A question for the 'evolutionist" ? Where did the information in Cells Come from ? The DNA of a bacterium contains as much information as a 1,000 page book ! What is information ? The principle dictionary definition is , "knowledge communicated or received"...... Speaking of the information in DNA , Dr. Phillip Johnson explains "" By information , I mean a message that conveys meaning , such as a book of instructions....Information is not matter , though it is imprinted on matter .... Instructions in the fertilized egg control embryonic development from the beginning , and direct it to a specific outcome "" ! According to man`s own science , the following is a given fact ; "" There is no natural law through which matter can give rise o information , neither is there any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this "" ! This statement , if true , destroys the whole basis of the idea that no intelligent mind was involved in the formation of the first life . Is his statement true ? ALL KNOWN LANGUAGES , ALPHABETS AND CODES , AS WELL AS THE INFORMATION SPOKEN OR WRITTEN IN THEM , ORIGINATED IN MINDS . THE FAITH OF THE ATHEIST THAT THE FIRST LIFE WAS AN EXCEPTION IS CONTRARY TO ALL KNOWN SCIENCE !!!!!!!! Some have argued that monkeys beating at random on a typewriter or computer might eventually produce a few recognizable words , which would be information . How many words would the monkeys type if no one had designed any alphabet or keyboard or computer , and they had to beat them on the dirt ! It`s hard to be an atheist . One must have faith that , contrary to all evidence , not just a few words but huge amounts of unstable information was written , popped up by themselves ! DeDuve , a Nobel Prize winning scientist writes : "" IN ALL MODERN ORGANISMS , DNA CONTAINS IN ENCRYPTED FORM THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PROTEINS ! MORE SPECIFICALLY , ENCODED WITHIN DNA IS THE EXACT ORDER IN WHICH AMINO ACIDS , SELECTED AT EACH STEP FROM 20 DISTINCT VARITIES SHOULD BE STRUNG TOGETHER TO FORM ALL OF THE ORGANISM`S PROTEINS ! "" INFORMATION NEVER DEVELOPES APART FROM INTELLIGENCE , YET CELLS CONTAIN HUGH AMOUNTS OF INFORMATION . I BELIEVE THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SINGLE EVIDENCE THAT LIFE CAME FROM THE MIND OF AN INTELLIGENCE CREATOR RATHER THAN FROM DUMB CHEMICALS !