LDS/Mormons, so what things that Brigham Young say do you consider Doctrine?
2010-10-11 06:39:49 UTC
Since the Journal Of Discourses is not Doctrine then what on or or anything from BYU (named after Him) is considered doctrine???
Fifteen answers:
2010-10-11 19:32:46 UTC
One thing that Brigham Young said that I always remember is "Pray that you never see an angel. . ." meaning that people that need absolute proof to believe, rather than having faith, are very foolish. If a person was to actually was to meet a heavenly messanger, he would be accountable to God to be truthful about that meeting in every way. He would have to stronger and better than the rest of us because he had absolute proof of God and could never deny that. If he ever did, he would be worthy of the full wrath of God. Most of us could not handle a responsibility like that.
2010-10-11 11:28:48 UTC
The official doctrine of the church mostly comes from general conference reports and interpretations of the scriptures including the bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.

Be careful to not look beyond the mark. It is a very successful strategy of Satan to tempt people to look beyond the mark (the mark is Christ). Then Satan leads us carefully down to hell.

Do not make things more than what they are. Prophets are people who struggle for answers to prayers just like the rest of us. The apostle Peter was a successful fishermen who left his business to serve God. Moses was asked to give up all to serve God. These men made mistakes just like everyone else. Prophets are not in a constant vision and do not know everything. Moses took counsel from his older and wiser father in law. The virgin Mary's husband Joseph was led step by step and was never given the whole picture at once. For example, He was told to escape into Egypt and then half way there was told to go somewhere else.

Prophets do not have halos over their head. The book of revelations does not tell us that the bible is the only word of God (revelations was written hundreds of years before the bible was compiled).

Don't get ridiculous about things. God is not magical or mysitcal. He is practical and understands the laws of nature in perfection. He knows how much information to provide to us in order to direct us without taking away our need to figure things out on our own.

Observe the world around you. It was created by God. Nature testifies of what kind of being God is. Things usually do not happen with the wave of a wand but by patience and time. The world is orderly and miraculous. Laws of nature cannot be broken nor does God take shorcuts.
2010-10-12 00:17:23 UTC
You and others have quoted from the Journal of Discourses to question our beliefs and doctrine. There is a main word in the title of those volumes and it is "journal." What sort of things do you write about or would you write about in your journal? Most people write about their thoughts, opinions, feelings, and understandings. While there is valuable doctrinal information in the Journal of Discourses, I'd much rather look to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and General Conference addresses to hear the words of the Lord and the will of the Lord.
2010-10-11 12:50:00 UTC
All of us humans make our way along this path through life the best we can. And all of us, regardless of our staion be that just a member or Bishop or Apostle or Prophet experience that life within the bounds of the times in which we live. Some of the declarations of Brigham Young were just that, colored by both his experience and by the times in which he lived. A lot of the things he did and said turned out to be .... rather suspect. But also consider that guided by God he successfully manoevered an entire people across inhospitable land to prosperity.You are deliberately highlighting the less successful things and ignoring the good ones.

Yes, everything BY did did not result in doctrine for our time. But how are we to judge that which preserved the Saints in their need? The Lord provides revelation for us now through Thomas S. Monson. It is guidance and MAY become doctrine. But it is surely what God's people need now.And that's good enough for me.
2010-10-11 08:02:47 UTC
Same as Moses. If it is in the Standard works, like Moses is, then this is standard doctrine. If not, then it is merely historic information and if it has no bearing on todays society, then there is no need to be concerned about it one way or the other.

In typing that it is worth mentioning that Brigham Young gets the twisted-out-of-context Anti-Mormon quote award. I don't think any of the Antis quote anyone that is LDS in a more wormtongue way then they do brother Brigham.

Start your engines, let the misrepresentations begin. Vrrrrooom vrroom vroom.

You do realize that there was a football quarterback who played as a professional who was the great great grandson of Brigham young?

Does Steve Young seem like a bad guy to you?

Anyone that can win the Super Bowl can't be that bad, right?

Brigham Young was a great man. Certainly one of the greatest men that ever lived. As such his words are very valuable.

When reading any book it is good to actually read the whole thing, rather than take little quotations out of context and spread them around.

You lost Prop. 8. That is no reason to carry a grudge to some ridiculous extreme.

The truth will prevail, and Brother Brigham will be vindicated, on judgment day. How about you, will you be able to say that your heart is pure before The Lord? Like Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Ishmael, and Brigham Young?

Who will go to Heaven? The Prophets who did as God directed them... or you?

Only repentance can assure anyone their right proper place in Heaven. Same for the Prophets as for you. And same for me too. Same for everybody. Without repentance none of us has a chance to go where we belong in Heaven. Simple as that.

That is what The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is all about. Always has been always will be.
2016-10-07 04:33:50 UTC
definite, Brigham youthful did say Adam became into God. one element LDS is nice at whilst their prophets lie, is say it became into written down incorrect. So became into the e book of Mormon, with 3,900 corrections to this element, consisting of names, places, kings. The e book of Abraham, proved to be thoroughly fake from the papyri funeral texts. The falseness of this "church" is going on and on.
2010-10-11 20:13:17 UTC
No wonder you are no longer a member. This really isn't that hard to figure out and all you antis sound like real dunderheads on this one.

If it is in the standard works then it is doctrine. Get a clue.

I normally don't like to quote from but here you go:

Like the prophets of old, prophets today testify of Jesus Christ and teach His gospel. They make known God's will and true character. They speak boldly and clearly, denouncing sin and warning of its consequences. At times, they may be inspired to prophesy of future events for our benefit.

We can always trust the living prophets. Their teachings reflect the will of the Lord, who declared: "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same" (D&C 1:38).

Our greatest safety lies in strictly following the word of the Lord given through His prophets, particularly the current President of the Church. The Lord warns that those who ignore the words of the living prophets will fall (see D&C 1:14–16). He promises great blessings to those who follow the President of the Church:

"Thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me;

"For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.

"For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name's glory" (D&C 21:4–6).
2010-10-11 06:56:39 UTC
The Book of Mormon is our doctrine. We also believe in the Bible. and has our beliefs and teachings
2010-10-11 08:40:32 UTC
Brigham said that if a prophet speaks, then it is as if the lord is speaking. Hence, everything that BY said is mormon doctrine. Hence, mormons must hate non-caucasians and must practice polygamy, and you must believe that Quakers live on the sun and moon, that the (mormon) god had sex with the virgin mary, that the mountain meadows massacre was justified, etc. In mormonism, it is either all true, or all false.

Moreover, the Journal of Discourse used to be considered Doctrine. But because it is full of controversial theology, now it is not? Why hasn't D&C 132 been removed from D&C if it is no longer considered Doctrine?

If mormon prophets are just people, then why do mormon's need them? How can they be trusted? Then what makes them prophets?
2010-10-11 07:57:44 UTC
whatever BY said that coincides with the official doctrine of the church......

but simply by nature of being said by a prophet does NOT automatically make it doctrine. prophets are men called of God to speak to His children for Him when He requires it......other than that they are still men with voices, and passions, and opinions, and thoughts....

the fact remains that we each have our free agency and that shifts the responsibility of 'having to be told' to study, ponder, and pray to know for yourself.

edit: revelation and doctrine are not always the same thing --- BY was the one told to move the LDS to Utah......that was revelation, but not really doctrine. and BY transported and established the saints in the west - all of which he did with the Lord's guidance.

he organized and led the migration from NE to UT - established SLC, directed religious, political, economic, cultural, and educational affairs, and economic self-sufficiency, encouraged local manufacture of goods, and established colonies throughout Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Idaho.

he was VERY influential in shaping the west. BY served the precise purpose he was asked to serve by the Lord....and he did it well.
2010-10-11 08:36:12 UTC
Mormons studied a book that featured the key teachings of Brigham Young just a few years back.

The trouble was, it lacked many doctrines that Brigham declared as "essential for salvation" and also included a quote that wasn't actually a quote from ol' Briggy. So unfortunately, Mormons are kept in the dark from their own propaganda. is one site that attempts to paint a more realistic picture of Brigham. A little digging reveals a man who was a racist, exploited women, used power over people in evil ways, approved of the Mountain Meadows massacre, taught false doctrine that even modern Mormons repudiate, and was just plain nuts on issues like him becoming president, men living on the moon, and of course, that Adam is our God. Nuts. But the Mormon propaganda machine has done it's best to redress him to make him something he never was; a prophet.
2010-10-11 07:18:18 UTC
They consider anything BY said that isn't controversial and brings negative attention to them (yet) as not doctrinal. They only know this after the negative exposure, though. They treat all their "prophets" this way, but still consider them to be divinely inspired--at the same time! Yep. Their god is the god of the wavering moment to them. Understandable. He's really just a man. Yep. Oops! There's that mistake yet again! Who wants to be the next LDS prophet?!! Anyone? Hello....?

There goes another brick off the temple parapet. Eventually it will crumble in light of God's Power and be left in ruins, just like every other man-made fantasy ritual religion. The time is coming. Heads up!
2010-10-11 11:21:57 UTC
Haha..hahaha.. The 2nd prophet of the LDS church and not one thing he taught can be mentioned as doctrine... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... You'd think the FLDS or RLDS would have a bigger following given those facts.
Temple Clothes
2010-10-11 08:08:16 UTC
And why did my ancestors go to their graves believing what he told them about Adam being God, God having sex with Mary, Blacks being cursed and fit only for slavery, etc?

His speeches were made from the pulpit, reprinted in church periodicals like today's Ensign.

Those who listened to him pondered, studied, and prayed about and got a prompting from the Holy Ghost that Young was a prophet and should be obeyed.

Just like today's Mormons do about their leaders.

The really sad thing about Young is how he is almost deified by Mormons. When one studies outside the approved history sources, one learns he was a horrible person.

He took credit for rescuing the Martin and Willy handcart trains. In fact, he was responsible for sending them out with grossly inadequate supplies, and he ignored the letter (we now have it, initialed in his office) that they absolutely must be met with supplies part way. They weren't met, and most died from his ineptitude.

When he died, he was one of the richest men in the West, and it took lawsuits to separate his estate from the church's because he always considered the church money to be his own. He built his businesses with, he fed his 55 wives and hundred children with it.

We'll never know if he was involved in Mountain Meadows, but there is no question that he extensively covered it up.

When unbiased historians of the West write about Mormonism, they paint a startlingly different picture of him than Mormons.
2010-10-11 06:41:06 UTC
"I don't care how you bring 'em, just bring 'em young."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.