I'm catholic and I dont think i'm getting out of it-what do i do?
And Then She Said...
2007-12-04 21:06:04 UTC
Im 13, take religion at church weekly, try to go to church whenever i can. I believe in god and am catholic, was baptized and confirmed catholic, my entire family including extended are all catholic. When I go to church I dont really feel like i'm getting anything out of it, I pray and everything but i don't feel a connection or anything-I believe in god and I pray to him when I need guidance but when I go to church I don't get anything it's like the people drone on and it isn't getting through to me. WHat do you think I should do-I'm christian I know that but I dont know if another denomiation would get to me more but my family probably wouldn't accept the fact that i don't get anything out of catholic i dont know what to do because i dont want church to be a meaningless hour every sunday i want it to mean something, have an influence over me, thanks for any help you can give
40 answers:
2007-12-05 13:06:46 UTC

You say that you "try to go to church whenever" you can. What does that mean? Are there some Sundays when you do not go to Mass?

You see, you have a backwards attitude about Mass. Maybe it is not your fault. Perhaps your parents do not show a great fervor for the Catholic Faith. However, you should have a love for the Lord and a desire to be intimate with Him. You cannot get more intimate than receiving Holy Communion. Your heart should have a burning desire for the Eucharist.

If you have missed Sunday Mass, please go to confession as soon as possible, and confess this sin. Also, tell the priest about your apathetic feelings about the Mass. He will instruct you and advise you.

Whatever you do, do not listen to the biased advice from non-Catholics. They have an agenda to take Catholics away from the One, True, Apostolic Church founded by Jesus, and you are their prime demographic.

Learn about your faith, join the Youth Group at your parish, and attend Youth Conferences in your diocese.

Stop thinking about what YOU can "get out of" attending mass, but think instead about your faith in God and give thanks for all of the blessings you have received.
2007-12-04 21:38:37 UTC
I think its great that you are so young, yet desire to know and want to have there be a spiriutal side to you too.

This is a nice article about "Worship that is Good for You."

The Bible has so much to offer us, forming a close relationship and a friendship w/ the True God is possible and we can benefit so much from it. The main thing is learning his name and using it in your worship and in your prayers. Look up Psalms 83:18

(Psalm 83:18) . . .That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

This short article also discusses how we can Take in Knowledge of God:

Read your bible daily, just a few minutes even, you'll start off by learning about how the earth was created, learn about God's original purpose for the earth and why we grow old and die (all in the first few chapters!) You'll learn about how early on God had a plan to send Jesus to the earth and have him be a ransom sacrifice for us (Gen 3:15) then get to read about miraculous events such as the Flood, the Ten Plagues, and learn about how God was always with his people as long as they worshipped him as he wanted them too.

God doesn't approve of idol or image worship, and always made it clear it was something that if people did it they would not receive his blessings. The Bible is clear that his true followers are proved by their "works" (which means their actions and how they live their lives all the time) and not by what they say.

When you get into the New Testament you'll learn about Jesus and what he did on the earth and his love for his Father is so evident and apparent, and how he and his apostles spoke to people about the coming of God's Kingdom and how it was going to be a real government to end mankinds problems forever. This is the message he preached when he was on the earth, and thus he instructed his followers to do the same thing.

* Matt 24:14 & also

(Matthew 28:19-20) . . .Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. . .

You need to be able to learn what he Bible truly has to say, make it a part of your life and not have it feel like its a burden in any way.

(1 John 5:3) . . .For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome,. . .

I have loved studying and learning what the Bible has to say, I started studing the Bible when I was your age, and it was the best decision I ever made.

What We Believe in our Faith:

Pray about it, use God's name and ask him and tell him you want to learn about him and serve him the way that he wants. Tell him in your prayer that you want to benefit and get something out of your worship and have it mean something and have you really be able to understand and apply what you learn.

(Psalm 145:18) . . .Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, To all those who call upon him in trueness.
2007-12-04 21:21:35 UTC
It isn't unusual for someone your age to find church a place where "people drone on".

I think you are worrying too much about what you should get out of it. I don't think much would change at this point if you were going to a Catholic Church or another Christian Church.

When I was growing up my Father was Catholic and my Mother was Protestant. I went to Catholic Mass every other Sunday and to a Protestant Church (Presbyterian) the other weeks. It sounds like it might have been confusing but for the most part it wasn't because I could ask questions when differences came up - and they did. When I was 18 years old, I decided which Church I wanted to join.

So, my point is that at any Christian Church you will learn about the Christian faith - and you said you are a Christian so as you go to Church as you get older it will start to become more meaningful to you. When you get to college you might want to try out some Protestant Churches (or you might not) and I think that is fine but I don't think you need to worry yourself or upset your parents by going on a spiritual quest until you are a bit older.

Please be careful about taking advise from people over the Internet or anywhere for that matter who tell you one organized religion is better than another. A lot of people don't agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church but your parents do. Right now you are 13 years old. The most important people in your life are your parents and your family and they are the people you can trust. Trust them until you are old enough to make your own decision about which organized religion you want to join. In the meantime, enjoy being WITH your family at Church services especially during the Christmas Season.
2016-10-02 10:36:56 UTC
i admire EWTN and that i admire the Church. i replaced right into a protestant yet am now Catholic. there is plenty splendor and expertise and actuality interior the Church that at cases i will’t convey the excitement i've got faith for Her. in case you don’t understand various the element you notice on EWTN, you're able to hold out a little analyzing, seek the internet approximately Catholicism. there's a clarification for each little thing that we do, and multiple of the rituals and ceremonies practiced are very, very previous. in case you maintain gazing EWTN, you’ll finally start to catch on additionally. they have a good number of academic classes that I watch; learn something new every time. God bless and take care.
2007-12-04 21:17:57 UTC
If you are really 13, don't try to over analyze everything. You are a teenager and your mind is a sea of confussion in every area of your life. Hormones are bouncing off the wall and life makes no sense to you at all. Even though I'm not a religious person, I like the fact that you are a young man who realize things and pays attention to details, however, what you are getting out of going to church is part of a diciplinary period in your life. It teaches you some good morals, (hear the message not the fantasy). One hour is nothing time wise, but time spend with your parents is "priceless" and "timeless". Now , you are the only one that can make your visits to church meaningful or meaningless, it's up to you.
2007-12-05 07:49:52 UTC
First of all, you say you don't get anything out of Mass, but you get the Holy Eucharist! That alone is huge. The Real Presence of Christ in the Host is a way for you to gain graces to live your life according to what Jesus taught us. Isn't that spectacular? And it's an actual physical connection with God. I think your religious education must be lacking if you have never been taught this. Go to to learn more about that.

Also, you seem to be very concerned about what you are GETTING out of religion. That's part of your problem. Jesus taught us that we're supposed to be GIVING, not GETTING. Start thinking in terms of what gifts you have already received from God (your personal talents, I mean) and think of ways you can use those gifts to help other people. Consider volunteering for a soup kitchen or doing lawn/snow/household work for elderly people in your neighborhood who can't do it themselves. Is there a Life Teens program at your parish or something else just for teens?

Are you an altar server? You are now old enough to help with the incense at High Mass and get more involved -- and thus more understanding -- of everything that goes on at the altar. If you can sing, join the choir. You get the idea.

It's by giving of ourselves, pouring ourselves out for Jesus, that we gain anything at all.
2007-12-04 21:10:53 UTC
I also did not feel that much when I go to church. Even on the youth leadership team, I was always hearing how people were like "God was really using me." I did not understand. Yet everyone says how even my spiritual gift was faith, and how God really used me.

Not everyone feels everything. You believe in God, and you act for Him. To me, that is enough, however I am not a Catholic, rather I am Protestant, so I am not certain about some of the traditions.
2007-12-04 21:24:11 UTC
Just be glad this isn't 60 years ago. Think how boring it would be if mass were still in Latin!

Well, you can take some comfort for knowing you're not alone. I and probably other Catholics share your general apathy. I haven't decided myself what I'm going to do about it. And in your position you'll probably be stuck going to church for a while with your parents anyways. But it's good you're thinking about it, and when you get older, you could try other churches. I went to a Lutheran college, and the mass there was infinitely more engaging than it was at my hometown church. But I still haven't settled on what church I'll end up going to. But the fact that you're thinking about it is good. Just keep an open mind. Churches are man's best attempt to do what they think God wants and guide people in their life, but some of them seem to be better at it than others.
2007-12-05 07:57:46 UTC
It sounds as if you don't understand what goes on at Mass. Merely attending Mass regularly does not automatically mean one knows what's going on.

Learn more about the Mass itself. The more you know about the Mass, the more you will get out of it.

Also, bare in mind that we do not attend Mass to "get" anything out of it. We attend Mass to "give" something into it. It's in giving at the Mass that we find ourselves getting something out of it.

Look up the book, "We Worship: A Guide to the Catholic Mass", by Father Oscar Lukefahr. It explains the origin of every aspect of the Mass. What's going on, why it's done, why it's done at that point in the Mass. Believe me, you will learn alot, and have a new appreciation for the Mass.
2007-12-04 21:27:17 UTC
Until your 18 your kind of stuck. My guess at 13 you don't feel anything because its being forced down your throat. I remember growing up and WE HAD TO GO TO CHURCH. I would make up anything to try and get out of it. My parents found that unacceptable. I believe in God, always have. If I were you just respect your parents and go to church. When your old enough to make your own decisions. Do just that. Until then, happy church going.
2007-12-04 21:24:41 UTC
Tough question for a 13 year old.

There once a man who wanted to be Buddhist. He search and found a great teacher and asked him if he could be one of his students. The teacher asked why? The man answer that Catholicism was lacking. The teacher said, when you understand Catholicism, come back.

So do you understand Catholicism? It is the faith of your family, but is it your faith? If it is not, why is it not?

You are on a journey though life. There are many paths, but what is yours? The Catholic path starts with the mass and the sacraments. If you are not getting anything out of the mass, that is the problem. Attending mass is at the core of Catholic belief. So what will make the mass more meaningful?

Answer: Make the mass yours.
2007-12-04 21:33:14 UTC
when i was young i questioned much about religion.i never questioned GOD, i have always known that GOD is real and alive and in mom was a Presbyterian and my dad a Baptist but neither went to brother and i went to vacation bible school at the Baptist church when it was summer time and for awhile with a neighbor.later we went to the church of the Nazarene with another nice neighbor.we did not want to choose between mom and dad so we found that easier.after my mom died i also studied other religions but until i was an adult and was ready to clearly understand GODS holy bible i too was not satisfied.i know GOD has people in all religions and a message for each time in history that is special and pertinent to the people of that time.i believe in my heart that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has the truth and the message for our makes sense to me and it brings me peace like nothing else.please read and study prayerfully the King James Version of the holy bible.bless you in your quest for truth and understanding!
Purdey EP
2007-12-04 21:10:58 UTC
You may be stuck until you get out on your own. You could always pray for guidance with this problem during church. That way you wouldn't feel like you were wasting an hour.
2007-12-04 21:20:15 UTC
If you do love the Lord as you wrote then consider the following steps:

1. Pray and accept Jesus Christ alone for your Savior. You do realize He died for you sins I hope. Romans 10:8-13 clearly explains that a person must confess their sins to God in prayer and accept the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ in order to be saved from the Wrath of God.

2. Begin using your new-found faith. Read the Bible and ask God to give you wisdom. If you seek God, if He is drawing you to Himself, you will find what you are looking for.

I go to a different church, but I can tell you that there are times that I do not want to leave. I have learned so much over the years, seen so much genuine love shown, and been touched by what was said that I cannot imagine life without gathering with other brothers and sisters in Christ.

God Bless.
the good guy
2007-12-05 11:34:08 UTC
Have you considered reading from the countless saints who might have suffered the same doubts?

For example, this is from the visions of a young nun called St. Faustina, the first Saint of the new millenium. She spread a message of mercy to the modern world, and her message was the personal conviction of Pope John Paul II. This is what Jesus told her, and wants everybody to hear:

"I never reject a contrite heart. Sooner would heaven and earth turn into nothingness than My mercy would not embrace a trusting soul. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or angel will be able to fanthom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come about form the very debths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in relation to me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity.

My heart overflows with great mercy for souls, and especially for poor sinners... It is for them that the Blood and water flowed from My Heart as from a fount overflowing with mercy. For them I dwell in the tabernacle as King of Mercy. The greater the sinner the greater the right he has to My mercy.

Souls that make an appeal to My mercy delight Me. To such souls I grant even more graces than they ask. I cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to My compassion. Beg for mercy for the whole world. No soul that has called upon My mercy has ever been disappoiinted."

-- Divine Mercy.

So you see some people are really in doubt over God or are struggling with their sin, and we Catholics can convince them and bring them relief by this message. Like Jesus said,

"I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arrise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You are not to shrink from this or excuse yourself from it."

... Thanks for listening.
2007-12-04 21:15:35 UTC
You're of the age where you're old enough to decide what you believe, and what you want out of religion. But-- I am not your parent, so my opinion on that isn't really worth squat!

Tell your parents everything you mentioned here, and ask them if it is more important to them that you stay in a denomination just because they want you to, or is it more important for you to grow in your relationship with Christ?

If they say "staying in the denomination," then you might just have to stick it out until you can drive and are able to get yourself to another church (even though you still might have to attend with your parents).

But the good news is -- with all the computer technology out there, and I'm sure you're really savvy -- you can listen to audiofiles from other churches and see what is meaningful to you at this time in your life. You can also listen to Christian bands and get some strong messages that might help your faith, as well. (Newsboys, Robbie Seay, MercyMe, Casting Crowns, Matt Redman, Eoghan Heaslip, Delirious)

It's not much - sorry! But your parents are in authority over you and I don't want to step on that --I think you need to have an honest discussion with them.
2007-12-04 21:18:09 UTC
Hello, Joseph:

It's hard to write, not knowing your personal habits, but whatever church you go to, if your interests are divided, that is, a lover of the world more than a lover of God, then He will withdraw His spirit from you, and you loose interest in Spiritual things.

On the other hand, if you are sincerely seeking truth, then God may be stirring your nest so you will seek deeper truths.

Let me suggest you read all five chapters of an On-line publication that will reorient you to primitive Godliness and the plan of salvation. Essential truths are unfolded in a Bible code there. Then, on your knees, read the Bible and ask God to lead you where He is calling you. See:

Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua
Danny H
2007-12-08 06:34:27 UTC
Study the Holy Eucharist. You might be surprised at what you learn. I was. It changed my life and now I go to Mass every Sunday when I used to hardly ever go. The Eucharist is everything. Trust me.
2007-12-04 21:29:19 UTC
You could read 'Misquoting Jesus'. The author talks about that very thing and finally getting that 'born again' feeling which led him to spend 6 or so years in Bible schools, plus time at Princeton. I haven't read the whole thing but I imagine reading what he has to say and comparing it to the sermons would make that hour more interesting to you. (He was raised Protestant but he had that same 'unconnected' feeling until he was 15 or 16)
RT 66
2007-12-04 21:20:16 UTC
Start a Bible study independent of church. Pick an area in your life where you need help. Lifeway is a good organization and you can check them out on-line for available studies. As you grow to know God better, you will start getting something out of His Word. Churches are just buildings. It's what is in your heart that God wants. Keep Him happy and you will be rewarded. The best way to keep Him happy is to get to know Him and that is through His Word. I'll pray for you. God Bless You.
2007-12-04 21:28:38 UTC
I learned along time ago that God was a figment of other people's needs, but not mine. I am not trying to lead you the same way, but you words are contradicting. You keep saying that you believe in god yet you do not "feel a connection or anything"...that is not believing in god. you sound as if all the years of religous experience has done nothing to instill it's teachings unto you. you need it to "get to" you? that is flakey and off the wall, and that sounds like you are considering changing your religious character for some better intertainment value.

I know that you are young and shouldn't be challenged because of it, but it is also the best time to get your act seem to be in some kind of transition...I don't get it that you reallly know what you believe. good luck ...
2007-12-04 21:14:33 UTC
I admire you for wanting more and I think that's great! Don't ever give up that desire to get more out of God's Word.

I don't agree with Catholic theology, and so I personally would encourage you to go somewhere else. At your age it might be hard, but if your parents will let you, try going to a different church (I recommend Baptist, because that's the kind of church I go to, but you have to decide for yourself). Above all, Make sure you are always studying the Bible for yourself and don't just take what someone says and assume it's the truth - the Bible is the only truth! Man's opinion is faulty, and God is the only One we can rely on.

I would love to study the Bible with you long distance. If you want to, email me either at my yahoo account or at and we can talk more in-depth.
2007-12-04 21:14:28 UTC
well since you're only 13, you'll probably be stuck going to church with your parents for a few more years. You could try talking to them seriously about it. Let them know exactly how you feel. Hopefully, since they are religious, and they should be understanding (like Jesus would be--hint hint) & they will try their best to help find an alternative for you. Maybe there's another church or even a church group you can join.

Good luck!
Hello dOLL
2007-12-04 21:11:58 UTC
That is exactly how i feel. Everytime i went to church i felt like i was going to a funeral. So i found out that our religion is manmade and you dont need to be baptised catholic to find spritiual help. I ended up going to a church called the First Assembly of God where we sing and praise him, it really fills you up with spirit. The pastor also reads parts of the bible and explains them to better our lives. Its so interesting, im so much more religious now. try watching preachers preach on tv. Theyre very meaningful sermons
2007-12-04 21:11:21 UTC
I was raised Catholic and felt the same way. Quite honestly, it's the worse out of the bunch. I can't stand the Catholic Church. I enjoy learning about other religions/denominations.

I suggest reading the bible before looking for another denomination. Figure out where your beliefs lie before you let other people tell you what to believe. If you still don't feel closer to God after that, maybe a concrete religion isn't for you. Theism is a good concept to believe in. :)
2007-12-04 21:37:47 UTC

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock , and it shall be opened unto you:

8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
2007-12-04 21:17:39 UTC
You are young but you are already on the correct path keep going on it. When you start questioning religious conditionings imposed upon you by society is when you start knocking at the door of knowledge. Assimilate as much knowledge as you can by seeking the reason behind your existence and you will find that you have embarked upon a tremendous adventure. Read 'The Book of Man' by Osho and try to understand it, also read about Gnosticism on Internet. I wish you all the best on your quest for truth.
2007-12-04 21:11:30 UTC
read the Bible for yourself. It is the Spirit that will guide you into His truth. Catholicism focuses alot on traditions which contradict Scripture. Ask God to show Himself to you in a new way. Let Him know what is on your heart. Don't worry about what other people will think about you - worry about what HE thinks of you.
2007-12-04 21:15:46 UTC
I am not nor have I ever been a catholic.

I do not believe in praying to saints, Jesus said, no man comes to the Father except through me, not saints.

I do not believe Mary was Holy, nor was she the mother of God.

She was blessed and was the mother of Jesus the son of God.

I do not believe you need to confess your sins to another you not think that man that you call father is a sinner too? Call no man father.

There are many things in the catholic church that bother me. Go to a non denominational church and get yourself saved.

I will be praying for you.
2007-12-04 21:26:10 UTC
God-mode is not yet activated.
2007-12-04 21:19:29 UTC
Its not about feeling! Its about faith and belief in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. The catholic religion won't teach you that! only God will.

God loves you...God bless
2007-12-04 21:16:20 UTC
maybe your parish will offer a youth mass. I've been to one. they play guitar and hold hands and make it special.,
2007-12-04 21:11:35 UTC
yea same here to, its cause u may feel like u need some inspiration or something, here try this
2007-12-04 22:27:02 UTC
First you might want to consider the message in these Scriptures:

"Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " --James 4:8

"This book... you must in an undertone read in it day and night, in order that you may take care to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way successful and... act wisely." --Joshua 1:8

"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, reproving, setting things straight, & for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped..." -- 2 Timothy 3:16,17

"The Be·roe′ans were more noble-minded, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, *carefully examining the Scriptures daily* as to whether these things were so." --Acts 17:10,11

"Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but *test* the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because *many false prophets* have gone forth into the world." --1 John 4:1-21

"Make Sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." --1Th 5:21

"All things written aforetime were written *for our instruction*, that through our endurance and the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope." -- Romans 15:4

Now, may I ask:

When you meet someone that you *Really Like*, are you content to believe what others tell you about them, or, do you put forth Concerted Effort to learn every detail about them? Assuming that they are famous: If you couldn't speak to them directly, would you voluntarily try to look up information about them in a library, & read everything you could find, about them...? Now... Is this what you have done in regards to your relationship with God? His word makes it clear that he wants each of us to learn everything we can, about how to make him happy, because this in turn is what will make *us* happy, too. There are thousands of ideas about God & his wishes, but, *only God's Own Views Really Matter*, in the end. We need to make sure that we understand Him, & His teachings, clearly...

To this end, Christ himself warns:

"... Isaiah aptly prophesied about you [the then-current religious leaders], when he said, ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in *vain* that they keep worshiping me, because they teach *commands of men* as doctrines.’” --Matthew 15:7,8, also:

“... You resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every sort of uncleanness. In that way you also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous (to men), but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." --Matthew 23:27,28

So, we need to prove to ourselves that our beliefs & practices are indeed Scriptural! By comparing Scripture throughout the Bible, this can be ascertained. This is what God's Word recommends in several places, to all. It serves to keep one's relationship with God strong, as well as strengthening it to begin with...

A relationship with God requires ongoing effort, just as a relationship with a person does.

Understanding the Bible is a pleasure that is open to everyone, including you. It shows us what God's purposes for mankind & the earth really are. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn what it really teaches! (It is what gave hope to me, when I too was unsatisfied with my religious upbringing.)

When a person really *assures* themself of what God's realistic hope for the future is, they can *rest assured* that their efforts to put themselves in line for its blessings are definately worth the effort! (;

I hope you find the satisfaction that you long for, in God's truth.

"The Lord s Prayer--Its Meaning for You"
2007-12-04 21:16:09 UTC
13, that's about the age I was when I started realising that the whole church thing is wrong
2007-12-04 21:11:07 UTC
Sounds like you're a pretty normal thirteen year old boy to me. Don't worry about it. Masses are held to put money in the priest's pockets, not to bring you a connection with God. I myself have been raised a Catholic and know how you feel.
Christina K
2007-12-04 21:14:18 UTC
I say try another denomination I was raised catholic but now baptist!!
2007-12-04 21:09:06 UTC
let God come inside of you :) email me :)
2007-12-04 21:08:57 UTC
same situation but i think I backed out of it but blame God for it
2007-12-04 21:11:47 UTC
Religion is a fake story based upon the SUN and the Zodiac if you want to know what most of it is actually based upon.... Beware of the priests...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.