Muslims and Islam?
2007-09-13 14:51:37 UTC
I’m wondering why Muslims full of so much hatred against non Muslims especially Jews why do Muslims treat women like dirt and degrade them women are not objects there human beings just like men (I’m not saying Christians never use to do it but **** its still going on in 2007) also I don’t understand Jihad doesn’t Jihad mean to take up arms when threatened or in defense so why are Muslims waging jihad against innocent non Muslims and other Muslims who don’t agree with them Is it because you feel threatened by other religions also in the middle east over there killing innocent people, beheading people (we are not in the middle ages we don’t behead a person because don’t believe what you believe this is 2007 stop being so barbaric )and doing suicide bombings on people who don’t believe in your ways also why do most Muslims want to see America, Europe and any other places what isn’t dominated by Muslims fall. Why can’t Muslims live in peace with other religions like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism?
Im not trying to say christians are all good there just as bad as muslims they masscared the native americans and tried to convert them to there religion but that was a couple of hundred years ago 2007 you dont see them beheading people running out with bombs strapped to their chest.
Seventeen answers:
2007-09-17 12:16:42 UTC
why is your question full of ignorance? because you have been brainwashed to think this by the politicians and media. WHY ARE AMERICANS FULL OF HATRED, EVEN B4 9/11. your right chrsitians no longer behead, and they dont strap bombs to their chest, instead they drop bombs from 50000 feet, they fire missiles from the sea, they shot children with m16s.
2007-09-13 15:14:09 UTC
I’m wondering why Muslims full of so much hatred against non Muslims especially Jews -

maybe because Jews are accursed and Jesus accused them as killers of the prophets.

why do Muslims treat women like dirt and degrade them women are not objects there human beings just like men it is not -

Yes maybe many Muslims maltreat women just like many Christians maltreat and even worst their women. The religion of Christianity does have so many degrading teachings about women but none in Al Islam but those who follows both have the "free will" no wonders in both world so much maltreatments are common though of varying degrees and natures.

I don’t understand Jihad doesn’t Jihad mean to take up arms when threatened or in defense so why are Muslims waging jihad against innocent non Muslims and other Muslims who don’t agree with them Is it because you feel threatened by other religions also in the middle east over there killing innocent people, beheading people (we are not in the middle ages we don’t behead a person because don’t believe what you believe this is 2007 stop being so barbaric )and doing suicide bombings on people who don’t believe in your ways also why do most Muslims want to see America, Europe and any other places what isn’t dominated by Muslims fall. Why can’t Muslims live in peace with other religions like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism?

Im not trying to say christians are all good there just as bad as muslims they masscared the native americans and tried to convert them to there religion but that was a couple of hundred years ago 2007 you dont see them beheading people running out with bombs strapped to their chest.

You may have ably answered your own questions that those who claims to be Christians are not as good as those who claims to be Muslims. And it does not matter what year or what century.

An industrialist and merchant should have suggested that Muslim should buy first modern weaponry from the war munition factories of the Christian West and "dog fight it out" with brand new "F16", "B1", "M1 tanks", "tomahawks" "M16 armalites" instead of being desperate using their bodies so media may not be biased in their news reports.
2007-09-13 15:20:21 UTC
Well, I have to say that I don't like it, but it's completely normal for a westerner to feel this way, especially these days. Most westerners know nothing about Muslims except what they see on t.v., and because of this, people believe we are intolerant, treat women as 2nd class citizens, hate anything regarding freedom, and regularly blow people up or want to force Islam on the world. That's Hollywood for you my friend. T.V. and movies aren't in it for education and uniting people, they're in it for whatever makes the best buck. Nothing makes a better buck than playing on people's fear of a foreign culture or religion that they don't understand, and that's exactly what they do.

Granted there are quite a few bad people out there who claim to be Muslims, but they're also the only ones who are noted as Muslim bad guys or Islamic extremists. Doesn't matter how political or completely non-religious their actions or fights are for, the point is that they're Muslim and the world should know it (according to the media and Evangelists). It's a very hypocritical, yet very common way of demonizing Muslims. For example, how many people knew Hitler regularly used the Bible in defense of his actions? Of course back then they'd know from his speeches, but how many people in 2007 know? People don't look to the religion of the terrorist unless he is Muslim.

So you ask, why can't Muslims live in peace with Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists? Truth is we can! And we do! Take a look around you. You might not know any Muslims by name or in person, but I can almost guarantee that you have a small Muslim community in your own city. But they're never on the news unless the media wants their opinion on the war, right? Most of my family is Christian, and a few Jews sprinkled in. My husband and I just recently became good friends with a Hindu couple, he met the wife at work and since we've been to dinner, lunch, movies and tea. I used to work with a Buddhist and every day at lunch we used to talk about our own religions and spirituality as well as many others. Those were some of the most intellectual conversations I've ever had. Point is we don't hate everyone who's not Muslim, we don't hate Jews, we don't care what religion the rest of the world follows, we don't want to dominate anybody, we don't support terrorism, and we're not evil people.

Just a suggestion, but try meeting Muslims and learn about them from firsthand experience. You'll quickly find out just how outlandish the things that you've been told about them. Get to know a few of them so you realize how diverse even we are on certain topics and issues. Nothing beats ignorance but knowledge.

Good luck!
i <3 pink
2007-09-13 15:12:06 UTC
You are not fully understanding Islam.

What do you mean that "women are deregraded and treated like dirt"? A woman receives more respect in Islam than men, according to the Koran. A woman's scarf does not equal oppression, it equals freedom. Do you even know why women wear scarves or clothes that they wear? It is simply for modesty, not because they are forced too. Still today, not all Muslim women dress this way, but they can make their own decisions, and they are obviously not being very religious.

Also, Muslims who do sucide bombings / act like terrorists are NOT true Muslims. In the Koran, war is NOT permitted for no reason! Do you know what "Islam" means? It means PEACE.

Jihad in the Koran means to wage war against those who threaten their lives because of their religion. Jihad does NOT mean war, it means INNER STRUGGLE. For example, Jihad for Muslims in the USA could be finding time in their busy US lifestyles to pray 5 times a day. Who are Muslims waving jihad against? It is because the US is there trying to change their land, and the military needs to act against the US. I agree, that there is turmoil in the middle east, and of course, the US feels the need to do something about it. This seems to be more of a governmental problem than a religious one. Muslims do not seem threatened by non-Muslim nations, they just don't want to be told what to do by a bigger country. (This is not just a problem with Muslim counties.) Again, more of a governmental problem. Muslims do not feel threated by other religions. Why should they? They're the 2nd greatest religion in the world. Re-check your knowledge of Jihad.

In conclusion, only few people today are actually following or understanding Islam, unfortunately. A Muslim lives peacefully and modestly. Why else do you think there would be over 1.5 BILLION of them today? Seek the correct information about Islam, and do not believe everything you hear.
2007-09-13 15:20:03 UTC
Why are you not doing more to stop the criminals in YOUR society. How come crime continues on in your society and you go on eating and sleeping as if it is no concern of yours?

LOL... my point is not to put YOU on the defensive as you are doing to all Muslims, holding them all responsible for what some among them are doing. There are one and a half billion Muslims but only a very small fraction of them are terrorists. Most of them come from regions which are heavily abused by invasions, taking of property without compensation, murders, killings and many levels of unprovoked abuse. Some people who are abused become insane. Many Muslims in other parts of the World relate to the abused ones in say Palestine or Iraq or Algeria or Egypt.

Palestinians did not go to Europe to dispossess the homes of the Jewish folks there. European Jews came and took Palestinian homes because of Hitler or conditions created by the Christians who unjustly held Jewish folks responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, which an average Jew did not do. Jews were not allowed to live as human beings and pushed out in the name of the final solution.

Should someone take your home, killed your brothers and burnt your barn, and the reason they gave you was they were abused by someone else, what would YOUR reaction be?

Terrorists are insane people who have lost a nut or two due to the violence against them.

So, stop blaming the victim and try to see why terrorism did not occur one hundred years ago. Ask yourself why did IRA or Irish Republican Army was bombing the civilians in London when they were just as Catholic as Mother Teressa.

If you abuse people, some among them take the arbitrary and generic path of abusing others from the abuser group, without looking at individual responsibility. People who teach terrorism misconstrue the laws of Islam and distort them for political gain or to fulfill their distorted way of looking at justice.

Certain Muslims are being abused until they yield terrorists, with the intention to subdue them. There is always more than one way of looking at things.

Why is it okay to drop a bomb from the plane if the pilot goes back to base and has coffee after leaving many civilians in death throes and writhing in pain and suffering in a building but the same would be terrorism if a person brought that same bomb to that building and blew himself with it?

Think and you will see a more sinister pattern in all this. If it was not so serious, it would be amusing to watch the abusers take on moralistically superior positions instead of trying to see the REAL reasons of why people are turning to terrorism, which they did not do. Fools who buy into the reasons as "they are jealous of our freedoms" do not ask why they are not committing terrorism against Sweden which is much more free or Canada, which is not that different from the United States.

Be fair and you will get amazing insight. Be like a kid, then you would want to take the other kids toy thinking it is yours. Thinking so does not make it so.
2016-04-04 23:23:36 UTC
I am Christian, and I do not hate Muslims, nor do I think Muslims are evil incarnate as some people do. I do believe the doctrine of Islam in the Q'uran to be wrong, just as Muslims believe the doctrine of Jesus Christ according to the Bible is wrong. Personally I would love it if all who would kill in their ignorance to "appease" God, were all taken to an Island where they could fight it out between themselves. I do not agree that knowing about Islam is only in the purview of a Muslim. It is no different to say a woman can not truly know a man because she is not one. The reality is that Christianity and Islam are intertwined because of their origin from Judaism, and as believers in God, we are all ridiculed...Jews, Christians and Muslims. Those of us who desire peace are blessed by God, and I honestly believe we all desire to be what God has planned for us, and to live as God would have us do. The issue between us is that by our beliefs, the God we worship cannot be the "same" God. Muslims do not believe Jesus Christ is God. Jews do not believe Jesus is the Messiah. Christians do. Christians also believe that God is the Trinity, the Godhead, where the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One. Not different beings, not different personalities, but One God Who is beyond our ability to fully comprehend. Islam does not believe in the Trinity. These very fundamental issues separate us, and because God cannot act against His nature, either we worship the One True God, or we do not. But if we are truly desiring to know God, then the nature of God which is Love can bridge many gaps that are otherwise impossible to cover. I pray that Jew, Muslim and Christian could realize this and stop killing as if it were something that God wants or needs from us, because it is not. Instead, perhaps we could learn from one another the things we may lack in ourselves that would bring us closer to God. We each believe we are right, but it is our responsibility as believers of God, to study and seek God in order to "know" His Truth, by His leading and by the wisdom and knowledge He gives to those who seek Him in sincerity. We can't do this if we are continuously attacking each other. God loves all of us, and wants none to perish. Love is what we are called to do...Love God and Love our neighbor as ourself. Take Care and God Bless!
2007-09-13 15:09:59 UTC
this answer is actually for the poeple who read this questrion about the guy that says God does evil things in the Bible.

Hey ********, God gave life, so therefore He, and He alone has the right to take it away. He gave us a gift and can take it if it is His will.... don't dare to question His authority and power

and to answer your question, there are false religions and prophets out there who were guided into this evil by possibly demons. for example, the man who created the mormon faith, said he was visited by a spirit, this could be an evil spirit whereing sheeps clothing. test spirits if you run into one. see if they are followers of the Lord in Heaven.
2007-09-13 14:58:19 UTC
I'm a Muslim and i don't do that as you can see Mr ,not every body calls him self a rapper means he is a rapper

yes rap what are we talking about???

yes not every body calls him self a Muslim means he is

don't judge Muslims by what you hear from others or the media

at least ask to the both sides like they do in court

aren't they?
2007-09-13 15:40:51 UTC
Too many questions all run together. First off Muslims don't hate Jews. Muslims hate Zionists(Israel). Zionists stole Palestine and are killing innocent Muslim in Palestine and Lebanon. They are using humans as shields and raping Muslim women and then killing them. They stole the Golan Heights from Syria.

Second women are equal to man in Islam. Women have the right to inheritance, right to an education, right to work if they want, right to vote, right to choose their own husband, right to a dowry, right to keep any money they earn, right to a divorce, right to ask for protection from a man on the street so they aren't molested, right to sexual satisfaction, right to a child's 2/3 love, don't have to pray or fast on their period, etc. Men have rights appropriate to their gender and women have rights appropriate to their gender. Men and women will never be equal in physical strength or in some aspects of life which is why ALLAH(SWT) sent down the law that says that Muslim women and girls can not go outside alone without a mahram. Otherwise they could get raped, abducted or killed. Women are more likely to fall into temptation then a man and the women need to be protected from the world and themselves. Before Muhammad(PBUH*) women were beaten daily, sold like chattle, buried alive as infants, not given any rights because of their gender. Even today Judaism and Christianity don't give women rights because they are women. Islam gave women the right to vote and all her other rights over 1400 years ago. Suicide bombings and terrorism are against Islam and are done by uneducated people. They are huge sins in Islam. Shraiah Law is not barbaric if implied effectly and correctly. ALLAH(SWT) sent down Shariah Law to mankind in the Qur'an to keep order. If the USA implemented Shariah Law then women wouldn't be raped, people wouldn't be killed, there were would be no theives, no homosexuals, no abortion except in the case to save the mother's life and life in the USA would be much safer. People wouldn't be afraid of getting shot by stepping outside. Take Saudi Arabia who has Shariah Law. We kill kidnappers, pedophiles, rapists, and killers. We chop off a theif's hand or foot in public on the third offense. Men and women who commit adultery are stoned to death. This causes fear in the evildoers and makes society a lot safer. Saudi Arabia is one of the safest countries in the world with no to little crime. It is because of Shariah Law that you don't have to be afraid to walk outside or get your money stolen in Saudi Arabia. You can walk around with your pockets stuffed full of money knowing that if no one is going to try to kill you for your money or rob you. Jihad does not mean "Holy war". War can never be holy. Jihad is Arabic for "Struggle" WITHIN ONESELF. Holy War in Arabic is Harb Muqaddasah. Terrorists are not Muslims. The Palestine people, and Lebanese are not terrorists. They are trying to protect their countries from the false occupation by the Zionists of Israel. They don't have weapons and they don't have any way to protect themselves from getting bombed by the Zionists or their mothers, daughters, wives and sisters being raped and killed by the Zionists.
2007-09-13 15:34:17 UTC
not very many good answers for the trash going on in the world lately is there? Religion is what happens when men make up rules about what they think God is [putting God in a box] and then parade it around as their truth. It reveals their desire for attention more so than an actual relationship with God and the truth. And yes there are even men that have paraded Christianity around in a manner which is contradictory to the Bible just as there are with all religions. Some are diligent and truly believe what they say. There is a way which seems right to men but in the end is death. its because of our limited comprehension. men have battled with it since the beginning of time. It mostly reveals the inner (sinful or imperfect) nature of men and their need for Jesus (to be forgiven [to repent or change our ways] and to forgive our brothers [when they repent and before they do so we can give it to God but not make our selves vulnerable to further being sined against] as we are to receive forgiveness).

Ok to wolfmuslim I suggest if you make claims the zionists are raping and killing women you give some examples because I have almost never heard of this happening. Such a claim need very strong evidence. So far I have not seen such. The other question is can you prove your people are not killing others in a much larger ratio compared to these Zionists. or what is the ratio of those killed compared to what is going on in Gaza for example. Other wise I may just be hearing opinions and stories told from ear to ear to inflame people against another they don't like so that they may see them killed which is just as bad.

Also about Jihad being an inner struggle. That is the half truth. There are the literalistic Muslims who take Islam's Jihad in the literal manner as physical war against unbelievers and the past has also shown this to be true. As in the later part of Muhammad's life he physically battled and slaughtered many people. Those are who we are seeing on news.

Also people in India often have the tradition of walking with another woman for her protection. I am not sure it is required or demanded. In America we have laws with consequences to prevent this from happening. It does reduce such occurences from happening while allowing the woman to choose if she wants that. although there are those who would choose to violate those laws often get caught and pay the penalty. If you did not have people in your region who would rape women I would suspect there would not be the need for men to walk with them so I suspect you have the same problem over there as we have over here with some men. Its just a different way of enforcing the same law. If that is so then if they could walk up to any man and ask for protection would they want to walk up to just any man and ask protection? I doubt it as there are some that should not be trusted with such responsibility. And you can never always have that protection available.

Honestly it comes down to the fact that you can have as violent as laws as you want and inflict as much death and pain on people in hopes of scaring people into obeying the law but statistics proves other wise. Instead what is does is criminalize the govt. Turns them into killers them selves. Jesus contradicted the eye for an eye. He taught to pray for your enemies and show them love. Not necessarily to make your self vulnerable to them but people in prisons get visited by Christians. These prisoners are people who need good friends and good guidance not exposure to more barbarism which is what that is. That is how they became who they are most likely.

The argument that well look at America they drop bombs from 50,000 feet. Well we have laws in place that is to prevent them from doing that to innocent people and only to people who are them selves out to kill, steal, and destroy innocence them selves. Yes there are people in our govt who are willing to do the wrong thing. I don't dispute that but that does not mean everyone does. Infact I think not many would and that most of our military are good people. However there are people in Islam who also do wrong things other wise you wouldn't need such violent laws to force you will on them. Honestly all this is an example about the sinful nature of human kind and its need for Jesus to change their heart and experience his love. Love is what changes people not force, fear, and hatred.
2007-09-13 14:56:49 UTC
okay.. first of all you have understand NOT ALL muslims are like that...

if they treat the women like dirt then they aint following islam. like they beheaded sadam cuz thats just a diff place its just a diff time.. i cant really explain it but yea..
2007-09-13 15:00:18 UTC
You are a reasonable, thinking, civilized person.

The enemy is completely the opposite.

They are nothing new. They've been around since long before you and I were born.

They're message to you and me is "Convert or Die"

-It's either them or us.
2007-09-13 14:59:32 UTC
Primitive man needs violence to define him/herself.

Sad fact of life, that's why.
2007-09-13 14:55:53 UTC
read the quran youll understand
2007-09-13 15:08:52 UTC
I agree - just look at the Quran:


*{O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is [one] of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.}* (Al-Ma’idah 5:51)

*{Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe [to be] the Jews and the idolaters. And thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe [to be] those who say: Lo! We are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud.}* (Al-Ma’idah 5:82)

*{Say: O People of the Book! come to an equitable proposition between us and you that we shall not serve any but Allah and (that) we shall not associate aught with Him, and (that) some of us shall not take others for lords besides Allah; but if they turn back, then say: Bear witness that we are Muslims.}*


Most people in hell are women:

… "Then I saw the (Hell) Fire, and I have never before, seen such a horrible sight as that, and I saw that the majority of its dwellers were women." The people asked, "O Allah’s Apostle! What is the reason for that?" He replied, "Because of their ungratefulness." It was said. "Do they disbelieve in Allah (are they ungrateful to Allah)?" He replied, "They are not thankful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors done to them. Even if you do good to one of them all your life, when she seems some harshness from you, she will say, ‘I have never seen any good from you.’" (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 125)

In a variant in the two Sahih collections, "A woman is like a rib. If you straighten it, you break it. If you wish to benefit from her, you can benefit from her in spite of her crookedness."

279. Iyas ibn 'Abdullah ibn Abi Dhubab reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not beat the female slaves of Allah." Then 'Umar came to the Prophet and said, "The women have become bold towards their husbands," AND SO HE MADE AN ALLOWANCE TO BEAT THEM. Then many women surrounded the family of the Messenger of Allah to complain about their husbands. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The people of the household of Muhammad have surrounded by many women who are complaining about their husbands. Those men are not among the best of you."

Whenever the man commands sex, the women must have sex with him:

284. Abu 'Ali Talq ibn 'Ali reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "When a man calls his wife to attend to his need, she should come to him, even if she is at the oven." [at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i]

288. Usama ibn Zayd reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "I have not left after me any temptation more harmful to men than women." [Agreed upon] (35. Chapter: "On the rights of a husband from his wife"; online source)

"Treat your women well. THEY ARE CAPTIVES IN YOUR POSSESSION. You have no rights over them except that [i.e. physical enjoyment and that they protect their husband's interest in respect of themselves and his property]. If they act licentiously in an open way, then leave them alone in their beds AND BEAT THEM but not severely. If they obey you, you have no way against them. You have rights over your women and your women have rights over you. Your right over them is that they do not allow into your bed those you dislike and do not permit those you dislike to enter your house. Their right over you is that you are good to them in respect of their clothes and food." [at-Tirmidhi]

He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301)
2007-09-13 14:54:49 UTC
I think the real question here should be: why are you so ignorant?
2007-09-13 14:54:05 UTC
Christians are worst


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.