Why do creationists discredit science so much?
2009-09-01 05:09:32 UTC
Evolution is a theory, but it sure makes a heck a lot more sense than creationism.

I'm an atheist, and I don't believe anyone can claim they know how the earth was formed. Evolutionists give credible evidence, while creationists say one being created everything. When I learned about evolution in school, it made complete sense to me. Saying, "God made everything!" seems to be the easy way out, without any logical thinking.

I am awaiting for credible, scientific evidence for the existence of God. I cannot believe in God based on blind faith alone.

By the way, the dinosaur issue really bugs me. Do creationists not believe in dinosaurs or do they believe that dinosaurs and humans coexisted?
23 answers:
2009-09-01 05:24:54 UTC
Creationists are very determined people. They are determined to ignore the truth, no matter what. Within this hapless group are the subgroup known as 'dumb creationists' (DCs) and then there is another subgroup known as the 'even dumber creationists' (EDCs) (The latter evolved from the former but both deny this and would like to kill one another over this point). The DCs take Genesis and the rest of the Bible as literally written by God. Every word is true. Science is not true in any way. Proof is stuff of the devil.

The EDCs believe the entire universe is only 4-6 thousand years old, not the 14 billion that scientists say, a factor of six orders of magnitude out. For this to be true, the Flintstones has to be a documentary. Dinosaurs (not mentioned in any scripture) lived with people. Presumably men used Brontosaurs as cranes in quarries like Fred did. The EDCs would like to kill everyone who says that the Flintstones is actually a fictional cartoon.

Don't let this bug you. The DCs and the EDCs are a minority of the 'nutty-as-a-fruitcake' variety and not to be concerned with.

In answer to no1home2..., who claims "If life "evolved" gradually from simpler life forms, then please explain why the very SIMPLEST, single-celled protozoa have DNA that is JUST as complex as the DNA in our human bodies? There has NEVER been a "simple" life form! Like I said, the SIMPLEST life form you can find is not simple at all!"

This person is an example of a DC. Of course the protozoan genome is much smaller and simpler than the human genome. But size does not relate to complexity. The wheat genome, for example, is enormous because it consists of three genomes mixed together. That does not mean wheat is smarter than humans (except maybe creationists). Genomes evolve and all biologists who work on evolution know this.
2009-09-01 05:51:59 UTC
Religion does not go against science. I am a muslim and Islam actually encourages science. Muslims have a good idea that the earth was created by the big bang because in the Quran it is mentioned... "Do the unbelievers not realize that the heavens and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe?" (The Qur'an 21:30).

Also the Quran talks about the early stages of life hundreds of years before scientists figured it out. "(We) then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be God, the Best of Creators!" (The Qur'an, 23:14)

The Quran goes farther and even says that the sex of a child is determined by the father rather than the mother as thought a few years ago. "He has created both sexes, male and female from a drop of semen which has been ejected." (The Qur'an, 53:45-46)

If this is still not enough to convince you it's ok, there is even more in the Quran that shows us that Allah made the universe. The Quran mentions the formation of the rain, the purpose of the mountains, and many other things. It is impossible for any one to have knowledge of these things 14 centuries ago unless if god told them of it and it is undeniable that all these facts are very much true. I hope this answers your question.

As for dinosaurs, Allah mentions in the Quran that he gives life to beasts after a lifeless earth is built. "Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which God Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they Trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth;- (Here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise. (The Noble Quran, 2:164)"
2009-09-01 05:24:10 UTC
Creationists debunk evolution because they know (and willfully deny and ignore) that evolution puts the lie on the creation story found in the book of Genesis. If the Genesis account of creation is not perpetuated by Christianity's leaders, the religion itself will collapse like the house of cards it's built on. And Christianity's leaders CANNOT have that - losing its gullible sheeple means too much MONEY to lose.

I am consoled that, based on historical patterns, Christianity will eventually be relegated to the trash heap of mythology where it belongs. It's already happening - more and more humans are using their innate intelligence to REASON that there is not now, nor has there ever been, empirical, testable, confirming evidence for the existence of not only the Christian god, but of any one/any place/any thing supernatural.

@ no1home2day - All that just to show us that goddidit? It sure is the SIMPLEST explanation, isn't it? Sure as "hell" doesn't strain the brain or tax the intellect.
2009-09-01 08:45:55 UTC
Why not throw Philosophy/Logic into the mix?

Cause and Effect:

"refers to the relationship between one event (called the cause) and a second event (called the effect), where the second event is the direct consequence of the first."

So what we got here is a conundrum. What was the very first event and what caused it?
No Chance Without Bernoulli
2009-09-01 05:14:56 UTC
1. They lack the education or intellect to understand it.

2. Since it proves the first part of the bible false, it isn't a great leap to determine that the rest of it is also a fictional tale.

btw- Evolution is a fact. The 'Theory of Evolution' is the currently accepted explanation of how it works.

"By the way, the dinosaur issue really bugs me. Do creationists not believe in dinosaurs or do they believe that dinosaurs and humans coexisted?"

Since they can no longer deny the mountains of evidence, they MUST believe that humans and dinosaurs coexisted, otherwise there is another glaring fallacy in the 'infallible word of god'.

EDIT: The term 'intelligent design' was invented to disguise the fact that it's the 'creation story' from the bible, to circumvent the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment, so that it could be taught in schools.

Think about that.

Religious people, Christians mostly, used deception and lies to try to force their beliefs into public schools.

I guess 'bearing false witness' is o.k., if it's lying for jesus.
2009-09-01 05:21:35 UTC
Humans, as a species, have a lot of pride. That pride can be hurt if you find out you were duped, or lied to and you bought into such a lie. This is why confidence men are so successful; they prey on this pride. They go specifically after people who have a great deal of shame and would be hurt if they were lied to. To keep from being hurt, they convince themselves they are not being lied to.

This is the way of the Young Earth Folks as well. They have a great deal of pride and will not even LISTEN to evidence contrary to their claims. No matter what the caliber of the evidence, they will say it is either wrong or fabricated; they say THEY are not being lied to, YOU are.

YOU are because THEY are far too proud to accept that something they may have believed was false.

There is even more to this that makes it even stronger than traditional scam: Confidence men suffer the burden of knowing they are lying. Religious men believe entirely the opposite. If it was started as a known, bald-faced lie...the ones who started it are long gone. We now have only those who have believed it, and will not shed this belief, even in the face of abundant proof.

By now you likely have people who think all Scientists are Atheists answering this. They ignore the fact that the Vatican recognizes evolution and an old-earth model. They ignore the millions of scientists who are devoted Christians.

The worst of it is that their religion does not require that they believe such things. So they are being willfully ignorant out of pride, alone. Not fear, not for reward...for pride. And that right there....that's sad.

EDIT: Bobby jim, please, tell can one logic their way into what they believe, through fear of the unknown? And what's to say your god doesn't punish ignorance to the beauty and wonder of the 'creation' around you? Maybe your little wager doesn't pay off, because the only currency to get you into heaven was the knowledge you took in of the earth around you. Prove it isn't.

EDIT: @no1home: "As far as dinosaurs are concerned, they still exist"

PLEASE tell me you are not serious. PLEASE.
2009-09-01 05:27:46 UTC
hi , why do u think creationism or that beliving the truth "god made everything " is not true .note im not saying to shut ur brain off and just accpet it , if u want proor or how it happened etc , there is eveidence

ef science has found big bang theory , even the religions(Sikhism) also say so,

God created the 5 basic elements:water , earth , fire , etc , te fifth element is the space as these 4 elements need some space to exist.

if u may note our body too si made of these 4 elements and exists in space. in unicerse too u can find these only . scientistists call themselves the creator or inventor but the truth is that no 1 has been able 2 create 6th element .

also in our body lies soul which is part of god which is as pure as god himself, now u may think if that is so then why do people do evil.that happens because in our heart there is are vices of ego,greed,lust,attachment and anger under whose inflence 1 person does the crimes .also these create a transparent wall b/w soul.

these vices r not present in god .

god is like ocean(pure,water) and these vices r like oil . now u know that in water only water can mix but oil can't . as our heart is not clean n pure which is why we don't have bliss of god yet .
2009-09-01 05:20:49 UTC
Science in general, and evolution theory in particular, threatens to unravel the whole god-thing. The folks who believe in gods have always been told by their clergy they can't function without divine intervention, and nothing can happen without gods. Nothing good, anyway.

The folks running the major religions probably don't believe in their gods any more than your average atheist, but they know their religions are a great way to control the gullible and collect a lot of loot in the name of their gods. If people were told from a young age they are smart enough, strong enough and capable enough to run their own lives, religion would disappear.

People use "God did it" because it allows them to be lazy, and to avoid having to learn anything. Learning fairy stories is a lot easier than learning science.
2009-09-01 05:30:24 UTC
"Evolution is a theory, but it sure makes a heck a lot more sense than creationism"

you do realise that is talking from your own ideology. Why would a creator be illogical? My car is created and that makes perfect logic, yet when it comes to the complexities of the universe it must have happened by a non- intelligent happenstance. what makes more logic?
[ Aiza^ ]
2009-09-01 05:15:33 UTC
They are trying to defend their God. They are concealing the weakness of "creationism" --its illogical premise: God created the universe out of nothing. So they'd just attack the other argument that opposes their belief.. to cover up.

"Nothing comes from nothing."

Creationism, just like Evolution... is also a theory. Neither Creationism nor Evolution can be proven.

Add: 'Saying, "God made everything!" seems to be the easy way out, without any logical thinking.' --- EVERYTHING... ask them why God created diseases,calamities and abnormalities (they are part of everything)... and they will absolve God - not guilty.

They will tell you the devil or man has sinned that's why these bad things occur. They will defend God at all cost.

There's a creature called Behemoth mentioned in the bible, christians claim that Behemoth resembled a dinosaur.
fokker - it's an airplane!
2009-09-01 08:43:50 UTC
I don't discredit science whatsoever - I feel that God created science.
2009-09-01 05:16:15 UTC
science and creationism are mutually exclusive.

science and theism are not.

//Do creationists not believe in dinosaurs or do they believe that dinosaurs and humans coexisted?//

both, they arent consistant some say that we did, but dinos didnt make it onto the ark, others say they did and they all died. others think satan put them there to TEST YOUR FAITHZ
2009-09-01 05:25:14 UTC
Because, you see, the two opposing categories at opposite ends (in this circumstance) are:

Religion-------------- vs. ---------------Science this problem isn't going away anytime soon.

If there is any hope for some movement toward reality in this debate, it is this:

1) Let's all accept the possibility that there may be a "higher power" greater than we little goofy human beings.

2) Let's all accept the possibility that this "higher power" created the process of evolutionary adaptation and growth for continued survival of species. Believe me, evolution is going around us is not "theory".
Blythe T
2009-09-01 05:15:37 UTC
I couldn't agree more, I don't want to offend anyone by saying this but i think it is true when they say creationists are delusional because there is proof and well known facts about evolution but what can be said about their apparently so amazing God?
2016-05-19 02:50:07 UTC
They are used to cherry picking information. They do it all the damn time, especially with the Bible.
2009-09-01 05:22:36 UTC
This is probably the 100th time that I've explained all this, but I'll repeat it all again in the hopes that maybe (JUST maybe) SOME one will pay attention and learn something. Please read it all the way through - and then reread it. You WILL be tested on this material.

First I need to quote Sherlock Holmes (AKA Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), who said, “When you have eliminated the impossible, then whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” (I'll come back to this later.)

Let's start with origins.

The origin of this theory (yes, it IS still an unproven theory, unlike gravity or Einstein's theories of relativity, et cetera, which are considered "LAWS of science") was from a man (Charles Darwin) who developed his theory on a faulty premise, and used logic to complete his conclusions.

Anybody who knows anything at all about logic will tell you that if you begin with a false premise, the conclusion will likewise be wrong.

Darwin thought that the cell was the smallest divisible part of a living body.

He "decided" (with no scientific evidence) that the cell was filled with what he referred to as an "ambiotic" fluid. He also decided that this fluid controlled the final destiny of the being, and the "undesignated cells" could be molded or reformulated by external stimuli.

Do YOU see a problem with this starting premise? (In case you missed it, this premise of Darwin's was totally unscientific).

The cell has a nucleus within which are several other items. Here are a few of them:

The mitochondria, proteins, protein synthesis, RNA and DNA, for starters.

The DNA is a highly complex data information storage and retrieval system pre-programmed right out of the package, that makes the Cray Supercomputer look like child's play in comparison both in size as well as storage capacity.

If you were to bother studying information technologies, you would quickly come to realize that data and meaningful information is never, and I mean NEVER randomly generated! It takes INTELLIGENCE to create intelligent and meaningful data and information.

Now, we KNOW that the Cray was designed, built AND programmed by intelligent scientists, and yet some people think that this DNA which is far more complex, came about through a series of accidents - even the coded information programmed into it!

The DNA is responsible for several functions, such as protein synthesis and cell division.

If life "evolved" gradually from simpler life forms, then please explain why the very SIMPLEST, single-celled protozoa have DNA that is JUST as complex as the DNA in our human bodies? There has NEVER been a "simple" life form! Like I said, the SIMPLEST life form you can find is not simple at all!

Then you have all the lies and VERY unscientific methods that evolutionists have used to support their theory, such as the “piltdown man”, the Nebraska man, java man, and even “lucy”, which were all hoaxes from the beginning! This is scientific fraud at the highest level!

Back to my original statement, I will add a few words in parenthesis: “When you have eliminated the impossible (ie evolution), then whatever remains (ie intelligent design by an intelligent Designer), no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

As far as dinosaurs are concerned, they still exist. Ever since the great flood, all life expectancy was shortened, and such animals as lizards, turtles, alligators, some birds and even some fish, which continue to grow bigger as long as it is alive, could no longer live long enough to grow that large any more.
2009-09-01 05:16:15 UTC
because scientists use words like "probably", and "might have", and what they mean is that they have absolutely no idea, they should say, "Your guess is as good as mine". God made everything is the easy way out. It's way easier to believe that God created life rather than life came from rocks and mud.
2009-09-01 05:15:11 UTC
They don´t really have a choice, since if they accept science, they can´t be creationists anymore.
2009-09-01 05:19:55 UTC

Gen.1:1,2, no age or time is given. Job 38:4-7,30-32, no age or time is given. Gen.1:3-25; angels see this, no age or time is given, Gen.1:26;

Gen.5:3, year 130, Shem born, Cain killed Abel, 6000 years for the resurrected dead, at Rev.20:1-6, the 1000 year reign, to all is made new, Rev.21:1-5. Gen.2:2,4, God rest from creating has ended with all made new again, as promised.
2009-09-01 05:16:16 UTC
They DON'T.

They TRY to discredit science -- and fail miserably...
Bobby Jim
2009-09-01 05:17:13 UTC
Yet you believe science based on faith IN scientists?

Lucy is a hoax, as are all of science's so-called humanoid discoveries.

Christians believe good science. Scientific method is good science. A "preponderance of evidence" is not good science.

Sorry, it takes more faith for me to believe in science than it does for me to believe in God and creation.
2009-09-01 05:18:46 UTC
I do not try to discredit science. I simply know that evolution is not science, and so I attack it.
2009-09-01 05:17:13 UTC
They don't discredit anything but themselves.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.