my pastor said that you can't possibly know how to love unless you're a christian?
2007-09-18 12:11:34 UTC
which i don't understand. i'm a christian and i have met many people of other religions who truly love each other. yet my pastor said the above (he said others can't know how to love unless they have experienced the ULTIMATE love). what are you're thoughts on this?
63 answers:
2007-09-18 12:14:09 UTC
I agree with him to a point.

There is no love like agape love.....and that can only come from a child of God.

We have the indwelling Holy Spirit.......and we are saved.

We know what true love from God is.......and we have been empowered to share the same with others.
jetta's mom
2007-09-18 12:51:54 UTC
I think you misunderstood him.....All people were created in the image of God. We all have a "measure" of the traits He has. We all have the ability to truly and deeply love, however, Gods love (or should I say "ability" to love) goes way beyond what we would normally define as "love". That is what your pastor means by "ultimate love" The only way we can possibly love someone the way God does is for us to have personally experienced it for ourselves, and even then we still usually need His help to even come close.
2016-10-09 14:10:03 UTC
Jesus stated it replaced into no longer ok. (Matthew 26:fifty two) Jesus indicated that devil is ruler of this international and stated his followers have been no part of the international. could they then be scuffling with interior the wars of this international it quite is being misled by using devil? (John 14:30, John 17:14-sixteen) actual Christians don't get entangled interior the political disputes of this satanic international. (Ephesians 6:12) a sprint learn might demonstrate that Christians of the 1st century did no longer combat in wars. it extremely is purely later with the introduction of the foretold apostasy and the planting of the weeds by using devil, that "Christians" have deviated from Christ's teachings and alter right into a element of the international. The Bible shows that God's human beings interior the final days, could be a united worldwide brotherhood who does not even learn conflict anymore. (Isaiah 2:2-4) As to the wars that the rustic of Israel fought in historical circumstances - those have been sanctioned by using God and replaced into quite God bringing judgement on them and utilising the Israelites as his appointed executioners. (Leviticus 18:24-27, Deuteronomy 18:12) Are the wars in the present day as we talk sanctioned by using God? Or, are they only countries searching for his or her own political interest or venting their hatred? there's a clean distinction. .
2007-09-18 12:20:14 UTC
Unfortunately, your pastor, probably unintentionally mis-communicated with you, or you didn't understand exactly what he was saying. Of course you can love without being a Christian. The fact is that God loves us all. The bible says that He makes the sun to shine on the righteous and the wicked. God's intent is that all of us will, by faith, come to know His love. Many people, unfortunately, love other things instead of God. As Christians we are called to love God first, after all, He is the one that created everything that we love on this earth.
Tamara S
2007-09-18 12:44:26 UTC
Your pastor is a prime example of the human habit of believing that ones own level of understanding is all that there is. You understand differently than your pastor so maybe your understanding is clearer than his. I suspect your pastor did not experience love before he became aware of God's love. It is possible he still hasn't and is just repeating and regurgitating the thoughts of others he has heard. In the process his lack of understanding becomes evident.
2007-09-18 12:19:07 UTC
Penguin crusade took the words out of my virtual mouth. How can your pastor even know what non-Christians experience? It's an incredibly lopsided argument.

Also, think of this..if your pastor is right, no one EVER experienced love in all of human history before the birth of Jesus. And today at least 2/3 of this planet have never experienced love, despite their claims that they have. Does that make sense to you?

Oh, I also love his suggestion that his God loves people more than other gods. Good grief. This is playground theology.
2007-09-18 12:42:39 UTC
Well by definition, a Christian is a person who follows Christ. Jesus says that He is the only Way, He is the Only Truth, and He is the Only Life so that no man or woman can come to God without going through Him. If you are a Christian, then you must accept this. If you do not accept this, you are not a Christian.

In the Chrisitan Bible, it says that God is love. If you want to love, then you must come to God. The only way to do that is through Christ. So true love can only be found through Christ if you are a Christian. Of course, no other religion is going to accept this. Neither can false Christians who are called tares by Jesus.
2007-09-18 12:23:30 UTC
Ultimate love is around us all the time, everyday.

There are some people that just aren't aware of it.

God's love is not defined by Christianity only... and I don't believe that the same ultimate love doesn't exist in other religions or denominations.
2007-09-18 14:11:35 UTC
Some of the most loving - and I mean non-romantic love - people I know are non-Christians. One is Muslim, one is a Jehovah's Witness, and one is no religion at all. What some Christians simply don't want to admit is that we can all experience God's love, with or without religion.
2007-09-18 12:41:24 UTC
Your Pastor is leading all of You to "Hate" instead.

His understanding or spiritual Inspiration are very limited,non existent.Not even self loving,doesn't know what Love means.No experience.Theory man.
Broken Alabaster Flask
2007-09-18 15:58:31 UTC
Well sister, I believe that your pastor was sharing on the matter of the " real Love" ..the Love that is not a display or just an emotion but the Love that is a real Person. The Person of God. God is LOVE in His very essence and make up. It is out of His love that is shed abroad in our hearts that we can truly be able to love our enemies, to love the unlovable. Its easy to love people that we like but its not so easy to love those that are vicious. Even when people post dirty things here regarding our God, can we love them? Do we allow the Love of God to make inroads in our hearts to pray in a genuine way for such ones?

This dear sister, we know, takes the Unconditional undying stubborn love of God. The Agape Love that does not loose its shine.. that does not get tired or gives up... This is not a love that the world knows.. but it can experience it through those that are indwelled by Love Himself..

May more and more of our being be opened to the Lord dear sister. That FROM loving the Lord in a pure way we will be the channels of HIS love to others. We can truly love our husbands, our children, our family and friends, our enemies and those that hate us. Only Love Himself can do that in us. Loving Him takes care of all the other loves in our lives:)

Keep abiding In His love sister

ur sis

2007-09-18 12:21:35 UTC
Your pastor is speaking about the kind of love that Jesus taught. Biblical definition of love compared to worldly love is very different. Love is a decision to unselfishly do what is in the best interest of others at all times. Unless you have the Holy Spirit residing in you, it is impossible. There are "no" conditions to true love. We are to lay down our lives to help others. Jesus gave his life and he expects us to love others unconditionally. Even our enemies. That is the test of true love - when you are able to love your enemies.
Gardener for God(dmd)
2007-09-18 12:26:20 UTC
There is no true love unless you have the love of God dwelling within you.

There are three types of love

Agape - is one of several Greek words translated into English as love. The word has been used in different ways by a variety of contemporary and ancient sources, including Biblical authors. This word represents divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love. Self-sacrificing love of God for humanity, which they were committed to reciprocating and practicing towards God and among one another.


Eros - an affection of a sexual nature, usually between two unequal partners. It is passionate love, with sensual desire and longing. The Modern Greek word "erotas" means "(romantic) love".

Philia - an affection that could denote either brotherhood or generally non-sexual affection. Means friendship in modern Greek, a dispassionate virtuous love, was a concept developed by Aristotle. It includes loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality and familiarity. In ancient texts, philia denoted a general type of love, used for love between family, between friends, a desire or enjoyment of an activity, as well as between lovers
I give you the Glory Father !
2007-09-18 13:50:21 UTC
I believe some of it is true...I once was in sin and boy I thought I loved my kids but when I got saved the meaning meant so much more for me...I loved my children so much more after I gave my heart to Jesus...
2007-09-18 12:25:34 UTC
This is something that doesn't need to be said. It will only irritate those who don't know Jesus Christ. Even if your pastor is trying to explain the unique and matchless love of God, he needs to take this statement off his list of things to say. It will not be understood.
2007-09-18 12:30:19 UTC
This post seems a bit childish but have you ever considered that your pastor is capable of making a mistake. Christians are not super-people. They are normal people who look for spiritual answers outside of themselves, i.e. your pastor.
2007-09-18 12:22:21 UTC
Your pastor is

A. An idiot

B. A bigot

C. A fool

D. All the above
2007-09-18 12:18:22 UTC
I believe that because Jesus said that there is no greater love than for one to lay down their lives for a friend. Love is telling people about Jesus. If we really loved somebody we would warn them of the impending danger that is to come. Just being nice to someone and being there for them isn't true love. Love for someone entails the love of their soul. The greatest love is to be concerned with the soul of that person and where that soul is headed.
2007-09-18 12:33:48 UTC
His claim is a conceit - a fanciful idea which he has no right to hold. It has led him into the sin of hubris.

I think the important word here is 'Pastor'. You should consider changing your church.
peter w
2007-09-18 12:20:45 UTC
lets see bullys beat me up family beats me up teachers beat me up cops put the cuffs on to tight and it makes me bleed my girlfriends beat me up and so do there kids does it really matter what religion i am to enjoy that love and when i left church i was struck by a car i call that bad urban planning and domestic violence but you can call it love if you want funny thing is when i was bleeding druleing peeing and crying and was in pain i was waiting for god to show them selfs but i saw none of the gods people talk about throwing a monkey wrench in to those peoples badness
2007-09-18 12:18:51 UTC
Your pastor is right in a sense. It's not that the rest of the world is without love, but only in God can we find agape love. Agape love is completely unconditional. All other loves benefit the lover, but agape love benefits the one being loved above all. Once you've experienced agape love, all other loves pale in comparison. :)
2007-09-18 12:26:35 UTC
What your pastor said was an egocentric, intolerant, and self-gratifying bit of nonsense. I'm glad you don't believe him.

Of course non-Christians, including atheists, can love, deeply and unconditionally. How ridiculous.
2007-09-18 12:23:57 UTC
as said, your pastor is a f'ing idiot.

Christians do not have a monopoly on love or divine experience or anything like that.

non-christians can experience the same divine love as christians, just as real and vividly.

and non-christians can experience, feel, and give Love just as christians can, if not more!

christians don't have a monopoly on foolishness either.
2007-09-18 12:16:39 UTC
The words of men are usually ignorant, and your pastor is a prime example. I'm christian too, and would have a few issues if my pastor said the same thing.
2007-09-18 12:16:27 UTC
It is hard to know what he meant without hearing more of the sermon. I suspect that he was talking about knowing the love of Jesus. The willingness of a person to give up everything out of love.

To often, the love of Christians as well as others is based on desire, lust, attractiveness and feelings. It can come and go depending on how we feel or where we are in life.

But the love of Jesus on the cross was for those who hated him. The willingness to forgive those who drove the nails and insulted him as an example. Also his love was for people like me who were willing to sin against God simply because we wanted something and it didn't matter how God felt. This willingness of Jesus to die for our sins is listed by the Bible as the ultimate love.

I am sure that other people can experience such love and give that love. But truly only the Christian can experience the Christ who gave that love to each of us.

Pastor John

Addendum: It saddens me how many people have attacked your pastor without knowing him or even knowing the context in which the words were spoken. You know the heart of your pastor better than any of us.
2007-09-18 12:17:34 UTC
I think he misspoke--he could have spoken positively about Agape from his own experience, and avoided a (perceived) slam on the rest of the world.
2007-09-18 12:17:03 UTC
I can see a pastor saying that. . . .I am a mother and I would probably tell you that you can't know love until you love a child.. . . .but truth is people know how to love even if they aren't parents and people know how to love even if they don't believe in my God, you know. . . I wouldn't think to much of it really.
2007-09-18 12:15:53 UTC
There's more than one type of love. Your pastor is talking about agape love that you get from having a relationship with Christ. But people who aren't christian can and do love.
2007-09-18 12:17:55 UTC
That is a very narrow view of God's love, and one that is proven wrong every day by non Christians and people of other faits.
Mr. "Diamond"
2007-09-18 12:20:48 UTC
don't be confused...ok? there are several kinds of love....Agape -which is the Love that God Loves with, that we are to experience as christians...Phillio-this is the brotherly one another, type thy neighbor...stergio this is the two people in "like" love,it's the petting love...holding hands..kiss. etc..and theneros..this is the sexual love between two married people ...when he was talking to you, i'm sure he was making ref. to the Agape, which no-one will ever know unless they are a are welcome....
2007-09-18 12:16:28 UTC
I suspect your pastor needs more life experiences and considerably more study on the subject of Love and Humanity.
2007-09-18 12:20:26 UTC
The ability to Love is an inherent quality in all humans.

Your preacher sounds self righteous to me.
2007-09-18 12:17:56 UTC
Your Pastor is right! It's about experiencing a personal relationship w/ Jesus! If u have never experienced that....u'll never be able to love with a pure, contrite heart!

Maybe u should speak w/ ur pastor to get his perception!
2007-09-18 12:38:57 UTC
Why I gave up Christianity ..their idea of love is too narrow-minded.
2007-09-18 12:20:37 UTC
Religion has nothing to do with whether people can love.
2007-09-18 12:18:57 UTC
Apparently he isn't a Christian.

Having a relationship with God is not supposed to be a pissing contest. It is actually sinful to think that you are better than others who don't believe the same as you.
2007-09-18 12:17:58 UTC
sorry to say this so bluntly...but your pastor is full of ****.

The rest of us are just as capable on love, even unselfish love.
2007-09-18 12:16:24 UTC
Your pastor is just one of the many reasons I'm an atheist.
2007-09-18 12:18:23 UTC
Sounds like your pastor was trying to come on to the women of his congregation. Irony is, while he's proclaiming his "BIG God," he probably is, in reality, "of little faith."
2007-09-18 12:17:28 UTC
I think that is something I might expect a Christian pastor to say. Nothing surprising about it. Accurate? Hardly.
2007-09-18 12:20:54 UTC
As repulsively ugly a statement as I have ever heard.And that's a STATEMENT,coming from somebody who does Y7,let me tell you.
Olly Octopus
2007-09-18 12:16:51 UTC
My thoughts are that you are smarter than your pastor and shouldn't feel the need to listen to bigotry.
2007-09-18 12:16:37 UTC
That he isn't God or does he speak for God. he is just a man with his own opinion about things.

Don't listen to everything they say it is about your respecting and even worshiping them to a degree. Everyone looks up to them and it is a I am so smart thing. You are so dumb so look to me for enlightenment. Most religious leaders are not speaking for God.
Lex Fok B.M.F.
2007-09-18 12:17:26 UTC
Your pastor has no clue about anything at all.

No wonder he's a pastor....only pastors can fool a crowd of fools for a living.
2007-09-18 12:18:05 UTC
I agree. It can be decribed by the term AGAPE love.

Unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love.
2007-09-18 12:17:26 UTC
that is ridiculous and demeaning to everyone else in the world. that is a way of trying to convert others because by saying those things we would think we're 'missing out on something'. its a load of bull. i am in love with my boyfriend, i love my family... i dont see that power of love as anything less than you love your family
James Melton
2007-09-18 12:16:39 UTC
I'd be very wary of this man if I were you, he sounds manipulative. Top marks to you for keeping your own mind on the issue.
2007-09-18 12:16:41 UTC
God's love is different than human love. I'm reminded of the scene from Bruce Almighty where Bruce tells God how he wants to see his girlfriend forever how he sees her now, through God's eyes. Its different than human love, which we're almost all capable of.

So I agree with your pastor.
2007-09-18 12:21:26 UTC
Ask him if this is true, what is his excuse for not having any?
2007-09-18 12:16:41 UTC
You're pastor is very wrong, and ignorant as well. It sounds like you are brighter than he is.
2007-09-18 12:16:38 UTC
That's what happens when your denomination stops requiring a theology degree of its clergy.
2007-09-18 12:16:12 UTC
I don't believe it. I certainly haven't experienced that.
2007-09-18 12:14:11 UTC
It's obvious you're pastor is the one who doesn't know how to love.
Tyler T
2007-09-18 12:15:47 UTC
I think that is very narrow minded.

We are all God's children and can emulate that kind of love no matter who we are.
2007-09-18 12:14:31 UTC
Nobody knows what love is until they get a dog.
2007-09-18 12:15:07 UTC
Your pastor seems very insecure.

MonkeyMan, that is a good one.
tim s
2007-09-18 12:16:43 UTC
even blind people can love their guide dogs...
2007-09-18 12:14:51 UTC
He's an idiot. Just because I don't believe an invisible man lives in the sky I can't love???
2007-09-18 12:16:04 UTC
I envy him. It must be nice to be that delusional.
2007-09-18 12:14:21 UTC
to love your son so much and burn them in hell forever for offending you? now thats love
Hippie Man Aka Penguin Crusade
2007-09-18 12:13:55 UTC
your pastor is a bigot. and a brain washer
Monkey Man
2007-09-18 12:14:54 UTC
if you can love an imaginary being you can love anyone.
2007-09-18 12:14:48 UTC
He's a liar. That is so untrue.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.