catholics are you aware?
2008-04-20 06:20:44 UTC
that your organisation holds shares in companys that make neuclar weapons , R rated movies, and cigarettes? according to the financial adminstrator of the catholic archdiocese of miami florida usa in a story published in the albany times union. doesn't this violate Jesus's commisson to be no part of the world? would it be ok if i sold drugs as long as i gave my profits to the church ? doesn't 1samuel 15 vs 22 say in part that God prefers obedience to sacrifice?
Twenty answers:
2008-04-20 08:23:43 UTC
To pavmanjw : I think you would do well to not single out one group to put on the spot. dingbat2177 has a valid point about "People in glass houses should think very carefully before they throw stones!"

In reply to dingbat2177

consider this taken from

Miscellaneous Questions

Records show the Society has registered other NGOs in several countries, such as the Former Soviet Republic of Georgia. What about these NGOs?

What about them? Even many apostates admit these other NGOs are nothing to do with the United Nations DPI.

An NGO is simply a widely-used term for an organization which is not part of a government. Although the term was coined by the UN, it has not been an exclusive piece of terminology used by the United Nations for decades — other organizations and governments use it all over the world.

There are an estimated 2 million NGOs in the United States alone, with millions of others worldwide. Of these, nearly 30,000 operate internationally. Now compare that to the number (as of 2006) registered with the UN's DPI — just 1,500, and those registered with ECOSOC — just 2,300. Clearly, just because an organization is an “NGO” does not mean it is automatically anything to do with the United Nations. This is typical of the bad logic of apostates on Internet discussion boards, using so-called “common sense” to reach a conclusion instead of checking their facts. —See the appendix entry, “e-Watchman — a conspiracy theorist or an anointed prophet?” for more examples of the bad argumentation used by opposers

Why did the DPI state in an e-mail that requirements for association of NGOs has not changed since 1991?

The UN staff member who wrote that widely-circulated e-mail is wrong. On the one hand the UN representative says the requirements did not change since 1991, yet the UN's own website and scans of forms we have in our possession tells us the exact opposite. Of course the requirements changed — the forms did! It seems the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing at the UN, as the saying goes. —See chapter 2 and 3 for more information on the changing NGO world

The 1997 NGO brochure says DPI NGOs are there to increase grassroots support for the UN. Since this was during the Watchtower Society's NGO membership period, doesn't this mean the Society agreed to those terms?

No, why should it? The 1997 DPI NGO brochure is only sent to new NGOs. The Society would not have received that brochure as it was granted DPI NGO status five years earlier in 1992. Why would the UN send a “welcome” booklet to all of the existing NGOs every year? Also, how would the Society agree “to those terms” by allegedly receiving a brochure in the mail? The Society knew exactly what “terms” they had “agreed to” when they completed their initial application form in 1991, which we can read today and see that there is nothing there about increasing “grassroots support” for the UN.

The UN has stated they do not “trick” organizations into becoming NGOs. Does this not mean the Watchtower must have known what they were doing?

This kind of argument is known as a “straw man”. The Watchtower Society has never once claimed they were tricked into agreeing to anything, so the point is irrelevant. The DPI's annual accreditation form changed in 2001, and in that year the Society withdrew it's status. We have copies of the forms the Watchtower Society completed (with and without signatures) so the Society knew exactly what they agreed to, and we can read those forms today. The Society was never “tricked” into agreeing to anything that compromises our Christian beliefs. When the requirements on the accreditation form changed ready for the 2002 year, they were now inappropriate, and the Society did not sign them but instead ended their DPI NGO status. There was no trickery anywhere.

Doesn't the Watchtower teach that the UN is the unclean thing and should not be touched?

No, the Watchtower Society does not teach that at all and never has. This is a deliberate lie by apostates to make the Society look like a hypocrite, but they're hoping you will not check the facts yourself. A quick search in the Watchtower's archives turns up countless results showing the “unclean thing” to be applied to pagan religions. Here are two fairly typical quotes:

In her desire to win pagan hearts, the church therefore did not adhere to the truth. She justified the practice of syncretism, the absorption of heathen beliefs and practices “dear to the masses.” The result was a hybrid, apostate church, far removed from the teachings of true Christianity. In this light, perhaps it is not so surprising that a former Roman temple to “all gods”—the Pantheon—should become a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Mary and all the “saints.”

It ought to be obvious, however, that changing the dedication of a temple or the name of a celebration is not sufficient to transform the ‘worship of devils into the service of the true God.’ “What agreement does God’s temple have with idols?” asked the apostle Paul. “‘Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’; ‘and I will take you in.’ ‘And I shall be a father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah the Almighty.”—2 Corinthians 6:16-18.

—March 15th 1999 Watchtower

Christians realize that the Bible draws a sharp distinction between true worship and false. They know that God does not approve of religious organizations that do not adhere strictly to the teachings of his Word. Therefore, they do not share in any way in the services of such organizations. Rather, they heed the Scriptural counsel: “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what sharing do righteousness and lawlessness have? ... Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever? ... ‘Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing.”’—2 Cor. 6:14-17.

—15th January 1965 Watchtower

Although there was nothing technically wrong with being an NGO with the DPI in 1992, should the Watchtower have not avoided anything to do with the United Nations to avoid stumbling the brothers?

No, because if the requirements had not changed the apostates quoted in The Guardian would have had nothing to exploit, and no one would have been stumbled. The actions of the Society were clearly innocent and it's letters regarding the matter honest, as the evidence in this work shows. The ones doing the stumbling are the apostates who twist the situation and present misleading evidence to others. To illustrate: if I start slandering a brother in your congregation by using selective evidence, mis-applying quotes, and hiding all contrary evidence, who is doing the stumbling? Is it the brother, or myself?

There was nothing wrong with the UN's Department of Public Information recognizing the Watchtower Society as an NGO in 1992, so the Writing Department could use their extensive library facilities for research. Only after the requirements of such a status changed did it become inappropriate, thus the status ended in 2001. The only stumbling done is by those who twist and hide the evidence to promote their own arrogant agenda.

One brother who formerly believed the apostate's conspiracy theory comments:

“...even if it was not a "wise" move [on the part of the Society], who really caused the stumbling? If apostate propaganda did not exist, extreme elaborated stories and theories, the brothers would have humbly accepted the response the Watchtower Society gave, and gone on with their Christian lives. However we had apostates embellish the story, then make it out into a whole prostitution thing, ... etc etc, ... then brothers started looking at it differently with apostate lighting as it were — yeah, then they got on the bandwagon of Watchtower-bashing and so-called 'standing up for the TRUTH' Bleh!”

If the Society is innocent, how come they haven't sued the United Nations for lying?

This is another straw man argument: if the Society is innocent how come that...? The fact is the UN has not lied or misled the Society in any way, therefore there are no grounds for a lawsuit whatsoever. While the UN staff have sometimes given wrong advice, have given out misleading information, and others have reported their incompetence, they did not do anything to deliberately hurt the Watchtower Society nor did they trick the Society into signing any documents. When we applied for the status, we signed nothing that compromised our beliefs. However, after we became a DPI NGO the DPI's requirements and expectations of it's NGOs changed, but once the Governing Body was made aware they promptly ended the status. There is absolutely no grounds to sue the United Nations nor any purpose in doing so.

The DPI said, “The financial records of the organization must be turned over to the UNDPI for review.” Why would the Watchtower turn over their financial records because some guy at the UN told them they had to in order to get a library card?

The quote is from the DPI’s Paul Hoeffel in 2003 after the rigorous review process was put in place. The original 1991 application shows that any financial disclosure was simply to give proof that they were a non-profit organization and nothing more. Critics try to twist this requirement to make it look like something sinister — as if the Watchtower Society were somehow giving control of their finances over to the UN, when this is really nothing but crazy, ignorant paranoia.

Follow the link to read the rest
2008-04-20 06:34:23 UTC
The catholic church is probably the richest on the Planet, it is also very corrupt internally in it's financial matters. There was some speculation that a pope was whacked by the mafia who, it is no secret, have long had their people inside the Vatican. That being said I have personal knowledge that they will invest in anything that turns a profit even if it is in direct conflict with the religious philosophies and teachings which the church is derived from. There's an old saying: Religion is the buiggest business in the World and it's true.
2016-04-10 01:35:58 UTC
I am very much aware that I am Christian. I still identify myself as Catholic so people will know what type of Christian I am. I am aware that Catholics were the first Christians. I have trouble classifying Ghost space as a follower of Christ. He evidently never read the part where Jesus told us to love one another. space ghost@You should be ashamed of yourself. I will say prayers for you and ask God to cleanse your soul and remove the hatred from you heart and from the hearts of others like you. You seem to have personal problems with the Church.
2008-04-20 10:25:28 UTC

Your findings are totally false. Please read the Watchtowers answer to the erroneous accusation.

"After looking into the matter when it was first raised, we found that none of the legal corporations used by the Governing Body in caring for the Kingdom interests own stock in Rand Cam Corporation or any associate company involved in developing the diesel engine in question. The facts are that two brothers originally involved in inventing and developing the engine made a private agreement years ago (of which we were not notified) to send a portion of any profits realised from the venture to the Watchtower Society as a gift for its worldwide work. Subsequently, circumstances required that rights to ownership and developing the engine be transferred to a holding company not controlled by them. The Watchtower Society was erroneously listed as a stockholder in information published by the holding company, and this error has now been corrected. Hence, the charge is totally false. Moreover, the Watch Tower Society has received no contributions as a result of the original private agreement between the two brothers."
2008-04-20 10:22:08 UTC
A clutch of paragraphs from THE VATICAN BILLIONS by Avro Manhattan:

"The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc. At a conservative estimate, these amount to more than 500 million dollars in the U.S.A. alone.

"In a statement published in connection with a bond prospectus, the Boston archdiocese listed its assets at Six Hundred and Thirty-five Million ($635,891,004), which is 9.9 times its liabilities. This leaves a net worth of Five Hundred and Seventy-one million dollars ($571,704,953). It is not difficult to discover the truly astonishing wealth of the church, once we add the riches of the twenty-eight archdioceses and 122 dioceses of the U.S.A., some of which are even wealthier than that of Boston.

"Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely 'that his church probably ranks second only to the United States Government in total annual purchase.' Another statement, made by a nationally syndicated Catholic priest, perhaps is even more telling. 'The Catholic Church,' he said, 'must be the biggest corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our assets and real estate holdings must exceed those of Standard Oil, A.T.&T., and U.S. Steel combined. And our roster of dues-paying members must be second only to the tax rolls of the United States Government.'

"The Catholic church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world. The Vatican, independently of each successive pope, has been increasingly orientated towards the U.S. The Wall Street Journal said that the Vatican's financial deals in the U.S. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time.

"The Vatican's treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest. But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country. When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars."

2008-04-20 07:29:16 UTC
How can the scriptures describe the 'old testament' as the law of Moses (2 Cor. 3:13-14 KJV but others accept Satan's definition of Genesis-Malachi (violates 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Joshua )???

The '10 Commandments' were part of the 'law of Moses' which was done away Hebrews 7&8!!!

The 'new law' did have most of them too,(remember the sabbath was 'authorized' before the law of Moses).
2008-04-20 06:31:31 UTC
It's funny you say the "R rated movie" thing, as the American movie rating system would not exist at all if it weren't for the Roman Catholic church.

You should look up your history. Protester.
2008-04-20 06:25:06 UTC
I also would like to see some proof before I make any comments on these claims.

HA! dingbat2177 just kicked your tail, AND she actually provided links. What do you have to say to that, huh?
Free Thinker A.R.T. †††
2008-04-20 06:26:34 UTC
Can you show us a link?

Also, I remind you that the leaders of the Catholic Church are not perfect. Catholics may have a (barely) different belief structure than you, but it doesn't mean we claim for the heads of our Church to be perfect.
2008-04-20 06:39:00 UTC
I see you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Did you know that your organisation holds 50% shares in Rand Cam Engine Corp - a company which supplies engine parts to the military?

Did you also know that your organisation are an NGO and thus associated with the wild beast - the United Nations?:

NGO responsibilities:

Associated NGOs through their information programmes are expected to

promote knowledge of the principles and activities of the United Nations

disseminate information about the United Nations and its work to their constituencies

keep the DPI/NGO Section informed about their UN-related activities by submitting a report every four years

fill out an accreditation form every year


People in glass houses should think very carefully before they throw stones!
2008-04-20 06:26:41 UTC
I'm not a catholic but you need to provide sources.
2008-04-20 06:26:31 UTC
i would adore a link to this please

do you have mutual funds?! if so you probably do too in an underlying way. if the Chrisitans didn't invest money in the market - the US would fail and would other markets.
2008-04-20 06:23:59 UTC
As an atheist, I would ask for a link to any proof of this "evidence," before taking any validity regarding your claim.
2008-04-20 06:31:09 UTC
Where is the evidence supporting your claim?
squeaky guinea pig
2008-04-20 06:25:10 UTC
Yes, that's why I'm no longer a Catholic
spike missing debra m
2008-04-20 06:29:14 UTC
without a link, your accusation is suspect at best
2008-04-20 06:26:47 UTC
Hey, business is business!
2008-04-20 06:36:58 UTC
do u have proof on this? that is very bad.........
2008-04-20 06:25:04 UTC
You better get rid of all your GE appliances then
Debra M. Wishing Peace To All
2008-04-20 06:27:41 UTC
Proof please?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.