Texas politics are extremely conservative and lean toward Republican, Southern Baptist ultra conservatism.
What they have done, regarding their choice in textbooks and curriculum, will have an effect on the rest of the nation as they are a major purchaser of school text which will influence the producers of the same in what they create and offer to the rest of the nation.
Although a good many Texans are educationally developmentally delayed ( the state recently ranked 43rd in the nation in academic achievement or the lack thereof), they are, individually rather nice persons who appear to wish to secede from the nation and hopefully they will be allowed to do so especially if they are to further retard their understanding of the founding of this nation as they seem intent to do the same in regards to the establishment of the state of Texas (dismissing the Tejanos and persons of Mexican descent who fought for the independence of the Republic of Tejas from Mexico along with Sam Houston, William Travis and James W. Fannin as well as mercenaries like Crockett and Bowie).
Texas state government is so poorly organized as to be very divisive and to limit the input of the citizens. Thankfully, most of the residents pay little or no attention to the government and simply do as they please.
ADD: I reside in New England at present.
Texas has balanced its budget by a long history of neglecting those of its citizens who are impoverished and in need, under funding it educational system, enslaving migrant workers, by inadequately funding the care of the disabled, etc., while subsidizing the oil industry, the cattle industry and making politicians rich and misleading the people into supporting legalized gambling that was supposed to even out funding for edication but has never given them a penny of the profit.
If Texas ever become an independent, sovereign state it will undoubtedly devolve into a Duval/Pharr county type of thing, where the dead vote repeatedly for the right candidates, and minorities can forget about even a pretense of justice, representation or respect.
It is ridiculous for any respondent to assume that is only the highway or his way.