Same as Moses. If it is in the Standard works, like Moses is, then this is standard doctrine. If not, then it is merely historic information and if it has no bearing on todays society, then there is no need to be concerned about it one way or the other.
In typing that it is worth mentioning that Brigham Young gets the twisted-out-of-context Anti-Mormon quote award. I don't think any of the Antis quote anyone that is LDS in a more wormtongue way then they do brother Brigham.
Start your engines, let the misrepresentations begin. Vrrrrooom vrroom vroom.
You do realize that there was a football quarterback who played as a professional who was the great great grandson of Brigham young?
Does Steve Young seem like a bad guy to you?
Anyone that can win the Super Bowl can't be that bad, right?
Brigham Young was a great man. Certainly one of the greatest men that ever lived. As such his words are very valuable.
When reading any book it is good to actually read the whole thing, rather than take little quotations out of context and spread them around.
You lost Prop. 8. That is no reason to carry a grudge to some ridiculous extreme.
The truth will prevail, and Brother Brigham will be vindicated, on judgment day. How about you, will you be able to say that your heart is pure before The Lord? Like Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Ishmael, and Brigham Young?
Who will go to Heaven? The Prophets who did as God directed them... or you?
Only repentance can assure anyone their right proper place in Heaven. Same for the Prophets as for you. And same for me too. Same for everybody. Without repentance none of us has a chance to go where we belong in Heaven. Simple as that.
That is what The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is all about. Always has been always will be.