Greetings banjaran!
Rather, I should greet you with Hari Aum. Aum chanting or Omkar chanting is a potent tonic which increases the efficiency of the human organism in a profound manner. The repetiton of Aum leads to excellent mental and physical health, has positive effect for cardio vascular health lowering blood pressure and increasing efficiency of all the cells and organs in the body. In essence Omkar relaxes and rejuvinates the mind increasing concentration and memory therefore the ability to learn. Omkar should be prescribed as a corner stone in any yoga therapy program due to it's outstanding healing benefits. Aum is a universal mantra fit for all people and one not need the initiation of a master or guru to reap it's endless benefits. It must be understood that Aum is the underlying current permeating the universe, is prior to the gunas, the senses, the material world thus the mind and religious affiliation.
When chanting Aum, the first pronounciation of "A" creates vibrations, which affect the spinal cord increasing it's efficiency. The second pronounciation of "U" creates vibrations in the throat and affects the thyroid glands. The last pronounciation of "M" brings vibrations to the brain centers, as a result of which, the efficiency of the brain increases. Thus when the efficiency of the brain increases so does ones outlook on life, alleviating depression, bringing an increased level of concentration, increased memory and decreased fatique. Also, audible focused Omkar chanting increases oxygen uptake which has a positive effect on health. Chant Aum peacefully in a relaxed focused manner keeping attention on the vibration created.
Aum chanting is also a meditation practice when focuses the mind on the in breath and the correct pronounciation of AUM. When practicing Om chanting one should focus on the Aum symbol and the significance of Aum. Aum can be chanted audibly, whispered or repeated internally with focus breath, symbol, meaning or body awareness. One method of Aum chanting is to inhale fully (relaxed) prounounce A (ah) for 3 seconds, U (ooh as in room)for 5 seconds M for 6 seconds. The M should be pronounced longer then A and U. A second method of is to repeat Aum 5 times whispering and 10 times internally. This sequence should be repeated for a minimum of 15 minutes. For maximum benefit Aum should be chanted for two 30 min sessions twice daily. When chanting Aum it should never be forced and one should relax with every Aum remaining focused on the vibration created by the mantra. Early morning recitation will create an attitude of relaxation while increasing pranic energy for the day. Evening chanting will induce mental calm, physical relaxation and act as a sleep tonic. So, in closing Aum is a healing mantra which while rejuvinate the entire human organism and if chanted earnestly will bring profound awakening. I hope this presentation has been helpful!
Hari Aum Tat Sat