal and real. What we understand by suffering and solace in this world cannot be compared with the suffering and solace of the Hereafter.

Many individuals lead immoral, even criminal existences because they feel that we are free to do as we please in this world. Freedom we do have, but it exists only so that God may distinguish between the good and evil, and determine who deserves a place of honor and dignity in the Hereafter and who should be condemned to eternal disgrace. While there is nothing to prevent the good and the evil from living cheek by jowl in this world, they will be separated in the Hereafter like the wheat from the chaff, and will be judged in strict accordance with their record in this life.

Just as there are two sides to every life in this world, there are two aspects of every act in relation to this world and the Hereafter. One aspect of each act is our acceptance of it as what it is seen to be in this world. The other aspect is what results from this act in terms of the hereafter.

Today we reap the worldly fruits of our actions, tomorrow, in the Hereafter, we shall have to face up to the results of our deeds and misdeeds. Today, we can see only one aspect of our actions-that of immediate pleasure or gain- but the Day of Resurrection will place us in a position to see much more. Just as a person standing on top of a wall can look down on both sides, so shall we be able to see both aspects of the Truth. Not only shall we watch our entire history unroll before us like a film, but we shall witness the consequences of our worldly actions. ‘Then’, as the Quran says, ‘shall each soul know what it has sent forward (to the Hereafter) and what it has kept back (in the world behind)’ (82:5) Whatever was done for worldly reasons will be left behind, unconsidered. Only those actions which were carried out with the Hereafter in mind will benefit us in the life to come.

By analogy, the present world and the Hereafter are two sides of the same event. The worldly side is trivial and temporary, while the Hereafter side is substantive and permanent. It is to the latter side that we must face up in the afterlife. Here one has complete freedom to live out one’s worldly existence as one wills; in the life-to-come, one will have no choice about the future course of one’s life.
2011-03-07 06:07:43 UTC
Of course not -- to even ask the question is to demonstrate a profound misunderstanding of the concept of "death".

You end.

The End.
2011-03-07 06:13:38 UTC
When you did your soul and body is separated.

Your body will return to the earth and your soul to God if you are reconcile back to God while you are living.
2011-03-08 00:53:29 UTC
birth , living , dealth, is a cycle or recycle phenomenal,
2011-03-07 06:11:03 UTC
Asking if there is life after death is like asking if their is sight after blindness.

If I take out your eye balls.. they are gone. Forever. If you die.. you are gone. Forever.
2011-03-07 06:10:08 UTC
Heaven & Hell. I believe very strongly in those two. And I don't let others silly words bring me down about it. I believe what I believe.. and yea(:

John 3:16
2011-03-07 06:09:25 UTC
The bible tells us that our spirit returns to God (Ecc. 12:7).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.