This is probably the 100th time that I've explained all this, but I'll repeat it all again in the hopes that maybe (JUST maybe) SOME one will pay attention and learn something. Please read it all the way through - and then reread it. You WILL be tested on this material.
First I need to quote Sherlock Holmes (AKA Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), who said, “When you have eliminated the impossible, then whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” (I'll come back to this later.)
Let's start with origins.
The origin of this theory (yes, it IS still an unproven theory, unlike gravity or Einstein's theories of relativity, et cetera, which are considered "LAWS of science") was from a man (Charles Darwin) who developed his theory on a faulty premise, and used logic to complete his conclusions.
Anybody who knows anything at all about logic will tell you that if you begin with a false premise, the conclusion will likewise be wrong.
Darwin thought that the cell was the smallest divisible part of a living body.
He "decided" (with no scientific evidence) that the cell was filled with what he referred to as an "ambiotic" fluid. He also decided that this fluid controlled the final destiny of the being, and the "undesignated cells" could be molded or reformulated by external stimuli.
Do YOU see a problem with this starting premise? (In case you missed it, this premise of Darwin's was totally unscientific).
The cell has a nucleus within which are several other items. Here are a few of them:
The mitochondria, proteins, protein synthesis, RNA and DNA, for starters.
The DNA is a highly complex data information storage and retrieval system pre-programmed right out of the package, that makes the Cray Supercomputer look like child's play in comparison both in size as well as storage capacity.
If you were to bother studying information technologies, you would quickly come to realize that data and meaningful information is never, and I mean NEVER randomly generated! It takes INTELLIGENCE to create intelligent and meaningful data and information.
Now, we KNOW that the Cray was designed, built AND programmed by intelligent scientists, and yet some people think that this DNA which is far more complex, came about through a series of accidents - even the coded information programmed into it!
The DNA is responsible for several functions, such as protein synthesis and cell division.
If life "evolved" gradually from simpler life forms, then please explain why the very SIMPLEST, single-celled protozoa have DNA that is JUST as complex as the DNA in our human bodies? There has NEVER been a "simple" life form! Like I said, the SIMPLEST life form you can find is not simple at all!
Then you have all the lies and VERY unscientific methods that evolutionists have used to support their theory, such as the “piltdown man”, the Nebraska man, java man, and even “lucy”, which were all hoaxes from the beginning! This is scientific fraud at the highest level!
Back to my original statement, I will add a few words in parenthesis: “When you have eliminated the impossible (ie evolution), then whatever remains (ie intelligent design by an intelligent Designer), no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
As far as dinosaurs are concerned, they still exist. Ever since the great flood, all life expectancy was shortened, and such animals as lizards, turtles, alligators, some birds and even some fish, which continue to grow bigger as long as it is alive, could no longer live long enough to grow that large any more.