I read an article today - http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,23980464-2,00.html - where it had quotes from the girl who is now 11. She says things like how it is one of her favourite photos taken of her.
What I think is that we should allow non-pornographic naked pictures to be taken of children for art or memory (parents taking pics), but they should not be published to the world until the child reaches the age of 16 and can properly consent. Also, the child should agree at the time if it can! The girl wasn't abused and that's the main thing.
The reason why we don't allow child pornography is because it is the result of child abuse. We don't encourage the sexualisation of children because that leaves them at higher risk for abuse, as well as taking away their innocence.
I think whether it should be judged pornographic or not is by the intent. Is the intent to arouse? Is it to sexualise the child? If not, then it's not porn. Sure, some people may be aroused by nude art, but that is their problem.
Personally I think that it's better for a paedo to get his jollies from something that doesn't actually hurt the child! It leaves a sickening feeling to think of someone getting off on such a thing though.