Love is never recieving always giving - Jesus gave He did not ask. True or False?
2006-09-04 06:42:15 UTC
Jesus gave His life, " This is love - one that gives his life for his friends". To experience love we must give love. Love can never be recieved before it was not given.
40 answers:
2006-09-04 06:43:48 UTC
False, cos jesus didnt/doesnt exist
2006-09-04 06:54:32 UTC
Love is not simply a fuzzy feeling. We confuse love with things. I love my car. Or in the new way of today's world, love is a many splendored thing, whatever you want it to be. Whatever feels good, do it.

Love involves an action. It involves sacrifice.

God gave His only son. This is true love. He gave his best.

Next question:

Jesus asked the woman at the well for a drink.

He asked for all of us to come to Him and believe in Him.

He asked many things of His father, for knowledge and wisdom and for the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is a perfect example of who we must strive to be, yes. But for us humans, love must run in both directions, giving as well as taking, always in balance. Love from a distance on the wrong end of a stick will most likely not survive.
2006-09-04 06:47:02 UTC
to be loved you must give love, if your lucky and you receive love before giving love then that's great. Jesus yes he gave his life but he didn't really have much choice did he? He couldn't turn around and say sorry I have changed my mind could he? It doesn't matter how love starts all that matters is if you experience in some healthy way. Children/babies are mostly born into love aren't they so your theory is quite wrong.
2006-09-06 00:20:04 UTC
It works in both directions, as it must. Love can be received before it is given and given before it is received, however this seems to put some limitations on it.

OK I really never do this because it is often incorrect, misinterpreted, altered at the source, lost in translation, or misunderstood, to quote any of the ancient texts ( particularly the quotes modern Christians do). But St. Francis seem to be a good authority on this, he said "it is in giving that we receive" I believe this and seems to hold true for most who practice it.

We believe it works in all directions, but the easiest way to experience it is to give it.
Chris D
2006-09-04 06:48:35 UTC
True and False...Who really knows what he did?? We can only go by faith alone. There has never been strong evidence towards or against Jesus Actions - the bible isnt enough to go on. In that case, simply reading the LLiad by Homer is enough to say TROY actually exist. I like to think and Believe maybe Jesus was Philanthropist.
2006-09-04 06:52:45 UTC
Sometimes to receive love you need more grace that to give it.

Yes, Lord gave his only begotten Son as a token of His Love toward people. But people ought to be able to recieve His Love on the first place.

Probably as a pastor, you are used to share Lord's love with people (giving side) but who knows how hard it might be for you to recieve His love from people (receiving one).
2006-09-04 06:56:30 UTC
Love is a relationship, which involves giving AND recieving. God will love us whatever happens, but the only way to truly experience that love is to give back too.
2006-09-04 06:48:13 UTC
Yes this is True Jesus did say to sell what ever you have give it to the poor take up your cross and follow me now to do this takes a Great love for our Lord Love yes it is giving
2006-09-04 06:56:53 UTC
Yes, some believe that we are to give to others to the point of having no boundaries and being co-dependent. That's many folk's idea of "Christian charity." BS! Churches make fools and suckers out of many, especially women, in Jesus' name. If you preach to people to give all the time, they will never come to know who they really are, because there will be no self to hold on to. You are brain washing them to depend on "God" ( ?) and the church instead of themselves; you are providing a magic answer for their ills. Well there is no magic answer. Just do the best you can, be kind to others, but be good and true to yourself first. And keep religion out of the equation!
Contemplative Chanteuse IDK TIRH
2006-09-04 06:49:17 UTC
False. He asked for obedience (if you love Me, keep My commandments), for water from the woman at the well, for the lunch of a small boy (that became a lunch big enough to feed a multitude), for His three closest friends to watch and pray with Him in the garden.

He asks that we lose our lives to find it. He asks for what seems like much to us at times (like trusting Him when we don't understand how what He says will work in our lives). But what He gives us in return makes our contribution seem small.

Love is a relationship. It's giving and receiving. He does give first, and asks us to give - "freely you have been given, freely give."
2006-09-04 07:04:40 UTC
Love is generousity . Really more specific, Love is simply putting others before you. Your welfare becomes secondary to others. Thats what God did for us when He sent his Only Begotten to die for the sins of the whole world.Love is the true sign of the Christian. You cannot say Christ is your Lord if you do not love your fellow man, regardless of what he has done. Hatred is the true sign of the unbeliever. Satan is the father of hatred and those who hate are his children.
Faith walker
2006-09-04 07:20:20 UTC
False, Jesus told us to love our enemies as ourselves. To do so we must first love ourselves. Jesus gave His life for the world, because He loved the world , long before we were born. Jesus told us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul,and love our neighbor as ourselves. He wants our love.

As ourselves, as ourselves? Don't we love ourselves,so then we can love others? We experience love for self,before we give love to others.

We can not give what we can not keep,to gain what we can not lose.
2006-09-04 07:00:45 UTC
Oh, there are requirements. Read 1st Corinthians, Chapter 13. The Love chapter. Or 1st John.

Regardless you must take up your cross daily.
2006-09-04 06:45:00 UTC
Mostly true. Jesus did ask once in a while though. He ask a simply to believe in Him and He would offer eternal life. He ask us to love each other. These were also gifts to us though.
2006-09-04 07:08:33 UTC
True/False -When you give love someone is receiving your very love. So love is two way not one way. Jesus gave love and was also loved, he received it. Thank you
Ms. Ladeshug
2006-09-04 06:56:39 UTC
The only thing that Jesus asks is that we give our lives to him and live according to his example. He followed the direction of His Father and we should do the same. Something that the world has forgotten****LOVE!!!!
2006-09-04 06:49:33 UTC
I agree. The story of Mary Magdalene anointing our Lord's feet was one of the greatest acts of love our Lord received from any person. Of course, we should also be aware why she did it. She knew of the Mercy our Lord had for sinners. This moved her heart to repent and thank our Lord in a gesture that returned the merciful love our Lord exuded. This type of love is one of the most profound.
2006-09-04 06:45:02 UTC
Perhaps it's not a "before-after" act, or a "win-lose" as the question implies. Maybe true love is simultaneous and not an act of sacrifice like Christianity seems to require.
2006-09-04 06:57:45 UTC
To receive in love is love. I will not reject anyone who wishes to love me first. The Bible says that Christ loved us first. I must receive that love and be saved before I can love him back. To say that I must first love before being loved is arrogance---that puts me above all others. God loved us first before the foundation of the world. He created us from his love so that we could love him back. The Creation account show us that he loved us first because he created us last, making sure that we would have everything that we needed to survive and prosper from the moment that he created us. Without his constant love, we could not survive. Without his love, mercy and grace we could not have salvation
2006-09-04 06:58:16 UTC

In fact God wanted us still wants us to love Him.Although, we do not do,God(The Father) sends us His only begotten Son,Jesus Christ.He died for us and gave us eternal life.What makes Him different from human beings selfish nature is that His Endless unbounded Love to us.
2006-09-04 06:48:43 UTC
Jesus is love and thaught love by example but Giving his life was his destiny.
2016-09-30 12:08:35 UTC
relies upon. It has to do with what the guy believes is happiness. JC became talking approximately non secular happiness with (His) GOD. Happiness does not inevitably could do with that nor wealth nor different aspects considering that's what the guy needs. For me, the line to happiness became achieved with relatives, a roof over our heads (paid for) a backyard and good wellbeing. for somebody else that's something completely distinctive.
I speak Truth
2006-09-04 06:46:14 UTC
Yes that is why we are asked to go out and preach about God's kingdom to give of ourselves in love for ourfellow humans to help them get close to God
2006-09-04 06:57:55 UTC
No, love can be recieved from others and from God even before we love anyone, Often it is when we don't love anyone and don't believe that anyone loves us, that God comes into our life and shows us that he loves us.
2006-09-04 06:47:08 UTC
False. The Jesus story is that Jesus gave his life but the sacrifice isn't for his friends during his lifetime but has to cover all people for all time.

Jesus demands, in return, that he be loved , worshipped and revered as a god by everyone. It seems that it is required to kill everyone who doesn't believe in worshipping him, and to compel people to go out and convert others to believe in him. To say nothing of giving money to the priests of his religion. You do this, or he condemns anyone who refuses to do this to everlasting torture in hell.

I don't particularly care for vindictiveness, guiltmongering, and people who create false obligations for others to fulfill.
2006-09-04 07:02:53 UTC
"You believe in God, believe also in me." Said by Jesus Christ. Yes, Christ gave every thing he has, he died by carrying all our sins on the cross, He paid the penalty of sin and we are healed by His wounds. He, however, asked us to believe in Him as the Son of God who came to the world to redeem what has been lost, and to give life and to give it more abundantly. If you don't believe in Christ, you cannot receive from Him any thing. The only thing Christ asked from us human is to believe that God who is manifested fully in Him is doing His work. He requested that we believe Him. This is the only thing Jesus asked from us human. Those who crucified Christ never received any thing from Him. And those who don't believe in Christ, do not inherit any thing but everlasting damnation.
2006-09-04 06:45:35 UTC

did you know there is more evidence that Jesus did exist that that George Washington existed? That's pretty funny..... or sad for all the people who think he's fake
2006-09-04 06:48:08 UTC
False. Jesus is a mythological character.
2006-09-07 02:22:46 UTC
Remember to avoid the murdering Romans, he ran away to India with his mom, so he didn't die on the cross.
2006-09-04 06:45:21 UTC
Jesus didn't give his Life other peopLe took it from him.
gav b
2006-09-04 06:46:36 UTC
there are children who recieve love before they can give it . otherwise how would they no what they were expressing.

jesus asked for forgivness from god for his executioners

"forgive them father....they know not what they do"
2006-09-04 06:48:17 UTC
true, it is the trueest thing in the world.
2006-09-04 06:44:35 UTC
love is something entities do with and for each other.
2006-09-04 07:49:42 UTC
No I think that is too simplistic.
2006-09-04 06:55:11 UTC
tj millers right
one hot mamma
2006-09-04 06:46:27 UTC
roobies mam
2006-09-07 10:27:09 UTC
oh too deep for me this one.
2006-09-04 06:47:45 UTC
I agree with that!
2006-09-04 06:47:48 UTC
2006-09-04 06:45:25 UTC
yes that is true!!!

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