Christians: Is discussion ok?
2008-03-28 09:42:13 UTC
Does it say anywhere in the Bible that it is right or not to discuss with non-christians (also when they are the ones getting irritated and starting the discussion), when trying to open their eyes and show them that Jesus is the truth, the way and the light? Lets say that the "conversation" was design to happen according the holy spirit... but what when the non-christian get angry and starts to discuss? What should we do?

Thanks... =)
22 answers:
2008-03-28 09:51:44 UTC
We should discuss with them...

He who reports and he who leaves the discussion loses!

1 Peter 3:15
Tonya in TX - Duck
2008-03-28 10:04:30 UTC
There's a difference between having a discussion and trying to convert. I have discussions with Alan C recently, but I don't try to convert him. I don't know you, but there are a lot of Christians here who claim they are only trying to make the non-believer understand that Christ died for them, (or whatever their topic is) but their definition of "discussing" is the other person's definition of an attack on their decision to not believe the same as them.

But for the sake of arguement, let's say that your discussion abides within the framework of an actual discussion, but your hope is to chip away at their wall of doubt. What you have to be concerned and acutely aware of is contention. Contention quickly runs off the Spirit. Your side of the discussion needs to make sure that you are not starting or contributing to a line of thought that will lead to contention. If you notice contention is starting to creep into the conversation, then do your best to circumvent the contentous issue.

EDIT: Ah, well, verbal fighting is nothing but contention. So for your definition of "discussion" I would say No, it's not ok to "discuss".
2008-03-28 09:48:22 UTC
Discussion is fine, but if the person starts to become irritated or angry it is proper for you to back off and attempt the conversation again later. Don't ever make a person angry because that will not help them accept God and they will be very resistance to listen the next time.
Nikolas M
2008-03-28 09:49:12 UTC
If they are angry but still in the mood to discuss, patiently continue the discussion while being careful not to get angry in return. If they are angry and shut the conversation down, it usually is of no use to try to converse with someone who has shut down on you. In this scenario, we may need to wait for God to touch that person's heart at a later time.
2016-10-08 01:37:06 UTC
what's there to debate? The Bible -- the two the previous and new testomony -- is amply sparkling on the issue... homosexuality is an abomination, and working in the direction of homosexuals would desire to be kill to circumvent ethical corruption. "God Hates Fags" -- there are not any room for interpretations! As a Christian you will desire to assume that the Bible is the be attentive to God, that it particularly is truthful and unchanging. That God would not exchange His concepts, and that He comprehend each little thing, the two destiny and previous. So if the Bible says homosexuality is a great sin and homosexuals would desire to be killed, then this would desire to be taken as God's words. of path, we can rationalize that the international has replaced and we produce different values at present than while the Bible grow to be written... or that the Jews had motives to stop homosexuality in the past while (like the will for many babies to construct a protection tension to take Israel from it particularly is unique proprietors)... yet then you definately in addition to mght admit that the Bible is written with the aid of people (no longer God), and could be incorrect -- or a minimum of my no longer be unchanging. yet while the Bible do no longer carry definitely the actuality, then you definately've exceedingly plenty torn down the commencing place of Christianity! No, as a Christian, while there are discrepancies between the Bible and at present's society; then you definately would desire to assume it particularly is the society this is faulty! If the openness in at present's society facilitates homosexuality, then it particularly is going to be society this is faulty. considering which you will desire to have self belief the Bible is written with the aid of God, and therefor would desire to *continually* be maximum marvelous!
2008-03-28 09:49:15 UTC
Sharing thoughts is good. Discussion helps us to see more clearly how things fit together. When things start showing more heat than light, that is your clue that it is not a productive discussion. Say, "sorry, I guess I didn't express myself well." Let it go at that, and break from that discussion.
Greg K
2008-03-28 09:48:26 UTC
When you say discuss, do you really mean argue? In my head, conversation and discussion are synonyms.

If you're asking is it okay to talk to non-believers about Christ, absolutely it is. If you're talking about arguing, that's another story. We're instructed to quickly agree with our adversary, so I'd say speak truth, but don't get into an argument with somebody who's just waiting to ambush you.
2008-03-28 10:11:43 UTC
Discussion is OK. You are not supposed to get into a debate. I know most look at it as defending what they believe in. You want to respond or change someones mind you don't force it. You did you job as a messenger by telling them about the Savior. It is up to them to change. Arguing your beliefs and them answering back gets you no where. We lead by faith and not what is in front of us. It's not going to be logical to a person who relies on scientific facts. Speak your piece w/o arguing (when a child of God believes by faith that they are right it's not necessary to ague or raise your voice)Agree to disagree, pray for them, and let God do the rest!
gone fishin
2008-03-28 09:53:35 UTC
Great question. I think we should each search our souls and answer this for ourselves based on what we think God would have us do. We are all members of one body, but we all have different parts, remember?

Our #1 job is the Great Commission.

I try to avoid conflicts over doctrine on this site. I answer the unbelievers only because I believe I am doing so without casting my pearls before swine.

But we are not perfect.

I am a Christian attorney. I believe I am doing what God intended for me to do. And so, I fight for free speech. Because this is the US and it is our right.
2008-03-28 09:47:07 UTC
there are some people that just start up a conversation about religion- just to be irritating- however if you really feel led by the Spirit to talk about your belief in Jesus do it- however when the people that you are talking to start to sound like they don't want to hear anymore stop- because that you are not responsible for- if the conversation becomes angry- then we need to learn when to stop
Bobby Jim
2008-03-28 09:48:17 UTC
The scriptures say, "Come. Let us reason together."

Discussion is good, but "Can two walk together except they be agreed.?" (Amos 3:3) .

Communication is vital to the spread of the Gospel, but agreement is not always possible. Love them, but be prepared to "shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them."
2008-03-28 09:52:43 UTC
Nothing wrong with discussion. Christ came for everyone. If discussion gets or is getting out of control simply excuse yourself and leave.
Wanda Z
2008-03-28 09:50:48 UTC
As a Christian who is married to an atheist I am sort of an expert at this, if they are getting mad it is time to end the conversation. If you continue you will only drive them further away.
2008-03-28 09:47:42 UTC
we are to Witness to the unbeliever what God has done in our life

and we are to Speak His word

Sure they will become angry and fustrated and down right sarcastic and even mean


That doesnt sway us from Still Telling them the TRUTH

and the Only Truth is Gods Word

BUT one must first Know what they are talking about and actually Living that way.....before they can ever attempt to tell someone else how it should be !!!

WE are to WITNESS to ALL

even the apostles could only witness what they saw and heard of Jesus..........

so must we to ALL !!
2008-03-28 09:54:28 UTC
Discussion is very good....i am a Christian......that knows a lot of people that aren't Christians....people say things like "there is no god " and "when u die u just die" and at the tI'me i tell them about my God and i love to talk about him.....they laugh or tell me im crazy.........Even though they didn't convert themselves they know that there is a belief of our God and that is their choice..........RESPECT my religion as i respect what we just have to do with nonbelievers
2008-03-28 09:46:07 UTC
no, definitely, discussion is good! Jesus talked with non believers and listened to what they had to say as well.

Hope I helped.
2008-03-28 09:47:01 UTC
Sure; it's good to discuss. But if you finally conclude that it is not going to get you anywherre, it is also OK to "shake the dust from your feet" and leave them alone.
2008-03-28 09:46:34 UTC
(Matthew 7:12) . . .“All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.
2008-03-28 09:47:05 UTC
Pray for them! That's all you can do for the ear that does not want to listen.
2008-03-28 09:46:14 UTC
I recommend you stay out of other people's business. If they don't believe the Jesus stuff, let it be. And Jesus is not truth.
2008-03-28 09:48:41 UTC
Answer briefly and kindly !!! Stay cool !!!
2008-03-28 09:47:25 UTC
Our eyes are open my friend.

It is you who is blind.

To believe in a book when so many others there are.

We see the truth.

It is too late for you, your eyes are sewn shut.

The skin has mended over time.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.