Do you believe in God, yes or no?
2007-08-21 23:19:09 UTC
If so, why? If not, why not? This question is not meant to be insulting or anything negative. It's a chance to get to know each other if you spend some time here, and to learn to tolerate each other. I'm a very open person, I can get along with almost anybody, and I refuse to insult or ridicule a person based on a label. Even when being insulted, I still refuse. I would appreciate the same courtesy, because we are all one human race and we all need each other to survive.
89 answers:
Big Bill
2007-08-22 01:31:23 UTC
Ash hadu an laa ilaha ill-Allaah, wahdau la sharika lah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh.

Yes, I believe in the One Ture God, Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala as through His Mercy, Compassion and Love, I have been lead to the truth which I can not and will not deny.

I read the Holy and Qur'an and studied the same; I read about and studied about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him, his family and his followers) from both Muslim and non-Muslim sources (for any non-Muslim who is interested, I would recommend "Muhammad, a Prophet for Our Times, " by Karen Armstrong) and I visited a mosque / masjid, meet Muslims, learned to pray correctly and converted to Islam.

I honestly believe that if any one who believes in God will read the Holy Qur'an and learn about the Last Prophet (peace be upon him, his family and his followers) with an open mind and heart, he or she will joyously convert to Islam as this one has done.

Alhumdilallah! I give thanks to Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala as I repeat my profession of faith aloud and within my heart throughout the day.

The truth of God is self evident as we look at the reality of the created world if for no other reason than that all things, except God Who exist outside of time and Who was therefore never created but always existed, must have a first beginning, a cause and Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala is that cause.

As we are taught in the Holy Qur'an, one need look no further than his or her own body, to the smallest cell and its componenets, to its molecular building blocks, to the marvel of our DNA to see proof of the existence of Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala.

One need look no furhter than the night sky, or ones own breath and the wonderful chemical reactions that occur with each, to the smiple laughter of ones child and her tender embrace to know, beyond all doubt that Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala is God, the Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Comapssionate, the Gracious.

Alhumdilallah! Thanks be to God!

As salaamu 'alaikym wa rahmatullahi wabaraktu, my sister and my friend from your new brother in Islam.
Radical Vampire
2007-08-22 04:08:43 UTC
Absolutely yes

There is a God..

By the way i am similar to your character

By the way there is only one GOD

to those who say no..Why:_

1) Cause you can't see him....So can you see your mind?!!

2) Cause it is endless..So do the numbers have an End...

3) Cause you are not raised so...So don't you have a mind to see, observe, discover and conclude...

4) Cause there is an evil on the earth...This is not form God ..But it is the human's hand who did so

5) Cause he left you in a bad situation or even as a poor or so...I think that there is something we have is called mind and hands ...Mind work then hands work...

6) Cause life is not so peace....And WHO told you that it is not an evil..It has been created as apeacful life..But the human thinking, soul and selfishness did so...

7) some simply..See that there is no GOD cause there are several names and such..Why don't you search and see or you need everyhing ready..This life is not for rest cause God praises those who work and do everytihng with loyality..

"i am not insulting any one too causewe are all one human race and we all need each other to survive."

Thank you for this question and for these words

By the way..I have some thing to say it for you..
2007-08-22 00:04:21 UTC
If "god" is defined as a personal entity who created the universe as depicted by middle Eastern religions (like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity of all sorts), or by some Eastern cultures, no, I don't believe in god.

If by "god" you mean "nature", and imply that this is not a personal god, then yes, I do believe in nature or "the Force" so to speak....

Why? The reasons are many. I've thought out the god hypothesis for many years, but found that Richard Hawkins has adequately compilled most of my own conclusions (and many more that I had not thought about) in his book "The God Delusion".

I've seen his book attacked by theists, but the attacks are often dressed in circular arguments, personal attacks, and reliance on dogma. Such so-called "arguments" for the existence of a personal god are not persuasive nor convincing, and often full of internal contradictions which are often ignored by those who choose to believe.

Reliance on the bible is not a good base. That collection of books has been heavily edited, censored, translated and misinterpreted along its existence.

Furthermore, the gospels and epistles are not historically reliable, as they were written between 50 to 90 years after the facts, and often full of historical inaccuracies.
2007-08-22 02:32:15 UTC
Hi, thanks for asking.

Yes, I do. The reasons are various. Some of them are as follows...

1. For belief in God in general: The argument that the universe is too complex and varied to have come about by chance, thus needing a Creator, God. Added to the sheer complexity of nature is the beauty within it. I do not think that so much aesthetic quality could have come about by chance.

2. For belief in the Christian God: Personal experience as it relates to the testimony present in the Bible. My experiences throughout life have served the purpose of confirming and validating certain aspects of the Bible.

3. Again, for belief in the Christian God: The inability of critics to make any charges against the Bible stick. Any supposed contradictions can be answered in some way by apologetics.

4. Here's the last one I'll mention, for belief in the Christian God: My recognition, by grace, that I am helpless to do anything apart from God. If there is a God, and I believe that there is, for reasons already mentioned, then I must answer to Him. (This is a bit along the lines of Pascal's Wager, I suppose.) Christianity differs from other religions and worldviews in that it states that man, being sinful, has no righteousness of his own. I know, from living each day and becoming more and more aware of my sinfulness and weakness, that I am not perfect. If God is greater than I am, and He is, then what can I offer Him? Who am I that God should respect me or listen to my excuses? My only hope is in One who has the obedience, the righteousness, the nature, and the power to save me through His atonement and resurrection. That One is Jesus, and so I believe in the Christian God. I thank God that I can see that I cannot possibly save myself... only He can.

May God bless you.
2007-08-21 23:30:25 UTC

because if he was real show yourself.

stop people killing each other.

why are children in some places dieing with out food.

why do i pick up the paper and some one got stabbed to death in a street robbery

why do new born baby's die when they have not even had the chance to live or do out wrong and get some kiddy messer will live to be 70?

too much evil in the world so no god he who people say made all this as all this power then sits and does nothing is either a pussy or not real.

and science has proved where we all came from not god not Adam and eve like the book of fiction the bible tells us.

that is my 10 cents on this matter had a good rant and rave thank you i feel great now

kind regards x kitti x
2007-08-22 02:33:33 UTC
I do believe that there is a spiritual being. (God) I do not practice ANY religion and never will. I believe as the entire universe came from somewhere / something. I mean things didn't and just don't appear overnight. Someone had to create everything including us. So yes, I do believe.
2007-08-21 23:34:36 UTC
No.I don't believe in a God or Gods.The reasons I don't stem from various issues I take with the idea of having beliefs in such things.

Here is a numbered list of my most common reasons for not believing:

1.With so many religions and so many different ideas of who God is and most will say that only their God is the right one, how can anyone with rationality and reason choose one over the other without seeing that having to make a choice in itself is defeating the idea that any choice is correct?

2.No true and undeniable evidence can be produced that any God or Gods actually exist

3.In order to believe in a God or Gods one must often give up their ability to think for themselves because religious ideology often follows with dogmatic directives to maintain uniformity to specific views and beliefs

4.Religion often says that certain things are wrong when I see nothing wrong with those certain things and so rather then choose to change what I can clearly see and become blinded by closed minded views, I choose to keep my mind open

5.Because I know who I am and have no fear of death or of life, I don't seek to surround myself with self deluding ideals in order to negate fears I don't have

6.All religions that speak of God or Gods are borrowed from far older mythological beliefs that have long since died out when it was realized that such beliefs were in fact simplistic explanations of the unknown.I see nothing different with the new versions of the old beliefs.Same dribble-different name.
John B
2007-08-21 23:38:16 UTC

I do not deny that there may be a God although I have never experienced anything which would make me conclude that one does exist. Even more difficult is the question of what God would be if he did exist. If I were to accept the existance of a God I could not know if that God were the Muslim, Christian, Jewish or any other possibility being.
2007-08-22 12:35:54 UTC
Yes, I do.

Everything around me says there’s a great power beyond the mankind and the whole universe.. The universe cannot be created out of nothing, as everything has a beginning and an end..

Nature around me, my simple daily incidents, the way humans are born, life in general.. everything tells there is ONE God.. This universe can’t be out of nothing...

Peace :)
2007-08-22 05:39:29 UTC
Oh yes...

To know that God is alive and well and that He loves us beyond what we're capable of realizing and that He wants to be the Lord and Saviour in our life. He is mine and without Him...I don't know how I could go on. He gives me the faith and I know that this speck of time I'm alive on earth is nothing compared to eternity in heaven!!! So I TRY to use my time in a way that's pleasing to Him.

When it comes down to it, He's all I need. He will provide me with what I NEED and He's here for me 24/7. How awesome is that!!
2007-08-22 00:20:02 UTC
I'd really like to, and for the most part I do, but sometimes it's very difficult to believe. When I think about the existence of God scientifically and logically, it becomes very hard to believe in him/her. However, I've been taught about God my whole life, and I love learning about my religion and having faith in God. So, yes, I do believe in God.
2007-08-21 23:25:31 UTC
I'm agnostic, i think. I believe that there is a spiritual being, or spirit, but not a god if that makes any sense. I am all about being open as well but i resent those religions that preach prejiduce against different races, creeds, sexual orientations or classes. good question. have a great day!
2007-08-22 13:07:05 UTC
Yes,I believe because each deed has a doer?who created the whole world of things and people?It's logic that Allah(God)exists.
2007-08-21 23:28:44 UTC
I believe in God, because he has helped me through alot, I used to be Atheist, and was all for science, and I tried my hardest to disprove God, and I asked so many questions, but for some reason, I just go closer, and closer to God, and then I was going through tough times, and i kept falling into temptation, and I went to church with my grandparents, and this was so crazy, I felt a prescence, and the minister started preaching about temptation, It was so out of the ordinary, and I just felt so good about myself, then on june 8th of this year I accepted Christ in my life over the mississippi river, and I tell you something, I've never been this happy in my whole life, I just feel so great about myself and others, and when I was an atheist, I was always depressed, ignorant, a jerk, or I just plain straight up hated people...

Praise GOD! and thank you
2007-08-21 23:32:45 UTC
Yes! I believe because I know He has always been with me. He watches over me and teaches me.He walks with me each day! He is as tangible to me as this computer. I see the great works of His hands and I am awed by what a great and mighty Creator He is! (All of this get here by chance? No way!) He is all around me every day and my day is filled with thoughts of Him. He is my God and my Father and my Creator! What an awesome God!
2007-08-21 23:33:34 UTC

Mankind thought God into existence and it's mankind's job to think God out of existence.

This may take quite some time though.

Just remember "I don't Know" was the first answer to the first question. We have learnt to answer many questions since then and have many many more to go before we run out of "I don't Know" answers.

In the meantime God fills in the gaps.
2007-08-21 23:28:49 UTC
No, personally, I don't. But I also will admit that I can be wrong, there's no proof of his existence or nonexistence. But I can say that I do try my best to be a good person, but not because of a god. It's more because of the fact that I want to be a good person. And I think everyone should feel that way. No one should strictly try to be a good person in fear of a god...they should do it because they want to.
2007-08-22 03:12:45 UTC
no i don't believe in a god...i used to...and found a different way...much of my path involved education about different religions...cultures...the rest involved talking to people and watching...if there is a god...i don't understand the purpose or meaning...i find most people lean on religion in one way or another and usually it is good for the person at the time...i never discourage religion and often support it in people i meet because i see how much they need this support...i don't anymore and have chosen a different path...
2007-08-22 04:53:42 UTC
Yes i do. he is the great one. he will keep us away from all evil eyes. he protects us. He feeds us. God is everything to me, and should be to all of us. He is the great one. God is wonderful, and all people have to accept it. And how they cannot believe all this is unfounded. Religion has always been there from the beginning of time. romans believed in christainity, who would build the mosque in mecca, who built temples. people have been saved in god, To all those who have a strong faith in God - bless you all, To al those who dont, its time you start believing b4 its too late.

all praise God all praise God ALL PRAISE GOD!
2007-08-21 23:33:25 UTC
Yes, thank God for everything especially for the gift of common sense and logic!!!!

Only rational people believe in God, while those who don't believe in God most likely have narrow minds and I would not tolerate them !!!

And there is only one God for all people and religions !!!!
2007-08-22 04:27:12 UTC
Yes> I belive in God because I can feel Him down in my Soul. Praise God
joe e
2007-08-21 23:27:38 UTC
I do believe in the one true God presented in the Christain Bible. Jesus has been true to me from my childhood and thru many trials and temptations He was there supporting and strengthening.

as long as i live and see the things around me the nature, animals other humans how can i not believe in a almighty God. but now i hv a personal understanding of God my father so when i look around me i am amazed and glorify his name for his amazing work.
2007-08-21 23:30:08 UTC
yes, I believe in God!! I know there is one. I really cant explain why, but I grew up knowing there was a God, and I've felt him at times. At one time in my life I felt a certain closeness to him that was wonderful, but unexplainable, but I've gotten so busy I feel like I've lost touch with him....

There also are other things that people make into gods...but I have a feeling your weren't asking about that kinds
2007-08-21 23:27:33 UTC
Yes I believe in God. He has healed me when I was sick, comforted me when I was heartbroken, and has blessed my life abundantly. Don't be fooled by nonbelievers. Jesus is coming back soon not to save the world, but to save the few that took the path less chosen. His intention is to save his true followers and believers. I know without a shadow of a doubt in my heart God is real, and is watching, listening and waiting for the time to return. Thank you.
2007-08-21 23:25:38 UTC
Yes I believe in God. The way everything in this world is so complex yet it all works. Yes everything can have a scientific explanation but some higher being needed to design it all so that its all in balance and harmony like it is. someone needed to design the science. i just don't think this can all exist simply by chance... improbable and frankly impossible. plus it helps when I pray and i've avoided so many dangers and things work out for me against the odds sometimes so i feel it must be God helping me out.
2007-08-21 23:34:34 UTC
yes, i believe

and want to ask those who say no

that without a couple a birth cannot take plae ,

without a base a building cannot stand,

without a creater phone would have never been introduced,

so how can without a creater these univere can come into existence

just like a driver runs a car without him it cannot run

these univer has a god without him these universe cannot

darwinsfriend AM
2007-08-21 23:32:35 UTC

The Earth is billions of years old and in all that time not one single tiny shred of evidence has come to light to show the existence of a god.
2007-08-21 23:27:40 UTC
No, I do not believe in god, or any other form of religion or superstition.

although I accept that most people need to believe in something unreasonable, I can not and do not need to.
2007-08-21 23:26:10 UTC
I don't believe in God.

There is no evidence indicating the presence of a God. I respect people's right to believe in God as long as they respect my right not to believe in God.

"The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike." — Delos B. McKown.

"There is no evidence for or against X, therefore there should be no belief or disbelief in X. Now fill in the X with either the Flying Spaghetti Monster or God..."
2007-08-21 23:31:30 UTC
Yes, because why else would we be here? how else would we be here? Do you really think two random molecules or whatever stuck together and made us? I don't, I believe god sent us here, and i know it sounds cheesy but thats what I believe. Faith is believing in what you can't see, and I have 100% faith that god lives.
2014-11-15 13:39:19 UTC
No, I do not believe in god, or any other form of religion or superstition.
2007-08-22 00:03:17 UTC
Yes, Absolutely and without A doubt!*
2007-08-21 23:23:39 UTC
yes. pascal's gambit. read into it.'s_Wager

it goes somethin like this... you either believe or dont. if you believe and there's no god, you got nothing to lose and it's the same thing if you don't believe. but if you do believe and there is a god, you go to heaven, and if you don't... well, you're pretty much fu**ed.

also, the plethora of things that have no rational explanation. and the idea that there's somethin above with a whole lotta power kinda makes you feel safe.

but that's my opinion
2007-08-21 23:30:21 UTC
yes because god created as w/ the highest from of yuo think what is the reason why we are here? isn't it we have a duty to do for and thats the reason why i believe in god
2007-08-21 23:26:59 UTC
Yes, and more importantly He believes in me. Why? Because "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life"

John 3:16
The Apple Chick
2007-08-21 23:26:41 UTC
Yes. God has shown Himself to me in many ways. I have had personal experiences and revelations. I have witnessed the "scientifically impossible" through the short, but miraculous one year life of my son. The doctors said he was blind, but he could see. They said he was deaf, but he could hear.... they said he would never leave the hospital, but he spent 7 and a half glorious months at home with me....
2007-08-21 23:36:19 UTC
A huge NO.

Anyone who does is plainly deluded.

Anyone who does and is older than 12 is inexcusably deluded.

All gods in the history of mankind have been created by man himself.

As just one example, the Ancient Greeks had a whole bunch of gods and goddesses, which everyone simply accepted as being real. They too were invisible and silent and non-invasive in the lives of man, even though such simple things as thunder were attributed to the God of Thunder ...

Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty, forced wife of Apollo - God of the sun (light), music, healing, prophecy, and poetry.

Ares - God of war, vengeance, anger

Artemis - Goddess of The Moon, hunting and archery. Twin sister of Apollo.

Athena - Goddess of wisdom, crafts, defensive warfare, and the patron of Athens.

Demeter - Goddess of agriculture, grain, harvest and earth.

Hades - God of the Dead and lord of the Underworld and of the riches found within the earth. Brother of Poseidon and Zeus.

Hephaestus - God of fire and the forge (god of fire and smiths)with very weak legs. Makes armor for the gods and other heroes like Achilles. Son of Hera.

Hera - Goddess of marriage, family, motherhood and queen of the gods. Zeus' jealous wife.

Hermes - God of travel, thieves, and commerce. Messenger of the gods.He showed the way for the dead souls to Hades's realm.

Hestia - Goddess of the hearth and domestic life. Eventually gave her place to Dionysus.

Poseidon - God of the sea, horses and earthquakes. Brother of Hades and Zeus and father of Polyphemus

Zeus - King of the gods. God of thunder and lightning. Brother of Poseidon and Hades. Husband of Hera. Destroyed his father (Cronus) with a sickle. Ruler of the titans. Loves women and has various relationships throughout Greek mythology, an idea which was not as frowned upon in Hellenistic society as it is today.

All of these, and there are some not listed, such as Hypnos, the god of sleep, were as real to the ancient people as your gods are today. We laugh at that concept now. We laugh at you (collectively) now.

Where is your common sense?
2007-08-21 23:27:18 UTC
i like to believe theres something up there for comfort reasons, but i dont believe what they said he did. (no offense to anyone.... im not like that) but i have an open mind to any religion... even evolution. i have more of a scientific mind. but im into the whole psychic thing too.
2007-08-21 23:26:10 UTC
yes i give God the glory in all things. Where do you think you are getting the air you breathe , the water you drink, the life you live. Only by the grace of God.Amen
2007-08-21 23:26:00 UTC
if i had to pick between yes and no, i'd go with yes.

i believe the universe is god.

why? because i find it an appealing belief system. i realize it may sound sillly to some, but it's an attractive idea. anywhoo.... i like it. that's why.
2007-08-22 13:20:00 UTC

I know their is a God... all I have to do is look at the precious faces of my children.

I have NO doubt...he is real and is my Savior...
Ismail Eliat
2007-08-22 12:51:02 UTC
Yes, I believe 100%. I feel Him in my heart.
2007-08-21 23:48:39 UTC
yes I believe in God cause I believe that he create me and all people and animals and every thing in this life and he is the only god has 99 names he sent us all the prophets(PBUT)and the prophet Muhammed PBUH .so I worship Allah
2007-08-21 23:25:44 UTC
No I do not. I cannot believe in something just because I have been raised to think that it is there but not infront of me...I have to see it to believe it!...also....if there was a God the world would be perfect because he is all loving, powerful and knowing....since it's not he does not love everyone, isn't powerful enough to cure all and is not all knowing other wise he would prevent evil
2007-08-21 23:39:36 UTC
Does God Exist?

Some Scientists Answer

PHYSICS professor Ulrich J. Becker, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated when commenting on the existence of God: "How can I exist without a creator? I am not aware of any compelling answer ever given."

Did this contradict his scientific views? The professor's thought-provoking answer was, "If you discovered how one wheel in the 'clock' turns—you may speculate how the rest move, but you are not entitled to call this scientific and better leave alone the question of who wound up the spring."

Contrary to the opinion of some, many respected men of science do not rule out the idea of there being a God—a Great Mastermind behind the creation of the universe and man.

Consider two more examples on this point. When mathematics professor John E. Fornaess, of Princeton University, was asked for his thoughts on the existence of God, he replied: "I believe that there is a God and that God brings structure to the universe on all levels from elementary particles to living beings to superclusters of galaxies."

Physics professor Henry Margenau, of Yale University, said that he was convinced that the laws of nature were created by God, adding: "God created the universe out of nothing in an act which also brought time into existence." He then noted that in the book The Mystery of Life's Origin, three scientists explain that a Creator is a plausible explanation for life's origin. Supporting this view, astronomer Fred Hoyle has stated that believing the first cell originated by chance is like believing that a tornado ripping through a junkyard full of Boeing 747 airplane parts dismembered and in disarray could produce a 747.

To these answers can be added the words of the Bible writer Paul: "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship."—Romans 1:20.

"If you discovered how one wheel in the 'clock' turns—you may speculate how the rest move, but you . . . better leave alone the question of who wound up the spring"

Yes, God really does exist! But what is his reason for allowing the world's present sorry state? What is his purpose for the earth? Can we know exactly who the true God is? God's purpose for the earth is discussed in the next article.

What Is God's Purpose?

MANY people who doubt the existence of an all-powerful, loving God ask: If God does exist, why has he allowed so much suffering and wickedness throughout history? Why does he allow the sorry state of things we see around us today? Why does he not do something to bring an end to war, crime, injustice, poverty, and other miseries that are escalating at an alarming rate in so many countries of the earth?

It is suggested by some that God created the universe, installed humans on planet Earth, and then left them to run their own affairs. According to this view, God would not be to blame for the trouble and misery that people bring upon themselves because of their greed or mismanagement.

However, others reject such a theory. For example, physics professor Conyers Herring, who acknowledges a belief in God, states: "I reject the idea of a God who long ago set a great clockwork in motion and has since been sitting back as a spectator while mankind wrestles with the puzzle. One reason for my rejection of this is that my scientific experience gives me no reason to believe that there is any 'clockwork' model of the universe that is ultimately and finally the correct one. Our scientific theories . . . will always be capable of greater and greater refinement, but I feel sure they will always prove imperfect. It is safer, I think, to have faith in the living force that makes this improvement always possible."

God Does Have a Purpose

God's original purpose was for planet Earth to be inhabited by righteous, perfect humans. The prophet Isaiah wrote: "This is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited."—Isaiah 45:18.

Rather than populate the earth through the direct creation of individual humans, God purposed to fill the earth by means of procreation by humans. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, this did not thwart his original purpose, but it did cause a necessary adjustment of some details in order for his purpose regarding humans and the earth to be fulfilled.

For about the first 6,000 years of this period, God has allowed mankind to operate independently of his direct guidance. That is what our original parents chose of their own free will. (Genesis 3:17-19; Deuteronomy 32:4, 5) This allowance of independence from God's guidance and the subsequent rule by humans instead of by God would show up man's inability to direct his own steps and his inability to govern his fellowmen successfully.

Jehovah, of course, had known this outcome in advance. He inspired Bible penmen to put it into words. For example, the prophet Jeremiah wrote: "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."—Jeremiah 10:23.

The wise man Solomon commented on the disastrous results that follow when humans attempt to dominate their fellows, as they have over the centuries. "All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, during the time that man has dominated man to his injury."—Ecclesiastes 8:9.

However, far from "sitting back as a spectator while mankind wrestles with the puzzle," Almighty God has had good reason for allowing the passage of these thousands of years without intervening directly in the lives of the majority of mankind.
2007-08-21 23:29:20 UTC
YES I do believe in GOD remember he is the one who sent his ONLY SON to die for us look around you will see GODS creation all over he is so real believe it now and accept JESUS as your savior before its too late there is going to be a rapture and tribulation
2007-08-21 23:27:37 UTC
No because he hasnt done any thing good for use and if he made us why would he make the bad poeple or the poeple that dont want to be on this earth think about it

so he is not real
2007-08-21 23:26:45 UTC
yes, because He has given me enough convincing evidence. He healed my grandma from Scoliosis, who led me to faith, and brought my mom back to the church (without me even asking her to), after about 16 years. Most of all, he was the perfect father where my biological father had failed too many times.
2007-08-21 23:39:21 UTC
yes because although you can't SEE him you can SEE the changes he makes in your life when you start to worship him.

people say they believe in what they see but then they go read tablots and believe the stupid things they right. you couldn't tell nichole richie was pregnant.
2007-08-21 23:27:36 UTC
No, i believe in things like evolution and god just seems more like an imaginary friend to me. I don't not believe because i can't see it, but because the idea of it just seems illogical to me
2007-08-21 23:26:53 UTC
I do believe in God. I don't have to see something to know its there. As long as you truly feel he is there then thats real enough. I think enough people believe thats why the world is the way it is right now!
2007-08-22 03:15:38 UTC
yes I do.. because everything round me prove that there is a great God.
2007-08-21 23:26:36 UTC
Yes, absolutely. Because life wouldnt make sense without him.
I can only be me
2007-08-21 23:26:08 UTC
yes I definitely believe in him. He always helps me when I need him even punishes me to wake me up. He died for me. I am a believer all the way. He is the one you an talk to and count on when you think you have nobody else.
2007-08-22 12:30:46 UTC
Since you wanted the answwer in Yes or No..

My answer is "Yes".

That is it......Nothing more.
2007-08-21 23:24:26 UTC
I am not sure, it is impossible to prove he exists, but at the same time only he can prove he exists so I dont know. not to mention I personally disagree with a lot of things, so for now no.
2007-08-21 23:36:06 UTC
yep i believe in Him! first i was taught, now i have a personal relationship with Him!
See the Light
2007-08-21 23:26:37 UTC
Yes I heard His Voice...

John 10

27. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28. And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30. I and my Father are one.
One Voice In The Day Rings True
2007-08-21 23:25:31 UTC
C.S. Lewis said that God is like the sun. He sees it and sees everything by it. That's how I feel.
gerda wasnt here
2007-08-21 23:25:20 UTC
no im not too sure what i believe in but i get really pissed off when people try convert me cause they have no rite... i am allowed to make my own choices about what to believe in. and they always say its for your own good but is telling us that if we dont believe in god we will burn in hell really for our own good???
2007-08-21 23:24:29 UTC
I am unsure about what to believe in......I feel their is a more supreme being but do not feel any of the Religions has got it right.....I believe more in Science.
2007-08-22 12:36:02 UTC











yes yes yes

i follow my heart and Allah ,My Lord is always in my heart
2007-08-21 23:26:57 UTC
Yes, I feel His presence in my daily life.
The U.P.
2007-08-21 23:25:12 UTC
I do, the very world around me is my evidence as well as numerous personal experiences.
2007-08-21 23:25:38 UTC
i have faith in god, just not religion. i refuse to accept any one religion. its all just someones interpretation of the bible. also the bible was written by men.... not exactly the most trust worthy people
2007-08-21 23:24:10 UTC
Which one?
2007-08-21 23:23:32 UTC
Eiffel Tower
2007-08-21 23:26:19 UTC
If the God mean is Jesus, I don't believe it.
2007-08-21 23:26:08 UTC
No, but at the same time, I still wonder how is it that the written bible is 100% accurate in all its prophecies...
2007-08-22 21:35:35 UTC
depends... if im about to die, then i believe in god :P
walter e
2007-08-21 23:25:27 UTC
yes its love

but not in churches
2007-08-21 23:24:58 UTC
Yep, sure do. To me the universe is too complex to just of appeared naturally.
2007-08-21 23:26:47 UTC
I believe in the power of my higher power, the higher power is in my heart. Cannot be seen only felt.

We Watch Football
2007-08-21 23:25:18 UTC

and i think i like you

(not in a weird way or anything)
2007-08-21 23:24:50 UTC
yes i do , im a catholic so i was tought to belive in god and i think hes the creator of life

***my opinon - Dont hate People***
2007-08-21 23:24:27 UTC
I think so. Not sure, but I try to be good, so if when I die and I meet him, he won't be pissed!
2007-08-21 23:30:56 UTC
No. Why? he doesn't exist
2007-08-21 23:24:39 UTC
I believe in Allah(swt) as the only God.
2007-08-21 23:47:54 UTC
Which god? Can you be more specific?
2007-08-21 23:25:05 UTC
Yes, who could have made such beauty and wonder
2007-08-21 23:24:20 UTC
I wish to but rationally I can not.
so broken
2007-08-21 23:25:05 UTC
yes i do and always have
Riven Liether
2007-08-21 23:23:26 UTC
I believe that man creates its own gods. That's about it.
2007-08-21 23:23:30 UTC
2007-08-21 23:26:29 UTC

atheists have the BEST Tshirts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-21 23:28:24 UTC
go tell that to osama
2007-08-21 23:24:10 UTC
No. If there was a god he would not allow fat people to wear lycra
2007-08-21 23:23:13 UTC
i believe in what i can see.
2007-08-21 23:23:02 UTC
No, I don't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.