2010-09-19 23:48:23 UTC
1) Jesus is God the father himself
2) Jesus is the Son of God the father and Not the Father Himself
3) Jesus is just a prophet, appointed by God to fulfill all that is predicted in the OT
a)keep the whole Ten commandments especially the most ignored on-the fourth weekly sabbath Saturday(Friday evening to Saturday evening)
b) keep the ten minus one, the fourth commandment-Sabbath Saturday-down to nine, what replace the fourth anyway....?
what does it mean when God said that he will engrave his moral laws(ten commandments) in the peoples heart?
doesn't this say that as long as we have the holy spirit-the holy spirit will cause us to obey before the whole laws-ten commandments Not nine..?
I understand that Jesus says that, the "love" covers all his commandments- as for me I'd say, if we truly have God's holy spirit then He will show us and teach us all his ways and will lead us to his true teachings and the real meaning of his weekly sabbath, Not the ritual sabbath but his weekly sabbath(his memorial day every week Saturday-a day to just thank him for all that his hands create for our comfort while we live in this world.idk, but as for me I believe that we should give that day to God, since he command his people since the beginning of human history all the way till the time the Romanian faith barbecued and steam the true followers of Christ Jesus in the dark ages time.. and God still command us today... or what, am I so wrong and is the holy spirit a liar for making me believe that the weekly sabbath still effective today till Jesus comes back?
of course I do not do it as ritual but do it b/c I love God and understood what the bible says about his commandments... if someone start looking forth to works and leave the faith in Jesus then He is also wrong in his/her motives towards righteousness... just like how the Christians of today kept Sunday(not recorded or command in the bible) they treat and reserved Sunday's as to be the day of the Lord(which it is never commanded by Jesus or God) but His weekly Sabbath is-the Fourth commandments. that's the only ordain Day of the Lord, Friday evening to Saturday evening any other day is Not santified and ordain or commanded to be kept or reserved for God... Jesus said it himself that Not one of his Ten commandments would be erase or removed from his Laws, didn't He.. it'll sound very contradicting if we say that He nailed it to the cross,right?
there are 2kinds of Sabbath:
1)the fourth commandment-weekly Sabbath, part of the Ten commandments(Moral Laws)
the Moral Laws still stands effectively-all Ten of them Not Nine but the whole Law of God.
2)the rituals that was placed on the side of the Mercy seat-these now are the ones that Jesus came to fulfilled by his blood once and for all....
some Christians stand strong on Paul's teachings but I'd like to ask you, do you follow Paul or Jesus.. do you ever stop and think to yourself.. maybe a lot of you misunderstood Paul's teachings or any other Apostles.. Jesus can't lie,right? He can't flip and twist his own words,yes?