Do you think Jesus's apostles just made up stories to make people belive he was God's son?
Phil Magroin
2007-01-26 11:28:58 UTC
I mean it was a long time ago when he lived. Do you think he might have just been a liberal preacher, and his followers believed in him so much that they made up stories to build his legacy? Or maybe he gave them some wormwood or something and they hallucinated into believing he was divine? I don't know, but these may be possible. Your thoughts please.
46 answers:
2007-01-26 11:35:02 UTC
Your propositions seem more likely than that he was the son of an omnipotent being and a virgin who sacrificed him to somehow provide for the souls of creatures he himself had designed and built, but who were running amok.
John B
2007-01-26 12:01:56 UTC
This is a common thought. It being so long ago can make it hard to believe, or dismiss. Do a search for "christian apologetics". Apologetics answer such in depth questions with historical, logical, scientific type answers.

Here's the thing to consider. It all revolves around did Jesus die on the cross and rise from the dead. If he did then he truly is the son of God. If not then the whole thing is a farse. The bible is a sound historical document. The proofs given for Jesus' resurection are citings of writings by people other than Christians saying that Jesus had risen from the dead and/or miracles. Many of these writings were by Jewish & Roman historians who would not have been a follower of Christ. Also a historian would not record something that was false or make something up since it would ruin his credibility as a historian.

Another thing to consider is the twelve apostles. Many were beheaded, stoned, and persecuted for Jesus. They knew they would be but yet after Jesus had died on the cross and was resurected they went ahead and proclaimed the Gospel. They gave up their lives, proffessions, families, and possesions to follow Christ and proclaim him as the Son of God. My question to you is would you leave your family, friends, and give up most of your possesions to follow someone saying that he/she is the Son of God and then Go around the world telling everyone about him and his story knowing you would suffer beheading, stoning, and imprisonment unless you had 100% proof that he really was who he said he was.

The Resurection is the proof to Jesus apostles/disciples that he was/is the Son of God.

There is much good information out there on this topic. Search with the goal of finding proofs and you will. Mainly Christian Apologetics will be what you will want to look into.
2007-01-26 12:33:28 UTC
Let's look at all the possibilities.

1) Jesus WAS divine. Well, there you are.

2) Jesus was NOT divine but the apostles didn't know. He thought he'd get farther by cultivating his image. Things began to spin out of control shortly before he died.

3) Jesus was NOT divine and the apostles knew it. Jesus was innocent but the apostles thought they could get more mileage out of him by making him God.

4) Jesus never existed. The "apostles" thought no one would listen to them unless they made up an ascended master to give their teachings some authority. (Wise, yet deceitful?)

There's no way to verify any of these. You can ask yourself what Jesus and/or the apostles might have gotten out of deceiving people (money, power, fame?), or reconsidered the value of the teachings, but ultimately you get to decide which version you like best. You can see that one or two choices would be more popular than others.
2007-01-26 11:46:57 UTC
If you read enough scripture, ancient,apocryphal,and new testament.I do not believe there is a imagination in the world, universal story, or mind of genius that can tie the whole thing together as it seems to do itself. I do not even believe this could be accomplished in such detail with generational, great minds and script communication. some of the things are so out of this world that even a human mind on the most modern hallucinogen could never begin to concieve alone to build up upon. I also believe that the plots, direction, , understandings, and indepthness of the interconnecting stories could not in that extent be concieved by the craziest or illest of minds, but in contrast the indepthness of the understanding, and complex typing,with esoteric conotations have drove many of minds crazy. Attemping to comprehend the mind of GOD
2007-01-26 11:55:14 UTC
First, the bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit. When you are reading the bible, except for the gospels, you are reading letters written to differant church's. You know, I have been following after God since 1966 and that question never came up. Let me say this, Once you have had a divine encounter, you will never doubt again. My wife & I have prayed for 100's of people and seen lives changed, blind eyes opened, wheel chairs emptied , sick people recover from so-called incurable diseases. Maybe you think I'm making all this up too. Oh,God make youself REAL to Phil. Thanks


Never let them see you sweat
2007-01-26 11:48:53 UTC
Jesus and his apostles wernt real flesh and blood people but are symbolic representations of our our calender year has twelve months or twelve zodiac helpers or twelve apostles.The story of christ is just the movements of the sun or son through the heavens or space.It has everything to do with astrotheology or astrology and nothing to do with a group of so called flesh and blood humanbeings here on earth.It is all about symbology and when you understand the symbology you start to see the bigger picture or the lie weve all been fed by these so called holy leaders(misleaders more like)
2016-12-16 23:00:30 UTC
For the present reads into Buddhism which in all fairness impartial in maximum concerns and in the beginning up seems to be non non secular, and extra of a philosophical nature. There are 2 variations as with Christ seeing that they're brothers in it a attempt until eventually Christ teaches us as quickly as extra, seeing that he and a super form of masters are with us as quickly as extra. Amen and Om Shantih. the guy Jesus states that we are all of the single Son of God so be pleased approximately that lots.
2007-01-26 12:28:50 UTC
As to the bible.I do not believe 90% of the old testaments story's made up over the men sitting around there campfires so as to make up good story's for the children.I do not believe that the Jews or chosen people, most all peoples think that their the chosen people.How can a chosen people do the horrible acts of violence they do against their neighbors?torturing children in jails.for example.1000s bombed to death. or shot..a country about destroyed.for a couple of men killed.I could write a book about why I don't think that their chosen .perhaps chosen by the Prince of the power for the air

I do however believe that Jesus Christ was from God,that he was the son of god, spiritually.not in body.he was a man. that he came for a certain Great spiritual reason.

I love God instinctively. since a small child.I KNOW theirs a God and a Spirit of God. I have seen way to many supernatural miracles to not believe.

If I told you of them you would probubly think I was halucinating as you sudjest.

I can lay my hand on people for severe pain and the pain emmediatly leaves them

this man a few months ago when I advised him to stop eating processed foods to help his arthritis said no way am I giving up my debby cakes, I said I quess God will have to heal you then. and touched his shoulder, his wife told me later that he could not raise his arm hardly at all. for years ,but that the pain had left him completly after I told him that.

so I do believe in the power of the spirit of God with true undoubting faith.

If I can have witnessed.true miracles now adays .then of course I beleive that miracles happened back then.

and if he was the son of God then thats fine. if he wasnt then he did a good job of being spiritual while he was here.

My grandfather told me when he was dieing , I hope I was right, and he was the most wonderful Christian man I have ever known.

we want know till we actually pass on. of course.

I want to be with my people when I die.I have studyed most all religions. and astroligy, palmistry, I ching. tarot cards etc etc. but I have found out the power and glory of the Holy Spirit of God is the most wonderful. the most powerful.The most real of all things.

when My grandmother Ballew was in the nurseing home ,she had cancer, my mother told me how she was reading to her and suddenly her eyes got bright,she smiled.and raised her arms and hands up. looking up. she cried out Jesus and passes on, I was into Eckankar a type of religion.for 23 years. but later I went back to Christianity

You should ask questions, make your own decisions.dont follow religion if you dont want to. follow the guidance of the Spirit of God.If you want whats real. have your own spiritual realizations, by asking of the spirit within you.listen for the answers that will come, and do Gods will, as Jesus said ,all that call on my fathers name will not be saved, only those that do my fathers will ,will make it to heaven.

I wish you the very best on your spiritual journey.

2007-01-26 11:43:25 UTC
All the books that Jesus apostles wrote were detailed accounts of what they went through as they followed Jesus all the way to the cross and to His resurection. Jesus is the Son of God. No what if's about it. Believe what you want. But you are trying to think like a mortal sinful human being.

The flesh we are right now will be going back to the dust from where it came. But your soul has a destination that you are privilaged to choose by way of whom you choose to follow as to where that soul will end up. Heaven or hell.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

So if you died today, Where would your soul go? There is time right here and now to make the righeous choice and accept Jesus as your personal Savior, You are not promised fiave minutes from now, let alone tomorrow. None of us are.
2007-01-26 11:39:06 UTC
No, they are not possible.

At the time the NT was written, AD 50-90, many if not most, of the witnesses to the events were still alive. Pilate was still govenor, the soldiers involved in the crucifixion, the witnesses to the miracles, they were all available to deny or refute the Gospels and Epistles.

What you are accusing the early church of doing is the very thing they opposed the most, lying about God.
2007-01-26 11:36:50 UTC
Lots of different writers in the new testament. They all tell the same story. They were all contemporaries of each other. They wrote for different audiences and from different points of view.

It would have been a heavy heavy burden to coordinate this as a myth. Also we have secular evidence to the existence of Jesus. Josephus possible and Pliny.

Jesus is quoted as saying that he is God and that he is the messiah. He believed it. And he was the fulfillment of prphesy from the psalms and Isaiah.
2007-01-26 11:38:12 UTC
No jesus was a real person and so the apostles' stories were real for the experienced everything first hand. The Jews do not belive that Jesus was the Messiah but they do believe he exisited as a real man. everyone is entitled to their own belief but always remember you can only ever plead ignorance once. what you do with the information is up to you.
2007-01-26 11:36:52 UTC
No. Most of his apostles/followers were killed for their belief. You don't die for a story you make up yourself.

The wormwood, I don't think so. You'll kind of know if you're being druged and won't believe your hallucinations. Even people who trip on LSD know when they're not high that the things they saw when high weren't real.
2007-01-26 11:40:55 UTC
I do not believe in God. I do believe in Jesus and his disciples. The "stories" are parables opened to interpretation and over generations become fact in the opinions of some people. The important thing here is not to get caught up in who is right or wrong. The important thing is human or god, Jesus' message has value.
2007-01-26 11:42:49 UTC
no i dont believe the apostles made up any stories to claim he was the son of god cause jesus was the son of god the bible was written by man but was inspired by god thru the holy ghost ok turning water into wine was very true ok. and feeding the 500 people with only two loaves of fish and bread was true all the stories in the biblw are true ok your own choice to believe them or not but jesus wouldnt lie and nor does he lie he is of truth and no lie is found in him ok.
2007-01-26 11:43:51 UTC

The Bible provides far too much supporting evidence and information to prove Jesus is the Son of God.

I understand that it was quite an age ago and we were not there but, please read the book carefully and cross reference the information in each case and there you will find proof.

Failing that, you will continue, as life permits, to have this same question.
2007-01-26 11:39:01 UTC
Look at Paul. He was a Pharasee. He was in the "in" crowd. He held the robes of those who stoned Stephen, the first martyr. He was on the way to Damascus when he saw a vision of Jesus telling him who he was. After that Paul was a minister to the gentiles.

Why would Paul give up everything, land in prison, get stoned, beaten, and eventually killed for nothing?

Makes no sense.

t a m i l
2007-01-26 11:36:49 UTC
That is why they were martyred for saying they saw Jesus Christ after He raised from the dead. And saw Him go up in the heavens and that He will return again like He left.

Obviously they believed what they saw. Not too many are willing to die for made up stories.

Also, Jesus told Peter he would be martyred for the gospel sake when he was old, and the John would wait... I believe to receive the Revelation. John wasn't martyred (murdered for faith), though he was persecuted, because Jesus had told his followers that they would be persecuted. That is what is part of what happens to all who convert to faith in Jesus Christ. And believing in ones heart in the resurrection is foundational.
2007-01-26 11:36:48 UTC
I hate the argument that Jesus was "just a good man" or "a great preacher" but not the son of God.

Jesus either existed as the son of God, and WAS the son of God.


He was a crazy loon who walked around pretending he was the son of God. And was SO crazy, he was willing to die for no reason.

There is no way he could be a good man AND claim he was here to save us from our sins.

Try again!
2007-01-26 11:42:18 UTC
Do you actually think a person would make up a main character that died for a certain reason and make up laws that they could not keep themselves and share this story with millions and millions do you honestly think a person would die for something they made up??
It's Me
2007-01-26 11:36:04 UTC
Anything is possible, and I could care less if that was the case. I think Jesus, or the IDEA of Jesus, led a life that anyone from any religion can admire and implement His example into their daily living.
2007-01-26 11:37:51 UTC
I do not think that they made up the stories but you must remember that the gospels were written decades after the incidents. Memory had a lot to do with what stories were told.
Devil in Details
2007-01-26 11:37:08 UTC
I think that it is quite possible that someone might invent stories so they could get a free meal and a mug of wine while they told the story. And maybe a few coins in the offering plate.
2007-01-26 11:38:01 UTC
No I do not think so at all his life and death were prophised long before his birth do you think they changed all that as well I believe the bible and Know Jesus speaks to me through it.
2007-01-26 11:38:33 UTC
Thousands of people who were not his disciples, including even those who were his enemies, witnessed many of his miracles. And that is just the few miracles mentioned in the Bible. Undoubtedly there were hundreds of others.

Bob L
2007-01-26 11:38:16 UTC
And so, considering that the Apostles were all martyred (except for John), you ask if they were willing to die for their own lies?

Hmm. These are my thoughts.

(What are YOU thinking? Would you give your life for a lie?)
Jason Bourne
2007-01-26 11:36:55 UTC
At the time there were many running around claiming miracles, bieng the son of god, virgin births, resurection etc.
2007-01-26 11:37:02 UTC
Seeing that the stories were written long after he supposedly lived, I doubt he was real at all.
2007-01-26 11:36:04 UTC
Your just as those demons who would not believe in the human being. christ is the human being and though he was just there and you have talked about still you would not believe he has devine authority to do what no one else knows what makes him devine. Your one of those reasons Christ hates you to death.
2007-01-26 11:35:51 UTC

And there didnt used to be hundreds of thousands of them, it started with 12. This makes it highly possible that it is all nonsense that has snowballed through the years.
2007-01-26 11:34:40 UTC
That is exactly what happened. Well except for the wormwood, but who knows...
2007-01-26 11:34:38 UTC
Actually I have thought the same thing.Good Question!
2007-01-26 11:34:22 UTC
Yep. The stories are made for people to believe he was the son of God!
2007-01-26 11:36:50 UTC

But that makes too much sense.


and I agree with Soon2BMom...Jesus was a crazy loon.
2007-01-26 11:34:33 UTC
No, you would have to ask yourself why did they die horrible deaths for the sake of a made up story,it would be illogical.
2007-01-26 11:34:36 UTC
A man that can change water into wine can't be all that bad.
2007-01-26 11:35:43 UTC
So many false prophets are out there; Jesus is just one of the few who was believed by enough people.
2007-01-26 11:35:39 UTC
You sound like a Christianophobe.
2007-01-26 11:35:22 UTC
Obviously much is fabricated. If the apostles lied or if their words were changed later is not known.
2007-01-26 11:39:51 UTC
majority wins, yes
Screamin' Banshee
2007-01-26 11:35:46 UTC
Yes.. they were bored coz there was no TV back then.
Stormilutionist Chasealogist
2007-01-26 11:37:10 UTC
Yes I do.
2007-01-26 11:36:59 UTC
I beleive in him
2007-01-26 11:35:53 UTC
i believe that god is the easter bunny, santa clause, and the tooth fairy
♥ Jasmine ♥
2007-01-26 11:36:22 UTC
Fish <><
2007-01-26 11:33:55 UTC
All 10,000 of them. I think not.

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