Wanna hear a little tidbit about the "Mormon"church?
2012-12-19 07:53:47 UTC
Well, they call themselves The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was born and raised Mormon. Hell, my Great Great Great Grandfather was the first man to carry the Book of Mormon around the world. (nearly died doing it). (Google: William Fulsbury Carter) But I discovered that Joseph Smith, their patriarch, was a flippin con artist and he, along with some of his, also, con artist cronies, duped a bunch of uneducated but otherwise good people into believing the Big Con, ie; the Golden Plates, and the Book of Mormon. Today's Mormons, the congregation, for the most part are deeply devoted to Christ and the teachings of the Bible and the writings of the Church, Book of Mormon, etc. They are hard working, very patriotic, generous to a T, and utterly deluded by the hierarchy of the Church. Now, can I interest you in some "Ruby Plates", cheap?
Nineteen answers:
Fact check
2012-12-19 07:59:42 UTC
It's devastating to learn that you were lied to for your whole life, and that so many people you love are still deluded about this.

Smith did quite a number on us.
Grela LaTuc
2012-12-19 13:26:57 UTC
Ah, a chance to clear something up. I've been LDS for over 50 years, but 40 of those years I was inactive. I've read and studied countless anti-Mormon books and LDS books and I found that the LDS Church is right for me.The anti-Mormon books kept using the same debunked stories in them. Seems like you believe them though.

Sorry I used the wrong term when I said protagonist, I meant critics. I imagine that your ancestors would be turning over in their graves if possible, by your using their names. You do realize that using the name of an ancestor in the way you have is what the Bible warns about. Like saying you're better because your ancestor came over with the pilgrim while someone else did not. I could say that my great grandfather was born while his mother was crossing the river at Nauvoo, or that my great grand father was jailed with Brigham Young for polygamy, or that my grand mother was asked to marry Brigham Young. Doesn't make me more of a Mormon,no. It just interesting pieces of my personal history.

One thing these critics do is put today's ethics on things of the past. As I said before in Joseph day, being a treasure hunter, or glass looker, was not considered scamming. It was considered a legitimate occupation. And it was the man's children who took him to court because he had told his employer to stop looking for any hidden treasure. His boss actually testified on his behalf. Nor was he ever convicted of any other incident for which he went to trial.

And how do you know that the others who joined the Church were uneducated. The critics tell you this? They were far from being uneducated. And how do you explain the fact that many things, which they attacked him on, that he translated have since been found to be fact? And as to the Book of Abraham scroll. Several men saw that the scrolls were long and could stretch from one room to the next. That there was find red writing on the edges of the scrolls. Now all we are left with are a few scorched pieces that fit on a table and are the funeral passages of some person. Yet critics claim that these pieces are all that the Book of Abraham was supposed to have come from.

There is much about the LDS Church which have been proven true, but the critics don't want to accept. And believe it or not what you find on the internet is not always true. There are plenty of lies on it as well. But you need to really study it to find what's true and what's not.
2012-12-19 20:48:21 UTC
If you think that Joseph Smith was a con artist, then I must be too. Because I will gladly proclaim my love of my religion. In fact I would be happy to even be able to do a bit of the great work he did. I would even gladly lay down my life defending him, my church, and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ( which is funny because ,well, the people above have done the exact same thing for me, you, and everyone.)
2012-12-19 12:55:12 UTC
Socrates said only one is wise and that is God.

I recommend that you seek God, that way all of your questions can be answered, sooner or later.

Step back for a moment and think about what you just wrote.

Mormons are generous... but Mormons are stupid.

So being generous is stupid in your mind???

The best way to live is to be a "wise" backstabber, that undermines people at every turn and is dishonest and lies to people in order to take their money???

Mormons you wrote are deeply devoted to Jesus Christ...

and this is a bad thing to be???

Is there something wrong with Jesus Christ???

I don't think so. I think that being head over heals in love with Jesus Christ is a good thing to be.

If you don't want that to be a part of your life, then that is your choice.

Just because you have doubt that does not make your doubt real. If you have doubt and you believe that two plus two does not equal four, that is hardly going to convince me that you are right.

I can see the truth in the lives of the Latter Day Saints. I can see their happiness and joy in Christ. And I can see that they have eternal love. And I can see that they have the truth, and I can see that you don't have the truth.

If you seek the truth, then you will find the truth. But if you don't seek, then you won't find the truth.

Therefor seek the truth, so that you can find the truth. Go deeper, the message of truth is written in the Universe, the same Universe that was created by the Creator of all things.

Love is real. And love is eternal.

Your skepticism and negativity is really pointless.

Because those who have found the truth, know the truth is true. Just because you have not found the truth, this does not mean the truth is not true.

Jesus Christ is truth. And truth is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is love. And love is Jesus Christ... just the same. Chat.

God bless.
2012-12-19 09:10:20 UTC
Everyone who truly knew Joseph Smith knew that Joseph Smith could never have been a con artist. My ancestors, and I suspect yours also, were not so naive or simple as to follow a con artist for many years if he had been a con artist. They would have seen right through that. There were plenty of con artists around in those days, and you quickly learned to tell the difference between the con artists and the true believers.

The lie that Joseph Smith was a con artist is absurd on the face of it. It has no merit, no evidence, no credibility. It is only believed by some because the alternative theory, that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, is too hard to swallow for those who don't have the courage to follow the truth wherever it leads.
2012-12-19 14:38:10 UTC
One of the themes that sticks out in this q & a is that good fruit doesn't come from a bad tree. If the fruit, members, are good, then the tree, church, we came from is also good.

My ancestors joined the church in Kirtland, OH and helped build the Kirtland Temple. They then went to Nauvoo and helped build the Nauvoo Temple. They then went to Utah and settled in Provo, Heber and eventually in Arizona. They are not gullible people and neither are the active members today. If you think we are all brain washed, then it is a very wide spread and successful program. Did it ever occur to you that we all think the same because the Spirit gave the same truth to all of us individually? Yes, the truth is revealed individually and it is the same truth to all. Very clever of Joseph to come up with a program that has the stamp of approval of the Holy Ghost.

I'm sorry that you have been duped by all of the lies that our enemies have been spilling for 190 years.

The truth will go forward and no unhallowed hand will stop it. Yours included.
2012-12-19 08:06:48 UTC
If Joseph Smith was a con artist, what did he gain? Riches? No. Fame? Not the kind that got him any privileges. Power? Maybe within the Church. Mostly he received persecution for him and his family. He lost innocent children do to the mob breaking into his home in the middle of the night to tar and feather him. They caught pnemonia on died. He later sealed his testimony with the ultimate sacrifice--his life.

Mormons aren't perfect. Just like any other Christians we try to follow Christ's example. When I'm struggling I appreciate Joseph Smith's example of moving forward the best he could with faith in Jesus Christ, in spite of all the obstacles he faced.

I'm not here to change anyone's mind. We all have crisis of faith. Just stating what I know from my life's experiences with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
2012-12-20 07:39:24 UTC
Perhaps you miss out on knowing WHY Mormons believe what they do. Simply because you don't understand does not a delusion make. Quite a conceited point of view if anyone thinks that....just sayin' Finding out the reason WHY may change your heart.
2012-12-20 19:22:27 UTC
Yes, I've heard that "tidbit" lots and lots of times before and yet I still don't believe it? Oh, wow, what's wrong with me??!!! I am having so much difficulty being instantly rerouted by a bunch of crap on the internet, please, help convince me so I can see the light, too, and be so much freakin happier than I already am!!!

(Sarcasm--one of the many services I offer.)
2012-12-19 09:54:24 UTC
If Joseph was a con artist, why would he include a whole bunch of other people in the scheme. It seems risky to have a multitude of people confess that they were there when Joseph received many of his important visions and revelations and who claim that they also received them with Joseph.

In fact, there are millions now in on the scheme. Heck, I am in on it also since I claim that I have received my own personal revelation that it is true. Most members are not relying on Joseph for their conviction but on the Book of Mormon which he produced. Thus we receive our own witness independent of other people.
Open Heart Searchery
2012-12-19 10:55:07 UTC
You're not alone, rainbow. I also have pioneer ancestors, and I have come to the same conclusion you have. Not because I'm "afraid to follow the truth wherever it leads", but precisely the opposite. The irony in Doctor's accusation is palpable. And despite Rrosskopf's derision, using one's brain to come to a conclusion different than Rrosskopf's doesn't make one "arrogant". Again, the irony, because Rrosskopf is one of those who does feel that anyone who doesn't accept his perspective is deceived and busy "straining at gnats and swallowing camels." Isn't it Rrosskopf's (and every other Mormon apologist's) position to assume that everyone who doesn't believe in Mormonism is duped? This is the vast majority of the world, both now and throughout history. Talk about arrogance...

Doctor says everyone who truly knew Joseph Smith knew that he could never have been a con artist. Actually, scores of those who knew him best, including many of the "witnesses" for the Book of Mormon and his highest ranking church leaders left him precisely because they felt he was a con artist, a "fallen prophet". Doctor then goes on to assert that the assertion that Joseph Smith was a con artist is absurd on the face of it...but Doctor cannot provide any evidence to support this bold statement. Only his derision for those who "lack courage to believe in Joseph Smith's story". Pathetic.

Then we have Rachel wondering what Joseph Smith gained from his con artistry. Did he gain riches? fame? power? Yes, actually all of the above. Remember, Joseph Smith's childhood was one of abject poverty. However, when he died, he was a governor, a general, a king, a prophet, a presidential candidate, had thousands of followers, and his family was living in a mansion built by others. All this he gained from his con. Don't make the mistake of only listening to the official story told by the Church about how he was a poor, persecuted, selfless martyr. That story just isn't accurate history, as any historian (Mormon or not) worth his salt will tell you.

Anyway, Rainbow...I feel your pain. I went through the same thing. Now I see these Mormon apologists here on Y!A continuing to defend a story that is demonstrably false and it just galls me. What bugs me the most is that I'm pretty sure some of them know better, but they feel that "lying for the Lord" is acceptable in order to "build up the kingdom".
2012-12-19 13:09:39 UTC
i disagree with you.

i beleive joseph smith jr was a man with the best intentions. stop listening to false teachers. even i get slandered on this site, and i almost never have malice towards anyone.

I am convinced that i would defend Joseph smith jr, if i were a lawyer, to my last breath based on historical evidence people that spoke evil of him, were often liars.

p.s. what does it mean to have 8 witnesses?


Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come: That Joseph Smith, Jun., the translator of this work, has shown unto us the plates of which hath been spoken, which have the appearance of gold; and as many of the leaves as the said Smith has translated we did handle with our hands; and we also saw the engravings thereon, all of which has the appearance of ancient work, and of curious workmanship. And this we bear record with words of soberness, that the said Smith has shown unto us, for we have seen and hefted, and know of a surety that the said Smith has got the plates of which we have spoken. And we give our names unto the world, to witness unto the world that which we have seen. And we lie not, God bearing witness of it.

Christian Whitmer

Jacob Whitmer

Peter Whitmer, Jun

John Whitmer

Hiram Page

Joseph Smith, Sen

Hyrum Smith

Samuel H. Smith
2012-12-19 08:03:33 UTC
my sons love the mormons because they get free holidays abd trips and all they have to do is go to church every now and then and go to lessons. I will not let them be what ever it is that makes them have to give money to them my eldest told me to tell them that when there was talk of it. And the missionary's who come round know i dont do religion and which is why i will never let them in the house
2012-12-19 09:06:31 UTC
How arrogant of you to assume that it is everyone else who is duped.
2012-12-19 08:01:01 UTC
My ancestors were some of the duped. I was raised Mormon and I agree with your post.
2012-12-19 15:21:57 UTC
Good job accepting the obvious. Too many people cannot do that.
2012-12-19 07:56:43 UTC
It takes an especially deluded person to choose Mormonism over Protestantism
2012-12-19 08:02:04 UTC
I'll give you $150 a plate ;)
2012-12-19 07:54:55 UTC
don't waste your time with this ****. Nobody should buy into this absolute scam of a religion.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.