If you look online into Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the bible,
and look up the word 'week', you won't find it. So, the first day of the week,
isn't there. You can try this. The book is online, I have my own, haven't
used it online, or else go to a library and look up week.
All days, Sunday...day of the sun, Monday...day of the moon, and on it
goes. We have Thor's day, and Saturn's day...completely pagan.
Everything to do with the Lord is holy and that includes time, that
includes the days of the ...nope, not week.
'God's' or Theos' days begin the same as they do in Genesis,
at sundown.
So sabbath is not saturday. It starts what we call Friday night, and
Friday means the goddess of fertility, lust and parties, as this is researched.
I want no part of all that. Yes, I am 'in the world', so yes, I will refer to
Wednesday (Woden's day)...this is witchcraft.
Everything to do with the week is evil. The day of the Sun is not the day of the son.
And there, don't we have another slur, having it sound the same?
Trivial, perhaps, but I think there's very often a reason.
Jesus always observed sabbath but in a different way than legalists.
He did good on that day. He went to the temple, 'as was His custom'.
Of course, since He is 'Lord ALSO of the SABBATH'.
Paul ie. Saul, and all the apostles were Jews, and this day would be
expected because this was so important.
Remember how Paul took about 1/2 a chapter on circumcision?
Which do you think is more important to Jews: the sabbath or circumcision?
If sabbath had been changed, guess who would have to do it?
Think the times & laws can be changed by people?
Nope, only God can do that. Jesus is God, and He was no wimp, was He?
He went against all the manmade customs. So, if ever a new day or
perhaps NO day was now the case, Jesus would never be too timid
to say so.
This is not to engender many more questions, but to put some understanding
into this most wonderful blessing.
We believe that 'the letter kills' so we come to sabbath with joy, with that sense
that here is the blessed 7th day, the end of the session.
First we work, day 1-6, then we rest on day 7. Those with Sunday, start with
rest, then work.
It's such a blessing. The days of the week begin, when? In total darkness.
God's time begins as it ends. Something very metaphysical about that,
like the circle of life. For me, it's just so profound and I've been worshipping
on this day for a long time now, and it only gets more exciting to me.
Strange how it grows.