All three --the wild beast, the antichrist, and the false prophet-- all of them are conglomerates of men & man-made organizations.
For example, regarding the antichrist, Scripture states that there were already "many antichrists" before the Bible canon was closed in the firs century C.E. . . .1 John 2:18 states:
“Just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, *even now* there have come to be *many* antichrists.”
"Antichrist---The Greek term has a twofold meaning. It refers to that which is anti, or opposed to, Christ. It may also refer to a false Christ, one in the place of Christ. All people, organizations, or groups that falsely claim to represent Christ or claim to be the Messiah or that oppose Christ and his disciples can properly be called antichrists.—1Jo 2:22."
(Glossary in the 2013 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)
The number '6' in the Bible represents imperfection, a 'missing of the mark'. So, it symbolizes imperfect mankind, as well as their imperfect endeavors.
The number '3' is used for emphasis in Scripture, and the man-made political organizations of the world are exceedingly missing the mark of perfection! Daniel 2:44 told long ago how they will be dealt with:
“In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will *crush and put an end* to *all* these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever."
Psalm 110:5-6 is also about that very thing:
"Jehovah will be at your right hand;
He will *crush* kings on the day of his anger.
He will *execute judgment* against the nations . . .
He will *crush* the leader of a vast land."
Revelation 19:15 is likewise about the end of man-made kingdoms, or governments:
"And out of his mouth protrudes a sharp, long sword with which to *strike the nations,* and he will shepherd them with a *rod of iron.* Moreover, he treads the wine-press of the *fury of the wrath* of God the Almighty."
("Winepress: Usually two pits (vats) cut out of natural limestone, one higher than the other, and connected by a small channel. As the grapes were crushed in the upper pit, the juice flowed into the lower pit. The word is *used figuratively for God’s judgment.*—Isa 5:2; Re 19:15."---Glossary of the 2013 NWT)
So, all three are made up of those humans who have chosen to *follow* Satan the devil, as well as their organizations . . . not Satan or his demons themselves. However, ALL of the will wind up eternally destroyed . . .
"But all the transgressors will be destroyed;
The future of wicked people will be cut off." (Psalm 37:38)
“The lake of fire” into which death, Hades, the symbolic “wild beast” and “the false prophet,” Satan, his demons, and the persistent practicers of wickedness on earth are cast . . . is shown to mean “the second death.” (Revelation 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8; Matthew 25:41)
"These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of *everlasting / eternal* destruction."
(2 Thessalonians 1:9a)