There are at least 5 versions of Homo Erectus. Can evolutionists tell me which one evolved into homo sapiens?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
There are at least 5 versions of Homo Erectus. Can evolutionists tell me which one evolved into homo sapiens?
Seventeen answers:
Sirensong sunshine
2009-06-11 08:34:20 UTC
You are making the assumption that homo erectus is the direct antecedent to homo sapiens. it isn't. The direct precursor of all humans is Homo Habilis, which evolved only in Africa, which makes your #1 scenario the most likely. This has been established by mtDNA

The ice age is the most likely reason for extinction of homo erectus outside Africa, but I don't know for sure. I'm sure further research will tell us.

Science gives us more and more answers every day. Why would you then default to "goddidit" which,intellectually, answers absolutely nothing?
2009-06-11 08:27:31 UTC
FFS ask this in the biology section
2009-06-11 08:29:29 UTC
Science actually doesn't have many problems resolving this. YOU DO.

Ask in the Anthropology section. It has been resolved.
2009-06-11 08:28:56 UTC
because even with the unknowns, it is more helpful than god did it...
Searider Falcon
2009-06-11 08:30:53 UTC
Because science is the best tool we have to uncover those origins.

Also we aren't the worlds most adaptive species, just look at viruses and bacteria. They exist in places we do and in places we can't exist.

And we haven't adapted to every environment on the planet. We can't exist in extreme cold or at the bottom of the ocean but bacteria can.
2009-06-11 08:48:52 UTC
I don't know. To paraphrase Bones McCoy, I'm an atheist, not a biologist. But our ancestors dying out is not a contradiction of evolution. rather, it is a validation of it. When a better adapted species develops, it would naturally replace the species from which it evolved. Why would a less adapted species survive when there is a better adapted species competing for the same resources?

Now, let's see you try to stump us on a religious and not a scientific question. I assure you, you won't be able to do that.
2009-06-11 08:39:31 UTC
The ones in Africa became Homo sapiens. That's pretty well established by the fossil and genetic record. The populations of H. erectus elsewhere either died out on their own or were replaced by H. Sapiens.

H. Sapiens may be able to adapt to different climates, but previous hominids, without technology, were far less able to adapt. They were limited to areas with climates that were tolerable without fire and clothing, and food supplies that were accessable without tools other than basic spears, thrown rocks, and digging sticks (all of which we've seen other primates use, so we know they were within the ability of H. erectus to manage).
2009-06-11 08:34:29 UTC
You seem to be isolating populations into very small, walled off areas. I'm not an evolutionary biologist but from my understanding none of yours are right, because they're intended to entrap but 2 would be close.

This is also a good example of how science works, if there's something that we can't answer, find some evidence, make a hypothesis, no god of the gaps here.
2009-06-11 18:52:43 UTC
A question for the 'evolutionist" ? Where did the information in Cells Come from ? The DNA of a bacterium contains as much information as a 1,000 page book ! What is information ? The principle dictionary definition is , "knowledge communicated or received"...... Speaking of the information in DNA , Dr. Phillip Johnson explains "" By information , I mean a message that conveys meaning , such as a book of instructions....Information is not matter , though it is imprinted on matter .... Instructions in the fertilized egg control embryonic development from the beginning , and direct it to a specific outcome "" ! According to man`s own science , the following is a given fact ; "" There is no natural law through which matter can give rise o information , neither is there any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this "" ! This statement , if true , destroys the whole basis of the idea that no intelligent mind was involved in the formation of the first life . Is his statement true ? ALL KNOWN LANGUAGES , ALPHABETS AND CODES , AS WELL AS THE INFORMATION SPOKEN OR WRITTEN IN THEM , ORIGINATED IN MINDS . THE FAITH OF THE ATHEIST THAT THE FIRST LIFE WAS AN EXCEPTION IS CONTRARY TO ALL KNOWN SCIENCE !!!!!!!! Some have argued that monkeys beating at random on a typewriter or computer might eventually produce a few recognizable words , which would be information . How many words would the monkeys type if no one had designed any alphabet or keyboard or computer , and they had to beat them on the dirt ! It`s hard to be an atheist . One must have faith that , contrary to all evidence , not just a few words but huge amounts of unstable information was written , popped up by themselves ! DeDuve , a Nobel Prize winning scientist writes : "" IN ALL MODERN ORGANISMS , DNA CONTAINS IN ENCRYPTED FORM THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PROTEINS ! MORE SPECIFICALLY , ENCODED WITHIN DNA IS THE EXACT ORDER IN WHICH AMINO ACIDS , SELECTED AT EACH STEP FROM 20 DISTINCT VARITIES SHOULD BE STRUNG TOGETHER TO FORM ALL OF THE ORGANISM`S PROTEINS ! "" INFORMATION NEVER DEVELOPES APART FROM INTELLIGENCE , YET CELLS CONTAIN HUGH AMOUNTS OF INFORMATION . I BELIEVE THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SINGLE EVIDENCE THAT LIFE CAME FROM THE MIND OF AN INTELLIGENCE CREATOR RATHER THAN FROM DUMB CHEMICALS !
2009-06-11 08:27:28 UTC
I will post this Q for you in Biology/Anthropology section




Liberal you have blocked me

but at least, you can read the answers by members of this forum, posted in Anthropology section

Very interesting indeed :)
2009-06-11 08:32:14 UTC
Homo Habilis? We're not all scientists

Throughout much of the 20th century, anthropologists debated the role of H. erectus in human evolution. Early in the century, due to discoveries on Java and at Zhoukoudian, it was believed that modern humans first evolved in Asia. This contradicted Charles Darwin's idea of African human origin. However, during the 1950s and 1970s, numerous fossil finds from East Africa (Kenya) yielded evidence that the oldest hominins originated there. It is now believed that H. erectus is a descendant of earlier hominins such as Australopithecus and early Homo species (e.g., H. habilis), although new findings in 2007 suggest that H. habilis and H. erectus coexisted and may be separate lineages from a common ancestor
Rico Toasterman JPA
2009-06-11 08:36:42 UTC
One species doesn't transform into another despite many attempts by the "anti-evolutionists" to portray it that way. We were an off-shoot of the homonid lineage in Africa. Why did the homo erectuses (erecti?) of the world die off? Why did the Neanderthal die off? Why did all the Mammoth and other elephant like species die off except for an African and Asian branch of the family? Was it us? Did we directly out compete our relatives and hunt the mammoth to extinction? Was it the ending of the ice age? Was it a combo of factors? We don't know (yet). And it's okay to say that. We don't know shouldn't be a scary answer that makes us run for the cover of goddidit.
2009-06-11 10:10:35 UTC
They are a hybrid of the Annunaki and possibly neanderthal developing cro magnon or another hominid and the Annunaki but eventually spread around the world.
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
2009-06-11 08:36:36 UTC
its simple really. all the other "versions" that you speak about that did not make it did not adapt well in their areas in severe climate changes and died off.


yes hominids have adapted to almost every climate, but many did not survive the change during server climate changes.
2009-06-11 08:30:22 UTC
There are over 150 species of ape. Only about 20 have not gone extinct. Homo Erectus is a joke and simply an extinct ape. And Homo Erectus never stood erect. That is a lie.
Ben K
2009-06-11 08:42:39 UTC
You really need to stop posting this **** here. Put it in the Science category where it belongs.
2009-06-11 08:28:00 UTC
1 this is religion and spirituality NOT Evolution and Science

# 2 None turned into Homosapiens

(Genesis 1:27) And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.